Cognition in Practice
Most previous research on human cognition has focused on problem-solving, and has confined its investigations to the laboratory. As a result, it has been difficult to account for complex mental processes and their place in culture and history. In this startling - indeed, disco in forting - study, Jean Lave moves the analysis of one particular form of cognitive activity, - arithmetic problem-solving - out of the laboratory into the domain of everyday life. In so doing, she shows how mathematics in the 'real world', like all thinking, is shaped by the dynamic encounter between the culturally endowed mind and its total context, a subtle interaction that shapes 1) Both tile human subject and the world within which it acts. The study is focused on mundane daily, activities, such as grocery shopping for 'best buys' in the supermarket, dieting, and so on. Innovative in its method, fascinating in its findings, the research is above all significant in its theoretical contributions. Have offers a cogent critique of conventional cognitive theory, turning for an alternative to recent social theory, and weaving a compelling synthesis from elements of culture theory, theories of practice, and Marxist discourse. The result is a new way of understanding human thought processes, a vision of cognition as the dialectic between persons-acting, and the settings in which their activity is constituted. The book will appeal to anthropologists, for its novel theory of the relation of cognition to culture and context; to cognitive scientists and educational theorists; and to the 'plain folks' who form its subject, and who will recognize themselves in it, a rare accomplishment in the modern social sciences. -
讓Ruby之父教您大師級的程式思考術! 本書以松本行弘先生對程式本質的深層認知、各種技術之優缺點的掌握,闡述Ruby這套程式語言的設計理念,並由此延伸讓您一窺程式設計的奧妙之處。本書內含許多以Ruby、Lisp、Smalltalk、Erlang、JavaScript等動態語言所寫成的範例,從動態語言、函數式程式設計等領域開展您的學習視野。 本書精華: ‧物件導向與抽象化 ‧多重繼承的問題與Mix-in ‧基於原型與基於類別的物件導向概念 ‧靜態語言與動態語言的差異 ‧Duck Typing與Metaprogramming ‧區塊和閉包的強大威力 ‧設計模式與開閉原則 ‧Ajax與JavaScript ‧Ruby on Rails與MVC ‧開放類別與Monkey Patching ‧字碼問題與Unicode ‧正則表達式與「鬼車」 ‧整數、浮點數、位元運算 ‧程式最佳化技術與平行程式設計 ‧程式弱點與攻擊手法 ‧程式的時間問題 ‧資料的永續性與XML ‧函數式程式語言的特性 ‧記憶體管理與垃圾回收機制 ‧程式碼產生技術與Ruby的擴充方式 ‧開放原始碼的精神與選擇授權的觀念 -
本书内容源于作者Brooks在IBM公司任System/360计算机系列以及其庞大的软件系统OS/360项目经理时的实践经验。在本书中,Brooks为人们管理复杂项目提供了最具洞察力的见解,既有很多发人深省的观点,又有大量软件工程的实践,为每个复杂项目的管理者给出了自己的真知灼见。 大型编程项目深受由于人力划分产生的管理问题的困扰,保持产品本身的概念完整性是一个至关重要的需求。本书探索了达成一致性的困难和解决的方法,并探讨了软件工程管理的其他方面。本书适合任何软件开发行业的从业人员阅读,对软件开发人员、软件项目经理、系统分析师更是必读之作。 -
★ 只需编程基础 ★ 从零开始自制编程语言 ★ 支持面向对象、异常处理等高级机制 本书手把手地教读者用C语言制作两种编程语言:crowbar与Diksam。crowbar是运行分析树的无类型语言,Diksam是运行字节码的静态类型语言。这两种语言都具备四则运算、变量、条件分支、循环、函数定义、垃圾回收等功能,最终版则可以支持面向对象、异常处理等高级机制。所有源代码都提供下载,读者可以一边对照书中的说明一边调试源代码。这个过程对理解程序的运行机制十分有帮助。 本书适合有一定基础的程序员和编程语言爱好者阅读。 -
Python是当今世界流行的编程语言之一。本书共15章,通过一些短小精悍的交互式Python脚本帮助学生进行练习,并在这个过程中掌握诸如数据结构、排序和搜索算法、面向对象编程、数据库访问、图形用户界面等基本概念以及良好的程序设计风格。本书既是一本注重科学的计算机科学专业教材,也是一本目标明确的Python参考书。 本书语言风格言简意赅,图表丰富,简单实用,是一本优秀的Python入门级读物,适合Python初学者使用。 -
Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It?
The purpose of this book is to help you understand how to program shared-memory parallel machines without risking your sanity.1 By describing the algorithms and designs that have worked well in the past, we hope to help you avoid at least some of the pitfalls that have beset parallel projects. But you should think of this book as a foundation on which to build, rather than as a completed cathedral. Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to help make further progress in the exciting field of parallel programming, progress that should in time render this book obsolete. Parallel programming is not as hard as it is reputed, and it is hoped that this book makes it even easier for you. -
Linux Shell脚本攻略
《Linux Shell脚本攻略》通过细致剖析实际应用中的110多个案例,使许多看似复杂的Linux shell脚本任务迎刃而解。《Linux Shell脚本攻略》会帮助读者利用少量命令的组合完成诸如文本处理、文件管理、备份等复杂的数据管理工作。它将告诉你如何利用shell命令快速开发常规任务,综合应用grep、find、sed和awk等常用命令,凭借短短几个命令行从Web挖掘数据的shell脚本,利用归档工具运行并自动化各种任务,诸如自动备份和存储;帮助你理解文件系统、文件类型以及文件管理;用shell创建以及维护文件或目录归档、压缩格式和加密技术;通过srlell脚本设置以太网和无线LAN;使用登录技术监控网络上的各种动态。 -
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition
The book is a programmer's guide and comprehensive reference to the core JavaScript language and to the client-side JavaScript APIs defined by web browsers. The sixth edition covers HTML 5 and ECMAScript 5. Many chapters have been completely rewritten to bring them in line with today's best web development practices. New chapters in this edition document jQuery and server-side JavaScript. Recommended for experienced programmers who want to learn the programming language of the Web, and for current JavaScript programmers who want to master it. -
Hacking Vim 7.2
Product Description Ready-to-use hacks with solutions for common situations encountered by users of the Vim editor * Create, install, and use Vim scripts to extend Vim's functionality * Personalize your work-area to fit your workflow * Optimize your Vim editor to be faster and more responsive * Packed with tips and tricks based on the author's practical experience In Detail Vim is one of the most powerful open-source editors used by programmers and system administrators around the world. While Vim itself is inherently a powerful editor, personalizing it to suit your needs can be a daunting task. However, it is possible to do so with the help of this book. This book contains examples that cover everything from personalizing Vim according to the your work cycle to optimizations that will boost the your productivity. The main focus of this book is to make your life, as a Vim user, easier. Each chapter deals with a different aspect, and provides recipes for easy-to-use hacks to customize and simplify your Vim experience. After an introduction covering the derivation of Vim and its relatives from the vi editor, the author explains basic changes that you can make to the appearance of the Vim editor. Further chapters cover improved navigation through files and buffers in Vim; speeding up your work with templates, auto-completion, folding, sessions, and registers; and formatting text and code, including using external formatting scripts. The final comprehensive chapter covers everything about using Vim scripts and scripting to extend functionality. This book is written for Vim 7.2, the latest stable version. This latest version of Vim includes many new features like spell-checking, code completion, document tabs, current line and column highlighting, undo branches, and much more. Getting the most out of the Vim editor What you will learn from this book * Gain a deep understanding of Vim to master the editor * Personalize Vim to suit your needs * Navigate through files faster while editing multiple files * Boost your productivity by using templates, auto-completion, folding, sessions, and registers * Improve the formatting of your text and code by mastering simple tricks * Extend Vim with script * Retain your Vim configuration across computers by storing an online copy Approach This book is a tutorial packed with ready-to-use hacks that give solutions for common problems faced by Vim users in their everyday life. Every chapter covers a set of recipes, each of which follows a systematic approach with a self-contained description of the task it covers, how to use it, and what you gain by using it. The minimum version of Vim required for each hack is clearly indicated. Who this book is written for If you are a Vim user who wants to get more out of this legendary text editor, this book is for you. It focuses on making life easier for intermediate to experienced Vim users. -
时至今日,Linux系统已经从一个个人作品发展为可以用于各种关键任务的成熟、高效和稳定的操作系统,因为具备跨平台、开源、支持众多应用软件和网络协议等优点,它得到了各大主流软硬件厂商的支持,也成为广大程序设计人员理想的开发平台。 本书是Linux程序设计领域的经典名著,以简单易懂、内容全面和示例丰富而受到广泛好评。中文版前两版出版后,在国内的Linux爱好者和程序员中也引起了强烈反响,这一热潮一直持续至今。本书是国内读者翘首以待的第4版,此次新版内容组织更加严谨,译者更是细心雕琢,保留了这部权威著作的原汁原味。 对Linux所提供的功能全面而准确的阐述,以及贯穿全书的示例程序体验,使本书不仅成为初学者的最佳Linux程序设计指南,而且是中高级程序员不可或缺的参考书。 -
Python Cookbook
本书介绍了Python应用在各个领域中的一些使用技巧和方法,从最基本的字符、文件序列、字典和排序,到进阶的面向对象编程、数据库和数据持久化、 XML处理和Web编程,再到比较高级和抽象的描述符、装饰器、元类、迭代器和生成器,均有涉及。书中还介绍了一些第三方包和库的使用,包括 Twisted、GIL、PyWin32等。本书覆盖了Python应用中的很多常见问题,并提出了通用的解决方案。书中的代码和方法具有很强的实用性,可以方便地应用到实际的项目中,并产生立竿见影的效果。尤为难得的是,本书的各位作者都具有丰富的业界实践经验,因此,本书不仅给出了对各种问题的解决方案,同时还体现了很多专家的思维方式和良好的编程习惯,与具体的细节性知识相比,这部分内容无疑是本书的精华。 本书适合具有一定Python基础的读者阅读参考。 -
Agile Web Development with Rails (4th edition)
Ruby on Rails helps you produce high-quality, beautiful-looking web applications quickly. You concentrate on creating the application, and Rails takes care of the details. Tens of thousands of developers have used this award-winning book to learn Rails. It's a broad, far-reaching tutorial and reference that's recommended by the Rails core team. If you're new to Rails, you'll get step-by-step guidance. If you're an experienced developer, this book will give you the comprehensive, insider information you need. Rails has evolved over the years, and this book has evolved along with it. We still start with a step-by-step walkthrough of building a real application, and in-depth chapters look at the built-in Rails features. This edition now gives new Ruby and Rails users more information on the Ruby language and takes more time to explain key concepts throughout. Best practices on how to apply Rails continue to change, and this edition keeps up. Examples use cookie backed sessions, HTTP authentication, and Active Record-based forms, and the book focuses throughout on the right way to use Rails. Additionally, this edition now reflects Ruby 1.9, a new release of Ruby with substantial functional and performance improvements. -
在学习程序开发的过程中,你是否总是为自己遇到的一些问题头疼不已,你是否还在为写不出代码而心急如焚?作为软件开发人员,你是否时时为自己如何成为一名合格的程序员而困惑不已?没关系,本书将为你排忧解难。 这是一本介绍系统程序开发方法的书。书中结合内容详尽的代码细致讲述了不少底层程序开发基础知识,并在逐步深入的过程中介绍了一些简单实用的应用程序,最后还讲述了一些软件工程方面的内容,内容全面,语言生动,尤其适合初涉系统程序开发的人来读,有利于他们成长为更加专业的程序员。 虽然本书以“系统程序员”为名,但书中所蕴含的软件开发思想和方法也同样适用于其他的软件开发领域。各种软件开发人员、相关专业的在校学生以及软件开发爱好者也都不妨读读本书,来分享作者多年来在学习和实践中所总结的开发方法与所领悟的开发思想。 -
《Open GL编程指南(原书第7版)》对OpenGL以及OpenGL实用函数库进行了全面而又权威的介绍,素有“OpenGL红宝书”之誉。《Open GL编程指南(原书第7版)》的上一个版本覆盖了到OpenGL 2.1版的内容。本版涵盖了OpenGL 3.0和3.1的最新特性。《Open GL编程指南(原书第7版)》以清晰的语言描述了OpenGL的功能以及许多基本的计算机图形技巧,例如创建和渲染3D模型、从不同的透视角度观察物体、使用着色、光照和纹理贴图使场景更加逼真等。另外,《Open GL编程指南(原书第7版)》还深入探讨了许多高级技巧,包括纹理贴图、抗锯齿、雾和大气效果、NURBS、图像处理子集等。此外,《Open GL编程指南(原书第7版)》还对一些重要的主题进行了讨论,例如提高性能、OpenGL扩展以及跨平台技术等。《Open GL编程指南(原书第7版)》内容详实,讲解生动,图文并茂,是OpenGL程序员的绝佳编程指南。 -
The Linux Programming Interface
The Linux Programming Interface describes the Linux API (application programming interface)-the system calls, library functions, and other low-level interfaces that are used, directly or indirectly, by every program that runs on Linux. Programs that explicitly use these interfaces are commonly called system programs, and include applications such as shells, editors, windowing systems, terminal emulators, file managers, compilers, database management systems, virtual machines, network servers, and much of the other software that is employed on a daily basis on Linux systems. Extensively indexed and heavily cross-referenced, The Linux Programming Interface is both an introductory guide for readers new to the topic of system programming, and a comprehensive reference for experienced system programmers. Although this book goes into detail on a wealth of Linux-specific features, it gives careful attention to contemporary Unix programming standards and to portability issues. -
本书既系统全面又突出重点,作者从C++基础知识讲起,始终着眼于C++语言的编程实践,提供了大量实践示例和解决方案,包括如何更好地实现重用、如何有效地测试和调试等C++专业人员常用的一些技术与方法,还提供了一些鲜为人知的、能大大简化工作的C++语言特性;最后,还配有大量可重用的编码模式,并在附录中提供C++面试宝典作为开发人员的实用指南。 本书面向进阶C++的初学者,以及那些想把C++水平提高到专业水准的程序员和开发人员。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友