

  • 美国语文读本1


    《美国语文读本1(美国原版经典语文课本)》:这套读本的英文原版共分七级,包括启蒙读本和第1-6级。考虑到启蒙读本与第一级篇幅都较少,难易程度也很接近,于是将之合并为第1册,其余2-6级与英文原版相同。这样国内出版的这套读本共包括6册。 《美国语文读本1(美国原版经典语文课本)》从字母表开始,主要侧重于字母的发音与书写、简单的单词与句型,同时强调英文书写,课后附有不少书法练习,让孩子们不仅将英语说得像外国人,而且写得也跟外文书法一样,这是国内英语教学所缺少的一个环节。 This series of schoolbooks teaching reading and moral precepts, originally prepared by William Holmes who was a professor at Miami University McGuffey, had a profound influence on public education in the United States. The eclectic readers, meaning that the selections were chosen from a number of sources, were considered remarkably literary works and probably exerted a greater influence upon literary tastes in the United States more than any other book, excluding the Bible. It is estimated that at least 120 million copies of McGuffey's Readers were sold between 1836 and 1960, placing its sales in a category with the Bible and Webster's Dictionary. Since 1961 they have continued to sell at a rate of some 30,000 copies a year. No other textbook bearing a single person's name has come close to that mark. McGuffey's Readers are still in use today in some school systems, and by parents for home schooling purposes. This first reader of 1841 introduces children to McGuffey's ethical code. The child modeled in this book is prompt, good, kind, honest and truthful. This first book contained fifty-five lessons.
  • 美国语文读本6


    《美国语文读本6(美国原版经典语文课本)》:这套读本的英文原版共分七级,包括启蒙读本和第1-6级。考虑到启蒙读本与第一级篇幅都较少,难易程度也很接近,于是将之合并为第1册,其余2-6级与英文原版相同。这样国内出版的这套读本共包括6册。 《美国语文读本6(美国原版经典语文课本)》引用了莎士比亚、朗费罗、狄更斯、艾迪生等名家名篇,通过一篇篇短小精悍的故事,将道德教育的内容倾注于作品之中,让孩子在欣赏这些优美文章的同时,从中感受到道德教育的力量。 This series of schoolbooks teaching reading and moral precepts, originally prepared by William Holmes who was a professor at Miami University McGuffey, had a profound influence on public education in the United States. The eclectic readers, meaning that the selections were chosen from a number of sources, were considered remarkably literary works and probably exerted a greater influence upon literary tastes in the United States more than any other book, excluding the Bible. It is estimated that at least 120 million copies of McGuffey's Readers were sold between 1836 and 1960, placing its sales in a category with the Bible and Webster's Dictionary. Since 1961 they have continued to sell at a rate of some 30,000 copies a year. No other textbook bearing a single person's name has come close to that mark. McGuffey's Readers are still in use today in some school systems, and by parents for home schooling purposes. In the sixth and final reader of 1885, there were 186 selections, 111 great authors were quoted such as Shakespeare, Longfellow, Dickens and Addison. The theme of the selections included several forms of composition, description, narration, argumentation and exposition. In this book there were also seventeen selections from the Bible.
  • 美国语文读本2


    《美国语文读本2(美国原版经典语文课本)》:这套读本的英文原版共分七级,包括启蒙读本和第1-6级。考虑到启蒙读本与第一级篇幅都较少,难易程度也很接近,于是将之合并为第1册,其余2-6级与英文原版相同。这样国内出版的这套读本共包括6册。 从《美国语文读本2(美国原版经典语文课本)》开始,均是比较正式的课文,概述了历史、生物、天文、动物学、植物学、餐桌礼仪、行为举止、对神和老师的态度等。每一课包括词汇和课文,并且对一些生词的英文做出了解释,让学生学会通过简单英文理解生词,养成用英语理解和思维的习惯。 This series of schoolbooks teaching reading and moral precepts, originally prepared by William Holmes who was a professor at Miami University McGuffey, had a profound influence on public education in the United States. The eclectic readers, meaning that the selections were chosen from a number of sources, were considered remarkably literary works and probably exerted a greater influence upon literary tastes in the United States more than any other book, excluding the Bible. It is estimated that at least 120 million copies of McGuffey's Readers were sold between 1836 and 1960, placing its sales in a category with the Bible and Webster's Dictionary. Since 1961 they have continued to sell at a rate of some 30,000 copies a year. No other textbook bearing a single person's name has come close to that mark. McGuffey's Readers are still in use today in some school systems, and by parents for home schooling purposes. The second reader appeared simultaneously with the first and followed the same pattern. It contained reading and spelling with eighty-five lessons, sixteen pictures and one-hundred sixty-six pages. It outlined history, biology, astronomy, zoology, botany; table manners, behavior towards family, attitudes toward God and teachers, the poor; the great and the good. The duties of youth are stressed. Millions of pioneer men and women were alumni of this second reader college, they were able to read and write English.
  • 美国语文(上下册)

    作者:威廉·H·麦加菲 编

    《美国语文:美国小学课文经典读本(英汉双语版)(套装共2册)》是一套通过道德文字向孩子传授知识、进行美德教育的优秀读本。汇集了狄更斯、华盛顿•欧文、莎士比亚、爱默生、梭罗等名家名篇,通过一篇篇短小精悍的故事,将道德教育的内容倾注于作品之中,让孩子在欣赏这些优美文字的同时,从中感受到道德教育的力量,潜移默化地形成影响他们一生的美德观念。本中英文版精选的235篇课文主要源于2-6年级课文,同时配上英语原文,对国内中小学生学习英语一定大有帮助。 《美国语文:美国小学课文经典读本(英汉双语版)(套装共2册)》根据全文,按主题进行分类,共分为10篇,亲近自然、动物亲情、正直诚实、勤奋友爱、坚毅勇敢、同情善良、自尊自律、交往处世、求知思考、快乐人生。是一套适合于国内中小学生的优秀双语课外读物。 海报:
  • 美国语文(共三册)


    内容简介 精选美国当代中学语文教材,以美国历史的发展为线索,取材于从1750年开始美洲文明的形成至今不同时代的具有广泛社会影响及文学代表意义的文章,象《美洲航海日志》、《瓦格纳的音乐会》等美国流传至今的精美文章,完整体现了语文教育的人文性、综合性及开放性,尤其课后问题的设置、编配极具趣味性、操作性。 媒体推荐 书评 本书是美国当代中学语言教程,选编的课文以美国历史的发展为线索,取材于不同时代的具有广泛社会影响及文学代表意义的文章,完整体现了语文教育的人文性、综合性及开放性,尤其课后问题的设置、编配极具趣味性、现实性,对学生文学综合素质的掊养有很强的启发意义。 教程很好地平衡了知识的教学和学生综合能力的发展,在强调学生多元化思维的同时,更加注意其个性思维的独特经验,既是语言教程,也是历史人文教程、思想实践教程。 我们诚挚建议家长和教师不要把本书作为学习英语的工具,那样无异于买椟还珠。我们要认真注意的是:他们的课文为什么这样编选?他们的习题为什么这样设计?他们想达到什么样的目的?他们方式训练出来的孩子与我们有什么不同? 编辑推荐 中国第一套系统引进的西方中学教材 阅读美国著名学校经典教材 感受西方文化教育的独特魅力 趣味课后习题,训练你开放的思维模式 集人文性、创造性、历史性、趣味性于一体 目录 第一部分 文明的交会 第一课 第一次美洲航海日志 第二课 乌龟背上的土地 第三课 有趣的故事 第四课 弗吉尼亚的通史 第五课 罪人的愤怒在上帝手中 第二部分 国家的诞生 第一课 富兰克林自传 第二课 独立宣言 第三课 在弗吉尼亚州大会上的演讲 第四课 穷里查德的年鉴 第五课 从新白宫里写给给女儿的信 第三部分 国家的发展 第一课《日晷》的通告 第二课 魔鬼和汤姆·沃克 第三课 穿越大裂谷 第四课 阿舍大厦的倒塌 第五课 自然 第六课 瓦尔登 第四部分 分裂、和解与扩展 第一课 战争插曲 第二课 葛底斯堡演说 第三课 同战中的声音 第四课 密西西比河上的生活 第五课 生火 第六课 一小时的故事 第七课 一场瓦格纳音乐会 第五部分 不满、觉醒与反抗 第一课 乌龟 第二课 在另一个国家 第三课 四月沐浴 第四课 威瑟萝奶奶的遗弃 第五课 幽灵进来的那一夜 第六部分 繁荣与保护 第一课 前七年 第二课 棕以的大箱子 第三课 女勇士 第四课 作了抵押的心 第五课 稻草变黄金:日常生活中的蜕变 第六课 家里的作家 译后者
  • 美国语文(套装共6册)


    《美国语文(英汉双语全译版)(套装共6册)》从19世纪中期至20世纪中叶,一直被广泛用作美国学校的语文教材,据称有10000多所美国学校拿它当作教材。到了21世纪,西方一些私立学校(Private School)和家庭学校(Homeschool)仍用它作为教材,足见这套书的价值与影响力。据估计,这套书从问世至1960年,至少发行了1.22亿册;1961年后,在西方每年销量仍达30000册以上。应该说,没有哪一套个人主编的教材能超过此发行量了!此套读本的英文原版共分七级,包括启蒙读本和第1-6级。考虑到启蒙读本与第一级篇幅都较少,难易程度也很接近,于是我们将之合并为第1册,其余2-6级与英文原版相同。这样国内出版的这套读本共包括6册。第1册从字母表开始,主要侧重于字母的发音与书写、简单的单词与句型,同时强调英文书写,课文后面附有不少书法练习,让孩子们不仅将英语说得像外国人,而且写得也跟外文书法一样,这是国内英语教学所缺少的一个环节。从第2册开始,均是比较正式的课文,每一课包括词汇和课文,对一些生词有英文解释,让学生学会通过简单英文理解生词,养成用英语理解和思维的习惯。第5册和第6册的课文前增加了作者简介与相关背景知识,内容丰富而有一定深度。此套书为在原版本基础上重新修订精装版,后两册字号较之前有所放大,并且修正了原有的错误之处,以方便学生阅读。 This series of schoolbooks teaching reading and moral precepts, originally prepared by William Holmes who was a professor at Miami University McGuffey, had a profound influence on public education in the United States. The eclectic readers, meaning that the selections were chosen from a number of sources, were considered remarkably literary works and probably exerted a greater influence upon literary tastes in the United States more than any other book, excluding the Bible. It is estimated that at least 120 million copies of McGuffey's Readers were sold between 1836 and 1960, placing its sales in a category with the Bible and Webster's Dictionary. Since 1961 they have continued to sell at a rate of some 30,000 copies a year. No other textbook bearing a single person's name has come close to that mark. McGuffey's Readers are still in use today in some school systems, and by parents for home schooling purposes. 海报:
  • 美国语文(上下)

    作者:马浩岚 编

    《美国语文(12至18岁)》美国当代中学语文教程,选编的课文以美国历史的发展为线索,取材于不同时代的具有广泛社会影响及文学代表意义的文章,完整体现了语文教育的人文性、综合性及开放性,尤其课后问题的设置、编配极具趣味性、现实性,对学生文学综合素质的培养有很强的启发意义。 教程很好地平衡了知识的教学和学生综合能力的发展,在强调学生多元化思维的同时,更加注重其个性思维的独特经验,既是语文教程,也是历史人文教程、思想实践教程。 我们诚挚建议家长和教师不要把本书仅仅作为学习英语的工具,那样无异于买椟还珠。我们要认真注意的是:他们的课文为什么这样编选?他们的习题为什么会这样设计?他们想达到什么样的目的?这样方式教育出来的孩子与我们的孩子有什么不同?