

  • 失控智能:觉醒


    ★好莱坞大片式的场景冲击plus闪电般不假思索的瞬间抉择 ★人工智能与人类智能的尖端对决 ★机器人居然会做梦?!人类真的会被数据系统反噬?! 人类、克隆人、机器人、数据库,未来世界,谁主沉浮? 《失控智能:觉醒》,带您进入未来的世界! 前情介绍: 公元2122年,人类与克隆人,机器人三方开战的第二十个年头。人类与火星克隆人和谈成功,同时准备平定位于西非机器人成立的钢铁帝国。 在即将和平的前夜,由人类早期在火星发现的一个史前程序——云图数据制造的阴谋,正在一点点展开。它准备借助人类、克隆人、机器人三方暗藏的仇恨与不信任,复活自己,控制世界并且毁灭全部的非程序生命。 云图数据将目标瞄准了人工智能之父宁森阳的女儿宁澄,宁澄多年来一直与父亲留下的机器人倪东隐居在城市的一角,她脑中植入有密码层,是当年宁森阳锁住云图数据的密码……
  • Out of Control

    作者:Kevin Kelly

    Out of Control is a summary of what we know about self-sustaining systems, both living ones such as a tropical wetland, or an artificial one, such as a computer simulation of our planet. The last chapter of the book, "The Nine Laws of God," is a distillation of the nine common principles that all life-like systems share. The major themes of the book are: As we make our machines and institutions more complex, we have to make them more biological in order to manage them. The most potent force in technology will be artificial evolution. We are already evolving software and drugs instead of engineering them. Organic life is the ultimate technology, and all technology will improve towards biology. The main thing computers are good for is creating little worlds so that we can try out the Great Questions. Online communities let us ask the question "what is a democracy; what do you need for it?" by trying to wire a democracy up, and re-wire it if it doesn't work. Virtual reality lets us ask "what is reality?" by trying to synthesize it. And computers give us room to ask "what is life?" by providing a universe in which to create computer viruses and artificial creatures of increasing complexity. Philosophers sitting in academies used to ask the Great Questions; now they are asked by experimentalists creating worlds. As we shape technology, it shapes us. We are connecting everything to everything, and so our entire culture is migrating to a "network culture" and a new network economics. In order to harvest the power of organic machines, we have to instill in them guidelines and self-governance, and relinquish some of our total control.
  • Out of Control

    作者:Kevin Kelly

    Examines the role of evolution in human-made entities, stressing that no one can be in control--and it is better that way--and attempting to define the world of distributed being. 15,000 first printing.
  • 失控


    这是一个可能会发生在每个都市人身上的惊悚故事。 周雨楼是一个在现代社会里符合所有审美标准的优质男人。他是音乐学院里最年轻的教授,声望斐然,著述颇丰;曾经出国留学的经历使他眼界非凡,前途无可限量;他的得意弟子在歌唱大赛中屡屡折桂;他的英俊洒脱也常让校园里的女生驻足心跳;而他本人更是一向爱惜羽毛,洁身自好,视名誉如同生命……这本是一套完美又安全的装备,然而,命运却总是在最不可能的地方发生转折。妻子和初恋情人的偶然相遇打破了周雨楼原本令人羡慕的生活,离婚和与女儿分别的事实更令他陷入了痛苦的深渊。从此,周雨楼开始移情于网络寻找新的乐趣。 在第二段婚姻即将到来之际,周雨楼决定在线上和几位网友作最后的告别,而这恰恰是他噩梦的开端,不可思议的可怕事情一件件接踵而来:致命的威胁、鬼魅的身影、惊天的秘密、黑暗中的眼睛、阴险的机关、邪恶的逼近和疯狂的真相……全都向周雨楼扑面而来,每件事都令他猝不及防。