

  • C++编程思想第2卷


    《C++编程思想(第2卷)(实用编程技术)》介绍C++实用的编程技术和最佳的实践方法,深入探究了异常处理方法和异常安全设计;介绍C++的字符串、输入输出流、STL算法、容器和模板的现代用法,包括模板元编程;解释多重继承问题的难点,展示RTTI的实际使用,描述了典型的设计模式及其实现,特别介绍被认为是标准C++下一版特征之一的多线程处理编程技术,并提供了最新的研究成果。《C++编程思想》(第2卷)适合作为高等院校计算机及相关专业的本科生、研究生的教材,也可供从事软件开发的研究人员和科技工作者参考。 海报:
  • 我的第一本C++书


  • API Design for C++

    作者:Martin Reddy

    The design of application programming interfaces can affect the behavior, capabilities, stability, and ease of use of end-user applications. With this book, you will learn how to design a good API for large-scale long-term projects. With extensive C++ code to illustrate each concept, API Design for C++ covers all of the strategies of world-class API development. Martin Reddy draws on over fifteen years of experience in the software industry to offer in-depth discussions of interface design, documentation, testing, and the advanced topics of scripting and plug-in extensibility. Throughout, he focuses on various API styles and patterns that will allow you to produce elegant and durable libraries. The only book that teaches the strategies of C++ API development, including design, versioning, documentation, testing, scripting, and extensibility. Extensive code examples illustrate each concept, with fully functional examples and working source code for experimentation available online. Covers various API styles and patterns with a focus on practical and efficient designs for large-scale long-term projects.
  • Oracle Database 9i/10g/11g编程艺术

    作者:Thomas Kyte

    无论你是开发人员还是DBA,要创建和管理稳定、高质量的Oracle系统,归根结底都需要理解Oracle数据库的体系结构。 本书是公认的Oracle数据库权威指南,凝聚了世界顶尖的Oracle专家Thomas Kyte数十年的宝贵经验和真知灼见。书中深入分析了Oracle数据库体系结构,包括文件、内存结构以及构成Oracle数据库和实例的底层进程,利用具体示例讨论了一些重要的数据库主题,如锁定、并发控制、事务等。同时分析了数据库中的物理结构,如表、索引和数据类型,并介绍采用哪些技术能最优地使用这些物理结构。本书在上一版的基础上做了大量增补,以涵盖11g最受关注的多项特性,尤其针对数据加密的途径进行了详细的阐释。
  • 软件开发者路线图

    作者:Dave H. Hoover,Adewa

    作为一名软件开发者,你在奋力推进自己的职业生涯吗?面对今天日新月异和不断拓展的技术,取得成功需要的不仅仅是技术专长。为了增强专业性,你还需要一些软技能以及高效的学习技能。本书的全部内容都是关于如何修炼这些技能的。两位作者Dave Hoover和Adewale Oshineye给出了数十种行为模式,来帮你提高主要的技能。 本书中的模式凝结了多年的调查研究、无数次的访谈以及来自O’Reilly在线论坛的反馈,可以解决程序员、管理员和设计者每天都会面对的困难情形。本书介绍的不只是经济方面的成功,学徒模式还把软件开发看成一种自我实现的途径。读一读这本书吧,它会帮你充分利用好自己的生命和职业生涯。 厌倦了自己的工作?去找一个玩具项目来帮你重拾解决问题的乐趣吧,这叫“培养激情”。 感觉要被新知识淹没了?做点以前做过的事情,重新探索一下自己熟悉的领域,然后通过“以退为进”再次前进。 学习停滞了?那就去寻找一支由富有经验和才能的开发者组成的团队,暂时呆在里面“只求最差”。
  • Python基础教程

    作者:Magnus Lie Hetland

    本书是经典教程的全新改版,作者根据Python 3.0版本的种种变化,全面改写了书中内容,做到既能“瞻前”也能“顾后”。本书层次鲜明、结构严谨、内容翔实,特别是在最后几章,作者将前面讲述的内容应用到了10个引人入胜的项目中,并以模板的形式介绍了项目的开发过程。本书既适合初学者夯实基础,又能帮助Python程序员提升技能,即使是 Python方面的技术专家,也能从书里找到令你耳目一新的东西。
  • Algorithms

    作者:Robert Sedgewick,Kev

    Essential Information about Algorithms and Data Structures A Classic Reference The latest version of Sedgewick,s best-selling series, reflecting an indispensable body of knowledge developed over the past several decades. Broad Coverage Full treatment of data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, graph processing, and string processing, including fifty algorithms every programmer should know. See
  • Clojure in Action

    作者:Amit Rathore

    DESCRIPTION Clojure is a new version of Lisp that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. It's a functional language, which means that it's ideal for the growing need for concurrent programming and for specialized tasks like creating domain specific languages. Clojure in Action is a hands-on tutorial for the working programmer who has written code in a language like Java or Ruby, but has no prior experience with Lisp. It teaches Clojure from the basics to advanced topics using practical, real-world application examples. Readers will move quickly through the theory and dive into practical matters like unit-testing, environment set up, and all the way through building a scalable web-application using domain-specific languages, Hadoop, HBase, and RabbitMQ. KEY POINTS * A complete tutorial, from basics to applied techniques * Covers creation of Domain-Specific Languages * Contains numerous practical examples
  • 程序开发心理学

    作者:(美)Gerald M. Weinber

    《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版·中英对照)》出自软件领域著名思想家,美国计算机名人堂首批成员之一的Gerald M.Weinberg温伯格之手。《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版·中英对照)》关注的是程序开发过程中人的因素,堪称这一领域的开山之作。《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版·中英对照)》的初稿完成于整整40年前,作者当时慧眼独具,前瞻性地提出了将程序开发作为一种人类行为来考察的观点。在书中,作者从人类行为、社会行为、个人行为等角度,分析了人在计算机程序开发的过程中所表现出的行为及其影响,探讨了诸如什么样的程序员才是好的程序员,怎样才能打造出优秀的开发团队,我们在求职或招聘时做的那些智力测验是否真的有用,等等这类问题。作者的行文深入浅出,书中所举例子看似信手拈来,然而却发人深省,值得读者细细品读。几十年来,《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版·中英对照)》已让无数读者从中受益,时至今日仍然是畅销全球的经典之作。 适合阅读《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版·中英对照)》的,不仅仅是处在软件行业第一线的程序员;各个软件开发单位的团队领导、项目主管、高层管理人员,以及人力资源经理、文档撰写人员、程序开发工具的设计者、程序开发语言的设计者,甚至所有其工作与程序开发有关的人,都能从《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版·中英对照)》中得到启发。
  • 编程的本质

    作者:Alexander Stepanov,P

    本书提供了有关编程的一种与众不同的理解。其主旨是,实际的编程也应像其他科学和工程领域一样基于坚实的数学基础。本书展示了在实际编程语言(如C++)中实现的算法如何在最一般的数学背景中操作。例如,如何定义快速求幂算法,使之能使用任何可交换运算。使用抽象算法将能得到更高效、可靠、安全和经济的软件。 这不是一本很容易读的书,它也不是能提升你的编程技能的秘诀和技巧汇编。本书的价值是更根本性的,其终极目标是提升你对编程的洞察力。要想从中大获裨益,你需要从头到尾认真学习:阅读代码,证明引理,完成练习。到结束之时,你将看到如何把这里讨论的演绎式方法应用到你的程序中,保证你做出的软件部件能一起工作,并表现出它们所应该表现的行为。 书中给出的算法和需求针对某些被操作的类型。有关这些描述的代码(也可以通过Web得到)采用C++的一个小子集书写,这样做是为了让所有有经验的程序员都能理解。这个小子集可以看做一种特殊语言,是由Sean Parent和Bjarne Stroustrup一起设计的。 无论你是一位软件开发者,还是其他以编程作为一项重要活动的专业人员,或者是一名在校的学生,你都会逐渐理解本书的经验丰富的作者多年来一直在教授和阐释的道理:数学对于编程是绝好的东西,理论对于实际是绝好的东西。
  • 你必须知道的495个C语言问题

    作者:Steve Summit

    “本书是Summit以及C FAQ在线列表的许多参与者多年心血的结晶,是C语言界最为珍贵的财富之一。我向所有C语言程序员推荐本书。” ——Francis Glassborow,著名C/C++专家,ACCU(C/C++用户协会)前主席 “本书清晰阐明了Kernighan与Ritchie《The C programming Language》一书中许多简略的地方,而且精彩地总结了C语言编程实践,强烈推荐!” ——Yechiel M. Kimchi,以色列理工学院 C是一门简洁精妙的语言,掌握基本语法容易,真正能够自如运用,就不那么简单了。你难免会遇到各种各样的问题,有些可能让你百思不得其解,甚至翻遍图书馆,也找不到问题的答案。 本书的出版,填补了这一空白。书中内容是世界各地的C语言用户多年来在新闻组comp.lang.c中讨论的结晶。作者在网络版C FAQ列表的基础上进行了大幅度的扩充和丰富,结合代码示例,权威而且详细深入地解答了实际学习和工作中最常遇到的495个C语言问题,涵盖了初始化、数组、指针、字符串、内存分配、库函数、C预处理器等各个方面的主题。许多知识点的阐述,都是其他资料中所没有的,弥足珍贵。
  • Professional JavaScript for Web Developers

    作者:Nicholas C. Zakas

    This eagerly anticipated update to the breakout book on JavaScript offers you an in-depth look at the numerous advances to the techniques and technology of the JavaScript language. You'll see why JavaScript's popularity continues to grow while you delve through topics such as debugging tools in Microsoft Visual Studio, FireBug, and Drosera; client-side data storage with cookies, DOM storage, and client-side databases; HTML 5, ECMAScript 3.1, the Selectors API; and design patterns including creational, structural, and behavorial patterns.
  • Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, second edition

    作者:Harold Abelson,Geral

    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs has had a dramatic impact on computer science curricula over the past decade. This long-awaited revision contains changes throughout the text. There are new implementations of most of the major programming systems in the book, including the interpreters and compilers, and the authors have incorporated many small changes that reflect their experience teaching the course at MIT since the first edition was published. A new theme has been introduced that emphasizes the central role played by different approaches to dealing with time in computational models: objects with state, concurrent programming, functional programming and lazy evaluation, and nondeterministic programming. There are new example sections on higher-order procedures in graphics and on applications of stream processing in numerical programming, and many new exercises. In addition, all the programs have been reworked to run in any Scheme implementation that adheres to the IEEE standard.
  • More Joel on Software

    作者:Avram Joel Spolsky

    Joel, Apress, Blogs, and Blooks ...I was learning the hard way about how to be a publisher and probably spending way too much time looking at web sites and programming than I should have in response to that. Anyway, one day I came across this web site called , which was run by a guy with strong opinions and an unusual, clever writing style, along with a willingness to take on the conventional wisdom. In particular, he was writing this ongoing series about how bad most user interfaces were--mostly because programmers by and large knew, as Joel and I would say, using the same Yiddish--derived NYC vernacular that we both share, "bupkis" about what users really want. And I, like many, was hooked both by the series and the occasional random essay that Joel wrote. And then I had this epiphany: I'm a publisher, I like reading his stuff, why not turn it into a book?...Read the complete Foreword -- Gary Cornell, Cofounder, Apress Since the release of the bestselling title Joel on Software in 2004, requests for a sequel have been relentless. So, we went back to the famed JoelonSoftware.com archives and pulled out a new batch of favorites, many of which have been downloaded over one million times. With Joel's newest book, More Joel on Software, you'll get an even better (not to mention updated) feast of Joel's opinions and impressions on software development, software design, running a software business, and so much more. This is a new selection of essays from the author's web site, http://www.joelonsoftware.com. Joel Spolsky started his weblog in March 2000 in order to offer his insights, based on years of experience, on how to improve the world of programming. This weblog has become infamous among the programming world, and is linked to more than 600 other web sites and translated into 30+ languages! Spolsky's extraordinary writing skills, technical knowledge, and caustic wit have made him a programming guru. With the success of Joel on Software, there has been a strong demand for additional gems and advice, and this book is the answer to those requests. Containing a collection of all--new articles from the original, More Joel on Software has even more of an edge than the original, and the tips for running a business or managing people have far broader application than the software industry. We feel it is safe to say that this is the most useful book you will buy this year. What you'll learn * The best approaches to managing and hiring extraordinary people * Advice for those interested in the software industry as a career and for managers who want to get them * Joel's unique impressions of how to create products and design--good and bad * An "in the trenches" look at how to start and run an effective software business (or any business for that matter) * A true sense of what it takes to create a differentiated, unique, motivated organization Who this book is for Anyone interested in the software business will truly enjoy this book, but in particular this should be required reading for managers of technical businesses. Table of Contents * My First BillG Review * Finding Great Developers * A Field Guide to Developers * Three Management Methods (Introduction) * The Command and Control Management Method * The Econ 101 Management Method * The Identity Management Method * The Perils of JavaSchools * Talk at Yale * Advice for Computer Science College Students * Font Smoothing, Anti-Aliasing, and Subpixel Rendering * A Game of Inches * The Big Picture * Choices = Headaches * It's Not Just Usability * Building Communities with Software * Martian Headsets * Why Are the Microsoft Office File Formats So Complicated? * Where There's Muck, There's Brass * Evidence-Based Scheduling * Strategy Letter VI * Can Your Programming Language Do This? * Making Wrong Code Look Wrong * Foreword to Eric Sink on the Business of Software * Foreword to Micro-ISV: From Vision to Reality * Hitting the High Notes * Bionic Office * Up the Tata Without a Tutu * Simplicity * Rub a Dub Dub * Top Twelve Tips for Running a Beta Test * Seven Steps to Remarkable Customer Service * Picking a Ship Date * Camels and Rubber Duckies * Five Whys * Set Your Priorities
  • 深入理解LINUX网络内幕

    作者:Christian Benvenuti

  • Coder to Developer

    作者:Mike Gunderloy,Sybex

    'Two thumbs up' - Gregory V. Wilson, "Dr. Dobbs Journal" (October 2004). No one can disparage the ability to write good code. At its highest levels, it is an art. But no one can confuse writing good code with developing good software. The difference - in terms of challenges, skills, and compensation - is immense. "Coder to Developer" helps you excel at the many non-coding tasks entailed, from start to finish, in just about any successful development project. What's more, it equips you with the mindset and self-assurance required to pull it all together, so that you see every piece of your work as part of a coherent process.Inside, you'll find plenty of technical guidance on such topics as: choosing and using a source code control system; code generation tools - when and why; preventing bugs with unit testing; tracking, fixing, and learning from bugs; application activity logging; streamlining and systematizing the build process; and, traditional installations and alternative approaches. To pull all of this together, the author has provided the source code for Download Tracker, a tool for organizing your collection of downloaded code, that's used for examples throughout this book. The code is provided in various states of completion, reflecting every stage of development, so that you can dig deep into the actual process of building software.But you'll also develop 'softer' skills, in areas such as team management, open source collaboration, user and developer documentation, and intellectual property protection. If you want to become someone who can deliver not just good code but also a good product, this book is the place to start. If you must build successful software projects, it's essential reading.
  • More Exceptional C++

    作者:Herb Sutter

    More Exceptional C++ continues where Herb Sutter's best-selling Exceptional C++ left off, delivering 40 puzzles that illuminate the most challenging -- and most powerful -- aspects of C++. More Exceptional C++ offers many new puzzles focused on generic programming and the C++ Standard Template Library, including important techniques such as traits and predicates, as well as key considerations in using standard containers and algorithms -- many of them never covered elsewhere. More Exceptional C++ contains a detailed new section (and two appendices) on optimization in single- and multithreaded environments. It also provides important new insights on crucial topics first introduced in Exceptional C++, including exception safety, generic programming, and memory management. For all C++ programmers.
  • Write Great Code

    作者:Randall Hyde

    The second volume in the Write Great Code series supplies the critical information that today's computer science students don't often get from college and university courses: How to carefully choose their high-level language statements to produce efficient code. Write Great Code, Volume 2: Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level, teaches software engineers how compilers translate high-level language statements and data structures into machine code. Armed with this knowledge, a software engineer can make an informed choice concerning the use of those high-level structures to help the compiler produce far better machine code--all without having to give up the productivity and portability benefits of using a high-level language.
  • 编程卓越之道

    作者:Hyde R
