

  • Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Seventh Edition

    作者:Kenneth Rosen

    "Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Seventh Edition", is intended for one- or two-term introductory discrete mathematics courses taken by students from a wide variety of majors, including computer science, mathematics, and engineering. This renowned best-selling text, which has been used at over 500 institutions around the world, gives a focused introduction to the primary themes in a discrete mathematics course and demonstrates the relevance and practicality of discrete mathematics to a wide a wide variety of real-world applications!from computer science to data networking, to psychology, to chemistry, to engineering, to linguistics, to biology, to business, and to many other important fields.
  • 计算理论导引


    本书由计算机理论领域的知名权威Michaael Sipser所撰写。他以独特的视角,系统地介绍了计算机理论的三个主要内容:自动机与语言、可计算性理论和计算复杂性理论。约大部分内容是基本的,同时对可计算性和计算复杂性理论中的某些高级内容进行了重点介绍。作者以清新的笔触、生动的语言给出了宽泛的数学原理,而没有拘泥于某些低层次的细节。在证明之前,均有“证明思路”,帮助读者理解数学形式下涵的概念。同样,对于算法描述,均以直观的文字而非伪代码给出,从而将注意力集中于算法本身,而不是某些模型。新版根据多年来使用本书的教师和学生的建议进行了改进,并对课堂测试题进行了全面的更新,每章末均有样例解答。 本书可作为计算机专业高年级本科生和研究生的教材,也可作为教师和研究人员的参考书。
  • MATLAB实用教程

    作者:穆尔(Holly Moore)

    MATLAB实用教程(第二版),ISBN:9787121101793,作者:(美)穆尔 著,高会生,刘童娜,李聪聪 译
  • C数值算法


    本书编写了300多个实用而有效的数值算法C语言程序。其内容包括:线性方程组的求解,逆矩阵和行列式计算,多项式和有理函数的内插与外推,函数的积分和估值,特殊函数的数值计算,随机数的产生,非线性方程求解,傅里叶变换和FFT,谱分析和小波变换,统计描述和数据建模,常微分方程和偏微分方程求解,线性预测和线性预测编码,数字滤波,格雷码和算术码等。全书内容丰富,层次分明,是一本不可多得的有关数值计算的C语言程序大全。本书每章中都论述了有关专题的数学分析、算法的讨论与比较,以及算法实施的技巧,并给出了标准C语言实用程序。这些程序可在不同计算机的C语言编程环境下运行。 本书可作为从事科学计算的科技工作者的工具书,计算机软件开发者的参考书,也可以作为大学本科生和研究生的参考书或教材。
  • LaTeX2e完全学习手册


    《LaTeX2e完全学习手册》内容简介:LaTeX2e,简称LaTeX,是一种专业的高品质文稿排版系统,目前已成为国际学术出版界广泛使用的排版软件。在欧美,很多大学和出版机构都推荐或要求使用LaTeX撰写论著;在国内,已有很多大学师生采用LaTeX写作学位论文和科研论文。 《LaTeX2e完全学习手册》从LaTeX的基础知识开始,逐步深入,直到论文写作的实际应用,文字精炼,内容丰富,配有大量示例和图表资料以及命令索引,并附带DVD资料光盘,其中收录有中文LaTeX系统和书中全部363个示例的源文件。《LaTeX2e完全学习手册》可作为LaTeX的入门教材,更适合作为大学师生、科研人员在使用TaTeX写作论文、报告时的工具书。
  • MATLAB在数学建模中的应用

    作者:卓金武 编

    《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》从数学建模的角度介绍了MATLAB的应用。《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》的4位作者均具有实际的数学建模参赛经历和竞赛指导经验。书中内容完全是根据数学建模竞赛的需要而编排的,涵盖了绝大部分数学建模问题的MATLAB求解方法。 《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》内容分上下两篇。上篇介绍数学建模中常规方法MATLAB的实现,包括MATLAB交互、数据建模、程序绘图、灰色预测、规划模型等方法;还介绍了各种高级方法MATLAB的实现,包括遗传算法、粒子群算法、模拟退火算法、人工神经网络、小波分析、动态仿真、数值模拟等。下篇以真实的数学建模赛题为案例,介绍了如何用MATLAB求解实际的数学建模问题,给出了详细的建模过程和程序。书中的附件部分介绍了作者在建模竞赛中屡获大奖的经验。相信这些经验对准备参加数学建模竞赛的读者会有所帮助。 《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》特别适合作为数学建模竞赛的培训教材或参考用书,也可作为大学“数学实验”和“数学建模”以及“数据挖掘”课程的参考用书,还可以作为广大科研人员、学者、工程技术人员的参考用书。
  • 离散数学及其应用(原书第7版)

    作者:Kenneth H. Rosen

  • Mathematica Cookbook

    作者:Sal Mangano

    As the leading software application for symbolic mathematics, Mathematica is standard in many environments that rely on math, such as science, engineering, financial analysis, software development, and many other fields. This cookbook provides practical solutions on a wide range of topics for anyone using this remarkable program -- whether you need a sophisticated tool for data visualization, or just want to play around with math in a visual way. As the leading software application for symbolic mathematics, Mathematica is standard in many environments that rely on math, such as science, engineering, financial analysis, software development, and many other fields. This cookbook provides practical solutions on a wide range of topics for anyone using this remarkable program. Whether you want to use it for high school algebra, PhD-level computation, simple graphs, financial analysis, or advanced engineering models, you'll find the recipes in Mathematica Cookbook extremely useful and informative. With key support from Mathematica's developer, Wolfram Research, this authoritative cookbook covers Mathematica 7, the major new release of the software, with recipes on three-dimensional imagining, audio processing, calculations from mathematics and physics, image processing, distributed computing, and much more from key people in the Mathematica community. If you need a sophisticated tool with animation and interaction features for data visualization, or just want to play around with math in a visual way, Mathematica Cookbook is ideal for professionals and hobbyists from all walks of life.
  • Algorithmic Puzzles

    作者:Anany Levitin,Maria

    Algorithmic puzzles are puzzles involving well-defined procedures for solving problems. This book will provide an enjoyable and accessible introduction to algorithmic puzzles that will develop the reader's algorithmic thinking. The first part of this book is a tutorial on algorithm design strategies and analysis techniques. Algorithm design strategies - exhaustive search, backtracking, divide-and-conquer and a few others - are general approaches to designing step-by-step instructions for solving problems. Analysis techniques are methods for investigating such procedures to answer questions about the ultimate result of the procedure or how many steps are executed before the procedure stops. The discussion is an elementary level, with puzzle examples, and requires neither programming nor mathematics beyond a secondary school level. Thus, the tutorial provides a gentle and entertaining introduction to main ideas in high-level algorithmic problem solving. The second and main part of the book contains 150 puzzles, from centuries-old classics to newcomers often asked during job interviews at computing, engineering, and financial companies. The puzzles are divided into three groups by their difficulty levels. The first fifty puzzles in the Easier Puzzles section require only middle school mathematics. The sixty puzzle of average difficulty and forty harder puzzles require just high school mathematics plus a few topics such as binary numbers and simple recurrences, which are reviewed in the tutorial. All the puzzles are provided with hints, detailed solutions, and brief comments. The comments deal with the puzzle origins and design or analysis techniques used in the solution. The book should be of interest to puzzle lovers, students and teachers of algorithm courses, and persons expecting to be given puzzles during job interviews.
  • Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

    作者:Kenneth H Rosen

    Discrete Mathematics and its Applications is a focused introduction to the primary themes in a discrete mathematics course, as introduced through extensive applications, expansive discussion, and detailed exercise sets. These themes include mathematical reasoning, combinatorial analysis, discrete structures, algorithmic thinking, and enhanced problem-solving skills through modeling. Its intent is to demonstrate the relevance and practicality of discrete mathematics to all students. The Fifth Edition includes a more thorough and linear presentation of logic, proof types and proof writing, and mathematical reasoning. This enhanced coverage will provide students with a solid understanding of the material as it relates to their immediate field of study and other relevant subjects. The inclusion of applications and examples to key topics has been significantly addressed to add clarity to every subject. True to the Fourth Edition, the text-specific web site supplements the subject matter in meaningful ways, offering additional material for students and instructors. Discrete math is an active subject with new discoveries made every year. The continual growth and updates to the web site reflect the active nature of the topics being discussed. The book is appropriate for a one- or two-term introductory discrete mathematics course to be taken by students in a wide variety of majors, including computer science, mathematics, and engineering. College Algebra is the only explicit prerequisite.
  • 游戏开发的数学和物理

    作者:[ 日] 加藤洁

    本书严格选取了游戏开发中最常用的数学和物理学知识,通过游戏开发实例,配上丰富的插图,以从易到难的顺序进行讲解。第1章到第5章分别讲解了物体的运动、卷动、碰撞检测、光线的制作、画面切换的细分处理。这五章将2D游戏必需的知识一网打尽,同时还严格挑选了少量3D游戏编程的基础内容以供参考。第6章系统梳理了游戏开发的数学和物理学理论,帮助读者更好地理解前五章的内容。 本书适合网络和手机游戏开发者阅读。
  • 微积分教程



    作者:[美] 斯蒂芬·沃尔夫雷

  • 计算几何

    作者:Mark de Berg,Otfried

  • 离散数学导学

    作者:Andrew Simpson,冯速

    本书通过大量简单易懂的示例和练习介绍了有关离散数学的基本概念与基础知识,并把理论知识与一系列实际应用联系起来。主要内容包括:命题逻辑和谓词逻辑、类型集合论、布尔代数、关系、函数、序列、归纳法、图论、组合数学等。通过适当的教学方法,可以加深学生对离散数学的理解。   本书适合所有学习离散数学的学生,并可作为相关专业的教材。
  • 离散数学教程


  • 离散数学及其应用(原书第6版·本科教学版)

    作者:[美] Kenneth H. Rosen

    《离散数学及其应用》一书是介绍离散数学理论和方法的经典教材,已经成为采用率最高的离散数学教材,仅在美国就被600多所高校用作教材,并获得了极大的成功。第6版在前5版的基础上做了大量的改进,使其成为更有效的教学工具。 本书基于该书第6版进行改编,保留了国内离散数学课程涉及的基本内容,更加适合作为国内高校计算机及相关专业本科生的离散数学课程教材。本书的具体改编情况如下: · 补充了关于范式和标准型的基础内容。 · 删去了在其他课程中讲授的内容,如数论、离散概率、归纳和递归等。 · 对于保留章节,删去了编号为偶数的练习题。 · 删去了相关的历史资料。
  • 程序设计中的组合数学


    本书系统地介绍了与程序设计竞赛有关的组合数学的基本理论和算法设计与分析的常用方法。全书共分8章,分别为:算法基础、组合数学初探、排列与组合、容斥原理、母函数、拟阵、贪心算法和Pólya定理。本书突出组合数学算法的设计与优化,从而更便于参加程序设计竞赛的读者学习组合数学。 本书可作为ACM/ICPC国际大学生程序设计竞赛和国际信息学奥林匹在竞赛(IOI)的培训教材,也可供从事组合数学与算法研究的人员参考。
  • 离散数学

    作者:屈婉玲、耿素云、 张立昂

    《离散数学》起源于高等教育出版社1998年出版的《离散数学》,是教育部高等学校“九五”规划教材,2004年作为“十五”规划教材出版了修订版。作为 “十一五”规划教材,根据教育部计算机科学与技术专业教学指导委员会提出的《计算机科学与技术专业规范》(CCC2005)的教学要求,本教材对内容进行了较多的调整与更新。 《离散数学》分为数理逻辑、集合论、代数结构、组合数学、图论、初等数论等六个部分。全书既有严谨的、系统的理论阐述,也有丰富的、面向计算机科学技术发展的应用实例,同时选配了大量的典型例题与练习。各章内容按照模块化组织,可以适应不同的教学要求。与《离散数学》配套的电子教案和习题辅导用书随后将陆续推出。 《离散数学》可以作为普通高等学校计算机科学与技术专业不同方向的本科生的离散数学教材,也可以供其他专业学生和科技人员阅读参考。
  • Elements of Information Theory

    作者:Thomas M. Cover,Joy

    The latest edition of this classic is updated with new problem sets and material The Second Edition of this fundamental textbook maintains the book's tradition of clear, thought-provoking instruction. Readers are provided once again with an instructive mix of mathematics, physics, statistics, and information theory. All the essential topics in information theory are covered in detail, including entropy, data compression, channel capacity, rate distortion, network information theory, and hypothesis testing. The authors provide readers with a solid understanding of the underlying theory and applications. Problem sets and a telegraphic summary at the end of each chapter further assist readers. The historical notes that follow each chapter recap the main points. The Second Edition features: * Chapters reorganized to improve teaching * 200 new problems * New material on source coding, portfolio theory, and feedback capacity * Updated references Now current and enhanced, the Second Edition of Elements of Information Theory remains the ideal textbook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in electrical engineering, statistics, and telecommunications. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.