

  • The Logic Of Failure

    作者:Dietrich Dorner

    our modern world, even though it was appropriate to older, simpler times. Working with imagination and often hilarious computer simulations, Dietrich Dorner provides a compass for intelligent planning and decision-making that can sharpen the skills of managers and policy-makers everywhere.
  • 投资决策中的心理博弈

    作者:[美] 大卫•E•阿德勒

    现实生活中,直觉、第一印象和迅速决断在很多方面都有用武之地,但是当问题涉及金钱时,切勿相信它们!事实证明,无论是选择股票还是挑选共同基金,相信直觉无疑是一场灾难。本书将告诉你为什么直觉是你最大的敌人,并教你如何打败它!现代投资组合理论之父,诺贝尔经济学奖得主 哈里•马科维茨 隆重推荐。 美国顶级行为金融学专家为你解读投资的制胜之道!告诉你:直觉,何时该听信它?何时又该弃之不理?
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow

    作者:Daniel Kahneman

    The "New York Times" Bestseller, acclaimed by author such as Freakonomics co-author Steven D. Levitt, Black Swan author Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Nudge co-author Richard Thaler, "Thinking Fast and Slow" offers a whole new look at the way our minds work, and how we make decisions. Why is there more chance we'll believe something if it's in a bold type face? Why are judges more likely to deny parole before lunch? Why do we assume a good-looking person will be more competent? The answer lies in the two ways we make choices: fast, intuitive thinking, and slow, rational thinking. This book reveals how our minds are tripped up by error and prejudice (even when we think we are being logical), and gives you practical techniques for slower, smarter thinking. It will enable to you make better decisions at work, at home, and in everything you do.
  • Nudge

    作者:Richard H. Thaler,Ca

    在线阅读本书 Nudge is about choices—how we make them and how we can make better ones. Authors Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein offer a new perspective on preventing the countless mistakes we make— including ill-advised personal investments, consumption of unhealthy foods, neglect of our natural resources, and other bad decisions. Citing decades of cutting-edge behavioral science research, they demonstrate that sensible “choice architecture”can successfully nudge people towards the best decisions without restricting their freedom of choice. S straightforward, informative, and entertaining, this is a must-read for anyone with interest in our individual and collective well-being.
  • 适应性思维


    新思想来源于何处?什么是社会智能?无知如何转变为悟性?为什么社会科学家们会盲目地采用无头脑的统计学仪式?这本重要著作对这些问题做出了精辟回答。它将理性作为适应性思维进行重新思考,这种思维重在理解头脑是如何应付其周围环境的,包括自然的和社会的。总之,本书收集的论文发展了这样的思想:人类思维――从科学创造到理解艾滋病病毒检测结果意味着什么――部分地“发生”于头脑外部。 在本书中,吉仁泽教授提出并详细说明了探讨理性心理学问题的一项大胆而新颖的研究方案。生态理性、有限理性、社会理性等颇具创意的概念为研究人类理性提供了一种全新的理论框架。其独到的见解和论述将关于人类思维、社会智能、创造性及决策制定等问题的研究从一个虚无缥缈的梦幻世界一一在那里逻辑和概率规则统御着一切――迎回了启发式和社会动机发挥作用的现实世界中来。 《适应性思维》一本书适合对心理学、认知科学、统计学、经济学、社会学、哲学、人工智能和动物行为等研究领域感兴趣的广大读者阅读。它也为医生、艾滋病咨询师、刑法专家等实践工作者如何理解和交流不确定性和风险信息提供了可行的方案。
  • Thinking and Deciding

    作者:Jonathan Baron

    Beginning with its first edition and through subsequent editions, Thinking and Deciding has established itself as the required text and important reference work for students and scholars of human cognition and rationality. In this, the fourth edition, Jonathan Baron retains the comprehensive attention to the key questions addressed in the previous editions - How should we think? What, if anything, keeps us from thinking that way? How can we improve our thinking and decision making? - and his expanded treatment of topics such as risk, utilitarianism, Baye's theorem, and moral thinking. With the student in mind, the fourth edition emphasises the development of an understanding of the fundamental concepts in judgement and decision making. This book is essential reading for students and scholars in judgement and decision making and related fields, including psychology, economics, law, medicine, and business.
  • Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart

    作者:Gerd Gigerenzer,Pete

    Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart invites readers to embark on a new journey into a land of rationality that differs from the familiar territory of cognitive science and economics. Traditional views of rationality tend to see decision makers as possessing superhuman powers of reason, limitless knowledge, and all of eternity in which to ponder choices. To understand decisions in the real world, we need a different, more psychologically plausible notion of rationality, and this book provides it. It is about fast and frugal heuristics--simple rules for making decisions when time is pressing and deep thought an unaffordable luxury. These heuristics can enable both living organisms and artificial systems to make smart choices, classifications, and predictions by employing bounded rationality. But when and how can such fast and frugal heuristics work? Can judgments based simply on one good reason be as accurate as those based on many reasons? Could less knowledge even lead to systematically better predictions than more knowledge? Simple Heuristics explores these questions, developing computational models of heuristics and testing them through experiments and analyses. It shows how fast and frugal heuristics can produce adaptive decisions in situations as varied as choosing a mate, dividing resources among offspring, predicting high school drop out rates, and playing the stock market. As an interdisciplinary work that is both useful and engaging, this book will appeal to a wide audience. It is ideal for researchers in cognitive psychology, evolutionary psychology, and cognitive science, as well as in economics and artificial intelligence. It will also inspire anyone interested in simply making good decisions.
  • Nudge

    作者:Richard H. Thaler,Ca

    Every day, we make decisions on topics ranging from personal investments to schools for our children to the meals we eat to the causes we champion. Unfortunately, we often choose poorly. The reason, the authors explain, is that, being human, we all are susceptible to various biases that can lead us to blunder. Our mistakes make us poorer and less healthy; we often make bad decisions involving education, personal finance, health care, mortgages and credit cards, the family, and even the planet itself. Thaler and Sunstein invite us to enter an alternative world, one that takes our humanness as a given. They show that by knowing how people think, we can design choice environments that make it easier for people to choose what is best for themselves, their families, and their society. Using colorful examples from the most important aspects of life, Thaler and Sunstein demonstrate how thoughtful choice architecture” can be established to nudge us in beneficial directions without restricting freedom of choice. Nudge offers a unique new takefrom neither the left nor the righton many hot-button issues, for individuals and governments alike. This is one of the most engaging and provocative books to come along in many years. (20080518)
  • 摇摆


    《摇摆:难以抗拒的非理性诱惑(新版)》内容简介:为什么资深医生会基于主观判断而葬送了一个孩子的生命?为什么一名经验丰富、心理状态稳定的飞行员会在一个大雾天强行起飞?卖出一只持续下跌的股票为什么会如此之难?为什么一张20美元的钞票竟会被拍卖到204美元?为什么我们会对“重要人物”言听计从?为什么在危险情境人们更易坠入情网?为什么你也会选择自己周围的人都赞成的那个答案? 利用社会心理学、行为经济学和组织行为学领域的最新研究成果,两位作者为我们阐释了所有这些问题背后所隐藏的潜在心理力量,揭示出影响我们个人生活和商业生活所有方面的动态力量,这些力量包括损失厌恶、表面现象的错觉、第一印象的误导、激励的负面效果、公平感的巨大作用、由生理原因产生的引力、群体的影响,等等。 在《摇摆:难以抗拒的非理性诱惑(新版)》中,两位作者不但为多种多样的非理性行为提出了合理的解释,而且还为我们指明了避免屈从于它们诱惑的路径——将自己的眼光放长远;摈弃表面印象;注意从众心理;看重反对者的意见;处理好自己的公平感觉;对即将到来的损失,要冷静判断,并准备足够的承受勇气。
  • 思维与决策


    《思维与决策》大量采用2002年诺贝尔经济学奖得主卡尼曼的理论和观点,以及其他经济学家、心理学家、临床医生、政府管理机构的大量研究案例,探讨了人类思维的方式和影响思维从而决策的因素。 思维方式受文化等因素的影响。 思维有好坏,好的思维即理性思维引导我们作出正确决策去实现目标。 不良思维的特点是思维太少,而真正的危险在于没有好好思维就满怀信心地去行动了。我们未经考证的信念和别人思前想后得出的,浮在表面的结论都不足以成为我们行动的理由。
  • 为什么选错的总是我

    作者:大卫·韦尔奇( David A.Welc

    每天,大家要做出成千上万的决定,而大部分都微不足道。是看新闻还是看球赛呢?是快跑几步赶上这趟公共汽车,还是干脆慢慢走,等下一趟车呢?喝可口可乐还是百事可乐呢?这些决策通常很简单。但如果你发现自己在做这些决策时都存在困难,这本书就正是雪中送炭。 当然,大家每天也必须做出一些重要的决策。所谓的“重要”是指可能隐含了较大成本或者会带来重大收获。你是将微软(Microsoft)的股票出售呢,还是继续持有?遇到黄灯时,你是停车还是抢时间冲过去呢?上周的鸡蛋沙拉是继续吃呢,还是丢掉?虽然大多人在做出这些决定时并不费劲,但也不是那么轻而易举。在做出决定前最好还是要三思。如果这些决定让你产生了一定的焦虑,没关系,这是一种正常的现象。本书将给予你帮助。 有时,你所做出的决定可能会给自己的生活带来深远的影响。是前往医学院就学,还是找工作呢?是买房还是继续租房呢?要小孩吗?欺骗自己的配偶吗?大部分人都觉得要做出类似决定非常困难。本书对你而言很有意义。 不管你是太聪明或者不够聪明,又或者只是运气不好,最可能困扰你的就是不知如何进行决策。高效的决策者不仅仅只是运气好,他们更懂得如何进行正确的选择。他们拥有一定的技能和良好的习惯,可以帮助自己从长远着眼,更轻松、快速地做出优秀的决策。不管聪明与否,你都应该学习如何更有效地进行决策,并且培养必要的技能和习惯。你也能成为高效的决策者。本书所介绍的原则和实践方法将告诉你如何成为高效的决策者。
  • 决断力

    作者:[美] 奇普·希思,[美] 丹·希思

    这是一本关于如何做出更好的选择并拥有超强决断力的图书。 国际心理学畅销书作家希思兄弟根据心理学方面的研究,得出了一系列可以影响我们决策的阻碍因素——思维狭隘、证实倾向、短期情绪和过度自信。希思敏锐地发现,人们进行选择时往往隐藏着丰富的心理活动。从人的行为心理出发,他们深入分析了人们的决策心理误区,并为我们提供了大量的心理案例,以帮助我们在既有的社会文化大环境下形成准确的自我认知,通过“4步决断法”在生活和工作中做出更好的选择。 《决断力》是希思兄弟继国际超级畅销书《让创意更有黏性》的最新重磅力作。全书视角新颖独特,案例丰富。独具魅力,引人入胜。理论框架清晰,方法简单实用。从个人生活中的大小决定,到公司管理层的群体决策,决断的力量无处不在。 《决断力》将是一次难忘的阅读旅程。在认真学习后,人们可以在最大程度上避免决策失误。它将通过改变你选择方式的角度,改变你的一生。
  • Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes and How to Correct Them

    作者:Gary Belsky,Thomas G

    Offers financial advice.
  • 反直觉思考


    为什么你制定计划的时候信心满满,最后却总是完不成? 为什么我们明知概率极低,却依然喜欢买彩票? 为什么每一个决定都符合逻辑,最终却没有得到好结果? 为什么“天才少年”非常努力,大多数都没有成功? 为什么“专家”总被看成“砖家”,却依然是权威? 为什么最聪明的人会犯一些最低级的错误? 我们的所有思考都基于大脑的“默认设置”,使用的是百万年进化形成的“自带软件”,这种思维模式就是直觉思维,是我们所迷信的因果、逻辑、秩序,但它已经不能适应这个互联网和大数据时代。要想做决定、做选择的时候不犯错误,我们必须掌握反直觉的思考方法。 本书运用大数据、心理学、金融学、管理学、复杂科学的理论,结合生活小事、商界案例、心理实验等实例,生动地为你解读固有思维模式常犯的错误和纠正的方法。你可以辨别潜意识中的认知陷阱,也可以在别人的失误中掌握先机。 为什么我们需要反直觉思考?因为谁的思维率先进化,谁就能拥有未来。大脑的“默认设置”和“自带软件”已经不能适应这个互联网和大数据时代。而你要想适应这个新时代,必须改变自己的思维方式。 《反直觉思考》入选了斯坦福大学、普林斯顿大学等28家美国名校的思维自修课书目,美国原版由哈佛商业评论出版社出版,并荣登亚马逊、纽约时报的同类别畅销书,获得亚马逊CEO杰夫•贝佐斯、诺贝尔经济学奖得主丹尼尔•卡尼曼、《点球成金》原型比利•比恩,以及多位哈佛大学教授的推荐,美国《商业周刊》《快公司》《时代》《福布斯》《纽约客》等权威媒体都撰写撰文推荐本书,称其为“你最不希望对手读到的书”。
  • 隐性动机

    作者:[美]尤里·格尼茨(Uri Gneezy

    两位未来诺奖经济学得主”得意之作,四大诺奖得主联袂推荐 将行为经济学从“学者的象牙塔”带到“你家的客厅里”! 近400年前,伽利略进行了人类历史上第一个有文字记载的科学实验,此后,实验成为科学研究的基石。著名物理学家理查德•费曼说过,“实验是检验科学真理的唯一途径。”如今,越来越多的经济学家也意识到了实验的价值,他们开始借鉴自然科学领域的实验方法来研究人类的行为。 但是,到目前 为止,实验方法的应用主要局限于实验室。现在,新一代的经济学家正在用实地实验的方法来探索世界,《隐性动机》一书的两位作者便是其中的一分子。他们认为,不管是提高你的退休养老金、督促孩子好好学习,还是带领一家跨国企业从“优秀”到“卓越”,实地实验的方法都非常有效。 原因就在于,生活是最大的实验室,只有在现实生活中做实验,挖掘出人类行为背后的隐性动机,政府、公司、学校、家庭、个人才能有的放矢地设计出激励机制,才能真正解决困扰社会和人类的种种问题。 在《隐性动机》中,两位作者针对女性职场待遇问题、公立学校教育质量滑坡问题、慈善事业的持续发展问题、大公司的利润低下问题、无处不在的经济歧视问题等,都展开了针对性的实地实验,更重要的是,这些实验结果对于解决这些社会“痼疾”大有裨益且成本较低。 经济学家们并不仅仅是在进行枯燥的科学研究,他们的工作也是充满激情的。这其中倾注了他们个人的兴趣和心血,涉及人类各种复杂的感情和行为,其研究结果更有可能改变我们的世界,让越来越多的人的生活变得更美好。
  • 思维与决策(第四版)

    作者:Jonathan Baron

    决策是对行为的选择——选择做什么或者不做什么。是人类的高级认知活动之一。决策科学是一个多学科交叉领域.已有百年的历史。涉及心理学、经济学、计算机科学、法律、医学、政治学、哲学等学科,并对会计、金融、市场营销、组织管理等应用领域产生了重要和深远的影响。人类如何进行思维、决策和判断,如何解决问题和制定政策,诺贝尔奖得主赫伯特·西蒙(Herbert A. Simon)、丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)等心理学家们对此方面的研究做出了卓越的贡献。 《思维与决策(第四版)》作者Jonathan Baron教授是美国判断与决策学会(Society for Judgment and Decision Making)主席,他在书中全面和专业地介绍了思维与决策领域的理论、研究、应用的现状,让读者窥见该领域的发展全貌,其独到之处在于:从学科形成发展的角度梳理了思维、判断与决策领域研究的脉络较为充分和系统地体现了思维与决策领域中的核心概念,及其在多个相关学科中的实际应用;从规范性、描述性和指导性三个层面分析决策问题的思路贯穿全书,密切联系实际。因此,《思维与决策(第四版)》不仅仅是对思维与决策研究的发展介绍_蔓是改善自己的思维与决策的实用指南。希望有心的读者读完此书,能明白自己这辈子是遵循何种规则来做出林林总总的决策。
  • How We Know What Isn't So

    作者:Thomas Gilovich

    From Publishers Weekly Sports fans who think that basketball players shoot in "hot streaks," and maternity nurses who maintain that more babies are born when the moon is full adhere to erroneous beliefs, according to Gilovich, associate professor of psychology at Cornell. With examples ranging from the spread of AIDS to the weight of Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, he skewers popular but mistaken assumptions. Faulty reasoning from incomplete or ambiguous data, a tendency to seek out "hypothesis-confirming evidence" and the habit of self-serving belief are among the factors Gilovich pinpoints in his sophisticated anaylsis. However, in the book's second half, his debunking of holistic medicine, ESP and paranormal phenomena is superficial and one-sided, marred by some of the very tendencies he effectively exposes in the "true believers." Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Kirkus Reviews The subtexts of this first-class critique of human (non)reason are that we all tell ourselves lies (at least some of the time)...that if you want to believe it's true, it is (faith healing, ESP)...that humans can't help seeing patterns where none exist (in clouds, in disastrous events, in gamblers' streaks). Furthermore, if you would like to learn more about how not to deceive yourself, you might take a course in one of the ``soft'' probabilistic sciences like psychology. This might be construed as self-serving, since Gilovich happens to teach psychology at Cornell. However, the point is well taken because such courses should expose students to a minimum of statistics--such as the law of regression, which says that when two variables are partially related, extremes in one variable are matched, on average, by less extreme variables in the other. (Children of tall parents are tall, but not as tall as their parents.) Gilovich attributes the general lack of appreciation of the law to ``the compelling nature of judgment by representation''--by which the predicted outcome should be as close to the data as possible: the son of a 6'5'' dad should be close to 6'5''. Gilovich also points to other pitfalls in reasoning, such as failure to record negative outcomes (how many times do you dream of an old friend and not bump into him the next day?). And he discusses deeper motives--e.g., fear of dying, prospects of power or immortality, and similar self-aggrandizing traits that fortify superstitions and the will to believe. Altogether, a satisfying splash of skepticism and reason in a world where the Lake Wobegon phenomenon--``the women are strong, the men are good-looking and all the children are above average''- -prevails. -- Copyright ©1991, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • 决断2秒间


    《决断2秒间》讲述在《引爆点》中,马尔科姆·格拉德韦尔为我们揭示了认知世界的过程,现在,他的另一力作《决断2秒间》,革命性地为我们展示了如何明了我们自身的内心世界。为什么有些人天生就是充满睿智的决策者,而其他人却错误频出?为什么有些人跟随直觉的指引便能抵达成功的胜境,而有些人却在艰难的泥沼中不能自拔?再有,为什么有些英明的决策常常是那些无法向人解释的决策呢? 《决断2秒间》是一本关于“不假思索”的著作,是一本让我们无需冥思苦想、在转瞬之间便作出决策的著作,不过,这个过程并不简单。在办公室,在教室,在厨房,在卧室,你的大脑到底是如何运转的呢?《决断2秒间》让我们见到了这样的心理学家——只需观察几分钟的时间,就能预测一对夫妇是否能白头偕老;我们还遇到了这样的网球教练—— 在网球与球拍接触之前,就能断定这次发球是不是双误……当然,《决断2秒间》也让我们看到了“灵光一闪”的恶果——它“造就”了美国历史上最糟糕的总统,它让“新可乐”成了商业史上最大的笑柄之一,它让一个无辜青年葬送在警察的枪口下……《决断2秒间》揭示出,最优秀的决策者并不是那些掌握最丰富信息资源的人,不是那些殚精竭虑、终日冥思苦想的人,他们到底是些什么样的人呢?
  • 选择的艺术

    作者:席娜•伊加尔(Sheena Iyenga

    《金融时报》、高盛2010年度商业图书大奖 麦肯锡公司、富达投资集团参考她的研究 著名畅销书作家格拉德威尔赞赏她的观点 离开还是留下?是喝可乐还是百事?是存钱还是花钱? 我们每天都要作出很多选择,无论是微不足道的选择,还是改变人生的抉择,这些选择决定着我们的人生。著名心理学家Sheena Iyengar给自己选择了这个普遍却难以解答的问题:我们为什么要进行选择,又是如何做出选择的?选择的诉求是天生的还是与文化相关联?为什么我们有时候做出的选择甚至与利益相违背?我们做出选择时,自己究竟有多少控制权? 书中一个惊人的发现是,无论对于猫﹑狗﹑老鼠等动物,还是英国政府公务员,过少的选择并非好事。但是,作者也同意,我们也会被选择误导,会因选择而感到有压力。作者旁征博引,事例丰富,紧扣主题:用构思巧妙的科学试验探索变化莫测的人类选择。
  • 别做正常的傻瓜

