

  • 在路上遇见你


    台湾拍猫第一人、猴硐发现者猫夫人的“猫言猫语”。 这是一本疗愈身心的随笔,猫夫人走遍台湾乡间小路、转角街头,总是能遇见努力求生存的街猫们,看着它们时而搞笑、时而打闹,彷彿笑看这世界,那种无比的生命力,最能抚慰因一点小挫折或是小寂寞,而难过、忧伤的心情。虽然社会如此险恶,我们还有这一点温情的力量就够了。
  • 一只名叫鲍勃的流浪猫


    当詹姆斯·鲍文发现一只受伤的姜黄色流浪猫,蜷缩在他家公寓的走廊里时,还不知道自己的人生将会面临怎样翻天覆地的转变。作为一个勉强度日的流浪艺人,他从未想过拥有一只宠物。 但是,詹姆斯还是决定收留这只聪明的公猫,并给他起名为鲍勃。詹姆斯精心照顾着鲍勃,帮助他恢复健康,然后将他放回街头,准备就此分别。但鲍勃显然另有打算。 很快,他们就成为形影不离的组合,经历了一场场或妙趣横生、或充满艰险的旅程,从彼此那里汲取力量、寻求慰藉,最终走出生活的阴霾。如今,鲍勃甚至有了自己的twitter账户,粉丝超过1万。而好莱坞也对此产生了兴趣,准备将这段温情故事搬上大银幕。 《一只名叫鲍勃的流浪猫》将带给读者一个感人至深、积极向上的故事,温暖每一位读者的心房。
  • A Street Cat Named Bob

    作者:James Bowen

    The Instant New York Times Bestseller! James is a street musician struggling to make ends meet. Bob is a stray cat looking for somewhere warm to sleep. When James and Bob meet, they forge a never-to-be-forgotten friendship that has been charming readers from Thailand to Turkey. A Street Cat Named Bob is an international sensation, landing on the bestseller list in England for 52 consecutive weeks and selling in 26 countries around the world. Now, James and Bob are ready to share their true story with the U.S. in this tale unlike any you’ve ever read of a cat who possesses some kind of magic. When street musician James Bowen found an injured cat curled up in the hallway of his apartment building, he had no idea how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London, barely making enough money to feed himself, and the last thing he needed was a pet. Yet James couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent but very sick animal, whom he named Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining that he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas. Perfect for fans of Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog and Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat That Changed the World, this instant classic about the power of love between man and animal has taken the world by storm and is guaranteed to be a huge hit with American fans as well.