

  • 古兰经故事

    作者:[叙利亚] 艾哈迈德.雅西尔.法鲁克

  • 叔本华与尼采


    《叔本华与尼采》一书是西美尔一九○二/○三年间在柏林维多利亚女子中学所作的一系列报告的讲稿。这些讲稿不像一般专题报告,只是平铺直叙地评介某人及其学说。西美尔在本书前言中说,“纯然逻辑上的诠释,对于叔本华是不必要的,而对于尼采则是不可能的”;这里“并非单纯解释思想家的哲学”,而“必须是一种关于思想家的哲学”。 作者论述的基本出发点是,叔本华和尼采的学说的极少数主导性论题和最深层的中心同时也是其客观上最有价值和本质上恒久不变的东西。由于作者的解说完全针对思考联系的这个终极内核,这种实证性的东西就在学说内核本身,即其主观的中心与其客观意义的中心相互重合的所在;这在每一个原创性哲人思想里都必定如此,因为,正如歌德在谈到叔本华时所说,他是“从他的内心,可以说从人类的内心”回答探求“具体性”的问题的。
  • 老子心解


    一位印度智者与中国两千多年前的思想家跨越时空的心灵对话 文化没有国界,思想没有疆界,智慧的激情碰撞,文明的和谐沟通 印度著名哲学家奥修对于人生思考的经典著作 中国大陆首次翻译出版 奥修给这个国家和这个世界带来一种眼光,任何人都可以为此感到骄傲。奥修给我们带来巨大的力量,我要向他顶礼以纪念他给我们的这种力量。                ——印度前总理 钱德拉·谢卡尔 我非常高兴,奥修,我们印度的伟大的哲学家,一个以他强有力的哲学在这一生中获得成功的人,知识界很了解他,但是他的思想需要被所有的人进一步地接受。                ——印度前总统 吉亚尼·宰尔·辛格 在哲学、艺术和科学的领域里,有一些人是碰巧成了天才人物,而这个世界也很偶然地给了他们荣耀;但奥修是独一无二的、无与伦比的。他是一个以他的存在给这个世界、这个国家带来荣耀的人。                ——著名女诗人、印度议会上院议员 阿姆瑞塔·伊瑞蒂姆 在任何领域里,奥修都是一流的。在这种文化方面,奥修的思想早已成为国家的瑰宝,而且已经登上国际舞台。                ——印度著名电影音乐导演、作曲家 卡尔亚吉 一个聪明的会依照道来行动,而愚蠢的人却反其道而行。 没有一个人会来惩罚你,如果你违反道,你就会被你自己的行为所惩罚。 爱能够蜕变成恨、愤怒,以及每一样东西。 慈悲能够变成一支雨伞,它能够改变每一样来到它里面的东西。 世界上最柔软的东西有两种:在外在世界,最柔软的东西是水;在内在世界,最柔软的东西是爱。 只有接受能够给你了解,如果你拒绝某一样东西,你就无法了解它,因为你已经变成敌人,你怎么能够了解敌人?
  • 坎贝尔生活美学

    作者:[美]戴安娜•奥斯本(Diane K.O

    本书是一本开启神圣灵魂世界的生命之钥,教你在永无止尽艰难生活中获得心灵的深度觉醒与狂喜,完成圆满平衡人生的书。同时,这也是一本细腻的文集,是以爱心与关怀的巧思精选而成,他会丰富、提升、并启发每一位接触本书的读者。 本书围绕几项人类永续关怀的重要主题展开:世俗生活的挑战,心灵觉醒的过程,觉醒过程中的挣扎,以及神圣生活的艺术。第一部分由“在生命的磁场中”格言式的精神智慧开场,引领读者进入“俗世生活”中的各个层面,发掘闪动的精神之光,然后更进一步提升到超世俗的终极“觉醒”境地,最后再以回归尘世的“神圣生活”作结,使精神生活得到平衡圆满的发展。 在这本书中,坎贝尔以说故事的方式兼容并蓄将神话拉入我们的生活之中。他除了旁征博引其出身背景的西方宗教及神话传统外,也广泛涉及印地安神话、东方的佛教、印度教、日本文化,甚至伊斯兰文化、埃及神话。最难得的是,他能够将这些神话故事溶入日常生活中,以浅显优美的语言赋予它们心理和实存的意义,这些令人会心微笑的生动故事全书俯拾即是。例如,圣母玛利亚显灵替苦女抹地、观世音菩萨化现教化众生等等,只是众多发人深省故事的一小部分而已。 读者可以从中沐浴精神之光,了解心灵的深度,与坎贝尔交换神奇而让人狂喜的故事,学会在当下展开新的生命,活在狂喜之境。 [编辑推荐] 坎贝尔,拯救人类心灵的神话学大师、西方流行文化的一代宗师、影响披头士、猫王、迈克•杰克逊、卢卡斯、斯皮尔伯格、罗琳、乔布斯、奥巴马的精神导师。 这本书可以作为一把生命之钥,开启普通人的神圣灵魂世界。 重构你关于世俗生活各个层面(金钱、地位、婚姻、爱情等)的思维,教你愉悦的参与所有苦难,欣喜地活在无常之中。 尘世普通人的觉醒重生路。读者虽然身在尘世之中,但在书中充满智慧的话语中可以沐浴精神之光,了解心灵的深度,交换神奇而让人狂喜的故事。 广泛涉猎印第安神话、东方的佛教、印度教、日本文化,甚至伊斯兰文化、埃及神话,发人深省又让人会心微笑的生动故事俯拾皆是。 湛庐文化出品。
  • 没有马克思或耶稣(Without Marx or Jesus)

    作者:Jean-Francois Revel,

    1969年,法国著名政论家勒维尔(Jean-Francois Revel)预言,美国即将经验“第二次世界大革命”——这一场动乱将继续完成第一次的革命,也就是18世纪西方兴起的民主浪潮。在《没有马克思或耶稣》(Without Marx or Jesus)一书里,他预言一种新的人类(homo novus)即将出现。他相信,因为美国人现在开始对东方宗教产生兴趣,所以这种关怀灵性的暗潮将是一种预兆,预兆这个地球上唯一自由到不流血就可以革命的国家即将发生深层的变革。 勒维尔认为,这个二次革命是20世纪60年代一切社会运动、多元事物、抗议与暴力等混沌现象中的本型(pattern)。确实,有很多行动者已经开始转向内心。这个方向,对传统左派的同志而言,实在是异端。他们说,他们必须先改变自己,才能改变社会。 ———————————————————————— http://www.amazon.com/WITHOUT-JESUS-AMERICAN-REVOLUTION-BEGUN/dp/B000OFM176/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1251610649&sr=1-1 July 18, 2009 By Pieter "Toypom" (Johannesburg) This classic work on the USA and the concept of revolution was first published in English in 1971. Revel's astute analyses include the observations that European culture was stagnant and that Europeans were hopelessly uninformed on the United States. Even more alarmingly, Revel reveals that already at that time the European elites were projecting their guilt and self-loathing for their own imperialistic past onto the USA. The author also explores the idea of revolution, distinguishing mere revolts that lead to worse oppression from revolutions that bring individual freedom and progress. He identifies 5 conditions & 5 solutions prerequisite for a successful revolution. There must be critiques of: 1 injustice in economic, social & racial relationships 2 management against the waste of human & material resources 3 political power, both its sources and exercise 4 culture, morality, religion, customs, art and the function of these in society 5 the old civilizational sanction and vindication of individual freedom. Revel then explains why a true revolution can take place only in the United States. Chapters 4, 5 & 6 investigate to the impossible revolution in the communist nations, in Western Europe and in the Third World. The following chapter looks at the history of revolutions whilst the next focuses on national sovereignty, international relations, multilateral & bilateral agreements and wasteful military expenditures. Revel also devotes a chapter each to violence & revolution and to the one-way street from freedom to socialism, a subject on which Hayek's Road to Serfdom remains the classical text. The phenomenon of Anti-Americanism about which he wrote a most perceptive and witty book in 2003, is dealt with in chapter 11. He identifies two basic kinds of anti-Americanism and subjects its causes and symptoms to close scrutiny. In this chapter he provides ample examples of its emotionally unhinged nature, its puerile sense of grievance, lack of logic, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic undertones. America has faithfully followed its democratic institutions while Europe produced the Shoah/Holocaust, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, murderous collectivist ideologies and two world wars. Revel points out that the cultural is the most humiliating form of defeat. The envy & resentment arising from that fuel much of the irrational anti-Americanism found amongst European elites. Several examples of verbatim conversations are provided in order to demonstrate the puerile and contradictory nature of this hatred of America. Since then, the phenomenon has grown as recorded by amongst others Andre Markovits, Bruce Bawer, Barry Rubin, David Horowitz, Paul Hollander, Jamie Glazov and Carol Gould. In addition, its close connection to anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism has become more explicit. Chapters 12 & 13 cover the dynamics of revolution and the information revolution respectively. Interestingly, Revel claims that opinions formed by Propaganda are as easy to destroy as they are to create; counterpropaganda can in one day destroy what it took the state 20 years to fabricate. I found this of interest in relation to Eric Hoffer's claim in The True Believer that propaganda only serves to reinforce existing beliefs. Chapter 15: The Rights & The Means, provides evidence of the manifold means available to US citizens to defend their constitutional rights against the federal, state or municipal governments. The final chapter which provided the title concludes that the only real revolution is taking place in America; a revolution involving culture, economic and technological power. Technological civilization is accepted as a means not an end. This revolution seeks not to destroy but to reshape society. Mary McCarthy's Afterword is flattering to Revel as iconoclast, a witty and enjoyable read but ultimately a bit shallow and devalued by her ideological bias. Revel tactfully but effectively refutes her obscurantism in the Author's Note to the American Edition, especially brilliantly on the definition of revolution. I highly recommend Revel's How Democracies Perish along with his Anti-Americanism as well as Menace in Europe by Claire Berlinski and While Europe Slept by Bruce Bawer that expose the perilous situation of Europe. The ongoing attempt by progressives to subvert the US system is informatively examined by Jonah Goldberg in Liberal Fascism while two books by the French philosopher Chantal Delsol diagnoses the current malaise of Europe with great empathy: Icarus Fallen and The Unlearned Lessons Of the Twentieth Century: An Essay On Late Modernity.
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