

  • A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

    作者:James Joyce,Seamus

    Published in 1916, James Joyce's semiautobiographical tale of his alter ego, Stephen Dedalus, is a coming-of-age story like no other. A bold, innovative experiment with both language and structure, the work has exerted a lasting influence on the contemporary novel. 'Joyce dissolved mechanism in literature as effectively as Einstein destroyed it in physics,' wrote Alfred Kazin. 'He showed that the material of fiction could rest upon as tense a distribution and as delicate a balance of its parts as any poem. Joyce's passion for form, in fact, is the secret of his progress as a novelist. He sought to bring the largest possible quantity of human life under the discipline of the observing mind, and the mark of his success is that he gave an epic form to what remains invisible to most novelists.... Joyce means many things to different people; for me his importance has always been primarily a moral one. He was, perhaps, the last man in Europe who wrote as if art were worth a human life.... By living for his art he may yet have given others a belief in art worth living for.'
  • Dubliners

    作者:James Joyce

    Joyce's first major work, written when he was only twenty-five, brought his city to the world for the first time. His stories are rooted in the rich detail of Dublin life, portraying ordinary, often defeated lives with unflinching realism. He writes of social decline, sexual desire and exploitation, corruption and personal failure, yet creates a brilliantly compelling, unique vision of the world and of human experience.
  • 青年艺术家的画像

    作者:[爱尔兰] 詹姆斯·乔伊斯

    内容说明 《青年艺术家的画像》是爱尔兰著名意识流作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(1882-1941)运用“意识流”手法写成的第一部长篇小说,也是世界文学史上最早最成功的意识流小说之一。本书情节的时间、地点和人物之间的关系,完全是通过主人公的内心独白反映出来的。书中的主人公斯蒂芬是一个富有才华的青年,他对祖国、家庭和恋爱等都有源于而又反乎他所处的时代和社会的看法,基本上是作者青年时期的自我写照,因此本书对研究作者及其意识流写作有很大参考价值。
  • 乔伊斯(企鹅人生)

    作者:〔爱尔兰〕 埃德娜·奥布赖恩

    以其特有的写作风格跻身爱尔兰杰出作家行列的埃德娜•奥布赖恩在这本小传中刻画了一个富有激情、依赖感观的乔伊斯。阅读这本小传,读者将跟随作者一起回到被称作“圣人与学者之岛”的爱尔兰,了解促生20世纪小说经典《尤利西斯》的政治与历史环境。 媒体推荐 “奥布赖恩的成功之处在于,在赞美乔伊斯及其对出类拔萃的狂热追求的同时……她刻画了这个名字意为‘欢乐’的人的绝望和哀伤。” ——《纽约时报书评》 “实在太动人了。奥布赖恩极其生动地描绘了这位艺术家的形象,他简直要从纸上跳下来了。” ——《纽约每日新闻》 “活灵活现……精彩地捕捉到了一个追求文学之美的人一生中的辉煌和悲伤。” ——《读物精选》 “灵感之作。” ——《她》周刊
  • Ulysses

    作者:James Joyce

    Written over a seven-year period, from 1914 to 1921, this book has survived bowdlerization, legal action and controversy. The novel dea ls with the events of one day in Dublin, 16th June 1904, now known as "Bloomsday". The principal characters are Stephen Dedalus, Leopold Bloom and his wife Molly. "Ulysses" has been labelled dirty, blasphemous and unreadable.In a famous 1933 court decision, Judge John M. Woolsey declared it an emetic book - although he found it not quite obscene enough to disallow its importation into the United States - and Virginia Woolf was moved to decry James Joyce's "cloacal obsession". None of these descriptions, however, do the slightest justice to the novel. To this day it remains the modernist masterpiece, in which the author takes both Celtic lyricism and vulgarity to splendid extremes. It is funny, sorrowful, and even (in its own way) suspenseful. And despite the exegetical industry that has sprung up in the last 75 years, "Ulysses" is also a compulsively readable book.
  • Dubliners

    作者:James Joyce

    Book Description "Don't you think there is a certain resemblance between the mystery of the Mass and what I am trying to do?...To give people some kind of intellectual pleasure or spiritual enjoyment by converting the bread of everyday life into something that has a permanent artistic life of its own."     -- James Joyce, in a letter to his brother With these fifteen stories James Joyce reinvented the art of fiction, using a scrupulous, deadpan realism to convey truths that were at once blasphemous and sacramental. Whether writing about the death of a fallen priest ("The Sisters"), the petty sexual and fiscal machinations of "Two Gallants," or of the Christmas party at which an uprooted intellectual discovers just how little he really knows about his wife ("The Dead"), Joyce takes narrative places it had never been before. The text of this edition has been newly edited by Hans Walter Gabler and Walter Hettche and is followed by a new afterword, chronology, and bibliography by John S. Kelly. Also included in a special appendix are the original versions of three stories as well as Joyce's long-suppressed Preface to Dubliners. From Library Journal Joyce's classic has been recorded before, of course, but in this new version, each of the 15 stories will be read by a different person, including writers Frank McCourt, Malachy McCourt, and Patrick McCabe, and actors Ciaran Hinds and Colm Meaney. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.4                 width:(cm)10.8