

  • 一位女士的画像


    “是的,我喜欢独立自主。但我一直想知道什么事情是不应该做的。” “为的是去干这些事吗?” “为了是可以有所选择。”
  • The Portrait of a Lady

    作者:Henry James

    在线阅读本书 When Isabel Archer, a beautiful, spirited American, is brought to Europe by her wealthy Aunt Touchett, it is expected that she will soon marry. But Isabel, resolved to determine her own fate, does not hesitate to turn down two eligible suitors. She then finds herself irresistibly drawn to Gilbert Osmond, who, beneath his veneer of charm and cultivation, is cruelty itself. A story of intense poignancy, Isabel's tale of love and betrayal still resonates with modern audiences.
  • The Portrait of a Lady

    作者:Henry James

    Isabel Archer,来自于纽约,应姨母之邀,来伦敦探望她和她的丈夫Daniel的宅邸拜访。后,Isabel的父亲过世。在葬礼期间,她遇到了她的表亲Ralph Touchett,一个友善而病弱的青年,以及Ralph粗鲁的另据Warburton爵爷。Isabel拒绝了Warburton仓促的求婚,同样她也拒绝了Caspar Goodwood的求婚,尽管CG是个富有魅力的人而且是波士顿十分富有的磨坊继承人。尽管Isabel倾心于CG,但是她不希望通过这样的婚姻降低自己的独立性。她觉得,与CG结婚会让她丧失自由。Ralph的父亲年迈重病,要求他的儿子在自己死后把大部分资产留给Isabel。 Isabel周游大陆,在弗洛伦萨遇见了一个被流放的美国人,(当时对于罪行,尤其是宗教或者政治异见者,有流放海外殖民地以及放弃本国国籍的责罚制度。一般流放可以免除拘役或坐监)Gilbert Osmond。尽管她拒绝了之前的两次求婚,但是接受了GO的求婚。她没有意识到,这桩婚事,是富有心计但并不值得信任的Merle 女士,另一个被流放的美国人,暗中积极策划促成的。 Isabel和Osmond停留在罗马,然而他们的婚姻不久就陷入不睦。原因是Osmond过分的自大以及对妻子的忽视。Isabel温柔地对待Pansy,Osmond第一次婚姻的女儿,并且试着促成她想要的婚事,嫁给Edward Rosier,一个年轻的艺术收藏家。但是贪财的Osmond希望女儿嫁给之前向Isabel求过婚的Warburton。而Isabel则猜疑Warburton接近Pansy,只是为了重新向自己示好而已。 而Isabel和Osmond的婚姻矛盾日益加重。此时,Isabel得知Ralph在英格兰垂死。想要回英格兰与他道别。但是Osmond自私地拒绝了这个计划。于此同时,Isabel从Osmond的姐妹处得知Pansy其实是Merle女士和Osmond的女儿。 Isabel最后一次看望Pansy,Pansy祈求Isabel以后再回来看她。Isabel不情愿地答应了。她之后就在Osmond不知情的状况下独自离开了,去英格兰看望Ralph,并陪伴他知道他过世。CG向Isabel表白,并且求她离开Osmond。他情不自禁地拥抱并亲吻了Isabel。但是Isabel退缩了。本来CG和Isabel约好第二天见面,CG赴约却被告知Isabel已经离开前去罗马。故事留给了读者想象的空间。是重回婚姻,还是带着Pansy离开Osmond。
  • The Portrait of a Lady

    作者:Henry James

    Isabel Archer,来自于纽约,应姨母之邀,来伦敦探望她和她的丈夫Daniel的宅邸拜访。后,Isabel的父亲过世。在葬礼期间,她遇到了她的表亲Ralph Touchett,一个友善而病弱的青年,以及Ralph粗鲁的另据Warburton爵爷。Isabel拒绝了Warburton仓促的求婚,同样她也拒绝了Caspar Goodwood的求婚,尽管CG是个富有魅力的人而且是波士顿十分富有的磨坊继承人。尽管Isabel倾心于CG,但是她不希望通过这样的婚姻降低自己的独立性。她觉得,与CG结婚会让她丧失自由。Ralph的父亲年迈重病,要求他的儿子在自己死后把大部分资产留给Isabel。 Isabel周游大陆,在弗洛伦萨遇见了一个被流放的美国人,(当时对于罪行,尤其是宗教或者政治异见者,有流放海外殖民地以及放弃本国国籍的责罚制度。一般流放可以免除拘役或坐监)Gilbert Osmond。尽管她拒绝了之前的两次求婚,但是接受了GO的求婚。她没有意识到,这桩婚事,是富有心计但并不值得信任的Merle 女士,另一个被流放的美国人,暗中积极策划促成的。 Isabel和Osmond停留在罗马,然而他们的婚姻不久就陷入不睦。原因是Osmond过分的自大以及对妻子的忽视。Isabel温柔地对待Pansy,Osmond第一次婚姻的女儿,并且试着促成她想要的婚事,嫁给Edward Rosier,一个年轻的艺术收藏家。但是贪财的Osmond希望女儿嫁给之前向Isabel求过婚的Warburton。而Isabel则猜疑Warburton接近Pansy,只是为了重新向自己示好而已。 而Isabel和Osmond的婚姻矛盾日益加重。此时,Isabel得知Ralph在英格兰垂死。想要回英格兰与他道别。但是Osmond自私地拒绝了这个计划。于此同时,Isabel从Osmond的姐妹处得知Pansy其实是Merle女士和Osmond的女儿。 Isabel最后一次看望Pansy,Pansy祈求Isabel以后再回来看她。Isabel不情愿地答应了。她之后就在Osmond不知情的状况下独自离开了,去英格兰看望Ralph,并陪伴他知道他过世。CG向Isabel表白,并且求她离开Osmond。他情不自禁地拥抱并亲吻了Isabel。但是Isabel退缩了。本来CG和Isabel约好第二天见面,CG赴约却被告知Isabel已经离开前去罗马。故事留给了读者想象的空间。是重回婚姻,还是带着Pansy离开Osmond。
  • The Turn of the Screw and Other Short Fiction

    作者:Henry James

    Classic tales of terror by the nineteenth-century American writer illustrate his observation of interpersonal relationships. Book Description To read a story by Henry James is to enter a world--a rich, perfectly crafted domain of vivid language and splendid, complex characters. Devious children, sparring lovers, capricious American girls, obtuse bachelors, sibylline spinsters and charming Europeans populate these five fascinating Nouvelles --works which represent the author in both his early and late phases. From the apparitions of evil that haunt the governess in The Turn Of The Screw to the startling self-scrutiny of an egotistical man in The Beast In The Jungle, the mysterious tumings of human behavior are skillfully and coolly observed--proving Henry James to be a master of psychological insight as well as one of the finest stylists of modern English literature. From the Publisher To read a story by Henry James is to enter a world--a rich, perfectly crafted domain of vivid language and splendid, complex characters. Devious children, sparring lovers, capricious American girls, obtuse bachelors, sibylline spinsters and charming Europeans populate these five fascinating Nouvelles --works which represent the author in both his early and late phases. From the apparitions of evil that haunt the governess in The Turn Of The Screw to the startling self-scrutiny of an egotistical man in The Beast In The Jungle, the mysterious turnings of human behavior are skillfully and coolly observed--proving Henry James to be a master of psychological insight as well as one of the finest stylists of modern English literature. Book Dimension Height (mm) 180                Width (mm) 120
  • What Maisie Knew

    作者:Henry James

    在线阅读本书 What Maisie Knew (1897) represents one of James's finest reflections on the rites of passage from wonder to knowledge, and the question of their finality. Neglected and exploited by everyone around her, Maisie inspired James to dwell with extraordinary acuteness on the things that may pass between adult and child. In addition to a new Introduction, this edition of the novel offers particularly detailed notes, bibliography, and a list of additional readings. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • The Beast In The Jungle

    作者:James, Henry

    The great rooms caused so much poetry and history to press upon him that he needed some straying apart to feel in a proper relation with them, though this impulse was not, as happened, like the gloating of some of his companions, to be compared to the movements of a dog sniffing a cupboard. It had an issue promptly enough in a direction that was not to have been calculated.

    作者:Henry James

    The narrator is a young governess, sent off to a country house to take charge of two orphaned children. She finds a pleasant house and a comfortable housekeeper, while the children are beautiful and charming. But she soon begins to feel the presence of intense evil.
  • 自我、自由与伦理生活


  • Daisy Miller (Penguin Classics)

    作者:Henry James,Geoffrey

    Famous novella chronicles a young American girl’s willful yet innocent flirtation with a young Italian, and its unfortunate consequences. Throughout, James contrasts American customs and values with European manners and morals in a narrative rich in psychological and social insight.
  • The Portrait of a Lady

    作者:Henry James

    Transplanted to Europe from her native America, Isabel Archer has candour, beauty, intelligence, an independent spirit and a marked enthusiasm for life. An unexpected inheritance apparently gives her freedom, but despite all her natural advantages she makes one disastrous error of judgement and the result is genuinely tragic.
  • Washington Square


    在线阅读本书 Introduction and Notes by Ian F.A. Bell. Professor of English Literature. University of Keele Washington Square marks the culmination of James's apprentice period as a novelist. With sharply focused attention upon just four principal characters, James provides an acute analysis of middle-class manners and behaviour in the New York of the 1870s, a period of great change in the life of the city. This change is explored through the device of setting the novel's action during the 1840s, similarly a period of considerable turbulence as the United States experienced the onset of rapid commercial and industrial expansion. Through the relationships between Austin Sloper, a celebrated physician, and his sister Lavinia Penniman, his daughter Catherine, and Catherine's suitor, Morris Townsend, James observes the contemporary scene as a site of competing styles and performances where authentic expression cannot be articulated or is subject to suppression.
  • The Master

    作者:Colm Toibin

    Like Michael Cunningham in "The Hours, " Colm Toibin captures the extraordinary mind and heart of a great writer. Beautiful and profoundly moving, "The Master" tells the story of a man born into one of America's first intellectual families who leaves his country in the late nineteenth century to live in Paris, Rome, Venice, and London among privileged artists and writers.In stunningly resonant prose, Toibin captures the loneliness and the hope of a master of psychological subtlety whose forays into intimacy inevitably failed those he tried to love. The emotional intensity of this portrait is riveting.
  • 华盛顿广场


    小说艺术大师亨利•詹姆斯的中篇小说经典 十九世纪中叶的纽约中上层社会,婚姻与金钱的激矛盾,表现了无知与腐蚀的对抗 小说清新隽永不失优雅,语言凝练不失幽默 《华盛顿广场》以曲折动人的爱情故事为题材,围绕着爱情与金钱展开了两种价值观念的斗争。女主人公凯瑟琳是个富家闺秀,因受到风度翩翩的财产猎取者汤森德的挑逗而陷入情网,无奈她的父亲老谋深算,坚决反对他们结婚。在爱情与父命的折磨中,凯瑟琳饱尝了父亲的冷酷无情,最后又遭到了未婚夫 无耻背叛,只落得在华盛顿广场一角的公寓内孤苦伶仃地度过凄凉的一生。 小说以十九世纪中叶纽约中上层社会的家庭生活为背景,围绕婚姻与金钱展开了两种道德观念的斗争,表现了无知与腐蚀的对抗这一詹姆斯作品的基本主题。
  • 黛茜·密勒

