The Good Women of China
For eight ground-breaking years, Xinran Xue hosted a daily radio phone in programme for Radio Nanjing during which she discussed women's lives, and invited women to call in and talk about themselves. Broadcast between 10 and 12 at night, "Words on the Night Breeze" soon became famous all over China for its powerful, honest discussions of what it means to be a woman in today's China. It started in 1990, a time when China seemed to be opening up, both for Chinese and for the world. Xinran's programme revealed aspects of women's lives that had never been talked about in public before. She felt as if she was opening a tiny window into a huge fortress whose inhabitants had never before communicated with the outside world. Soon she was receiving over two hundred letters a day from women telling her their stories. She realised that she knew far less than she had thought about what it means to be a Chinese woman and embarked on a journey of discovery to collect their stories. The stories presented here of almost inconceivable suffering rape, sexual abuse, the separation of parents from their children, the suppression of human emotion in order to survive the Communist regime never before have the tortured souls of Chinese women been laid so bare. And yet this is also a book about love, about how, despite cruelty, despite politics, the female urge to nurture and cherish remains. And then there is Xinran herself: an extraordinary woman who, despite her own unhappy past, has given her life to saving the stories of Chinese women from oblivion. 'This is a book from deep in the heart of China. As shocking as it is revealing. An extraordinary and eye-opening read.' - Jon Snow. 'Xinran's 'Good Women of China' are all strong, strikingly resourceful characters who offer unforgettable insights into the past and present of Chinese women's lives.' - "The Times". '"The Good Women of China" demands attention.' - "Observer". '[Xinran] writes compassionately but unsentimentally, dramatising the stories like gripping fiction.' - "Daily Mail". -
这是草根阶层真实的故事,十年的感表纠葛、职场打拼…… 少天是中国七十年代出生的一个普通的街头小混混,昆子与他同龄,但善良纯洁。两人在军校的地方部相遇,爱情悄然滋生。但由于一系列事件,昆子的家人坚决拒绝了少天。由此,毕业后贫困的二人只得相依为命。 少天依靠自己的聪明及上进,在职场快速成长。虽不按常理出牌,却总能获得成功。然而骄傲的背后是放纵,少天禁不住诱惑,开始一次次背叛纯洁的昆子。昆子视爱情一尘不染,只有伤心逃避,辗转于北京、深圳,此时的少天,该如何选择…… 在深圳,两人经历了生死考验,昆子明白,只有少天才是她的真命天子,终于他们又走到了一起。可是一次路遇,加上前车之鉴,让昆子严重识解了少天……少天只得埋头于工作。 野性、义气的性格帮助他成为年轻人的佼佼者,职场平步青云,直至带领公司进攻越南市场…… 此时,昆子患绝症的消息传来,事业如日中天,但却远在越南的少天该如何面对?是让一切结束还是继续当昆子的守护神…… -
《陈忠实集•长篇小说卷:白鹿原》内容简介:家庭史民族史于一体,以厚重的历史感和复杂的人物形象而在同类作品中脱颖而出,成为当代文学中不可多得的杰作之一。这是一部渭河平原50年变迁的雄奇史诗,一轴中国农村斑斓多彩,触目惊心的长幅画卷。主人公六娶六丧,神秘的序曲预示着不祥。一个家庭两代子孙,为争夺白鹿原的统治代代争斗不已,上演了一幕幕惊心动魄的话剧;巧取风水地,恶施美人计,孝子为匪,亲翁杀媳,兄弟相煎,情人反目。 -
软件乃是人类自以为最有把握,实则最难掌控的技术。本书作者罗森伯格对OSAF主持的Chandler项目进行田野调查,跟踪经年,试图借由Chandler的开发过程揭示软件开发中的一些根本性大问题。. 本书是讲一事,也是讲百千事;是写一软件,也是写百千软件;是写一群人,也是写百千万人。任何一个在软件领域稍有经验的技术人员看完本书,必掩卷长叹:做软件难。...
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友