

  • Google Android开发入门与实战


    本书内容上覆盖了用Android开发的大部分场景,从Android基础介绍、环境搭建、SDK介绍、Market使用,到应用剖析、组件介绍、实例演示等方面。从技术实现上,讲解了5个Android平台下的完整综合实例及源代码分析,分别是RSS阅读器、基于Google Map的个人GPS、豆瓣网(Web 2.0)客户端、在线音乐播放器、手机信息助手。 本书注重对实际动手能力的指导,在遵循技术研发知识体系的严密性同时,在容易产生错误、不易理解的环节配以了详实的开发情景截图,并将重要的知识点和经验技巧以“小实验”、“小知识”的活泼形式呈现给读者。在程序实例的讲解方面,将实例安插在Android开发的精髓知识章节,这为初学者学习与实践结合提供了很好的指导。. 本书配套有300多分钟的全程开发视频光盘,指导读者快速、无障碍地学通Android实战开发技术。.. 本书适合具备一定软件开发经验,想快速进入Android开发领域的程序员;具备一些手机开发经验的开发者和Android开发爱好者学习用书;也适合作为相关培训学校的Android培训教材。 特点: * 第一本国内开发团队原创的Android图书 * 完全基于Android最新的SDK1.5 * 著名台湾技术专家高焕堂、Google Android工程师何峰、InfoQ站长霍泰稳鼎力推荐! * 全书除了大量小型案例之外还包含了5个Android平台下的完整商业实例及源码分析,分别是RSS阅读器、基于GoogleMap的个人GPS、豆瓣客户端、在线音乐播放器、手机信息助手 * 随书附赠的光盘中包含389分钟的详细教学视频以及Android开发必备开发资源,部分教学视频免费下载地址:http://www.eoeandroid.com/viewthread.php?tid=328 * 读者对于此书内容的疑问可以访问http://www.eoeandroid.com社区,作者团队将会及时解答
  • The Passionate Programmer

    作者:Chad Fowler

    Success in today's IT environment requires you to view your career as a business endeavor. In this book, you'll learn how to become an entrepreneur, driving your career in the direction of your choosing. You'll learn how to build your software development career step by step, following the same path that you would follow if you were building, marketing, and selling a product. After all, your skills themselves are a product. The choices you make about which technologies to focus on and which business domains to master have at least as much impact on your success as your technical knowledge itself; don't let those choices be accidental. We'll walk through all aspects of the decision-making process, so you can ensure that you're investing your time and energy in the right areas. You'll develop a structured plan for keeping your mind engaged and your skills fresh. You'll learn how to assess your skills in terms of where they fit on the value chain, driving you away from commodity skills and toward those that are in high demand. Through a mix of high-level, thought-provoking essays and tactical 'Act on It' sections, you will come away with concrete plans you can put into action immediately. You'll also get a chance to read the perspectives of several highly successful members of our industry from a variety of career paths. As with any product or service, if nobody knows what you're selling, nobody will buy. We'll walk through the often-neglected world of marketing, and you'll create a plan to market yourself both inside your company and to the industry in general. Above all, you'll see how you can set the direction of your career, leading to a more fulfilling and remarkable professional life.
  • 企业应用架构模式

    作者:Martin Fowler

    随着信息技术的广泛应用,系统需要处理的数据量越来越大,企业级软件开发已经渐成主流,而开发人员面临的困难与挑战也是显而易见的。更糟糕的是,这一领域的资料一直非常缺乏。 本书是软件开发大师Martin Fowler的代表作,采用模式的形式系统总结了业界多年积累的经验,被称为“企业级应用开发领域的圣经”,出版以来一直畅销不衰,至今仍然无可替代。作 者在精彩地阐述了企业应用开发和设计中的核心原则基础上,详细、生动地讲述了51个模式并给出主流平台(Java和.NET)中的应用实例,更分析了许多 相似模式之间的差异,提供了具体运用和选择这些模式的大量经验之谈,使你不仅知其然,更知其所以然。 这是一部软件开发领域不朽的经典,任何一位真正的软件开发人员都不可错过。
  • The Cathedral and the Bazaar

    作者:Eric Steven Raymond

    《大教堂与市集》(The Cathedral and the Bazaar)是埃里克·斯蒂芬·雷蒙(Eric Steven Raymond)所撰写的软件工程方法论。以Linux的核心开发过程以及作者自己主持开发的开放原始码软件──Fetchmail为讨论案例。文章在1997年5月27日发表,并在1999年出版成书。 本书讨论两种不同的自由软件开发模式︰ 大教堂模式(The Cathedral model)︰原始码在本模式是公开的,但在软件的每个版本开发过程是由一个专属的团队所控管的。作者以GNU Emacs及GCC这两软件为例。 市集模式(The Bazaar model)︰原始码在本模式也是公开的,不过却是放在因特网上供人检视及开发。作者以Linux核心的创始者林纳斯·托瓦兹带领Linux核心的开发为例,亦引用fetchmail的开发为例。 这篇文章的要义是让够多人看到原始码,错误将无所遁形(Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow)。作者表示大教堂模式的软件开发让程序除错的时间大幅增加,因为只有少数的开发者可参与修改工作。市集模式则相反。 此文让大部份的开放原始码及自由软件的开发计划采用市集模式,甚至原来采用大教堂模式的 GNC Emacs 及 GCC 也是如此。Netscape 网页浏览器后来释出原始码,并启动Mozilla计划,也或多或少受到这篇文章的启发。 大教堂与市集也被延伸到非电脑软件的开发上面。例如维基百科就是市集模式,而Nupedia与大英百科全书就是大教堂模式。 欧莱礼出版社于1999年发行此书的创举是,首次商业印刷出版的书以Creative Commons授权模式出版。 本书(原文)的国际标准书号是 ISBN 1565927249(精装本)、ISBN 0596001088(平装本)。
  • Land of Lisp

    作者:Conrad Barski M.D.

    Lisp is a uniquely powerful programming language that, despite its academic reputation, is actually very practical. Land of Lisp brings the language into the real world, teaching Lisp by showing readers how to write several complete Lisp-based games, including a text adventure, an evolution simulation, and a robot battle. While building these games, readers learn the core concepts of Lisp programming, such as data types, recursion, input/output, object-oriented programming, and macros. And thanks to the power of Lisp, the code is short. Rather than bogging things down with reference information that is easily found online, Land of Lisp focuses on using Lisp for real programming. The book is filled with the author Conrad Barski's famous Lisp cartoons, featuring the Lisp alien and other zany characters.
  • Apprenticeship Patterns

    作者:Dave Hoover,Adewale

    Software developers face an ever-changing and ever-expanding technology landscape, which can appear as intimidating as Mt. Everest to newcomers. Developing technical skills is vital, but there are dozens of soft skills and learning techniques you need if you're to grow and succeed professionally. Honing those soft skills is a big part of what "Apprenticeship Patterns" is all about. Authors Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye, both formerly of the global IT consultancy ThoughtWorks, have cataloged dozens of patterns of behavior to help software developers hone their craft. Developed through years of research, a multitude of interviews, and feedback from O'Reilly's online forum, these patterns address difficult situations faced by entry-level programmers, system administrators, and database administrators. Each pattern has a memorable name to help point you in the right direction when you need it most. Examples of common obstacles and their solutions include: burned out at work? - learn how to 'Nurture Your Passion' by finding a pet project to help you rediscover the joy of problem solving; feeling overwhelmed by too much new information? - take a step back from your learning to re-explore some familiar territory by building something you've built before, then use 'Retreat Into Competence' to launch yourself forward again ; and, feeling stuck in your learning? - seek out a team of experienced and talented developers where you can 'Be the Worst' for a while Like any patterns book, you can read this one front-to-back, jump to specific patterns when you encounter the issues they address, or cherry pick just the ones that are new to you. The purpose of the solutions is to inspire you to stay on the path you intend, rather than wander off into management because it seems like the only option for advancement. "Apprenticeship Patterns" approaches software development not as a means to financial success, but as a means to personal fulfillment. It's your life and your career. Discover how this book can help you make the best of both.
  • Programming C# 3.0中文版(第5版)

    作者:Jesse Liberty,Donald

    本书是一本关于C#及如何用C#编写.NET应用程序的经典教程,是《Programming C#》的最新版第5版。著名作者Jesse Liberty为有经验的IT从业人员快速掌握并运用这种新型语言提供了所有需要的信息。本书从C#的关键字和基本概念开始介绍,并告诉你如何结合三个核心的应用程序平台——ASP.NET、.NET Windows窗体和ADO.NET——来应用C#语言创建典型的桌面和网络应用程序,你将会学到如何运用.NET平台的丰富功能来开发应用。本书中的所有文字和例子都已经更新为与Visual Studio 2008 .NET框架3.5及C#3.0相适应。 本书适合采用.NET平台开发应用程序的程序员。
  • Shell脚本学习指南

    作者:Arnold Robbins,Nelso

    《Shell脚本学习指南》将告诉你这些有关UNIX主流工具的知识。除此之外,《Shell脚本学习指南》还会帮助你解决UNIX命令与标准的差异。 作者熟知UNIx程序使用的基本技巧与操作上细微的差异。他们不但会告诉你如何构建一个绝佳的脚本,还会教你如何避免落入让你功亏一篑的陷阱。有了《Shell脚本学习指南》,你可以节省很多力气。 我们要学习的不只是如何写出有用的Shell脚本,你还得了解如何迅速、确实地定制Shell,让程序的可移植性达到最佳状态,脱离对特定系统的依赖。这些技巧对任何操作与维护UNIX及Linux系统的人而言都很重要。《Shell脚本学习指南》所提供的知识,将可以帮助你掌握基本的Shell脚本编写技巧。Shell脚本编程(scripting)的技巧永远不会过时:它们可以让UNIX充分发挥其真实的潜能。对uNIx的用户与系统管理者而言,编写shell脚本是必须的工作,它可以让你快速地控制与定制任何UNIX系统的强大功能。有了Shell脚本,你可以结合基本的UNIX文本与文件处理命令来消化数据,以及自动化重复的工作。一旦你对Shell脚本的编写掌控自如,在接下来的几年,这些技巧将对你相当有帮助。 编写shell脚本所需要的不只是对shell语言的认识,还必须熟知单个的uNIx程序:你必须知道每个程序为什么会放在那儿,以及如何使用该程序或如何将其与其他程序结合。
  • Regular Expressions Cookbook

    作者:Jan Goyvaerts

    This cookbook provides more than 100 recipes to help you crunch data and manipulate text with regular expressions. Every programmer can find uses for regular expressions, but their power doesn't come worry-free. Even seasoned users often suffer from poor performance, false positives, false negatives, or perplexing bugs. Regular Expressions Cookbook offers step-by-step instructions for some of the most common tasks involving this tool, with recipes for C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and VB.NET.
  • CLR via C#

    作者:Jeffrey Richter

    Your essential guide to developing applications with the common language runtime (CLR) and Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.0, with examples in Microsoft® Visual C#® 2010. Dig deep and master the intricacies of the common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework 4.0. Written by a highly regarded programming expert and consultant to the Microsoft® .NET team, this guide is ideal for developers building any kind of application-including Microsoft® ASP.NET, Windows® Forms, Microsoft® SQL Server®, Web services, and console applications. You'll get hands-on instruction and extensive C# code samples to help you tackle the tough topics and develop high-performance applications.
  • 算法设计手册


    《算法设计手册(第2版)》是算法设计畅销书的最新版本,是设计实用且高效算法的最全面指导书。《算法设计手册(第2版)》揭密了算法的设计与分析,以简单易懂的写作风格,介绍了各种算法技术,着重强调了算法分析,全书包括两大部分,“技术”部分介绍了设计和分析计算机算法的各种方法,“资源”部分给出了大量的参考资源,以及算法实现的各种资源,此外,在作者的个人网址http://www.CS.sunysb.edu/~algorith/I-还提供了各种教学资源和参考材料,这些资源对读者很有参考价值。 《算法设计手册(第2版)》可以作为算法设计课程的主教材,也是程序人员、研究人员和学生的常备参考书。
  • Python学习手册

    作者:Mark Lutz

    《Python学习手册(第3版)》讲述了:Python可移植、功能强大、易于使用,是编写独立应用程序和脚本应用程序的理想选择。无论你是刚接触编程或者刚接触Python,通过学习《Python学习手册(第3版)》,你可以迅速高效地精通核心Python语言基础。读完《Python学习手册(第3版)》,你会对这门语言有足够的了解,从而可以在你所从事的任何应用领域中使用它。 《Python学习手册(第3版)》是作者根据过去10年用于教学而广为人知的培训课程的材料编写而成的。除了有许多详实说明和每章小结之外,每章还包括一个头脑风暴:这是《Python学习手册(第3版)》独特的一部分,配合以实用的练习题和复习题,让读者练习新学的技巧并测试自己的理解程度。 《Python学习手册(第3版)》包括: 类型和操作——深入讨论Python主要的内置对象类型:数字、列表和字典等。 语句和语法——在Python中输入代码来建立并处理对象,以及Python一般的语法模型。 函数——Python基本的面向过程工具,用于组织代码和重用。 模块——封装语句、函数以及其他工具,从而可以组织成较大的组件。 类和OOP——Python可选的面向对象编程工具,可用于组织程序代码从而实现定制和重用。 异常和工具——异常处理模型和语句,并介绍编写更大程序的开发工具。 讨论Python 3.0。 《Python学习手册(第3版)》让你对Python语言有深入而完整的了解,从而帮助你理解今后遇到的任何Python应用程序实例。如果你准备探索Google和YouTube为什么选中了Python,《Python学习手册(第3版)》就是你入门的最佳指南。
  • C++语言99个常见编程错误

    作者:Stephen C. Dewhurst

    本书是C++语言大师Stephen C. Dewhurst在多年教授C++课程中所遇到的常见错误的心得笔记之基础上编写而成的。本书所有章节都是从一个众所周知的、在日常编码或设计实践中经常遭遇的问题入手,先指出其不足,再对其背后思想中存在的合理与不合理之处深入剖析;最后取其精华弃其糟粕,给出一个简洁、通用、美轮美奂的方案,指出有关如何规避或纠正它们的建议,从而有助于C++软件工程师们避免重蹈前辈们的覆辙。
  • Orange'S:一个操作系统的实现


    《Orange S:一个操作系统的实现》从只有二十行的引导扇区代码出发,一步一步地向读者呈现一个操作系统框架的完成过程。书中不仅关注代码本身,同时关注完成这些代码的思路和过程。本书不同于其他的理论型书籍,而是提供给读者一个动手实践的路线图。读者可以根据路线图逐步完成各部分的功能,从而避免了一开始就面对整个操作系统数万行代码时的迷茫和挫败感。书中讲解了大量在开发操作系统中需注意的细节问题,这些细节不仅能使读者更深刻地认识操作系统的核心原理,而且使整个开发过程少走弯路。本书分上下两篇,共11章。其中每一章都以前一章的工作成果为基础,实现一项新的功能。而在章的内部,一项大的功能被分解成许多小的步骤,通过完成每个小的步骤,读者可以不断获得阶段性的成果,从而让整个开发过程变得轻松并且有趣。 本书适合各类程序员、程序开发爱好者阅读,也可作为高等院校操作系统课程的实践参考书。
  • Coders at Work

    作者:Peter Seibel

    Peter Seibel interviews 15 of the most interesting computer programmers alive today in Coders at Work, offering a companion volume to Apress's highly acclaimed best-seller Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston. As the words "at work" suggest, Peter Seibel focuses on how his interviewees tackle the day-to-day work of programming, while revealing much more, like how they became great programmers, how they recognize programming talent in others, and what kinds of problems they find most interesting. Hundreds of people have suggested names of programmers to interview on the Coders at Work web site: www.codersatwork.com. The complete list was 284 names. Having digested everyone's feedback, we selected 15 folks who've been kind enough to agree to be interviewed: * Frances Allen: Pioneer in optimizing compilers, first woman to win the Turing Award (2006) and first female IBM fellow * Joe Armstrong: Inventor of Erlang * Joshua Bloch: Author of the Java collections framework, now at Google * Bernie Cosell: One of the main software guys behind the original ARPANET IMPs and a master debugger * Douglas Crockford: JSON founder, JavaScript architect at Yahoo! * L. Peter Deutsch: Author of Ghostscript, implementer of Smalltalk-80 at Xerox PARC and Lisp 1.5 on PDP-1 * Brendan Eich: Inventor of JavaScript, CTO of the Mozilla Corporation * Brad Fitzpatrick: Writer of LiveJournal, OpenID, memcached, and Perlbal * Dan Ingalls: Smalltalk implementor and designer * Simon Peyton Jones: Coinventor of Haskell and lead designer of Glasgow Haskell Compiler * Donald Knuth: Author of The Art of Computer Programming and creator of TeX * Peter Norvig: Director of Research at Google and author of the standard text on AI * Guy Steele: Coinventor of Scheme and part of the Common Lisp Gang of Five, currently working on Fortress * Ken Thompson: Inventor of UNIX * Jamie Zawinski: Author of XEmacs and early Netscape/Mozilla hacker What you'll learnHow the best programmers in the world do their jobs! Who this book is for Programmers interested in the point of view of leaders in the field. Programmers looking for approaches that work for some of these outstanding programmers. Table of Contents * Jamie Zawinski * Brad Fitzpatrick * Douglas Crockford * Brendan Eich * Joshua Bloch * Joe Armstrong * Simon Peyton Jones * Peter Norvig * Guy Steele * Dan Ingalls * L Peter Deutsch * Ken Thompson * Fran Allen * Bernie Cosell * Donald Knuth
  • 卓有成效的程序员

    作者:Neal Ford

    《卓有成效的程序员》就是讲述如何在开发软件的过程中变得更加高效。同时,《卓有成效的程序员》的讲述将会跨语言和操作系统:很多技巧的讲述都会伴随多种程序语言的例子,并且会跨越三种主要的操作系统,Windows(多个版本),Mac OS X以及 *-nix (Unix或者Linux)。 《卓有成效的程序员》讨论的是程序员个体的生产力,而不是团队的生产力问题,所以它不会涉及方法论(好吧,可能总会在这里或那里谈论到一些,但肯定不会深入讨论)。同时《卓有成效的程序员》也不会讨论生产力对整个团队的影响。我的使命,是让作为个体的程序员通过掌握恰当的工具和思想变得更加高效。
  • PHP和MySQL Web开发(原书第4版)

    作者:Luke Welling,Laura T

    本书将PHP开发与MySQL应用相结合,分别对PHP和MySQL做了深入浅出的分析,不仅介绍PHP和MySQL的一般概念,而且对PHP和MySQL的Web应用做了较全面的阐述,并包括几个经典且实用的例子。. 本书是第4版,经过了全面的更新、重写和扩展,包括PHP 5.3最新改进的特性(例如,更好的错误和异常处理),MySQL的存储过程和存储引擎,Ajax技术与Web 2.0以及Web应用需要注意的安全问题。...
  • JavaScript


    《JavaScript:The Good Parts(影印版)》一书中,Crockford深度分析了一堆好的意图和盲目的错误,为你提供了所有JavaScript的地道优良部分的细节,包括:·语法·继承·方法;·对象·数组·风格;·函数·正则表达式·美丽的特性大多数编程语言包含优良和拙劣的部件,但对JavaScript而言后者的比重较大,因为它在匆忙中开发和发布,还没能够得到精炼。这本权威的书剔除了大多数可怕的JavaScript特性,展现了JavaScript的另一部分,这一部分比JavaScript语言作为一个整体更加稳定、更具有可读性以及可维护性——可以用这个部分创建真正可展的合高效的代码。 作者Douglas Crockford(他被很多开发社区认为是JavaScript专家)提出了足够多的好想法,让JavaScript成为一个杰出的面向对象编程语言。不幸的是,这些好想法(比如函数、弱类型、动态对象和表达能力很强的对象文字注释)被掺杂了些坏想法(比如基于全局变量的编程模型)。 当Java Applet陨落的时候,JavaScript成为了Web编程的缺省语言,但它的流行程度跟它作为一个编程语言的质量完全没有关系。
  • Python Tutorial

    作者:Guido Van Rossum,Fre

    最权威的 Python 教程,由 Python 作者 Guido van Rossum 主笔,有少许学院味道。中文电子版由刘鑫、李梦夷翻译。英文原稿网址:http://docs.python.org/tut/简体中文版网址:http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin/March_Liu/PyTutorial
  • The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 0

    作者:Donald E. Knuth

    Product Description This multivolume work on the analysis of algorithms has long been recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The three complete volumes published to date already comprise a unique and invaluable resource in programming theory and practice. Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth’s writings. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while practicing programmers have successfully applied his “cookbook” solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. To begin the fourth and later volumes of the set, and to update parts of the existing three, Knuth has created a series of small books called fascicles, which will be published at regular intervals. Each fascicle will encompass a section or more of wholly new or revised material. Ultimately, the content of these fascicles will be rolled up into the comprehensive, final versions of each volume, and the enormous undertaking that began in 1962 will be complete. Volume 4, Fascicle 0 This fascicle introduces what will become by far the longest chapter in The Art of Computer Programming, a chapter on combinatorial algorithms that will itself fill three full-sized volumes. Combinatorial algorithms, informally, are techniques for the high-speed manipulation of extremely large quantities of objects, such as permutations or the elements of graphs. Combinatorial patterns or arrangements solve vast numbers of practical problems, and modern approaches to dealing with them often lead to methods that are more than a thousand times faster than the straightforward procedures of yesteryear. This fascicle primes the pump for everything that follows in the chapter, discussing first the essential ideas of combinatorics and then introducing fundamental ideas for dealing efficiently with 0s and 1s inside a machine, including Boolean basics and Boolean function evaluation. As always, the author’s exposition is enhanced by hundreds of new exercises, arranged carefully for self-instruction, together with detailed answers. About the Author Donald E. Knuth is known throughout the world for his pioneering work on algorithms and programming techniques, for his invention of the TeX and Metafont systems for computer typesetting, and for his prolific and influential writing. Professor Emeritus of The Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University, he currently devotes his time to the completion of these fascicles and the seven volumes to which they belong.