Windows NT File System Internals
Windows NT File System Internals presents the details of the NT I/O Manager, the Cache Manager, and the Memory Manager from the perspective of a software developer writing a file system driver or implementing a kernel-mode filter driver. The book provides numerous code examples included on diskette, as well as the source for a complete, usable filter driver. This book appeals to a wide audience: system programmers implementing kernel-mode code such as file systems, device drivers, network redirectors, or filter drivers; system administrators who simply want to learn more about the systems they manage; software engineers interested in NT internals; and computer science students examining the intricacies of file system technology. Topics covered in the book include: An introduction to NT system components The NT I/O Manager The NT Virtual Memory Manager The NT Cache Manager Structured driver development under Windows NT Writing a file system driverWriting a filter driver -
Erlang 程序设计
书是讲述下一代编程语言Erlang 的权威著作,主要涵盖顺序型编程、异常处理、编译和运行代码、并发编程、并发编程中的错误处理、分布式编程、多核编程等内容。本书将帮助读者在消息传递的基础上构建分布式的并发系统,免去锁与互斥技术的羁绊,使程序在多核CPU 上高效运行。本书讲述的各种设计方法和行为将成为设计容错与分布式系统中的利器。. 在多核、并发、分布为王的时代,谁将成为下一个主流编程语言?来自全世界的众多专家都认为,Erlang最有可能在竞争中胜出。 Erlang开源语言系出名门,通信巨头爱立信公司用它开发出了可靠性惊人的交换机系统AXD301。它天生就是面向并发、分布和高容错的,兼有函数式语言和脚本语言的各种优点,而且已经用于商业开发多年,具有稳定性极高的虚拟机和平台库。有了这些天时地利,无怪乎Erlang能够迅速成为热门的开发语言,除了广泛应用于通信行业之外,它已经进入了各个领域:Facebook用它实现了聊天系统,Yahoo用它重写了Delicious,Amazon用它开发了云计算数据服务SimpleDB,还有多人游戏、测试工具、电子支付、数据采集与监控、企业消息、电子邮件、空中交通管制…….. 本书由Erlang之父Joe Armstrong编写,是毋庸置疑的经典著作。书中兼顾了顺序编程、并发编程和分布式编程,较深入地讨论了开发Erlang应用中至关重要的文件和网络编程、OTP、MNesia、Ets和Dets等主题,更为精彩的是,大师亲自操刀,构建了MapReduce实例和多人聊天实例,一定让你大呼过瘾。... -
Learning Perl, 5th Edition
Learning Perl, popularly known as "the Llama," is the book most programmers rely on to get started with Perl. The bestselling Perl tutorial since it was first published in 1993, this new fifth edition covers recent changes to the language up to Perl 5.10. This book reflects the combined experience of its authors, who have taught Perl at Stonehenge Consulting since 1991. Years of classroom testing and experience helped shape the book's pace and scope, and this edition is packed with exercises that let you practice the concepts while you follow the text. Topics include: * Perl data & variable types * Subroutines * File operations * Regular expressions * String manipulation * Lists & sorting * Process management * Smart matching * Using third party modules Perl is the language for people who want to get work done. Originally targeted to sysadmins for heavy-duty text processing, Perl is now a full-featured programming language suitable for almost any task on almost any platform-from short fixes on the command line to web applications, bioinformatics, finance, and much more. Other books may teach you to program in Perl, but this book will turn you into a Perl programmer. -
如果你可以编写出合格的代码,但是想更进一步、创作出组织良好而且易于理解的代码,并希望成为一名真正的编程专家或提高现有的职业技能,那么《编程匠艺——编写卓越的代码》都会为你给出答案。本书的内容遍及编程的各个要素,如代码风格、变量命名、错误处理和安全性等。此外,本书还对一些更广泛的编程问题进行了探讨,如有效的团队合作、开发过程和文档编写,等等。本书各章的末尾均提供一些思考问题,这些问题回顾了各章中的一些关键概念,可以促使你像专家一样思考,从而使本书成为那些渴望作为团队的一分子,职业并高效地编程的新手们的一本绝佳的参考书。 -
这本最新的权威著作致力于改变这种状况,作者全面阐述了多处理器编程的指导原则,介绍了编制高效的多处理器程序所必备的算法技术。了解本书所涵盖的多处理器编程关键问题将使在校学生以及相关技术人员受益匪浅。 -
The Productive Programmer
Anyone who develops software for a living needs a proven way to produce it better, faster, and cheaper. The Productive Programmer offers critical timesaving and productivity tools that you can adopt right away, no matter what platform you use. Master developer Neal Ford not only offers advice on the mechanics of productivity-how to work smarter, spurn interruptions, get the most out your computer, and avoid repetition-he also details valuable practices that will help you elude common traps, improve your code, and become more valuable to your team. You'll learn to: * Write the test before you write the code * Manage the lifecycle of your objects fastidiously * Build only what you need now, not what you might need later * Apply ancient philosophies to software development * Question authority, rather than blindly adhere to standards * Make hard things easier and impossible things possible through meta-programming * Be sure all code within a method is at the same level of abstraction * Pick the right editor and assemble the best tools for the job This isn't theory, but the fruits of Ford's real-world experience as an Application Architect at the global IT consultancy ThoughtWorks. Whether you're a beginner or a pro with years of experience, you'll improve your work and your career with the simple and straightforward principles in The Productive Programmer. -
想要探寻搜索排名、产品推荐、社会化书签和在线匹配背后的力量吗?这本颇具魅力的书籍向你展现如何创建Web 2.0应用程序,从参与性?Internet应用程序产生的大量数据中挖掘金矿。运用本书中介绍的先进算法,你可以编写聪明的程序,以访问其他网站那些有趣的数据集,从自有应用程序的用户中收集数据,或者分析和理解你所发现的数据。 《集体智慧编程》将你带入机器学习和统计的世界,并且阐释了如何从你和他人每天收集的信息中获得关于用户体验、市场营销、个性品味及人类行为的结论。每个算法的描述都十分简明清晰,相关代码均可以立即用于你的网站、博客、Wiki或特定应用程序。本书讲解了下列主题: 可以让在线零售商推荐产品或媒体的协作过滤技术 用于在大数据集中发现同类项组的聚类方法 从数以百万计可能方案中选择问题最佳解决方案的最优化算法 贝叶斯过滤,用在基于单词类型和其他特征的垃圾信息过滤中 支持向量(support-vector)机器,用于在线交友网站中的速配 用于问题解决的演化智能——计算机如何通过多次玩同样的游戏,改进自身代码并获得技能提升 每一章都包含了相关练习,可通过扩展使算法变得更强大。超越简单的数据库支持应用程序模式,让 Internet数据财富为你所用。 -
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning
In this title: together we'll journey together through bits of cognitive and neuroscience, learning and behavioral theory; you'll discover some surprising aspects of how our brains work; and, see how you can beat the system to improve your own learning and thinking skills. In this book you'll learn how to: use the Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition to become more expert; leverage the architecture of the brain to strengthen different thinking modes; avoid common 'known bugs' in your mind; learn more deliberately and more effectively; and, manage knowledge more efficiently. Software development happens in your head. Not in an editor, IDE, or design tool. It's time to take a pragmatic approach to thinking and learning, and start to refactor - and redesign - your brain. -
C#与.NET 3.0高级程序设计
《C#与.NET 3.0高级程序设计(特别版)》是C# 领域久负盛名的经典著作,深入全面地叙述了C# 编程语言和.NET 平台核心,并以大量示例剖析相关概念。书中介绍了C# 的各种语言构造、.NET 2.0 的类、核心API、公共中间语言(CIL)、动态程序集和ASP.NET 扩展等内容;同时也介绍了.NET 3.0 中的新的编程API 包括WPF、WCF 和WF 的功能;另外,还介绍了最新的C# 3.0 编程语言和LINQ 编程技术。《C#与.NET 3.0高级程序设计》由微软C# MVP Andrew Troelsen 编写,历经多次修订,适合各层次.NET 开发人员阅读。 点击链接进入新版: C#与.NET 3.5高级程序设计(第4版) -
A Little Java, A Few Patterns
Java is a new object-oriented programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems for programming the Internet and intelligent appliances. In a very short time it has become one of the most widely used programming languages for education as well as commercial applications.Design patterns, which have moved object-oriented programming to a new level, provide programmers with a language to communicate with others about their designs. As a result, programs become more readable, more reusable, and more easily extensible.In this book, Matthias Felleisen and Daniel Friedman use a small subset of Java to introduce pattern-directed program design. With their usual clarity and flair, they gently guide readers through the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and pattern-based design. Readers new to programming, as well as those with some background, will enjoy their learning experience as they work their way through Felleisen and Friedman's dialogue. -
C Programming
The first edition of C Programming: A Modern Approach was popular with students and faculty alike because of its clarity and comprehensiveness as well as its trademark Q&A sections. Professor King's spiral approach made it accessible to a broad range of readers, from beginners to more advanced students. With adoptions at over 225 colleges, the first edition was one of the leading C textbooks of the last ten years. The second edition maintains all the book's popular features and brings it up to date with coverage of the C99 standard. The new edition also adds a significant number of exercises and longer programming projects, and includes extensive revisions and updates. -
C Programming
The first edition of C Programming: A Modern Approach was popular with students and faculty alike because of its clarity and comprehensiveness as well as its trademark Q&A sections. Professor King's spiral approach made it accessible to a broad range of readers, from beginners to more advanced students. With adoptions at over 225 colleges, the first edition was one of the leading C textbooks of the last ten years. The second edition maintains all the book's popular features and brings it up to date with coverage of the C99 standard. The new edition also adds a significant number of exercises and longer programming projects, and includes extensive revisions and updates. -
本书在介绍算法时,重点介绍用干设计算法的策略.非常与众不同。书中介绍了剪枝搜索、分摊分析、随机算法、在线算法以及多项式近似方案等相对较新的思想和众多基于分摊分析新开发的算法,每个算法都与实例一起加以介绍,而且每个例子都利用图进行详细解释。此外,本书还提供了超过400幅图来帮助初学者理解。本书适合作为高等院校算法设计与分析课程的高年级本科生和低年级研究生的教材,也可供相美科技人员和专业人七参考使用。 -
The Science of Programming
Describes basic programming principles and their step-by- step applications.Numerous examples are included. -
The Science of Programming
Describes basic programming principles and their step-by- step applications.Numerous examples are included. -
Visualizing Data
Enormous quantities of data go unused or underused today, simply because people can't visualize the quantities and relationships in it. Using a downloadable programming environment developed by the author, Visualizing Data demonstrates methods for representing data accurately on the Web and elsewhere, complete with user interaction, animation, and more. How do the 3.1 billion A, C, G and T letters of the human genome compare to those of a chimp or a mouse? What do the paths that millions of visitors take through a web site look like? With Visualizing Data, you learn how to answer complex questions like these with thoroughly interactive displays. We're not talking about cookie-cutter charts and graphs. This book teaches you how to design entire interfaces around large, complex data sets with the help of a powerful new design and prototyping tool called "Processing". Used by many researchers and companies to convey specific data in a clear and understandable manner, the Processing beta is available free. With this tool and Visualizing Data as a guide, you'll learn basic visualization principles, how to choose the right kind of display for your purposes, and how to provide interactive features that will bring users to your site over and over. This book teaches you: * The seven stages of visualizing data -- acquire, parse, filter, mine, represent, refine, and interact * How all data problems begin with a question and end with a narrative construct that provides a clear answer without extraneous details * Several example projects with the code to make them work * Positive and negative points of each representation discussed. The focus is on customization so that each one best suits what you want to convey about your data set The book does not provide ready-made "visualizations" that can be plugged into any data set. Instead, with chapters divided by types of data rather than types of display, you'll learn how each visualization conveys the unique properties of the data it represents -- why the data was collected, what's interesting about it, and what stories it can tell. Visualizing Data teaches you how to answer questions, not simply display information. -
Windows via C/C++
Get the preeminent guide to programming application for Windows with C++. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows is a classic book (formerly titled Advanced Windows, Third Edition) and is now fully updated for Windows Vista, including the latest information about Windows XP. In-depth and comprehensive, this essential reference covers the Windows operating system and how to program at the API level. Recognized experts provide an inside view of how Windows works and how to use its features in Visual C++ development tasks. Topics covered include processes, thread pooling, virtual memory, DLLs, file I/O, and message crackers. For systems-level programmers, this is a must-have title. Includes code samples in Visual C++. Features coverage of classic topics such as thread pooling, heaps, and advanced DLL techniques Provides expert guidance fully updated for Windows Vista Provides extensive sample code in Visual C++ 2005 点击链接进入中文版: Windows核心编程(第5版) -
利用经验累积而得到的洞察力开发新的解决方案被称为预构。透过重构而获得的专业知识也属于这类经验,而预构的词源即重构。重构是修改程序或软件系统内部结构的实践,以此在保留其现有行为的基础上改良设计。重构的原因有多种:方便后期增加功能、提高可维护性、提升性能。 本书作者是经验老道的软件开发人员。书中,作者运用他个人和其他众多开发人员的丰富经验,展示由其推衍而得的各项实践方针。这些方针把优秀的开发人员在设计时隐而未显的考虑细节如实地呈现出来。许多方针都围绕着极致抽象化、极致隔离以及极致可读性这几个概念。在假想的软件项目和实际项目的介绍中,作者把实践方针呈现在读者面前。其中几条于稍后列出。 把作者的方针应用到你的软件项目,有助于写出可读性、可维护性更棒的程序。这些方针可以协助你前期决策,以减少后期重构的工作量。在这样的前提下,你可以预测未来,减少修改。简言之,就是程序预构会使你更有效率。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友