

  • Matilda


    Five-year old Matilda longs for her parents to be good and loving and understanding, but they are none of these things. They are perfectly horrid to her. Matilda invents a game of punishing them each time they treat her badly and she soon discovers she has supernatural powers.
  • Boy

    作者:Roald Dahl

    In Boy, Roald Dahl recounts his days as a child growing up in England. From his years as a prankster at boarding school to his envious position as a chocolate tester for Cadbury's, Roald Dahl's boyhood was as full of excitement and the unexpected as are his world-famous, best-selling books. Packed with anecdotes— some funny, some painful, all interesting— this is a book that's sure to please.
  • 查理和巧克力工厂

    作者:Roald Dahl

    The classic tale of fantasy, this delightful masterpiece depicts all sorts of characters: greedy, selfish, obnoxious, compassionate, loveable, and generous. Recounting the adventures of four children bent on having their own way, the story's moralistic factor becomes uproariously apparent early on.
  • James and the Giant Peach

    作者:Roald Dahl

    James's aunts call him names, beat and starve him and make his life a misery. If only his parents hadn't been eaten by an escaped rhinoceros, he wouldn't be in this mess. But one day he meets a man who gives him a bag of magic crocodile tongues and so begins the adventure of his dreams.
  • Someone Like You


    These eighteen tales of the macabre show Dahl's dark brilliance as a short-story writer. They are wicked (as an old man attracts the attentions of those more interested in his skin than his wellbeing), shocking (as distasteful bets are made - a daughter's hand on the identity of a glass of claret, a finger risked for a Cadillac) and blackly humorous (as a cuckolded husband receives a chance to take his revenge out on his wife's neck). "Someone Like You" is as devilishly ingenious and suspenseful as writing gets.
  • 小乔治的神奇魔药


    《小乔治的神奇魔药》也是达尔作品中惹来最多争议的一篇。故事中小乔治有一个十分讨厌的姥姥,不但脾气十分暴烈,而且总是变了法儿地折磨小孩。于是小乔治把家里所有有毒的物品和在一起,配制出一种神奇的魔药,好好地整治了姥姥。故事中配制魔药的过程奇趣无比,惹人爆笑。可是由于这种魔药是用来对付姥姥的,所以不少评价者认为这样的安排有违伦理。特别是当小乔治最后把姥姥变没了的时候,妈妈看来也无所谓,爸爸甚至笑着说:“如果一天到晚脾气太坏,就会发生这样的事。” 不过,与评论者的角度不同,小读者们完全被故事的奇趣和幽默征服了,他们给这个故事以极高的评价。故事的奇思妙想也给其他的艺术家带来了启发,他们还将这个故事编成奇幻的童话剧,并取得了成功。 阅读这样的故事,需要一种游戏心态。
  • 玛蒂尔达


    出身于古怪家庭,又来到这个古怪的学校的玛蒂尔达,很快与亨尼小姐成为了最亲密的朋友,亨尼小姐给了她从未享受过的爱和尊重,而她也了解到亨尼小姐的不幸身世。原来亨尼小姐的母亲早逝,父亲请她的姨妈到家里来帮助抚养她,可几年后父亲又无缘无故地去世,家产全落在这位姨妈的头上。她是在姨妈的百般虐待下长大的,直到现在还受着姨妈的奴役。直觉告诉她,父亲的死与姨妈很有关系,但她完全没有证据。 猜猜看,这位姨妈是谁?就是那位可怕的校长特朗奇布尔小姐!
  • Matilda

    作者:Roald Dahl

  • James and the Giant Peach

    作者:Roald Dahl

    When magic touches an old peachtree, strange things start happening. A giant peach grows as large as a house, and when James crawls inside, the adventure begins. Lane Smith has created wonderful new illustrations based on the characters in the new full-length movie from Disney.
  • 了不起的狐狸爸爸

    作者:(英)罗尔德·达尔 著,(英)昆廷·布莱

  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    作者:Roald Dahl

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964) is a children's book by British author Roald Dahl, and is generally considered his best-known work. The adventures of young Charlie Bucket inside the chocolate factory of eccentric candymaker Willy Wonka is considered to be one of the most beloved children's stories of the 20th century.
  • 了不起的狐狸爸爸


    罗尔德・达尔的《了不起的狐狸爸爸》(明天出版社)正是这样的一本书。他认为动物及小动物们所蒙受的不白之冤是人类骄横自大的一种表现,人类的丑恶、残暴、凶狠、狡猾、奸诈比动物――无论多么凶残的、强大的――都表现得要充分得多得多。假如每一个可爱的孩子在出生以后,首先能看到的是这些优秀的儿童文学作品,那么他们才能具有与大自然、动物和平共处的优秀品德,并热爱它们。人应该先学会爱,而不是恨。一个人先对某种动物充满仇恨,再让他去学习爱这种动物的本领是何等艰难呀! 在一个山谷里,有三个饲养场,场主都是有钱人。他们叫:比恩、邦斯、博吉斯。他们也是三个坏蛋。接下来出场的是狐狸爸爸的一家人:狐狸爸爸、狐狸太太、四个小狐狸。狐狸爸爸很聪明,总能轻而易举地获取三个场主的鸡鸭鹅及火鸡、苹果酒以及其它食物。非常滑稽的是,狐狸爸爸似乎是为了使三个吝啬的家伙具有乐善好施的品德才和他们作对似的。他虽然去偷,但他的动机及表现却那么纯洁、高尚、可爱。这三个坏蛋发现他们的东西在丢失,于是开始联手对付狐狸,企图将他们一网打尽。 他们先是守在洞口,用猎枪射击狐狸爸爸,狐狸爸爸丢失了一条尾巴。再下来,他们用铁锹挖洞;最后他们又找来了掘土机。在一个又一个回合的较量中,狐狸爸爸都凭藉着聪明和智慧化险为夷。每一个回合的较量都扣人心弦,又让人捧腹大笑。我们看到的是人类疯狂的程度,以及这种疯狂之中显现的愚蠢、残忍和冷酷。 在“射击”那一节中,三个坏家伙是何等得意忘形,他们已经想好了各种惩治狐狸爸爸的办法。而狐狸爸爸是何等机警和聪明,虽然他被射断了一条尾巴,但他依然是胜利者。那些惟妙惟肖的描写,精彩至极。罗尔德・达尔采用循序渐进的方法,一步一步把二者之间的较量推向高潮。一个场面比一个场面宏大,一个回合比一个回合紧张。三个坏蛋的愚蠢和疯狂与狐狸爸爸的机警聪明在达尔的笔下、在故事不断的发展中最后抵达了登峰造极的地步。 最后,惊心动魄、啼笑皆非的最后,狐狸爸爸攫取了大量的食物,开了一场盛大的庆功宴,那三个家伙却还愚蠢地守在洞口。罗尔德・达尔说:就我所知,到目前为止,他们还在等着呢。又一个守株待兔的例子。可惜的是,他们只得到了一条尾巴。多么美丽、可爱、了不起的狐狸爸爸,多么值得人类尊敬和钦佩。如果我们不尊敬和钦佩它,又怎么会去爱它以及所有的动物们呢?仇恨及厌恶会带来偏见与冷酷,而爱呢,则会带来温暖和生机。我想,罗尔德・达尔是怀着高尚的创作动机写下这本书的。如果我们读到的仅仅是紧张、刺激、幽默、好玩,那么我们就把最有营养、最有价值的东西给丢掉了。
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    作者:Roald Dahl

    This is a new edition of the famous Dahl story of Charlie Bucket and his Golden Ticket, and Willy Wonka and his amazing chocolate factory. It features a great new Quentin Blake cover as well as a whole new exciting end section about Roald Dahl and his world. 点击链接进入中文版: 查理和巧克力工厂