本书是硅谷创业之父Paul Graham 的文集,主要介绍黑客即优秀程序员的爱好和动机,讨论黑客成长、黑客对世界的贡献以及编程语言和黑客工作方法等所有对计算机时代感兴趣的人的一些话题。书中的内容不但有助于了解计算机编程的本质、互联网行业的规则,还会帮助读者了解我们这个时代,迫使读者独立思考。 本书适合所有程序员和互联网创业者,也适合一切对计算机行业感兴趣的读者。 -
TCP/IP详解 卷2:实现
《TCP/IP详解·卷2:实现》完整而详细地介绍了TCP/IP协议是如何实现的。书中给出了约500个图例,15000行实际操作的C代码,采用举例教学的方法帮助你掌握TCP/IP实现。《TCP/IP详解·卷2:实现》不仅说明了插口API和协议族的关系以及主机实现与路由器实现的差别。还介绍了4.4BSD-Lite版的新的特点。《TCP/IP详解·卷2:实现》适用于希望理解TCP/IP协议如何实现的人,包括编写网络应用程序的程序员以及利用TCP/IP维护计算机网络的系统管理员。 海报: -
《国外经典教材·算法概论》涵盖了绝大多数算法设计中的常用技术。在表达每一种技术时,阐述它的应用背景,强调每个算法运转背后的简洁数学思想,注意运用与其他技术类比的方法来说明它的特征,并提供了大量相应实际问题的例子。《国外经典教材·算法概论》同时也注重了对每一种算法的复杂性分析。全书共10章,从基本的数字算法人手,先后介绍了分治、图的遍历、贪心算法、动态规划、线性规划等技术,对NP完全问题进行厂基本而清晰的阐述,对随机算法、近似算法和量子算法这些近年来发展迅猛的领域也花费了一定的笔墨。书中每章后面都附有大量的习题,有利于读者对书中内容的理解和应用。 -
More Exceptional C++中文版
More Exceptional C++是Exceptional C++的续篇。根据多年程序开发的实践经验、Herb Sutter向C++程序员提供了久经考验的程序设计技术和行之有效的解决方案,这些技术和方案对设计从小型工程到企业级应用的现代软件系统大有裨益。 围绕着40个编程难题, More Exceptional C++引导读者深刻理解成功的C++软件设计和开发中至关重要的原则和议题。书中包括一些新的主题,强化了泛型程序设计、内存管理、C++标准库的使用等内容,并涵盖了traits和predicates这样的重要技术;还就使用标准容器和算法时应该牢记的准则和要点进行了分析——其它资料很少深入涉及这一主题。 读者可以在书中找到以下重要问题的解决方案:使用std::map和std::set时会遇到哪些陷阱?如何安全地避免这些陷阱?何种predicates可以安全地和STL一起使用?何种不行?为什么?想通过“与模板协同工作的类型”的能力改变模板自身的行为吗?有什么现有的技术可以写出这种威力强大的通用模板代码?何时应该优化你的代码?如何优化?为什么花哨的优化会(而且的确会)让我们陷入麻烦?如何你是在撰写多线程安全代码,这些问题的某些答案会如何变化?异常安全问题会影响到类的设计吗?或者,它可以只是作为事后的改进手段来使用吗?在结合使用不同供应商提供的基于继承的程序库时,如何避免连体双婴问题?如何安全地使用auto-ptr?如何运用常见的设计模式来改装它,使之消除常见缺陷?可以将auto-ptr用作类的成员吗?在这样做之前,你应该了解些什么? 还有,现代C++中最常见的问题之一:到底在何时使用名字空间?如何使用? More Exceptional C++是真正的程序员的必读之物,在展示如何用C++撰写优质代码的同时,它为读者提供了对语言彻底而实用的理解。 -
本书是《Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C》一书第2版的简体中译本。原书曾被评为20世纪顶尖的30部计算机著作之一,作者Mark Allen Weiss在数据结构和算法分析方面卓有建树,他的数据结构和算法分析的著作尤其畅销,并受到广泛好评.已被世界500余所大学用作教材。 在本书中,作者更加精炼并强化了他对算法和数据结构方面创新的处理方法。通过C程序的实现,着重阐述了抽象数据类型的概念,并对算法的效率、性能和运行时间进行了分析。 全书特点如下: ●专用一章来讨论算法设计技巧,包括贪婪算法、分治算法、动态规划、随机化算法以及回溯算法 ●介绍了当前流行的论题和新的数据结构,如斐波那契堆、斜堆、二项队列、跳跃表和伸展树 ●安排一章专门讨论摊还分析,考查书中介绍的一些高级数据结构 ●新开辟一章讨论高级数据结构以及它们的实现,其中包括红黑树、自顶向下伸展树。treap树、k-d树、配对堆以及其他相关内容 ●合并了堆排序平均情况分析的一些新结果 本书是国外数据结构与算法分析方面的标准教材,介绍了数据结构(大量数据的组织方法)以及算法分析(算法运行时间的估算)。本书的编写目标是同时讲授好的程序设计和算法分析技巧,使读者可以开发出具有最高效率的程序。 本书可作为高级数据结构课程或研究生一年级算法分析课程的教材,使用本书需具有一些中级程序设计知识,还需要离散数学的一些背景知识。 -
本书是国内外业界广泛关注的7卷本《计算机程序设计艺术》第2卷的最新版。本卷对半数值算法领域做了全面介绍,分“随机数”和“算术”两章。本卷总结了主要算法范例及这些算法的基本理论,广泛剖析了计算机程序设计与数值分析间的相互联系,其中特别值得注意的是作者对随机数生成程序的重新处理和对形式幂级数计算的讨论。 本书附有大量习题和答案,标明了难易程度及数学概念的使用。 本书内容精辟,语言流畅,引人入胜,可供从事计算机科学、计算数学、计算技术诸方面的工作人员参考、研究和借鉴,也是相关专业高等院校的理想教材和教学参考书。 -
Computer Systems
This book explains the important and enduring concepts underlying all computer systems, and shows the concrete ways that these ideas affect the correctness, performance, and utility of application programs. The book's concrete and hands-on approach will help readers understand what is going on under the hood of a computer system. This book focuses on the key concepts of basic network programming, program structure and execution, running programs on a system, and interaction and communication between programs. For anyone interested in computer organization and architecture as well as computer systems. -
Inside the C++ Object Model
Inside the C++ Object Model focuses on the underlying mechanisms that support object-oriented programming within C++: constructor semantics, temporary generation, support for encapsulation, inheritance, and "the virtuals"--virtual functions and virtual inheritance. This book shows how your understanding the underlying implementation models can help you code more efficiently and with greater confidence. Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then explains how the various implementation models arose, points out areas in which they are likely to evolve, and why they are what they are. He covers the semantic implications of the C++ object model and how that model affects your programs. Highlights *Explores the program behavior implicit in the C++ Object Model's support of object-oriented programming. *Explains the basic implementation of the object-oriented features and the trade offs implicit in those features. *Examines the impact on performance in terms of program transformation.* Provides abundant program examples, diagrams, and performance measurements to relate object-oriented concepts to the underlying object model. If you are a C++ programmer who desires a fuller understanding of what is going on "under the hood," then Inside the C++ Object Model is for you! Get a value-added service! Try out all the examples from this book at www.codesaw.com. CodeSaw is a free online learning tool that allows you to experiment with live code from your book right in your browser. 0201834545B11102003 -
Hackers & Painters
"The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences. " --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age , by Paul Graham We are living in the computer age, in a world increasingly designed and engineered by computer programmers and software designers, by people who call themselves hackers. Who are these people, what motivates them, and why should you care? Consider these facts: Everything around us is turning into computers. Your typewriter is gone, replaced by a computer. Your phone has turned into a computer. So has your camera. Soon your TV will. Your car was not only designed on computers, but has more processing power in it than a room-sized mainframe did in 1970. Letters, encyclopedias, newspapers, and even your local store are being replaced by the Internet. Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age , by Paul Graham, explains this world and the motivations of the people who occupy it. In clear, thoughtful prose that draws on illuminating historical examples, Graham takes readers on an unflinching exploration into what he calls "an intellectual Wild West." The ideas discussed in this book will have a powerful and lasting impact on how we think, how we work, how we develop technology, and how we live. Topics include the importance of beauty in software design, how to make wealth, heresy and free speech, the programming language renaissance, the open-source movement, digital design, internet startups, and more. -
Jon Bentley编著的《编程珠玑(续)》是计算机科学方面的经典名著《编程珠玑》的姊妹篇,讲述了对于程序员有共性的知识。书中涵盖了程序员操纵程序的技术、程序员取舍的技巧、输入和输出设计以及算法示例,这些内容组成一个有机的整体,如一串串珠玑展示给程序员。《编程珠玑(续)》适合各级程序员阅读参考。 -
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition (MIT)
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs has had a dramatic impact on computer science curricula over the past decade. This long-awaited revision contains changes throughout the text. There are new implementations of most of the major programming systems in the book, including the interpreters and compilers, and the authors have incorporated many small changes that reflect their experience teaching the course at MIT since the first edition was published. A new theme has been introduced that emphasizes the central role played by different approaches to dealing with time in computational models: objects with state, concurrent programming, functional programming and lazy evaluation, and nondeterministic programming. There are new example sections on higher-order procedures in graphics and on applications of stream processing in numerical programming, and many new exercises. In addition, all the programs have been reworked to run in any Scheme implementation that adheres to the IEEE standard. -
C++ Primer Plus
C++是在C语言基础上开发的一种集面向对象编程、通用编程和传统的过程化编程于一体的编程语言,是C语言的超集。本书是根据2003年的ISO/ANSI C++标准编写的。通过大量短小精悍的程序详细而全面地阐述了C++的基本概念和技术。全书分为18章和10个附录,分别介绍了C++程序的运行方式、基本数据类型、复合数据类型、循环和关系表达式、分支语句和逻辑操作符、函数重载和函数模板、内存模型和名称空间、类的设计和使用、多态、虚函数、动态内存分配、继承、代码重用、友元、异常处理技术、string类和标准模板库、输入/输出等内容。本书针对C++初学者,从C语言基础知识开始介绍,然后在此基础上详细阐述C++新增的特性,因此不要求读者有较多C语言方面的背景知识。本书可以作为高等院校C++课程的教材,也可以供初学者自学C++时使用。 -
本书对UNIX操作系统的编程环境做了详细而深入的讨论,内容包括UNIX的文件系统、Shell、过滤程序、I/O编程、系统调用等,并对UNIX中的程序开发方法做了有针对性的指导。本书内容深入浅出,实例丰富,无论是UNIX系统的初学者还是专业人员都可从本书受益。本书亦可作为大学生、研究生学习UNIX的教材。 -
More Effective C++中文版
MoreEffectiveC++的重点包括: ·经过验证的一些用来改善程序效率的方法,包括尖锐而犀利地检验C++语言特性所带来的时间和空间上的成本 ·广泛描述C++专家所使用的高阶技术,包括placement new,virtual constructors,smart pointers,reference counting,proxy classes,double-dispa -
本书讲述的是计算机工作原理。作者用丰富的想象和清晰的笔墨将看似繁杂的理论阐述得通俗易懂,你丝毫不会感到枯燥和生硬。更重要的是,你会因此而获得对计算机工作原理较深刻的理解。这种理解不是抽象层面上的,而是具有一定深度的。 -
Design Patterns
* Capturing a wealth of experience about the design of object-oriented software, four top-notch designers present a catalog of simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems. Previously undocumented, these 23 patterns allow designers to create more flexible, elegant, and ultimately reusable designs without having to rediscover the design solutions themselves. * The authors begin by describing what patterns are and how they can help you design object-oriented software. They then go on to systematically name, explain, evaluate, and catalog recurring designs in object-oriented systems. With Design Patterns as your guide, you will learn how these important patterns fit into the software development process, and how you can leverage them to solve your own design problems most efficiently. -
本书由上、下两篇组成。上篇为UNIX版本6的源代码,下篇是莱昂先生对UNIX操作系统版本6源代码的详细分析。本书语言简洁、透彻,曾作为未公开出版物广泛流传了二十多年,是一部杰出经典之作。本书适合UNIX操作系统编程人员、大专院校师生学习参考使用。 -
Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming
This innovative text presents computer programming as a unified discipline in a way that is both practical and scientifically sound. The book focuses on techniques of lasting value and explains them precisely in terms of a simple abstract machine. The book presents all major programming paradigms in a uniform framework that shows their deep relationships and how and where to use them together. After an introduction to programming concepts, the book presents both well-known and lesser-known computation models ("programming paradigms"). Each model has its own set of techniques and each is included on the basis of its usefulness in practice. The general models include declarative programming, declarative concurrency, message-passing concurrency, explicit state, object-oriented programming, shared-state concurrency, and relational programming. Specialized models include graphical user interface programming, distributed programming, and constraint programming. Each model is based on its kernel language--a simple core language that consists of a small number of programmer- significant elements. The kernel languages are introduced progressively, adding concepts one by one, thus showing the deep relationships between different models. The kernel languages are defined precisely in terms of a simple abstract machine. Because a wide variety of languages and programming paradigms can be modeled by a small set of closely related kernel languages, this approach allows programmer and student to grasp the underlying unity of programming. The book has many program fragments and exercises, all of which can be run on the Mozart Programming System, an Open Source software package that features an interactive incremental development environment. -
本书是被誉为UNIX编程“圣经”的Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment一书的更新版。在本书第一版出版后的十几年中,UNIX行业已经有了巨大的变化,特别是影响UNIX编程接口的有关标准变化很大。本书在保持了前一版的风格的基础上,根据最新的标准对内容进行了修订和增补,反映了最新的技术发展。书中除了介绍UNIX文件和目录、标准I/O库、系统数据文件和信息、进程环境、进程控制、进程关系、信号、线程、线程控制、守护进程、各种I/O、进程间通信、网络IPC、伪终端等方面的内容,还在此基础上介绍了多个应用示例,包括如何创建数据库函数库以及如何与网络打印机通信等。此外还在附录中给出了函数原型和部分习题的答案。 本书内容权威,概念清晰,阐述精辟,对于所有层次UNIX程序员都是一本不可或缺的参考书。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友