The Luminaries
From the acclaimed author of The Rehearsal comes a novel about a young woman on trial for murder in nineteenth-century New Zealand. On a blustery January day, a prostitute is arrested. In the midst of the 1866 gold rush on the coast of New Zealand, this might have gone unnoticed. But three notable events occur on that same day: a luckless drunk dies, a wealthy man vanishes, and a ship's captain of ill repute cancels all of his business and weighs anchor, as if making an escape. Anna Wetherell, the prostitute in question, is connected to all three men. This sequence of apparently coincidental events provokes a secret council of powerful townsmen to investigate. But they are interrupted by the arrival of a stranger: young Walter Moody, who has a secret of his own... THE LUMINARIES is an intricately crafted feat of storytelling, a mystery that reveals the ways our interconnected lives reshape our destinies. Winner of the 2013 Man Booker Prize -
史上最年轻布克奖得主,80后女作家埃莉诺•卡顿,畅销书处女作 横扫当年多个文学奖项,在多个国家广受好评 细腻如诗的少女情怀 舞台与现实交错的青春纪事 成长是关于人生的彩排 你是谁,你又扮演了谁 卡顿对于文字很有感觉,并且在遣词造句上有一种天生的优雅,她观察人物心理活动的 视角十分独特,读起来令人印象深刻。 ——英国《观察家》杂志 非同寻常的大胆与睿智……(《彩排》)显示了作者娴熟的叙事技巧,塑造了一群让人感觉似曾相识的不顾一切想要变得自信、特别、有趣与有魅力的青少年角色,这正是埃莉诺•卡顿的特别之处。 ——《泰晤士报》 阿比·格兰其高中的女学生维多利亚与老师的恋情曝光,这让青春期的女孩子们意识到自己的身体是一个秘密——一个黑暗的、让她们惊恐万分而又充满未知的秘密。蠢蠢欲动的渴望,和随之而来的落寞,让女孩们意识到青春就是一场关于成长的彩排。于是,教室成了她们的排练舞台,在那里她们练习如何吸引与操纵他人,她 们的一举一动都成了表演。 而邻校戏剧学院的学生决定以这场师生恋为蓝本排演一出年终大戏,现实与舞台不可避免地彼此交错,直到公演的那一天……
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友