

  • 勃列日涅夫时代


    勃列日涅夫去世多年之后,人们对他的了解依然太少。一些人认为,勃列日涅夫是一个好不中用的领导人,他把国家引导衰亡;另一些人则相信,其他任何一个人处在他的地位,都只会给国家带来更大的不幸,而他并不暴虐,信奉一条原则:你活,也要让别人活;第三类人认为,他比后来那些葬送了一个伟大国家的继承者要好得多。 勃列日涅夫去世之后数年,苏联开始崩溃。究竟是 勃列日涅夫时代导致了这种崩溃,还是继承者们滥用了他们所得到的东西? 本书像一幕史诗大剧,赫鲁晓夫时代和 勃列日涅夫时代的高层政要悉数登场,俄罗斯时代政治舞台上的重要人物叶利钦、谢瓦尔德纳泽、雷日科夫、普京等,也有重要表现。一幕幕活剧给读者带来前苏联由“升平”到衰败的真相和启发。
  • 谁在统治着日本


  • Why Nations Fail

    作者:Daron Acemoglu,James

    Review "'You will have three reasons to love this book. It's about national income differences within the modern world, perhaps the biggest problem facing the world today. It's peppered with fascinating stories that will make you a spellbinder at cocktail parties - such as why Botswana is prospering and Sierra Leone isn't. And it's a great read. Like me, you may succumb to reading it in one go, and then you may come back to it again and again.' (Jared Diamond, Pulitzer-prize-winning author of bestselling books including 'Guns, Germs, and Steel' and 'Collapse')" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Product Description This is a provocative new theory of political economy explaining why the world is divided into nations with wildly differing levels of prosperity. Why are some nations more prosperous than others? "Why Nations Fail" sets out to answer this question, with a compelling and elegantly argued new theory: that it is not down to climate, geography or culture, but because of institutions. Drawing on an extraordinary range of contemporary and historical examples, from ancient Rome through the Tudors to modern-day China, leading academics Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson show that to invest and prosper, people need to know that if they work hard, they can make money and actually keep it - and this means sound institutions that allow virtuous circles of innovation, expansion and peace. Based on fifteen years of research, and answering the competing arguments of authors ranging from Max Weber to Jeffrey Sachs and Jared Diamond, Acemoglu and Robinson step boldly into the territory of Francis Fukuyama and Ian Morris. They blend economics, politics, history and current affairs to provide a new, powerful and persuasive way of understanding wealth and poverty. They offer a pragmatic basis for the hope that at 'critical junctures' in history, those mired in poverty can be placed on the path to prosperity - with important consequences for our views on everything from the role of aid to the future of China.
  • 民主与专制的社会起源


  • 非洲国


    《非洲国》是继根室《非洲内幕》之后,一本全面介绍非洲大陆政治、历史的扛鼎之作,虽然内容厚重,但阅读起来颇为轻松。 本书作者全面回顾了非洲独立以来所发生的动荡与悲情、所取得的进步与发展,汇聚了非洲50年来那些重要人物与重大事件,并将其编织成一个条理清晰、扣人心弦、令人叹为观止的故事,创作出这部权威性历史著作。本书记述了欧洲人如何将10000多个形形色色、纷繁复杂的部族规划重组,最终又如何导致了布莱尔所称的“世界良知的伤疤”。 这是一部令人折服、发人深省、自始至终引人入胜的巨作,作者以恢宏的气势俯瞰了非洲错综复杂的政治丛林之全貌。 一本了解现代非洲政治的入门读物一本浓缩了人类摇篮半个世纪的悲欢、史诗般讲述的著作梅雷迪思引领我们走进非洲,走进这个宏大而悲壮的故事 中国政府非洲事务特别代表 刘贵今 这本著作,内容雅俗共赏,语言优美流畅,颇具可读性和感染力。你可能未必认同作者的每个观点,但你也许会记住他讲述的许多故事。 清华大学国际问题研究院院长 阎学通 这本书所讨论的非洲问题其实并不局限于非洲大陆,对发展中国家来讲都有很强的启示作用。它能启发读者思考,为什么人类总是过高估计政治变革的正面作用?社会发展进步的动力究竟是积累财富的热情还是对政治理想的追求? 独立给非洲的命运带来了重大转机,在世人的欢呼与掌声中,一切似乎都充满了希望与光明。但很快,非洲沦为了冷战时代相互对峙两大集团谁都输不起的角逐场。今天,非洲则成为了悲观的代名词,战争、贫困、独裁、腐败、疾病以及自然灾害等诸多不幸在这块大陆上肆虐横行,几乎没有哪个非洲国家能够侥幸逃脱这种厄运。 在这片拥有丰富资源、文化和历史的广袤大陆,究竟发生了什么,使得哈罗德·麦克米伦的“变革之风”变成了托尼·布莱尔的“世界良知的伤疤”? 本书讲述了非洲大陆自20世纪50年代以来风起云涌的历史,通过对非洲民族解放运动、冷战背景下的“强人政治”、以及冷战后政治民主化、经济自由化等不同阶段里重要人物和事件冷静、深入、甚至近乎残酷无情的阐述与剖析,力图探求和认识非洲何以至此、又何以能够走出困境?这是一本内涵厚重、资料丰富、深入浅出、娓娓道来的历史著作,是一本带你走进非洲、认知非洲的必读书。
  • 战争与国家形成


    本书通过比较东西方两个相似历史时段,即秦国统一前的春秋战国时期和拿破仑征服欧洲失败前的时期,提出了一个关于世界政治的动态理论,分别利用古代中国和近代早期欧洲的历史检验了动态理论,集中关注了该理论对国家形成的意义,强调了国际关系学与比较政治学的不可分割,并从动态理论的角度对世界政治转型进行了思考。 译者序 中文版前言 致谢 第一章 世界政治的动态理论 第二章 春秋战国时期的国际政治动力学 第三章 反思近代早期欧洲的国际政治动力学 第四章 国家形成和转型的动力学 第五章 结论与意义 附录一 近代早期欧洲(1495-1915年)有大国卷入的战争一览表 附录二 春秋战国时期(公元前656-前221年)有大国卷入的战争一览表 附录三 有大国卷入的战争一览表的操作标准 附录四 中国历史年表 参考文献
  • 驾驭经济


  • Transitions from Authoritarian Rule

    作者:Guillermo O'Donnell,

    Review "The essays appearing in the collection 'Transitions from Authoritarian rule'...will serve as reference points for students of redemocratization for years to come. Other essays will serve as classic case studies...the volumes deserve to be read time and again."--Nancy Bermeo, 'Comparative Politics' Review "The essays appearing in the collection Transitions from Authoritarian rule... will serve as reference points for students of redemocratization for years to come. Other essays will serve as classic case studies... the volumes deserve to be read time and again." -- Nancy Bermeo, Comparative Politics
  • Transitions from Authoritarian Rule

    作者:Guillermo O'Donnell,

    Review "The essays appearing in the collection 'Transitions from Authoritarian rule'...will serve as reference points for students of redemocratization for years to come. Other essays will serve as classic case studies...the volumes deserve to be read time and again."--Nancy Bermeo, 'Comparative Politics' Review "The essays appearing in the collection Transitions from Authoritarian rule... will serve as reference points for students of redemocratization for years to come. Other essays will serve as classic case studies... the volumes deserve to be read time and again." -- Nancy Bermeo, Comparative Politics
  • Transitions from Authoritarian Rule, Vol. 1

    作者:Guillermo O'Donnell,

    Review "The essays appearing in the collection 'Transitions from Authoritarian rule'...will serve as reference points for students of redemocratization for years to come. Other essays will serve as classic case studies...the volumes deserve to be read time and again."--Nancy Bermeo, 'Comparative Politics' --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Review "The essays appearing in the collection Transitions from Authoritarian rule... will serve as reference points for students of redemocratization for years to come. Other essays will serve as classic case studies... the volumes deserve to be read time and again." -- Nancy Bermeo, Comparative Politics
  • 政治人


  • 民主与市场


    民主与市场,研究的就是在东欧和拉丁美洲的一些国家,在迈向民主与市场的途中,会遇着什么样的结局?普沃斯基教授并 没有给出一个定论,相反,他以学者的认真与严谨,探讨的是向民主过渡的策略与条件。读者翻开这本书,您首先选择看的应当是普沃斯基教授自己所作的序言,他已经对全书的内容作了提纲挈领式的概括,这远甚于译者所能做的一切了。作者所强调的政治与经济转型的相互依赖性,在分析中所引用的广泛的各方数据,运用的源于政治哲学、经济学和博弈论中的一些模型,都将会给大家留下畅快淋漓的感觉。在东欧与拉丁美洲,传统的经济发展战略已经崩溃,整个政治经济体系都处于转型之中。 这些大胆迈向民主与市场的国家,这样的过渡是会导致民主还是一种新的独裁?将会形成的经济体系是全新的或者本质依旧?本书重点分析了东欧和拉美国家向民主的过渡和市场经济化和改革。作者运用源于政治哲学、经济学和博弈论中的一些模型,特别强调了政治与经济转型的相互依赖性。
  • Political Order in Changing Societies

    作者:Samuel P. Huntington

    This now-classic examination of the development of viable political institutions in emerging nations is a major and enduring contribution to modern political analysis. In a new Foreword, Francis Fukuyama assesses Huntington's achievement, examining the context of the book's original publication as well as its lasting importance. "This pioneering volume, examining as it does the relation between development and stability, is an interesting and exciting addition to the literature."--"American Political Science Review ""'Must' reading for all those interested in comparative politics or in the study of development."--Dankwart A. Rustow, "Journal of International Affairs"
  • 第三波


  • 变化社会中的政治秩序

    作者:[美] 塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿

  • 比较政治学


  • Weapons of the Weak

    作者:James C. Scott

    Weapons of the Weak is an ethnography by James C. Scott that studies the effects of the Green Revolution in rural Malaysia. One of the main objectives of the study is to make an argument that the Marxian and Gramscian ideas of false consciousness and hegemony are incorrect. He develops this conclusion throughout the book, through the different scenarios and characters that come up during his time of fieldwork in the village. This publication, based on 2 years of fieldwork (1978-1980), focuses on the local class relations in a small rice farming community of 70 households in the main paddy-growing area of Kedah in Malaysia. Introduction of the Green Revolution in 1976 eliminated 2/3 of the wage-earning opportunities for smallholders and landless laborers. The main ensuing class struggle is analyzed being the ideological struggle in the village and the practice of resistance itself consisting of: foot-dragging, dissimulation, desertion, false compliance, pilfering, feigned ignorance and sabotage acts. Rich and poor are engaged in an unremitting if silent struggle to define changes in land tenure, mechanization and employment to advance their own interests, and to use values that they share to control the distribution of status, land, work and grain.
  • 比较政治学读本

    作者:(美)Bernard Brown

  • Passion, Craft, and Method in Comparative Politics

    作者:Gerardo L. Munck,Ric

    Review "An intellectual tour of the discipline of comparative politics with some of its most creative pioneers and contemporary practitioners. The carefully organized interviews offer surprising perspectives about our eclectic and evolving field, and remind us of why we became scholars of comparative politics in the first place." -- Edward Gibson, Northwestern University "This fascinating history of comparative politics offers a panoramic view of major debates and of trends in theoretical and methodological approaches over the second half of the 20th century. It brings the field to life by letting scholars who shaped it sketch their own intellectual biographies. Reading it is a truly enriching and enjoyable experience for any comparativist." -- Evelyne Huber, University of North Carolina "This book fills a huge void in the profession of political science. Through a series of fifteen carefully prepared and referenced, wide-ranging, and often captivating interviews with many of the most influential scholars of comparative politics, we gain a priceless perspective on the growth of the discipline and the craft of research and theory building. In their intelligent and probing interviews (and very valuable introductory chapters), Munck and Snyder go a long way toward correcting our crippling deficit in professional memory, while revealing the life histories, moral convictions, intellectual passions, and divergent theoretical and methodological approaches that have shaped and advanced comparative politics in the last half-century. This book should be read by everyone who is preparing for, or thinking about, a career in political science, no matter the field." -- Larry Diamond, coeditor, Journal of Democracy "Reading autobiographical reflections of notable scholars is a pleasurable way of learning about a field of study. These interviews cover a good slice of modern comparative government. They are wide ranging, focused, and informative. And fun to read." -- Nelson W. Polsby, University of California, Berkeley "To show how great works that have shaped our understanding of politics and society are rooted in individual lives is a wonderful project. Munck and Snyder are the best of guides. Thoroughly informed about the scholarship, they explore the personal side with deftness, tact, and imagination. The result is a series of lively and revealing intellectual portraits." -- Dietrich Rueschemeyer, Watson Institute for International Studies "A fascinating oral history of comparative politics in the United States. You could read the collected books and articles of all the fifteen leading lights represented here and never grasp the insights that these interviews offer: how wars, immigration, and the economy shaped the research agenda; how the backgrounds, personalities, and life experiences of these scholars guided their work; and how these scholars evaluate one another and those beyond this elite circle. Munck and Snyder have performed an invaluable service to the discipline." -- Michael Coppedge, University of Notre Dame "This distinctive book frequently illuminates the dynamics of major scholars' research agendas (and of their career paths more generally), thus making it highly recommended reading for researchers in this subfield." -- Choice "I told my qualitative research class to read at least three of the interviews in the book and summarize what they took from each. The response was amazing. Most of them had read most of the book. They were moved, inspired, and reassured by it. Each of them felt validated by something one of these scholars said. We ended up discussing the interviews through much of the class... the discussion of how real scholars relate their world and their scholarship was so exciting to them that I didn't want to stop it. So thanks... for helping them to bridge the often daunting distance between themselves and the names on the texts they read in class -- it was truly rewarding." -- Margaret Keck, Johns Hopkins University Product Description In the first collection of interviews with the most prominent scholars in comparative politics since World War II, Gerardo L. Munck and Richard Snyder trace key developments in the field during the twentieth century. Organized around a broad set of themes -- intellectual formation and training; major works and ideas; the craft and tools of research; colleagues, collaborators, and students; and the past and future of comparative politics -- these in-depth interviews offer unique and candid reflections that bring the research process to life and shed light on the human dimension of scholarship. Giving voice to scholars who practice their craft in different ways yet share a passion for knowledge about global politics, Passion, Craft, and Method in Comparative Politics offers a wealth of insights into contemporary debates about the state of knowledge in comparative politics and the future of the field.