

  • Under the Tuscan Sun

    作者:Frances Mayes

    Amazon.com In this memoir of her buying, renovating, and living in an abandoned villa in Tuscany, Frances Mayes reveals the sensual pleasure she found living in rural Italy, and the generous spirit she brought with her. She revels in the sunlight and the color, the long view of her valley, the warm homey architecture, the languor of the slow paced days, the vigor of working her garden, and the intimacy of her dealings with the locals. Cooking, gardening, tiling and painting are never chores, but skills to be learned, arts to be practiced, and above all to be enjoyed. At the same time Mayes brings a literary and intellectual mind to bear on the experience, adding depth to this account of her enticing rural idyll. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. From Publishers Weekly Mayes's favorite guide to Northern Italy allots seven pages to the town of Cortona, where she owns a house. But here she finds considerably more to say about it than that, all of it so enchanting that an armchair traveler will find it hard to resist jumping out of the chair and following in her footsteps. The recently divorced author is euphoric about the old house in the Tuscan hills that she and her new lover renovated and now live in during summer vacations and on holidays. A poet, food-and-travel writer, Italophile and chair of the creative writing department at San Francisco State University, Mayes is a fine wordsmith and an exemplary companion whose delight in a brick floor she has just waxed is as contagious as her pleasure in the landscape, architecture and life of the village. Not the least of the charms of her book are the recipes for delicious meals she has made. Above all, her observations about being at home in two very different cultures are sharp and wise. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. From Library Journal In a carefully written story, poet Mayes (Ex Voto, Lost Roads, 1995), who chairs the creative writing department at San Francisco State University, recounts the purchase and renovation of an abandoned Tuscan villa. She begins with the 1990 search with her companion, Ed, for a summer home to take the place of the rented farmhouses of past years. They finally decide on Bramasole ("Yearning for the Sun"), a villa with 17 rooms and a garden that has been standing empty for 30 years. There is the ordeal of getting money transferred via the tangled Italian banking system, as well as bringing together the owner, builders, and government officials to get the necessary work done. The daunting process requires several years. Meanwhile, Mayes finds Italian country life a healthy antidote to hectic San Francisco, enjoying, for example, the fruits of her own garden, friends in the village, and the first olive harvest. This is an unusual memoir of one woman's challenge to herself and its successful transformation into a satisfying opportunity to improve the quality of her life.?William R. Smith, Johns Hopkins Univ. Lib., Baltimore Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. The New York Times Book Review, Alida Becker an intense celebration of ... "the voluptuousness of Italian life." --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. From AudioFile Let the Tuscan sun warm you. Listeners can savor the delights of the countryside, fresh food, flowers and Italian village life through Frances Mayes's memoir of restoring a stone villa in Tuscany and her exploration of the surrounding countryside. For listeners who prefer to hear authors reading their own works, poet, teacher and food critic Mayes reads this abridgment version. While clear and engaging, her voice reflects her Georgia upbringing and caused this reviewer some consternation as she described an endearing Italian scene with a Southern accent. Mayes's intent is to guide readers as one would a guest, showing them all the delights of the place she finds so magical. One additional plus, a small booklet includes actual recipes from some of the memorable meals. Despite her accent, listeners will find themselves immersed in her vivid perceptions. R.F.W. (c)AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to the Audio Cassette edition. From Booklist It takes a determined effort to read this account of restoring and enjoying a Tuscan farmhouse without experiencing a violent attack of adolescent jealousy. Why her and not me, you'll be screaming as writer and professor Mayes describes languorous lunches on the patio, local wine flowing freely and olive pits casually pitched toward the nearby stone wall. Yes, there were problems--wells running dry, workers vanishing--but the image Mayes creates of her house, the Italian countryside, and her summers there with fellow professor Ed and sundry visitors is nothing short of idyllic: a real-life version of the film Stealing Beauty, but without the funny-looking sculpture scarring the landscape. Mayes' delightful recipes, evocative descriptions of the nearby village of Cortona, and thoughtful musings on the Italian spirit only add to the pleasure. This is armchair travel at its most enticing. Can we really blame ourselves for wanting to strap Mayes down in some ratty armchair while we go live in her farmhouse? Bill Ott --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Review A New York Times Notable Book of 1997 "This beautifully written memoir about taking chances, living in Italy. loving a house and, always, the pleasures of food, would make a perfect gift for a loved one. But it's so delicious, read it first yourself." --USA Today "Irresistible...a sensous book for a sensous countryside." --Minneapolis Star-Tribune "An intense celebration of what [Mayes] calls 'the voluptuousness of Italian life'." --The New York Times Book Review "Armchair travel at its most enticing." --Booklist "Mayes [has] perfect vision." --Los Angeles Times Review A New York Times Notable Book of 1997 "This beautifully written memoir about taking chances, living in Italy. loving a house and, always, the pleasures of food, would make a perfect gift for a loved one. But it's so delicious, read it first yourself." --USA Today "Irresistible...a sensous book for a sensous countryside." --Minneapolis Star-Tribune "An intense celebration of what [Mayes] calls 'the voluptuousness of Italian life'." --The New York Times Book Review "Armchair travel at its most enticing." --Booklist "Mayes [has] perfect vision." --Los Angeles Times Product Description Now in paperback, the #1 San Francisco Chronicle bestseller that is an enchanting and lyrical look at the life, the traditions, and the cuisine of Tuscany, in the spirit of Peter Mayle's A Year in Provence.
  • 托斯卡纳秘境


    意大利托斯卡纳古镇繁星般散落在该地区的北部卢卡、普拉托,东部阿雷佐,中部锡耶纳,西部比萨和南部马沙马里提马的四周,它们或坐落在土地丘陵中,或坐落在平原上,每个古镇都掩映在丝柏树林、橄榄园和葡萄园的绿色里,对这些拥有文艺复兴人文背景和中世纪景观古镇的逐一读行过程,其实就是对意大利民族情感与精神载体的多方位的认知之旅。 本书为中国游人精心选择和介绍了61座意大利托斯卡纳最负盛名的经典古镇,游客若走进这些散落在大城市周边温柔谦逊的小镇时,则会发现它们虽没有大城市的名声,却凝聚了意大利民间最典型的建筑和最纯正的生活方式。
  • 醒来,在托斯卡纳


    发掘最纯正又实惠的托斯卡纳大地之味,欧阳应霁 殳俏 馋嘴推荐! 在托斯卡纳,我只想悠闲地醒来。 在街角的咖啡馆,老板已为我准备好espresso。 我想去探访滋味不输名园的无招牌酒庄,再有个热心的意大利辣妈来做邻居。 我想去品尝那攻略从未提及、房东秘密介绍的物美价廉小餐馆;然后在16世纪的城墙顶,散一个长长的步;回家前,为了明日的野餐,而在巷口的食杂店流连忘返。 “居游教主”韩良忆,将自己在托斯卡纳多次旅行的经验与我们分享。其实真的不需要想像的那么多钱,也不需要那么多时间,就算艰难地蹦英文单词,外加胡乱比手画脚,但在那灿烂的艳阳下,我们依然可以在短居闲游中,深深感受到一种托斯卡纳式的甜美生活(La Dolce Vita)。
  • 最接近天堂的人间


    如果说托斯卡纳是一个世界,意大利就是整个宇宙。弗朗西丝·梅耶斯写道:“给我五辈子的时间,也不足以将这里探索完全。” 雄踞《纽约时报》排行榜128 周《托斯卡纳艳阳下》作者弗朗西丝·梅耶斯回归力作,《国家地理·旅行者》著名摄影师鲍勃·克里斯特全程实拍200余幅彩色照片,全景式呈现托斯卡纳看得见的“慢”生活! 拥有几千年历史的托斯卡纳有着传承自远古的风俗,不被现代生活所驯化或同化。弗朗西丝·梅耶斯已然成为了托斯卡纳生活方式的代言人。本书是作者为托斯卡纳谱写的又一曲赞歌,诠释了托斯卡纳无处不在的质感生活——人们的欢笑、诱人的食物、美丽的风景、绚烂的艺术艺和伊特鲁里亚文明。她笔下的意大利让你不断发现各种意料之外的美,语言饱含热情却又恰到好处,让人如入诗画:越了解这里,就越爱这里,而越爱这里,就越享受这里!
  • 在暖黄色的托斯卡纳

    作者:方力为 (文),钟国华 (摄影)

    前言 此间的幸福 这是一个静谧的水库,夜了,周围环着山,山边好像不远处,有几座房子亮着暖光。在终于远离城市喧嚣之后,来到了一个安宁的区域,瞬间才感到了与意大利相通灵的气息,才知道如何落笔。两个多月前,生平第一次到达意大利,到达意大利据称最为美丽的部分托斯卡纳。而后陆续走访了托斯卡纳大区的各个城镇,见过些有趣的人,知道些有趣的事,然而那么多珍贵的际遇,那么多美丽至非人间的风景,仿佛仅仅在一两月的回来的生活中被磨得模糊了——城市噪音和粗鄙环境的强大力量。 眼前的夜景,才唤醒了联想和回忆。是在Volterra古城墙外的某百年家族的旅店,晚上,向外看,就是那起伏的山谷中闪亮而温和的灯光,像过节日一样小小的灯火闪烁;或者在San Gimignano的庄园,远远望着那所谓的“中世纪曼哈顿”塔楼,不知是来自何处的光,给它染上了昏黄古旧的颜色;或者是在米开朗基罗广场,夜色降临,整个佛罗伦萨紧凑而恢宏的轮廓尽收眼底,让人瞬间爱上。所有托斯卡纳美丽的景色,拥有的共性是一种沉定的诗意。 更好看的是人和人的眼神。酒吧外面站着或闲坐着在地上的意大利男人,他注视一个人时,总是热情且多情,带有温柔的侵虐性。…… …… 目录 上篇:行走幸福中 是托斯卡纳人,不是意大利人 幸福,一个难以被释义的词 欧洲的中国人 他们的房子 我们的房子 醉卧“托斯卡纳黄” 托斯卡纳的日出日落 锡耶纳烧着了吗 古城癔症 翡冷翠寻店记 幸福“碟碟不休” 绝种工艺,let it be 意式句号 一碗提拉米苏不带我走 最好的酒和油 慢食的救赎 美女啊 帅哥 相亲是个伪词汇 如诗的烟语 奢侈品不奢侈 下篇:幸福的底色 梅耶斯的甜美生活 卢卡的老画家 在那绝美的山坡上 米开朗基罗的后裔 保罗的逍遥人生 人人都爱Lucia “白金”王 “香格里拉”谁当家 塔楼里的少爷司机 牛仔和水管工 我们是快乐的首饰匠 可爱的小马 那些意大利的司机们
  • 在托斯卡纳的太阳下

    作者:[美] 弗朗西丝·梅耶斯

    作者在意大利的托斯卡纳买下了一座山坡上的雅致旧屋,趁旧金山大学放假期间去那里度过了七个暑假和一个春假,尽情地享受和体验了异国的生活和愉悦。 《在托斯卡纳的太阳下》这部意大利游记向读者展示了托斯卡纳地区及整个意大利的山川风貌、民俗风情、美味佳肴和历史古迹,让全世界都爱上那个古老的地区。
  • 美丽的托斯卡纳


    《美丽的托斯卡纳》内容简介:托斯卡纳(Tuscan),得名于伊特鲁里亚(Etruscan)文明,文艺复兴的发源地、意大利艺术的摇篮。孕育了马基雅维利、但丁、伽利略、达•芬奇、拉斐尔、米开朗基罗、乔托等一大批名人巨匠。首府为佛罗伦萨。 一幢房子,十年前在托斯卡纳拥有。 杏黄色外墙,玫瑰红壁画,面朝山谷的房屋。亚平宁山脉迤逦绵延,朴实悦目的农舍散落其间。有星,有月,有春日欣然的嫩绿,有夏日晴朗的凉夜。在家,种花植草,美味随手即得,出街,招呼连连,温情时时可遇半是主人,半是房客,不忍春日冷雨,便飞温和的地方;不喜夏日干炎,便赴灵秀的水城。进修道院感受隔绝人间的清净,寻教堂品评中世界绝美壁画…… 这样,生活了十年。 点击链接进入: 《美丽的托斯卡纳》 《托斯卡纳艳阳下》
  • 托斯卡纳的甜美生活


    生活不断赐予你许许多多的机会,而你惟一需要做的只是其中一个。 在第一本书《托斯卡纳艳阳下》,弗朗西丝·梅耶斯因不幸的婚姻逃到意大利的托斯卡纳,用所有的钱买下一座老别墅——巴摩梭罗,并在彷徨中重获生活自信心。 本书一经面世,即荣登纽约时报畅销书榜首。该报称:由于这本书,全世界都知道了托斯卡纳这个小镇。为此梅耶斯趁势出版了她的第二本书,在托斯卡纳,她的新生活开始了,并慢慢找回了久违的欢乐,重新感受到了友谊、信任以及生活本身的快乐,还有爱情。 本书影响重大,同名影片已在全世界发行。
  • 托斯卡纳艳阳下


    生命中总会有不顺利,当弗朗西丝.梅耶斯遭遇一切不幸时,她只身到意大利古镇托斯卡纳,用所有的钱买下一座老别墅。未知的新生活开始了,语言不通,生活习惯不同,没有熟悉的亲人朋友,她在彷徨、疑惑中坚持着,最终等到了完满的一切。托斯卡纳的山川风貌,民俗风情,香醇的葡萄酒,诱人的橄榄油以及历史古迹,让全世界都爱上了那个古老的地方。 http://www.chaoyishudian.com/book.asp?id=20970