

  • The Philosophy of Andy Warhol

    作者:Andy Warhol

    在线阅读本书 In his autobiography, published in 1975, the private Andy Warhol talks about love, sex, food, beauty, fame, work, money, success; about New York and America; about himself - his childhood in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, good times and bad times in the Big Apple, the explosion of his career in the Sixties, and life among celebrities.
  • Shoes, Shoes, Shoes

    作者:Andy Warhol

    Fashion lovers rejoice! These swank little books showcase Andy' Warhol's inimitable pictures and pronouncements on shoes and style -- and make ideal gifts for serious shoppers everywhere. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes collects a closetful of high heels, loafers, mules, boots, and sandals, including iconic images from Warhol's Pop heyday as well as rarely seen early advertising illustrations. Accompanied throughout by witty quotes -- "I decided that being a shoe salesman is a really sexy job", for example -- these forty drawings, watercolors, and prints demonstrate Warhol's special talent for transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Style, Style, Style offers a cavalcade of forty striking fashion images -- slinky dresses, whimsical period costumes, sprightly scarves, ultrachic bijoux, and more, all drawn from Warhol's archives. Sprinkled throughout with the artist's droll quips and playful epigrams, this stylish minibook conjures up all the decadent pleasures of a shopping spree -- at only a fraction of the cost.
  • Andy Warhol

    作者:Editors of Phaidon P

    在线阅读本书 ANDY WARHOL "GIANT" SIZE is a spectacular visual biography of the life and career of Andy Warhol.Weighing in at 15 pounds, this enormous book is packed with 2,000 images and documents, many rare or previously unpublished.Taking its inspiration from Warhol's over-the-top nature, ANDY WARHOL "GIANT" SIZE depicts the major events, people, works and moments in the artist's life told in chronological order by subject.As Warhol almost never threw anything away (from restaurant receipts to postcards), the featured material in the book has been painstakingly compiled.As the publisher of The Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonn+, Phaidon was granted unprecedented access to an array of public and private image and memorabilia archives and collections, including the Andy Warhol Foundation in New York and the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh as well as the holdings of many Warhol collaborators, friends, and photographers of the period.The large-format of ANDY WARHOL "GIANT" SIZE enables the reader to explore in detail hundreds of fascinating photographs, letters, personal correspondence, art works, film stills, tickets, receipts, celebrity head shots, notes, press clippings and ephemera all featured in this one of a kind publication. The book also features illuminating texts by insiders Bruno Bischofberger, Ronnie Cutrone, David Dalton, Kenneth Goldsmith, Ivan Karp and Peggy Phelan.What is unique about ANDY WARHOL "GIANT" SIZE is that it provides fascinating insight into the public and private life of Warhol and in many cases also reveals the stories behind his art works.The book provides amazing comparisons between his work and his life that have never been demonstrated visually in such a way before.For example, it not only features Warhol's famous "Mao" series, but also includes ephemera from a 1982 trip to China (his passport, boarding pass, a souvenir from his hotel, etc.) alongside a photo of Warhol standing in front of the Forbidden City in Beijing with an official Mao portrait in the background. This important new publication includes a staggering quantity and array of colorful material including: Warhol's birth certificate, citing Andrew Warhola' was born on 8/6/28 in Pittsburgh; childhood photographs of his family; the magazine tear sheet showing the first article he illustrated for Glamour when he arrived in New York in 1949;numerous photos of Warhol with his mother; artworks for gold shoes he created in the 1950s; a letter from the MOMA dated 1959 in which the Director of the Museum's Collections rejects a work of art Warhol offered them as a gift; photographs of Warhol posing with Edie Sedgwick in a New York fashion shoot; personal letters from Mick Jagger and Liz Taylor; pictures of Warhol in the office working on Interview; pictures of Warhol private views; a series of shots of Warhol in drag; the program from his Memorial Mass on 4/1/87 and his gravestone.ANDY WARHOL "GIANT" SIZE is the only publication available that features Warhol's entire life, work and words in one book.The visual biography offers a behind-the-scenes look at the New York art scene of the 1950s to the 1980s, and provides a new perspective on an artist who continues to be endlessly fascinating to those inside and outside of the art world.
  • 安迪‧沃荷的普普人生

    作者:安迪.沃荷(Andy Warhol)

    ◆本書為三言社出版《安迪•沃荷的普普人生》新版書! ◆中文世界第一本安迪•沃荷自傳式語錄,現代藝術經典之作! ◆最原汁原味的普普精神,最驚世駭俗的大師語錄! ◆一代藝術大師對性、愛、美、藝術、成功的種種奇想! ◆美國作家楚門•卡波提(Truman Capote)重量推薦! ◆包益民、阮慶岳、梅丁衍、張照堂、辜振豐、馮光遠、黃心健、蔡康永、顏忠賢,藝文人士一致好評推薦! 從愛到性,從名到利,從可口可樂到瑪麗蓮•夢露,普普教主最玩世不恭、奇想驚世的前衛人生! 他是評論家口中「空無一物的本體」,是朋友眼中「灰姑娘與吸血鬼的綜合體」,是媒體報導「最會賺錢的過世名人之一」。 他是紐約社交圈的派對之王,是藝術界的普普教皇,是二十世紀的藝術巨星。他是安迪•沃荷。 普普藝術家安迪•沃荷暢談他對愛、性、工作、金錢、成功、紐約、可口可樂……等事物的種種看法。書中談及他的童年、赴紐約發展的歷程、六○年代藝術工廠的大張旗鼓、震驚社會的槍擊事件,以及周旋於時尚名人的派對生活。 字裡行間充滿玩世不恭的嬉笑怒罵,不按牌理出牌,非關藝術,卻流露最純正的普普精神。本書於1975年出版,被視為安迪•沃荷的非正式自傳,透過這本現代藝術的經典之作,讀者得以窺見一代奇才躍升美國當代傳奇的背後原因。他前衛獨特的觀點,帶給我們無比的娛樂性和啟發。 【安迪.沃荷語錄】 ◎愛 羅曼史難,但性更難。 ◎性 最刺激的事情就是「不去做」。 ◎工作 生下來就像被綁架一樣。然後被賣去當奴隸,不停地工作。 ◎藝術 賺錢是一種藝術,工作是一種藝術,而賺錢的商業是最棒的藝術。 ◎成功 在未來,每個人都能成名十五分鐘。 ◎美國人 美國人對賣東西興致缺缺――他們最喜歡做的事情是――買人,買錢,買國家。 ◎可口可樂 所有的可口可樂都很好喝。伊麗莎白•泰勒知道,總統知道,流浪漢知道,你也知道。
  • The Andy Warhol Diaries

    作者:Andy Warhol

    Now in trade paperback, the sensational national bestseller that turns the spotlight on one of the most influential and controversial figures of our time. These pages are filled with previously undisclosed facts about the lives and loves of the irch and famous--from royalty to movie and music stars to renowned artists.
  • The Philosophy of Andy Warhol

    作者:Andy Warhol

    The private Andy Warhol talks: about love, sex, food, beauty, fame, work, money, success; about New York and America; and about himself--his childhood in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, good times and bad times in the Big Apple, the explosion of his career in the sixties, and life among celebrities.
  • 波普主义

    作者:[美] 安迪·沃霍尔,[美] 帕特·哈克

    波普艺术,迷幻药,鲍勃·迪伦,地下电影制作——二十世纪六十年代,一场文化风暴以纽约为中心爆发开来,横扫了整个六零年代,当时处于这场风暴之眼的人便是安迪·沃霍尔。他的工作室,那个以 “工厂”之名为人所知的曼哈顿敞间,正是整个六十年代文化圈的枢纽。在这里,他不仅创作出了定义 波普艺术的汤罐头和众多文化偶像的大幅画像,还拍摄出《切尔西女孩》及其他沃霍尔经典;从卢·里德和“地下丝绒”到伊迪·塞奇威克,那个年代每一个人的身影都在这里出现;沃霍尔自己亦置身其中,旁观着那段不可思议的时光。《波普主义》以幽默坦率的爆料,为那改变世界的十年留下了一份终极的内幕记录。
  • 美国


  • 安迪·沃霍尔


    安迪·沃堆尔(Andy Warhol,1928-1987),20世纪艺术界最有名的人物之一,被誉为波普艺术的领袖。本书主要介绍了他的生涯,以及其主要绘画作品的欣赏。
  • 安迪·沃荷的普普人生

    作者:安迪.沃荷,Andy Warhol

    安迪˙沃荷的非正式自傳 現代藝術的大師經典之作 最原味的普普精神,最經典的大師語錄 一代藝術大師對愛情、性、美、金錢、成功的種種奇想 從愛到性,從名到利,從美到藝術, 看藝術大師對人生最一針見血的前衛觀點 美國傳奇藝術家、普普大師安迪˙渥荷的第一本個人經典著作,暢談:愛、性、美容、名氣、工作、金錢、成功、紐約、美國人以及他自己。書中談到他的童年、赴紐約發展的歷程、六O年代藝術工廠的大張旗鼓、震驚社會的槍擊事件,以及周旋在時尚名人的派對生活。 字裡行間充滿安迪渥荷式的玩世不恭與嬉笑怒罵,也爲普普精神下了最傳神的註腳。本書於1975年出版,這本普普藝術的經典之作睽違三十年,才首度和台灣讀者見面。對於許多熟悉他的讀者來說,應該早就引頸企盼。 透過這本書,除了安迪˙沃荷的藝術外,讀者得以窺見一位奇才之所以躍升而為美國當代傳奇的背後原因。他前衛獨特的觀點,不按牌理出牌,非關藝術,但字裡行間,卻流露最純正的普普精神,帶給我們無比的娛樂性和啟發。
  • 安迪·沃霍尔: 15分钟的永恒


    安迪·沃霍尔被誉为20世纪艺术界最有名的人物之一,是波普艺术的倡导者和领袖,也是对波普艺术影响最大的艺术家。安迪·沃霍尔极其丰富的作品和他所表现出的极大创造力,20世纪艺术家中唯有毕加索可与之相提并论。 在沃霍尔作为一名职业插图绘制者取得成功之后,他又以画家、先锋派电影制作者、唱片制作者、作家的身份在世界范围内成名;此外,他还是各种社交圈中的名人,其中包括地位显赫的知识分子、好莱坞的电影名人以及富有的赞助商等。在安迪·沃霍尔的故乡——宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡,美国政府特意为他建立了一座安迪·沃霍尔博物馆,以纪念他的生平与艺术巨作。 米歇尔·努里德萨尼以假想密友的身份,近距离接触这位20世纪的伟大艺术家,通过安迪·沃霍尔的灵气才情、幽默率真、复杂内心、不愿告人的秘密以及沃霍尔的惊世之举,来重新发现他的真面目。重点研究了包括沃霍尔在内的30多人的访谈,并与多位仍在世的艺术家长谈,以便更好地理解沃霍尔的内心世界。以抽丝剥茧的方式,追寻一个真实的沃霍尔。
  • 安迪·沃霍尔的哲学

    作者:[美] 安迪·沃霍尔

    《安迪·沃霍尔的哲学》堪称“波普教皇”安迪·沃霍尔的非正式自传。沃霍尔在此书中回顾了自己病态的少年晨夕,孤寂的青年时代,在纽约闯荡的岁月,初创“工厂”的奢华时光,以及他遭受枪击的创痛。英文版刊行于1975年,此后事迹自然无法呈现,但沃霍尔的人生精华已然浓缩于此。 同时,这又一部拼贴而成的波普语录。爱,性,工作,艺术,名气,头衔,时间,死亡,美,成功……举凡时尚都市生活的各式困惑,此书都备有现成的骇世箴言任君挑选——中译本甚至做足工夫,将凡具警策潜力的句子都以加重的字体予以强调,并配上英文,免去摘引者核对原文的劳顿。 三十余年过去,安迪·沃霍尔的波普呓语读来依旧新鲜时尚,或许,沃霍尔就是时尚本身。