

  • The Hours

    作者:Michael Cunningham

    Winner of the 1999 Pulitzer and Pen/Faulkner prizes, The Hours is a daring and deeply affecting novel inspired by the life and work of Virginia Woolf. A passionate, profound and haunting story of love and inheritance, hope and despair. Exiled in Richmond in the 1920s, taken from her beloved Bloomsbury and lovingly watched over by her husband Leonard, Virginia Woolf struggles to tame her rebellious mind and make a start on her new novel. In the brooding heat of 1940s Los Angeles, a young wife and mother yearns to escape the claustrophobia of suburban domesticity and read her precious copy of Mrs Dalloway. And in New York in the 1990s, Clarissa Vaughan steps out of her smart Greenwich Village apartment and goes shopping for flowers for the party she is giving in honour of her life-long friend Richard, an award-winning poet whose mind and body are being ravaged by AIDS. These are the characters in Michael Cunningham's exquisite and deeply moving novel, which takes Woolf's life and work as inspiration for a meditation on artistic behaviour, failure, love and madness. Moving effortlessy across the decades and between England and America, Cunningham's elegant, haunting prose explores the pain and trauma of creativity and the immutable relationship between writer and reader.
  • 夜幕降临


    皮特和瑞贝卡这对中年夫妇在曼哈顿艺术圈里过着惬意的日子,但他们的生活却被瑞贝卡弟弟伊森的突然到来打乱了。这个家庭的宠儿正在治疗毒瘾,他在古怪念头的驱使下来纽约寻找一份艺术工作。看着伊森,皮特想起了年轻时的瑞贝卡,这使他感到紧张。伊森使皮特开始质疑自己以前所有的选择。 这 部小说以一种令人心碎的方式看待我们现在的生活。它充满惊奇和余悸,使我们深刻思考和感受生活中美丽和欲望、艺术和妄想以及年龄和爱的奥秘。 —————————— 坎宁安把我们置入一个人的大脑中,让我们看到他的生活,这比利用某些事往里看更让人满意。我们不仅理解皮特或能与他产生共鸣;在某种程度上,我们还成了他。 ——珍妮特•温特森《纽约时报》书评 在这小说里,坎宁安将色情与美学交织起来去指挥一曲响亮的灵魂赞歌。他创作出一个精致、俏皮、具有温暖的哲学味同时又去掉其内脏的文雅故事。 ——唐娜•希曼《重点书评》 坎宁安对身体的描写像首自信的散文诗……无法在一滴水、一句即兴评论或一只花瓶的弧度中发现世界,就无法阅读这本小说。 ——马修•吉尔伯特《波士顿环球报》
  • The Hours

    作者:Michael Cunningham

  • The Hours

    作者:Michael Cunningham

    在《時時刻刻》中,作者麥可·康寧漢,極具創意地以維吉尼亞·吳爾芙的生平與作品為背景,描述一群在愛與傳承、期望與絕望的衝突中掙扎的當代人物的故事。這本小說以回溯吳爾芙在一九四一年自殺的最後的日子開場,隨後發展至兩個現代美國婦女的故事,她們罔顧自己朋友、愛人、及家人的要求,試圖爭取自己的天空。 克勞麗莎是個住在紐約格林威治村的出版社編輯;我們見到她時,她正要為她朋友理察舉辦宴會而出門買花;理察是個纏綿病榻的詩人,剛榮獲一項重要的文學獎。蘿拉·布朗是二次大戰後住在加州的家庭主婦,她撫養她的獨子並在她窒悶的婚姻之外尋求生活的真諦。康寧漢藉著罕見的輕鬆與自信的筆觸,使這兩個女人的生活與維吉尼亞·吳爾芙的生活以一種出人意表並令心碎的方式,在替理察舉辦宴會期間融為一體。隨著小說在二十世紀各年代間跳躍,每一行都與康寧漢清晰、鏗鏘有力、熱情奔放的當代之聲起共鳴。作品熱情洋溢、寓意深遠,感人肺腑。