Mere Anarchy
Here, in his first collection since his three hilarious classics Getting Even , Without Feathers , and Side Effects , Woody Allen has managed to write a book that not only answers the most profound questions of human existence but is also the perfect size to place under any short table leg to prevent wobbling. In hysterical flights of inspirational sanity we are introduced to a cast of characters only Allen could imagine: Jasper Nutmeat, Flanders Mealworm, and the independent film mogul E. Coli Biggs, just to name a few. Whether he is writing about art, sex, food, or crime, he is explosively funny. In “This Nib for Hire,” a Hollywood bigwig comes across an author’s book in a little country store and describes it in a way that aptly captures this magnificent volume: “Actually,” the producer says, “I’d never seen a book remaindered in the kindling section before.” Praise for Mere Anarchy : INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER “The stories in Mere Anarchy deliver the same joys and foibles that have been with its author from the start.” –Janet Maslin, The New York Times “Uproarious . . . In each story the ornate and the vulgate slam together and make it rain polysyllabic absurdity.” –The Wall Street Journal “Nostalgically enjoyable . . . The stories in Mere Anarchy deliver the same joys and foibles that have been with its author from the start.” –The New York Times “Brilliant neurotica . . . unfailingly entertaining . . . [an] obsessive and seriously funny book.” –Los Angeles Times Book Review “Like the Carnegie’s one-pound sandwiches, Allen’s literary slapstick is . . . comedy on wry.” –USA Today -
Getting Even
Amazon.com Review After three decades of prodigious film work (and some unfortunate tabloid adventures as well), it's easy to forget that Woody Allen began his career as one heck of a great comedy writer. Getting Even, a collection of his late '60s magazine pieces, offers a look into Allen's bag of shtick, back when it was new. From the supposed memoirs of Hitler's barber: "Then, in January of 1945, a plot by several generals to shave Hitler's moustache in his sleep failed when von Stauffenberg, in the darkness of Hitler's bedroom, shaved off one of the Führer's eyebrows instead..." Even though the idea of writing jokes about old Adolf--or addled rabbis, or Maatjes herring--isn't nearly as fresh as it used to be, Getting Even still delivers plenty of laughs. At his best, Woody can achieve a level of transcendent craziness that no other writer can match. If you're looking for a book to dip into at random, or a gift for someone who's seen Sleeper 13 times, Getting Even is a dead lock. From the Inside Flap The classic, with 316,000 copies sold to date. -
Without Feathers
Here they are--some of the funniest tales and ruminations ever put into print, by one of the great comic minds of our time. From THE WHORE OF MENSA, to GOD (A Play), to NO KADDISH FOR WEINSTEIN, old and new Woody Allen fans will laugh themselves hysterical over these sparkling gems. -
Side Effects
A humor classic by one of the funniest writers today, SIDE EFFECTS is a treat for all those who know his work and those just discovering how gifted he is. Included here are such classics as REMEMBERING NEEDLEMAN, THE KUGELMASS EPISODE, a new sory called CONFESSIONS OF A BUGLAR, and more. -
《扯平》是美国著名电影导演伍迪•艾伦的第一部幽默文集,包含十七篇曾在《纽约客》等刊物上发表的短篇文章,集结了他在二十世纪六十年代末的写作成就,是其早期幽默才华的最佳体现。 伍迪•艾伦以充满智慧的戏谑笔调,将其笔下的每个严肃形象一一解构,描绘出落魄的死神、倒霉的德古拉伯爵、在乎发型的希特勒、喜欢恶作剧的拿破仑、歪打正着获取胜利的革命者……同时又煞有介事地将一些不入眼的人和事物拔高,例如为三明治发明者立传、让胖人为肥肉正言、大赞仿冒水墨画的功用等等。此处收录的文章没有一篇名为《扯平》,却篇篇点名文集的主题。 -
Mere Anarchy
“I am greatly relieved that the universe is finally explainable. I was beginning to think it was me.”–Woody Allen Here, in his first collection since his three hilarious classics Getting Even, Without Feathers, and Side Effects, Woody Allen has managed to write a book that not only answers the most profound questions of human existence but is the perfect size to place under any short table leg to prevent wobbling. “I awoke Friday, and because the universe is expanding it took me longer than usual to find my robe,” he explains in a piece on physics called “Strung Out.” In other flights of inspirational sanity we are introduced to a cast of characters only Allen could imagine: Jasper Nutmeat, Flanders Mealworm, and the independent film mogul E. Coli Biggs, just to name a few. Whether he is writing about art, sex, food, or crime (“Pugh has been a policeman as far back as he can remember. His father was a notorious bank robber, and the only way Pugh could get to spend time with him was to apprehend him”) he is explosively funny. In “This Nib for Hire,” a Hollywood bigwig comes across an author’s book in a little country store and describes it in a way that aptly captures this magnificent volume: “Actually,” the producer says, “I’d never seen a book remaindered in the kindling section before.” -
The Complete Prose
The Complete Prose of Woody Allen is a collection of fifty-two pieces of hilarious writing which firmly establish the author in the tradition of Groucho Marx and James Thurber. Woody Allen's prose displays his versatility and virtuosity with the written word, and his special brand of humour. "If Allen had lived in Augustan England scholars would now be considering him alongside Dryden, Pope and Swift ... No five hundred page book ever contained a laugh a line, but his one gets pretty close." --- Daily Telegraph "Touched by genius, Allen's talent is for feasting on the fantasies of his favourite writers. Nature, he says, is one vast restaurant. The same could be said of his most appetising art." --- Glasgow Herald "Unless you agree that Woody Allen is one of the world's funniest writers, it is difficult to explain why you should exert every effort necessary to get hold of this book. All right, who's funnier?" --- Irish Times "The Complete Prose is an ideal bedside companion, to be dipped into for quick hits of enjoyment." --- Will Self, London Review of Books -
Conversations with Woody Allen
In discussions that begin in 1971 and end in 2009, Allen talks about every facet of moviemaking through the prism of his own work as well as the larger world of film, and in so doing reveals an artist’s development over the course of his career. He speaks about his influences and about the genesis of his ideas; about writing, casting, acting, shooting, directing, editing, and scoring—and throughout shows himself to be thoughtful, honest, self-deprecating, always witty, and often hilarious. -
《伍迪·艾伦与哲学:你说我的谬论一无是处》内容简介:被高傲的法国人誉为“美国电影界唯一的知识分子”的伍迪·艾伦,这次被15位知识分子-美国哲学领域的一群专家学者借“身”(伍迪电影)还“魂”(哲学要义)借伍迪·艾伦的作品来讲授与人生有关的哲学问题。 尽管伍迪·艾伦对专业哲学家冷嘲热讽,尽管他拒绝系统地讨论哲学立场。尽管他缺乏与根植于欧溯或美国的任何一种哲学类型的联系,但是哲学家们把他视为当代的一位伟大哲学人物,因为他的电影里充满了最重要的哲学命题和观念,以幽默的手法有效地将基本哲学问题放进成千上万入的脑袋中,没有一位哲学家能做到像他那样。所以,他们一起用哲学的方式研究和评价伍迪·艾伦的电影,同时娱乐性地探究这个叫做“伍迪·艾伦”的哲学宝藏,为读者送生这部“不需要主修哲学便可获得对哲学和伍迪·艾伦作品内容的深层次理解”的文集《伍迪·艾伦与哲学>。正如《伍迪·艾伦与哲学:你说我的谬论一无是处》前言所说,书中“这些文章有的让你发笑,但每一篇都会让你思考。我相信当你掩卷时,会为伍迪·艾伦鼓掌,他是悟性非凡的艺术家和思想者。当然,他肯定太忙了,无暇留意你们的或我的掌声,但他当之无愧。” -
本書描述伍迪‧艾倫如何從一個害羞的布魯克林少年成為頂尖的脫口秀 藝人,並進而成為集編導演於一身的電影大師. 伍迪‧艾倫的作品一向自傳性甚濃,他技巧地將他的猶太人情結及日常生 活中笨拙的舉止,以及對於生與死,愛與罪,性與慾,道德與責任等無可遏止又傷 害性不大的思想偏執等做為創作元素,創作出多部知識分子開懷大笑的脫線諷 刺劇,開創愛情輕喜劇新格局及嚴肅心理劇. 讀者從此書可以了解他的生平與創作之間的關係,一窺他受柏格曼,費里尼 ,杜斯妥也夫斯基,托爾斯泰等大師影響的軌跡,並從中認識伍迪這個人與紐約 這個城市之間千絲萬縷的關係. -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友