Analytic Combinatorics
Analytic combinatorics aims to enable precise quantitative predictions of the properties of large combinatorial structures. The theory has emerged over recent decades as essential both for the analysis of algorithms and for the study of scientific models in many disciplines, including probability theory, statistical physics, computational biology, and information theory. With a careful combination of symbolic enumeration methods and complex analysis, drawing heavily on generating functions, results of sweeping generality emerge that can be applied in particular to fundamental structures such as permutations, sequences, strings, walks, paths, trees, graphs and maps. This account is the definitive treatment of the topic. The authors give full coverage of the underlying mathematics and a thorough treatment of both classical and modern applications of the theory. The text is complemented with exercises, examples, appendices and notes to aid understanding. The book can be used for an advanced undergraduate or a graduate course, or for self-study. -
快速软件开发(珍藏版),ISBN:9787302178132,作者:(美)麦克康奈尔 著,席相林 等译,冯炳根 审校 -
你手中的这本《JavaScript王者归来》不仅是一本传播知识的书,更是一本求道的书。 本书分为五个部分循序渐进地与读者讨论了JavaScript的方方面面,从简单的语言基础到丰富的实际应用再到深入剖析语言本质的高级话题,字里行间包含着作者多年工作中对JavaScript实践乃至程序设计思想的深入思考和总结。 本书揭开了JavaScript的面纱,绕过误解和虚幻的表象,引领你探索程序王国的奥妙。它既是一本为初学者准备的入门级教程,又是一本探寻程序设计思想本源的“魔法典籍”,也是一本Web开发工程师们需要的案头参考书。 本书是你进入脚本王国的一把钥匙,引导你领略脚本魔法的神奇魅力。它还是一本着眼于未来改变互联网的启蒙读物,在它的引领下,你将在互联网的世界里获得你所希望得到的知识、智慧、成就和快乐。 专题页: http://labs.aoao.org.cn/akira/ -
The Productive Programmer
Anyone who develops software for a living needs a proven way to produce it better, faster, and cheaper. The Productive Programmer offers critical timesaving and productivity tools that you can adopt right away, no matter what platform you use. Master developer Neal Ford not only offers advice on the mechanics of productivity-how to work smarter, spurn interruptions, get the most out your computer, and avoid repetition-he also details valuable practices that will help you elude common traps, improve your code, and become more valuable to your team. You'll learn to: * Write the test before you write the code * Manage the lifecycle of your objects fastidiously * Build only what you need now, not what you might need later * Apply ancient philosophies to software development * Question authority, rather than blindly adhere to standards * Make hard things easier and impossible things possible through meta-programming * Be sure all code within a method is at the same level of abstraction * Pick the right editor and assemble the best tools for the job This isn't theory, but the fruits of Ford's real-world experience as an Application Architect at the global IT consultancy ThoughtWorks. Whether you're a beginner or a pro with years of experience, you'll improve your work and your career with the simple and straightforward principles in The Productive Programmer. -
Introduction to Information Retrieval
Class-tested and coherent, this groundbreaking new textbook teaches classic web information retrieval, including web search and the related areas of text classification and text clustering from basic concepts. Written from a computer science perspective by three leading experts in the field, it gives an up-to-date treatment of all aspects of the design and implementation of systems for gathering, indexing, and searching documents; methods for evaluating systems; and an introduction to the use of machine learning methods on text collections. All the important ideas are explained using examples and figures, making it perfect for introductory courses in information retrieval for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in computer science. Based on feedback from extensive classroom experience, the book has been carefully structured in order to make teaching more natural and effective. Although originally designed as the primary text for a graduate or advanced undergraduate course in information retrieval, the book will also create a buzz for researchers and professionals alike. Contents 1. Information retrieval using the Boolean model; 2. The dictionary and postings lists; 3. Tolerant retrieval; 4. Index construction; 5. Index compression; 6. Scoring and term weighting; 7. Vector space retrieval; 8. Evaluation in information retrieval; 9. Relevance feedback and query expansion; 10. XML retrieval; 11. Probabilistic information retrieval; 12. Language models for information retrieval; 13. Text classification and Naive Bayes; 14. Vector space classification; 15. Support vector machines and kernel functions; 16. Flat clustering; 17. Hierarchical clustering; 18. Dimensionality reduction and latent semantic indexing; 19. Web search basics; 20. Web crawling and indexes; 21. Link analysis. Reviews “This is the first book that gives you a complete picture of the complications that arise in building a modern web-scale search engine. You'll learn about ranking SVMs, XML, DNS, and LSI. You'll discover the seedy underworld of spam, cloaking, and doorway pages. You'll see how MapReduce and other approaches to parallelism allow us to go beyond megabytes and to efficiently manage petabytes." -Peter Norvig, Director of Research, Google Inc. "Introduction to Information Retrieval is a comprehensive, up-to-date, and well-written introduction to an increasingly important and rapidly growing area of computer science. Finally, there is a high-quality textbook for an area that was desperately in need of one." -Raymond J. Mooney, Professor of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin “Through compelling exposition and choice of topics, the authors vividly convey both the fundamental ideas and the rapidly expanding reach of information retrieval as a field.” -Jon Kleinberg, Professor of Computer Science, Cornell University -
想要探寻搜索排名、产品推荐、社会化书签和在线匹配背后的力量吗?这本颇具魅力的书籍向你展现如何创建Web 2.0应用程序,从参与性?Internet应用程序产生的大量数据中挖掘金矿。运用本书中介绍的先进算法,你可以编写聪明的程序,以访问其他网站那些有趣的数据集,从自有应用程序的用户中收集数据,或者分析和理解你所发现的数据。 《集体智慧编程》将你带入机器学习和统计的世界,并且阐释了如何从你和他人每天收集的信息中获得关于用户体验、市场营销、个性品味及人类行为的结论。每个算法的描述都十分简明清晰,相关代码均可以立即用于你的网站、博客、Wiki或特定应用程序。本书讲解了下列主题: 可以让在线零售商推荐产品或媒体的协作过滤技术 用于在大数据集中发现同类项组的聚类方法 从数以百万计可能方案中选择问题最佳解决方案的最优化算法 贝叶斯过滤,用在基于单词类型和其他特征的垃圾信息过滤中 支持向量(support-vector)机器,用于在线交友网站中的速配 用于问题解决的演化智能——计算机如何通过多次玩同样的游戏,改进自身代码并获得技能提升 每一章都包含了相关练习,可通过扩展使算法变得更强大。超越简单的数据库支持应用程序模式,让 Internet数据财富为你所用。 -
《ACM图灵奖:计算机发展史的缩影(1966-2006)(第3版)》介绍了51位ACM图灵奖获得者的工作和事迹。通过对20世纪下半叶及21世纪初有代表性计算机科学家的介绍,多方位、多视角地反映计算机科学技术半个多世纪来的发展历程。《ACM图灵奖:计算机发展史的缩影(1966-2006)(第3版)》在一定程度上反映了计算机体系结构、程序设计语言、算法设计与分析、操作系统和编译程序、数据库技术、计算复杂性理论、软件工程、人工智能等计算机科学技术主要分支的形成过程和发展概况。通过追寻成功者的足迹,给人以必要的启迪,读者可以从阅读《ACM图灵奖:计算机发展史的缩影(1966-2006)(第3版)》中吸取成长和成功所必需的养分。 -
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning
In this title: together we'll journey together through bits of cognitive and neuroscience, learning and behavioral theory; you'll discover some surprising aspects of how our brains work; and, see how you can beat the system to improve your own learning and thinking skills. In this book you'll learn how to: use the Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition to become more expert; leverage the architecture of the brain to strengthen different thinking modes; avoid common 'known bugs' in your mind; learn more deliberately and more effectively; and, manage knowledge more efficiently. Software development happens in your head. Not in an editor, IDE, or design tool. It's time to take a pragmatic approach to thinking and learning, and start to refactor - and redesign - your brain. -
本书是编程语言先驱者Ivor Horton的经典之作,是C语言方面最畅销的图书品种之一。本书集综合性、实用性为一体,是学习C语言的优秀入门教材,在世界范围内广受欢迎,口碑极佳。书中除了讲解C程序设计语言,还广泛介绍了作为一名C程序设计人员应该掌握的必要知识,并提供了大量的实用性很强的编程实例。本书的目标是使你在C语言程序设计方面由一位初学者成为一位称职的程序员。读者基本不需要具备任何编程知识,即可通过本书从头开始编写自己的C程序。 -
《Linux系统管理技术手册(第2版)》延续了《Linux系统管理技术手册(第2版)》前一版以及《uMx系统管理技术手册》的讲解风格,以当前主流的5种Linux发行版本(RedHatES、SUSE、Debian、FedoraCore和Ubuntu)为例,把Linux系统管理技术分为3个方面分别介绍。第1部分全面介绍了运行单机Linux系统涉及的各种管理知识和技术,如系统引导和关机、进程控制、文件系统管理、用户管理、设备管理、系统备份、软件配置以及cron和系统曰志的管理使用等。第2部分从详细讲解TCP/IP协议基本原理开始,深入讨论了网络的两大基本应用——域名系统和路由技术,然后逐章讲解Linux上的各种Internet关键应用,如电子邮件、NFS、文件共享、Web托管和Intemet服务,在这部分里还有专门的章节介绍网络硬件、网络管理与调试以及系统安全。第3部分包括了多种不容忽视的重要主题:X窗口系统、打印系统、系统维护与环境、性能分析、与Windows系统的协作、串行设备、操作系统驱动程序和内核、系统守护进程以及政策与行政管理方面的知识等。 -
Learning the vi and Vim Editors
There's nothing that hard-core Unix and Linux users are more fanatical about than their text editor. Editors are the subject of adoration and worship, or of scorn and ridicule, depending upon whether the topic of discussion is your editor or someone else's. vi has been the standard editor for close to 30 years. Popular on Unix and Linux, it has a growing following on Windows systems, too. Most experienced system administrators cite vi as their tool of choice. And since 1986, this book has been the guide for vi. However, Unix systems are not what they were 30 years ago, and neither is this book. While retaining all the valuable features of previous editions, the 7th edition of Learning the vi and vim Editors has been expanded to include detailed information on vim, the leading vi clone. vim is the default version of vi on most Linux systems and on Mac OS X, and is available for many other operating systems too. With this guide, you learn text editing basics and advanced tools for both editors, such as multi-window editing, how to write both interactive macros and scripts to extend the editor, and power tools for programmers -- all in the easy-to-follow style that has made this book a classic. Learning the vi and vim Editors includes: A complete introduction to text editing with vi: * How to move around vi in a hurry * Beyond the basics, such as using buffers *vi's global search and replacement * Advanced editing, including customizing vi and executing Unix commands How to make full use of vim: * Extended text objects and more powerful regular expressions * Multi-window editing and powerful vim scripts * How to make full use of the GUI version of vim, called gvim *vim's enhancements for programmers, such as syntax highlighting, folding and extended tags Coverage of three other popular vi clones -- nvi, elvis, and vile -- is also included. You'll find several valuable appendixes, including an alphabetical quick reference to both vi and ex mode commands for regular vi and for vim, plus an updated appendix on vi and the Internet. Learning either vi or vim is required knowledge if you use Linux or Unix, and in either case, reading this book is essential. After reading this book, the choice of editor will be obvious for you too. -
Microsoft SQL Server 2005技术内幕:T-SQL查询
本书是Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005系列四本著作中的一本。本书及其续篇——《Microsoft SQL Server 2005技术内幕:T-SQL程序设计》介绍了SQL Server 2005中高级T-SQL查询、查询优化及编程相关的知识。这两本书侧重于解决实践中的常见问题,并讨论了解决这些问题的方法。它们将向你揭示基于集合(set-based)查询的强大威力,并解释为什么它比使用游标的过程化编程(procedural programming)更具优势。同时,它还会教你识别使用基于游标解决方案与基于集合解决方案的优劣。 书中还讲述了其他几种争议较多的构造(camstruct)——如临时表、动态执行、XML和.NET集成——它们在具有强大功能的同时,也具有极大的风险。 本书适合于需要编写或检查T-SQL代码的有经验的T-SQL程序员和数据库专业人员。读者可从中学到大量精湛的技巧,这些技巧会充实您的工具箱和编码技能,并让您顺利地开发出高效的解决方案。 -
《计算机网络(第5版)》自1989年首次出版以来,于1994年、1999年和2003年分别出了修订版。2006年8月本教材通过了教育部的评审,被纳入普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。《计算机网络》的第5版,在内容和结构方面都有了很大的修改。 全书分为10章,比较全面系统地介绍了计算机网络的发展和原理体系结构、物理层、数据链路层、网络层、运输层、应用层、网络安全、因特网上的音频/视频服务、无线网络和下一代因特网等内容。各章均附有练习题。此外,附录A给出了部分习题的答案和提示。随书配套的光盘中,有全书课件和作者教学中经常遇到的150多个问题及解答,计算机网络最基本概念的演示(PowerPoint文件),以及《计算机网络(第5版)》引用的全部RFC文档等,供读者参阅。 -
How to Think Like a Scientist
Every day you answer questions-dozens, even hundreds of them. How do you find the answers to questions? How can you be sure your answers are correct? Scientists use questions to learn about things. Scientists have developed a way of helping make sure they answer questions correctly. It is called the scientific method. The scientific method can help you find answers to many of the questions you are curious about. What kind of food does your dog like best? Is your sister more likely to help you with your homework if you say please? Can throwing a dead snake over a tree branch make it rain? The scientific method can help you answer these questions and many others. Stephen Kramer's invitation to think like a scientist, illustrated by Felicia Bond's humorous and appealing pictures, will receive enthusiastic response from young readers, scientist and nonscientist alike. -
《Excel应用大全》是由ExcelHome技术专家团队在继《Excel实战技巧精粹》之后的一部更大规模和更高水准的制作。《Excel应用大全》分为7大部分,介绍了Excel的技术特点和应用方法,深入揭示背后的原理概念,并配合有大量典型实用的应用实例,帮助读者全面掌握Excel应用技术。内容包括:Excel的基本功能、使用公式和函数、创建图表和图形、Excel数据分析、Excel的高级功能、使用Excel进行协同、Excel自动化。附录中还提供了Excel快捷键、工作表函数、VBA函数、规范与限制的说明等内容,方便读者随时查看。 点击链接进入Excel应用大全系列: Excel应用大全 Excel 2007应用大全 Excel 2010应用大全 -
A Little Java, A Few Patterns
Java is a new object-oriented programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems for programming the Internet and intelligent appliances. In a very short time it has become one of the most widely used programming languages for education as well as commercial applications.Design patterns, which have moved object-oriented programming to a new level, provide programmers with a language to communicate with others about their designs. As a result, programs become more readable, more reusable, and more easily extensible.In this book, Matthias Felleisen and Daniel Friedman use a small subset of Java to introduce pattern-directed program design. With their usual clarity and flair, they gently guide readers through the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and pattern-based design. Readers new to programming, as well as those with some background, will enjoy their learning experience as they work their way through Felleisen and Friedman's dialogue. -
How to Break Software
How to Break Software is a departure from conventional testing in which testers prepare a written test plan and then use it as a script when testing the software. The testing techniques in this book are as flexible as conventional testing is rigid. And flexibility is needed in software projects in which requirements can change, bugs can become features and schedule pressures often force plans to be reassessed. Software testing is not such an exact science that one can determine what to test in advance and then execute the plan and be done with it. Instead of a plan, intelligence, insight, experience and a "nose for where the bugs are hiding" should guide testers. This book helps testers develop this insight. The techniques presented in this book not only allow testers to go off-script, they encourage them to do so. Don't blindly follow a document that may be out of date and that was written before the product was even testable. Instead, use your head! Open your eyes! Think a little, test a little and then think a little more. This book does teach planning, but in an "on- the-fly while you are testing" way. It also encourages automation with many repetitive and complex tasks that require good tools (one such tool is shipped with this book on the companion CD). However, tools are never used as a replacement for intelligence. Testers do the thinking and use tools to collect data and help them explore applications more efficiently and effectively. -
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A
The book is Volume 4A, because Volume 4 has itself become a multivolume undertaking. Combinatorial searching is a rich and important topic, and Knuth has too much to say about it that is new, interesting, and useful to fit into a single volume, or two, or maybe even three. This book alone includes approximately 1500 exercises, with answers for self-study, plus hundreds of useful facts that cannot be found in any other publication. Volume 4A surely belongs beside the first three volumes of this classic work in every serious programmer’s library. -
C Programming
The first edition of C Programming: A Modern Approach was popular with students and faculty alike because of its clarity and comprehensiveness as well as its trademark Q&A sections. Professor King's spiral approach made it accessible to a broad range of readers, from beginners to more advanced students. With adoptions at over 225 colleges, the first edition was one of the leading C textbooks of the last ten years. The second edition maintains all the book's popular features and brings it up to date with coverage of the C99 standard. The new edition also adds a significant number of exercises and longer programming projects, and includes extensive revisions and updates. -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友