

  • 伦敦


    作者简介 路易斯·尼克逊(Louise Nicholson)自1976年便居住在伦敦,她一直认为伦敦是全世界最多样化和最令人兴奋的城市,永远充满新鲜事。为专业艺术史学家的路易斯一直从事着伦敦建筑的保存运动,并曾在艺术品跳蚤市场、克里斯蒂(Christie)拍卖行工作,同时,自1985年以来为媒体工作,期间写了25本书,其中有8本是善于伦敦的作品。她在20世纪80年代间所撰写关于伦敦的书,曾获“伦敦游泳者协会”(London Toruist Board)授予的最佳书籍奖。 如何使用本书 美国国家地理学会的旅行家系列以最佳的文字、图片和地图,将伦敦呈现给你。全收共分三部分,第一部分为你概述了历史与文化,接着为你介绍伦敦的12个区域,作者将依其独具的眼光为你精选景点,进行深入的讲解。每一章节的开始都附有一个清晰的目录,以便查询。最后则提供读者可行的出城旅游参考路线。 每一章节都附录一张主要地区的地图,并且特别标注重要景点位置,以及其他值得游访的建议景点。小范围的徒步行程,则再附上一张单独的路线图,其上标明建议浏览景点。另外辟出的专题和边栏说明,乃是为深入详述关于历史、文化或当代生活而设。 最后附录的“旅游资讯”,提供了旅行时最必须的实用资讯,包括行程规划、交通往返、紧急情况处理等。并且将伦敦各区的主要旅馆、餐厅、购物商店、娱乐活动等相关资料条列于后,方便读者参考使用。 截至本书出版以前,我们所提供的各地区、景点相关讯息皆十分确切。但无论如何,仍建议读者在旅游前尽可能先以电话查询再行确认。
  • Lonely Planet London Encounter

    作者:Sarah Johnstone

    在线阅读本书 What Will Your London Encounter Be? ...sampling the late-night delights of Soho (p46) ...exploring ancient cultures in the British Museum (p64) ...weighing yourself down with shopping bags in Covent Garden (p51) ...getting spicy with a curry in Whitechapel (p27) ...downing some proper beer in the Jerusalem Tavern (p118) ...separating your Picassos from your Pollocks at Tate Modern (p142) Discover Twice the City in Half the Time... ...full-color pull-out map and detailed neighborhood maps for easy navigation ...our resident author recommends the very best sights, restaurants, shops and entertainment ...unique itineraries and highlights help you make the most of a short trip ...local experts reveal London's secrets: from a boutique hairdresser's top shopping suggestions to the coolest live-music venues from the director of the BBC Electric Proms
  • 伦敦

    作者:(澳)Lonely Planet公司

    你在伦敦会有什么奇遇?品味索霍区深夜的乐趣?在大英博物馆探究古代文化?在科文特加登拎着满满的购物袋?在Whitechapel尝尝咖喱的火辣?在耶路撒冷酒吧畅饮几杯美味的啤酒?在泰特现代艺术馆观赏毕加索等大师的杰作? 本书在手,事半功倍:全色活页地图和详细的区域地图令你如鱼得水;亲临现场的作者推荐最棒的景点、餐馆、商店和娱乐场所;设计独特的线路和亮点让你少走路,多享受;当地专家揭示秘密:有精品发型师的顶级购物建议,也有BBC电子音乐会总监推荐最酷的现场音乐。
  • 伦敦金融城


    简介 现代世界经济中,金融的地位极为重要。金融业是否发达是区分发达国家与发展中国家的显著标志。金融业的不断发展能为一个国家的经济从以制造业为主的工业时代迈向以服务业为主的后工业时代创造必要条件。伦敦金融城被世界金融界巨头奉为“全球的力量中心”。了解伦敦金融城的运作与特色对于我国从粗放型商品经济转变为以金融等服务业为重要支柱的集约型现代化经济将会大有裨益。希望读者通过本书吸取伦敦金融城的发展经验,为中国金融体制改革的发展起到促进作用。 作者简介 李俊辰,原名李引亚,知名国际金融专家和投资顾问,获伦敦城市大学硕士学位,旅英工作。擅长传统媒体和新媒体投资、风险投资、非公开权益资本(含并购)、物流、品牌推广、仓储管理、证券市场、企业社会责任和道德建设等领域的研究与实践。 还担任英国华人青年联会主席、欧金(伦敦)投资有限公司特约首席经济学爱及投资顾问、英中金融投资协会荣誉理事长、英国《头条辰报》名誉社长及顾问总编、腾飞中国基金会(欧洲)执行秘书长、中国人民大学研究员、伦敦经济学院客座教授等。 先后为包括《金融时报》(英国)和新浪财经等在内的著名国内外媒体撰写专栏和文章。2005年出版InvestinginChina,theEmergingVentureCapitalIndustry,全球发行。
  • Martin Eden

    作者:Jack London

    The semiautobiographical "Martin Eden" is the most vital and original character Jack London ever created. Set in San Francisco, this is the story of Martin Eden, an impoverished seaman who pursues, obsessively and aggressively, dreams of education and literary fame. London, dissatisfied with the rewards of his own success, intended Martin Eden as an attack on individualism and a criticism of ambition; however, much of its status as a classic has been conferred by admirers of its ambitious protagonist. Andrew Sinclair's wide-ranging introduction discusses the conflict between London's support of socialism and his powerful self-will. Sinclair also explores the parallels and divergences between the life of Martin Eden and that of his creator, focusing on London's mental depressions and how they affected his depiction of Eden.
  • The Call of the Wild

    作者:London, Jack/ Paulse

    The Call of the Wild is a novel by American writer Jack London. The plot concerns a previously domesticated and even somewhat pampered dog named Buck, whose primordial instincts return after a series of events finds him serving as a sled dog in the treacherous, frigid Yukon during the days of the 19th century Klondike Gold Rushes. Published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is one of London's most-read books, and it is generally considered one of his best. Because the protagonist is a dog, it is sometimes classified as a juvenile novel, suitable for children, but it is dark in tone and contains numerous scenes of cruelty and violence. From Wikipedia