

  • 禁咒師Ⅶ


  • 禁咒師Ⅵ


  • 最后的学徒3·偷灵人之夜


    汤姆·华德是驱磨人史布克的学徒。当天气越来越冷、夜晚降临的时候,一个陌生的来访者带给史布克一封信。汤姆不知道这个是谁,也不知道他想干什么,但是,史布克突然决定去他的冬宫安哥拉扎克了。汤姆听说那是一个荒凉、废弃的地方,而且有危险的怪物在附近出没。 汤姆对那里发生的事情有心理准备吗?关于邪恶的幽魂格尔戈斯的谣传是真的吗?史布克竭力掩盖的秘密如果公之于众,汤姆将面临多大的危险?
  • 捉鬼實習生VI


    書籍描述 七十多年前,九百惡鬼逃出了地獄,在人間為非作歹;七十多年後,終於有人展開了捉鬼行動 在城郊新建的村莊中,發生了一起滅門血案,現場慘不忍睹。李劍利支援警方的搜山行動,來到了這裡,卻意外被凶手襲擊而負傷。凶手在被捕後,竟然對他說了一句沒頭沒腦的話--「我終於找到你了!」 而另一方面,游少菁屢屢被凌岩拖出來捉鬼在一次又一次的捉鬼行動中,游少菁發現,最近被惡鬼附身的人越來越多了,這會不會是什麼事情發生的前兆? 更加懸疑驚悚,不容錯過的第六集!
  • A Storm of Swords

    作者:George R.R. Martin

    《冰与火之歌》英国版 Split into two books for the paperback, the third volume in George R.R. Martin's superb and highly acclaimed epic fantasy A Song of Ice and Fire continues the richest, most exotic and mesmerising saga since The Lord of the Rings. The Seven Kingdoms are divided by revolt and blood feud, and winter approaches like an angry beast. Beyond the Northern borders, wildlings leave their villages to gather in the ice and stone wasteland of the Frostfangs. From there, the renegade Brother Mance Rayder will lead them South towards the Wall. Robb Stark wears his new-forged crown in the Kingdom of the North, but his defences are ranged against attack from the South, the land of House Stark's enemies the Lannisters. His sisters are trapped there, dead or likely yet to die, at the whim of the Lannister boy-king Joffrey or his depraved mother Cersei, regent of the Iron Throne. And Daenerys Stormborn will return to the land of her birth to avenge the murder of her father, the last Dragon King on the Iron Throne.
  • 精灵刺客茨瑞格之书·魇蛇


    《精灵刺客——茨瑞格之书》系列每一本书都以一种奇兽为名,布鲁斯特计划写完全部十七种,目前已完成九本。每部的剧情各自独立。 作为惊悚、悬疑的奇幻小说名著,本书节奏明快,篇幅短小,读之如同观赏高速飞驰的动作惊悚片,充满构思巧妙的谜团,机锋锐利的言词,诡谲繁复的阴谋,各具特色的人物,被国际各大畅销书榜赞誉为“魔法世界的007”。故事的背景是空前强盛的卓迦拉帝国,卓迦拉族是寿命长达万年的高等族裔(类似某种精灵),分为十七部族,各自以一种奇兽为家徽,并继承其特质:战龙部是讲究荣誉的军事将领,遮尔部武艺超凡而崇尚英雄,帖诃拉部是农民阶级,茨瑞格部则以暗杀和非法勾当闻名于世。诸部轮流统治帝国,部族的势力便随著这个永恒的轮回而时有消长。人类在这个世界里是受到压迫和蔑视的少数,仅占据大陆东方一小部分,被称做「东方人」。主角瓦列德·塔托希(Vlad Taltos)正是东方人,但他继承了父亲倾家荡产买来的茨瑞格官爵,除了以强攻为重的卓迦拉剑法,还精通讲究灵活刺击的东方剑术;他通晓卓迦拉的魔法,更擅长东方巫术,并拥有一只能心灵相通的茨瑞格魔宠「洛优熙」,妻子凯奥蒂同样是一流刺客。一位思维敏捷、剑随心到的青年弗拉德在面对人生前途的抉择时,选择了黑暗的刺客之路。他有两样法宝:一个是略知皮毛的魔法,仅只有拒绝武器的“白痴”才会……另一个是与他形影不离的龙晰魔宠,它坚韧的翅膀和致命的毒牙随时听命于弗拉德,它与旁人迥异的诙谐头脑、喋喋不休的唠叨总是与弗拉德特立独行、玩世不恭的个性相辅相成。弗拉德时刻坚守与龙晰母亲所签订的魔界契约:“我赠予你的蛋长久的生命和新鲜的肉食,并给予我它我的友谊。我希望得到它的帮助,它的智慧,还有它的友情。”
  • 精灵刺客茨瑞格之书·泽鼠


    斯蒂芬·奄鲁斯特惊悚奇幻畅销小说系列《弗拉德·塔托希》——首个三部曲《精灵刺客一茨瑞格之书》 一位思维敏捷、剑随心到的青年弗拉德在面对人笙前途的抉择时,选择了黑暗的刺客之路。 他有两样法宝: 一个是略知皮毛的魔法,仅只有拒绝武器的“白痴”才会另一个是与他形影不离的龙蜥魔宠,它坚韧的翅膀和致命的毒牙随时听命于弗拉德,它与旁人迥异的诙谐头脑、喋喋不休的唠叨总是与弗拉德特立独行、玩世不恭的个性相辅相成。弗拉德时刻坚守与龙蜥母亲所签订的魔界契约:”我赠予您的蛋长久的生命和新鲜的肉食,并给予它我《我希望得到它的帮助.它的智慧还有它的友情。”
  • 禁咒师Ⅴ


  • 禁咒师(Ⅳ)


  • Making Money (Discworld Novels)

    作者:Terry Pratchett

    The Ankh-Morpork Post Office is running like . . . well, not at all like a government office. The mail is delivered promptly; meetings start and end on time; five out of six letters relegated to the Blind Letter Office ultimately wend their way to the correct addresses. Postmaster General Moist von Lipwig, former arch-swindler and confidence man, has exceeded all expectations—including his own. So it's somewhat disconcerting when Lord Vetinari summons Moist to the palace and asks, "Tell me, Mr. Lipwig, would you like to make some real money?"

    Vetinari isn't talking about wages, of course. He's referring, rather, to the Royal Mint of Ankh-Morpork, a venerable institution that haas run for centuries on the hereditary employment of the Men of the Sheds and their loyal outworkers, who do make money in their spare time. Unfortunately, it costs more than a penny to make a penny, so the whole process seems somewhat counterintuitive.

    Next door, at the Royal Bank, the Glooper, an "analogy machine," has scientifically established that one never has quite as much money at the end of the week as one thinks one should, and the bank's chairman, one elderly Topsy (née Turvy) Lavish, keeps two loaded crossbows at her desk. Oh, and the chief clerk is probably a vampire.

    But before Moist has time to fully consider Vetinari's question, fate answers it for him. Now he's not only making money, but enemies too; he's got to spring a prisoner from jail, break into his own bank vault, stop the new manager from licking his face, and, above all, find out where all the gold has gone—otherwise, his life in banking, while very exciting, is going to be really, really short. . . .

  • 禁咒师3


  • 禁咒师2


    這一次可不是普通的妖怪! 為了解救莉莉絲,禁咒師一行人遠赴秦皇陵,苦戰風化的兵馬俑和長生不老的秦皇... 拿小抄還打輸會不會很丟臉啊? 這個式神陪伴了他終生,一直忠實地為他捨生忘死... 而這個禁咒師的好徒弟,最慘的是, 裡面還混進一張聖鬥士星矢的對白-- 「燃燒吧!我的小宇宙!以麒麟的名義!」 天啊!他再度把性命交給一句漫畫對白... 就這樣,明峰得到了他親手收服的第一個式神。 至今仍不知道他擁有一種超乎任何法力的強大力量。 其實,溫柔才是真正無比強大的咒...
  • Wicked

    作者:Gregory Maguire

    在线阅读本书 When Dorothy triumphed over the Wicked Witch of the West in L. Frank Baum's classic tale, we heard only her side of the story. But what about her arch-nemesis, the mysterious witch? Where did she come from? How did she become so wicked? And what is the true nature of evil? Gregory Maguire creates a fantasy world so rich and vivid that we will never look at Oz the same way again. Wicked is about a land where animals talk and strive to be treated like first-class citizens, Munchkinlanders seek the comfort of middle-class stability and the Tin Man becomes a victim of domestic violence. And then there is the little green-skinned girl named Elphaba, who will grow up to be the infamous Wicked Witch of the West, a smart, prickly and misunderstood creature who challenges all our preconceived notions about the nature of good and evil.
  • 捉鬼實習生II


    七十多年前,九百惡鬼逃出了地獄,在人間為非作歹;七十多年後,終於有人展開了捉鬼行動…… 漫長的暑假結束了,新學期正式開始,游少菁本以為可以安靜地過日子,沒想到新的麻煩接踵而至。 家裡的牆上有個嘮叨不休的鬼差,還附加一隻拚命吃個不停的寵物,這些煩惱本來該和正常的高中生無緣,但這同時,學校附近接連發生暴力傷人事件,甚至悄悄侵入了校園…… 在游少菁為了生活煩惱時,新的危機也漸漸浮現了…… 《都市妖》系列作者可蕊又一力作,怕麻煩的驅魔少女、熱血好事的鬼差、討厭吃鬼的靈獸,交織出熱鬧的輕奇幻作品,是讀者們不可錯過的佳作。
  • Tree and Leaf

    作者:J.R.R. Tolkien

    Repackaged to feature Tolkien's own painting of the Tree of Amalion, this collection includes his famous essay, 'On Fairy-stories' and the story that exemplifies this, 'Leaf by Niggle', together with the poem 'Mythopoeia' and the verse drama, 'The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth', which tells of the events following the disastrous Battle of Maldon. Fairy-stories are not just for children, as anyone who has read Tolkien will know. In his essay On Fairy-Stories, Tolkien discusses the nature of fairy-tales and fantasy and rescues the genre from those who would relegate it to juvenilia. The haunting short story, Leaf by Niggle, recounts the story of the artist, Niggle, who has 'a long journey to make' and is seen as an allegory of Tolkien's life. The poem Mythopoeia relates an argument between two unforgettable characters as they discuss the making of myths. Lastly, and published for the very first time, we are treated to the translation of Tolkien's account of the Battle of Maldon, known as The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth. Tree and Leaf is an eclectic, amusing, provocative and entertaining collection of works which reveals the diversity of J.R.R. Tolkien's imagination, the depth of his knowledge of English history, and the breadth of his talent as a creator of fantastic fiction.
  • 降头师


    他任性,霸道,身世成迷;他拥有不可思议的力量,可以掌控生死,却无法逃脱命运的轮回,孤独的游荡在都市角落中…… 恐怖的丝罗瓶;鬼影橦橦的山间别墅;凄美血腥的爱情花... 别样的恐惧,令你欲罢不能,匪夷所思的故事,给你非一般的惊悚体验! 降头师——被现在的人们逐渐遗忘的传奇,正从这个城市的黑暗中向你一步步走来…… 屋外狂风大作,雷电交加! 暴雨拍打着窗户,发出恐怖的“噼啪”声,就像院子里聚集着无数只恶鬼,企图破门而入! 少年跌跌撞撞的穿过黑暗的走廊,闪电照亮了他苍白的脸,衣襟上满是鲜血,他摔倒在房门前,手脚并用的爬进房里:“妈妈!妈妈!……” 跪在床上的女人捂着胸口,发出了一阵阵呕吐声,那种令人毛骨悚然的声音,伴随着黑红色的血液从喉咙里喷涌而出,看到出现在门口的少年,她血淋淋的手无助地伸向他,似乎在寻求救助!少年发出一声惨叫,当他看见从母亲喉咙里咳出的竟是无数锋利的刀片时,突然转身向门外爬去,在走廊里摇摇晃晃地站了起来。
  • 遗族Ⅱ·蝙蝠监护人


    好不容易习惯了“多姿多彩”的逃亡生活,黑龙施林和“黑暗饲养者”夏夫却又有了各自的新烦恼: ——失去力量,被封印在李子大小的蝙蝠身体里也就算了,为什么我还得兼职保姆,苦命地照顾毫无常识和知识的未来的“黑暗饲养者”? ——身世悲惨,被法师协会的疯子们追杀也就算了,为什么我非得穿着花花绿绿的裙子学什么钢琴、跳舞? 就算是神话时代已经结束,我们黑暗一族也不能堕落到这个地步呀! 实力派轻小说作家石像以独创的世界观和精彩纷呈的个性人物,为您打造剑与魔法时代的幻想传说第二弹,佳评如潮。
  • 遗族Ⅰ·黑暗饲养者


    男孩和蝙蝠的冒险物语,知名插画家梁暄茗挎刀助阵,不容错过的顶级幻想巨作由此展开! 欢迎来到中央研究院地底的核心实验室,这里是以“科学的研究态度”为名的残酷地狱。 七岁的夏夫就生活在这地狱中--身为“黑暗饲养者”巴尔贝雷特家族唯一的后裔,他是法师们最好的研究材料,一次次在惨无人道的实验下苟延残喘。一次意外,夏夫的血唤醒了已经被封印了五百年的蝙蝠施林。口齿伶俐却意外热心肠的蝙蝠被男孩的悲惨遭遇打动,带着他踏上了逃亡之路,穿越错综复杂的地底隧道,躲过徘徊百年的亡灵骑士,几死还生的夏夫终于来到地面,在那里,他看到了有生以来的第一次日出……
  • 南方吸血鬼系列:夜訪良辰鎮

    作者:莎蓮‧哈里斯(Charlaine Har

    橫掃推理、奇幻、恐怖、浪漫各項大獎‧系列為紐約時報暢銷排行榜常勝軍 本系列獲——金球獎、奧斯卡獎得主+暢銷書經紀人攜手打造,改編為HBO全新影集True Blood 歡迎光臨良辰鎮,這裡連丟一顆石頭都會砸到吸血鬼 ──不過,勸你最好別試。 全美讀者票選最佳推理小說「安東尼獎」得主,作品獲奇幻、推理、恐怖、羅曼史等各界獎項與書評肯定 影壇、文壇,三大重量級人物攜手打造── 奧斯卡及金球獎編劇亞倫‧波爾(Alan Ball)繼「六呎風雲」之後,與全球知名小說「永夜之城」系列經紀人約書亞‧畢姆斯★(Joshua Bilmes),聯手出擊,打造HBO全新影集「True Blood」。女主角由奧斯卡金獎女星安娜‧派昆(Anna Paquin,「X戰警」中飾演小淘氣)擔任。 蘇琪是美國南方小鎮良辰鎮的酒吧服務生,甜美可人──但僅止於外表。她有個不可告人的巨大「缺陷」──這是她自稱……通常我們稱它為「讀心術」,可以「聽」見每個人的內心話。蘇琪的特異能力讓她過了24年糟糕的感情生活。直到吸血鬼帥哥──比爾的出現。她美妙地發現她聽不見他的「聲音」(大概因為他算是個死人吧)。 然而,駭人聽聞的連續凶殺案發生了,犧牲者皆是蘇琪的親友……而這一切都發生在她邂逅了比爾之後。 蘇琪不得不動用她最厭惡的特異能力去找出凶手,慘的是她驚覺──她可以聽見全鎮人的聲音,就是無法聽到任何吸血鬼的聲音──當然就包括了她的親愛比爾。 美妙變成惡夢,凶手步步進逼。看來有個吸血鬼男友果真不是挺「光明」的事情…… 家西書社小說評論者譚光磊‧知名作家藤井樹、蝴蝶‧輪椅天使 余秀芷◎推薦 南方吸血鬼系列輝煌紀錄: ◆系列銷量超過百萬,每年新作出版即登上紐約時報暢銷排行榜 ◆2002安東尼獎得主(全美讀者票選最佳推理作品獎) ◆獨立推理書商協會暢銷書首獎 ◆獲選《軌跡》雜誌2001年暢銷小說 ◆康普頓庫克獎(Compton Crook Award)、黛利絲獎(Dilys Award)、阿嘉莎獎(Agatha Award)、珍珠獎(Pearl Award)等各獎提名 相關書評 三大作家搶先試讀,欲罷不能口碑推薦! ‧浪漫文學大家 藤井樹 推薦絕對值得一讀! ‧「真是太好看了!帶點脆弱,一絲邪惡,卻又溫柔強大的吸血鬼情人,誰能抗拒呢?半災難半美妙的異族愛情協奏曲,令人低迴不已。」──暢銷小說家 蝴蝶 ‧「能聽見別人內心話,究竟是好或壞?驚悚與幽默,懸疑與浪漫,一本帶著衝突美感,讓你無法暫停閱讀的佳作。」──感動無數人落淚的《輪椅天使》作者 余秀芷
  • Night Mare

    作者:Anthony, P.

    Although the Nextwave of barbarian warriors was invading Xanth, Mare Imbrium discovered that ever since she had gained the half soul, the night mare had begun to mishandle her job of delivering bad dreams. Exiled to the day world with a message for King Trent, Mare met the relentless, unforgiving Horseman. For the night mare, it began to be all a horrible nightmare!