Essays In Love
"Essays in Love" will appeal to anyone who has ever been in a relationship or confused about love. The book charts the progress of a love affair from the first kiss to argument and reconciliation, from intimacy and tenderness to the onset of anxiety and heartbreak. The work's genius lies in the way it minutely analyses emotions we've all felt before but have perhaps never understood so well: it includes a chapter on the anxieties of when and how to say 'I love you' and another on the challenges of disagreeing with someone else's taste in shoes.While gripping the reader with the talent of a great novelist, de Botton brings a philosopher's sensibility to his analyses of the emotions of love, resulting in a genre-breaking book that is at once touching and thought-provoking. 'The book's success has much to do with its beautifully modelled sentences, its wry humour and its unwavering deadpan respect for its reader's intelligence ...full of keen observation and flashes of genuine lyricism, acuity and depth' - Francine Prose, New Republic. 'Witty, funny, sophisticated, neatly tied up, and full of wise and illuminating insights' - P. J. Kavanagh, "Spectator". 'De Botton is a national treasure' - Susan Hill. 'I doubt if de Botton has written a dull sentence in his life' - Jan Morris, "New Statesman". 'Single-handedly, de Botton has taken philosophy back to its simplest and most important purpose: helping us to live our lives' - "Independent". -
本书是“德波顿作品系列”之一。普鲁斯特的煌煌巨著《追忆似水年华》是那种谁都觉得自己应该去读但对大部分人来说又确属望而生畏的书。但在德波顿的这本结合了文学传记和实用、励志手册的书里,作者以他严正详实的专业学识为根基,用他的生花妙笔向我们娓娓道出《追忆》的真正妙处,描绘出普鲁斯特真实而又生动的精神肖像;同时他又把圣典拉到人间,从巨著和大师身上寻觅到改变我们每个普通人谷世人生的妙招法门,指点我们如何珍惜时光、体验人生的真谛、学会调整人生的轻生缓急。 这是一部关于《追忆逝水年华》的书。书中有大量的引证、摘录,有对普鲁斯特笔下人物、情节、场景的描述分析和口语。这是一部以普鲁斯特为主角的书。普鲁斯特的大名,几乎出现在全书的每一页,他的性情脾性,浮现在德波顿的字里行间。这是一本风趣的书,然而里面不乏一本正经的教诲之言。这是一本教训之书,然而全书贯穿着揶揄调侃的语调。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友