

  • 撬开苹果

    作者:利安德·卡尼,Leander Kahne

    本书从1996年乔布斯以临时首席执行官(interim-CEO,iCEO)的身份重返苹果公司开始讲起。但是,对于早期诸如苹果二代或者最初的麦金塔电脑之类项目的一些细节情况,本书也有提及,尤其是那些可以说明乔布斯所持原则的项目。 苹果公司本身并没有参与本书的撰写工作。本书只是一本非官方的商业传记。撰写此书的早期,苹果公司公关部给作者打电话表示,苹果公司对本书不给予官方认可。当时作者认为自己很可能会惹上官司,因为之前撰写乔布斯传记的大部分作者都遭到了乔布斯的起诉;但实际情况比作者预料的要好。苹果公司并没有威胁作者,而是设法弄清楚作者究竟打算在书中写什么内容。作者设法让他们相信本书整体的角度是积极的,最重要的是,将以乔布斯崇拜者的身份撰写此书,而不是像先前的很多传记一样揭秘他的生活。自此之后,尽管由于作者在《连线》杂志(Wired)工作的缘故,每天都要与苹果公司公关部打交道,但他们再也没有和作者谈论过此事。
  • Competing Against Time

    作者:George Stalk

    Today, time is the cutting edge. In fact, as a strategic weapon, contend George Stalk, Jr., and Thomas M. Hout, time is the equivalent of money, productivity, quality, even innovation. In this path-breaking book based upon ten years of research, the authors argue that the ways leading companies manage time—in production, in new product development, and in sales and distribution—represent the most powerful new sources of competitive advantage. With many detailed examples from companies that have put time-based strategies in place, such as Federal Express, Ford, Milliken, Honda, Deere, Toyota, Sun Microsystems, Wal-Mart, Citicorp, Harley-Davidson, and Mitsubishi, the authors describe exactly how reducing elapsed time can make the critical difference between success and failure. Give customers what they want when they want it, or the competition will. Time-based companies are offering greater varieties of products and services, at lower costs, and with quicker delivery times than their more pedestrian competitors. Moreover, the authors show that by refocusing their organizations on responsiveness, companies are discovering that long-held assumptions about the behavior of costs and customers are not true: Costs do not increase when lead times are reduced; they decline. Costs do not increase with greater investment in quality; they decrease. Costs do not go up when product variety is increased and response time is decreased; they go down. And contrary to a commonly held belief that customer demand would be only marginally improved by expanded product choice and better responsiveness, the authors show that the actual results have been an explosion in the demand for the product or service of a time-sensitive competitor, in most cases catapulting it into the most profitable segments of its markets. With persuasive evidence, Stalk and Hout document that time consumption, like cost, is quantifiable and therefore manageable. Today's new-generation companies recognize time as the fourth dimension of competitiveness and, as a result, operate with flexible manufacturing and rapid-response systems, and place extraordinary emphasis on R&D and innovation. Factories are close to the customers they serve. Organizations are structured to produce fast responses rather than low costs and control. Companies concentrate on reducing if not eliminating delays and using their response advantage to attract the most profitable customers. Stalk and Hout conclude that virtually all businesses can use time as a competitive weapon. In industry after industry, they illustrate the processes involved in becoming a time-based competitor and the ways managers can open and sustain a significant advantage over the competition.
  • Programming in Objective-C 2.0

    作者:Stephen G. Kochan

    THE #1 BESTSELLING BOOK ON OBJECTIVE-C 2.0 Programming in Objective-C 2.0 provides the new programmer a complete, step-by-step introduction to Objective-C, the primary language used to develop applications for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac OS X platforms. The book does not assume previous experience with either C or object-oriented programming languages, and it includes many detailed, practical examples of how to put Objective-C to use in your everyday iPhone/iPad or Mac OS X programming tasks. A powerful yet simple object-oriented programming language that's based on the C programming language, Objective-C is widely available not only on OS X and the iPhone/iPad platform but across many operating systems that support the gcc compiler, including Linux, Unix, and Windows systems. The second edition of this book thoroughly covers the latest version of the language, Objective-C 2.0. And it shows not only how to take advantage of the Foundation framework's rich built-in library of classes but also how to use the iPhone SDK to develop programs designed for the iPhone/iPad platform. Table of Contents 1 Introduction Part I: The Objective-C 2.0 Language 2 Programming in Objective-C 3 Classes, Objects, and Methods 4 Data Types and Expressions 5 Program Looping 6 Making Decisions 7 More on Classes 8 Inheritance 9 Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing, and Dynamic Binding 10 More on Variables and Data Types 11 Categories and Protocols 12 The Preprocessor 13 Underlying C Language Features Part II: The Foundation Framework 14 Introduction to the Foundation Framework 15 Numbers, Strings, and Collections 16 Working with Files 17 Memory Management 18 Copying Objects 19 Archiving Part III: Cocoa and the iPhone SDK 20 Introduction to Cocoa 21 Writing iPhone Applications Part IV: Appendixes A Glossary B Objective-C 2.0 Language Summary C Address Book Source Code D Resources
  • 苹果物语


    欢迎来到《苹果物语》的世界,这本书将带给你轻松学习如何使用苹果产品的极酷体验。 苹果公司的全线产品已经彻底地融入了我们的生活中,我们可以通过iMac电脑和Macbook笔记本电脑进行工作,也可以通过iPod或是iPad来娱乐,而iPhone手机更是模糊了工作、娱乐和沟通的界线。买到新款的Macbook或是iPhone,你心满意足,但三分钟兴奋过后,问题也就来了,这玩意儿应该怎么用呐? 购买苹果产品非常简单,有效地使用他们却也需要专业的指导。市面上有很多苹果类的教程书籍,他们真的很专业,1、2、3,a/b/c,第一,第二,第三。。。如果每天花上一两个小时预习、复习,再专门腾出时间学习,几个月后,你一定也能成为苹果应用高手,问题是。。。我们每天能有那么多时间吗? 《苹果物语》的形式和你以前见过的电脑应用教材完全不同。阅读《苹果物语》就像是看一部美剧风格的生活单元剧一样。书中的女主角coco对电脑一窍不通,但在两个可爱的宅男苹果控的帮助下,她不但成为了苹果产品应用高手,甚至还通过苹果产品的操作技能开启了自己工作上的新局面。而书中登场的独立摄影师、背包客等角色更是将自己在生活中如何运用苹果产品的宝贵经验和盘托出,让读者轻松掌握高端的苹果产品运用技巧。 读完《苹果物语》,你将掌握使用Mac电脑和iPhone进行日常工作、娱乐的基本技能,也能学到不少可以让身边好友们惊呼的酷炫绝技,更能读到一个就像是发生在我们身边的有趣故事,相当于花一份钱,买了三本书,实在是赚翻了! 阅读《苹果物语》,用看美剧般的轻松方式成为苹果产品应用高手,赶紧购买,演绎属于自己的苹果生活秀吧!
  • 改变世界的苹果


    苹果让自己的亮相来得太迟,似乎全世界都在等待被它改变。 如今,苹果在科技领域的硬件、软件以及用户界面都堪称完美,它的领袖地位已迅速扩展到现代生活的各个方面,勇于创新的改革策略只为服务到每一个客户。 苹果也早已开始影响科技之外的文化领域,它已经代表一种生活品位,一个时尚符号。 本书讲述改变世界的苹果产品,以及为z努力奋斗并从未停止梦想的人们。
  • The Perfect Thing

    作者:Steven Levy

    On October 23, 2001, Apple Computer, a company known for its chic, cutting-edge technology -- if not necessarily for its dominant market share -- launched a product with an enticing promise: You can carry an entire music collection in your pocket. It was called the iPod. What happened next exceeded the company's wildest dreams. Over 50 million people have inserted the device's distinctive white buds into their ears, and the iPod has become a global obsession. The Perfect Thing is the definitive account, from design and marketing to startling impact, of Apple's iPod, the signature device of our young century. Besides being one of the most successful consumer products in decades, the iPod has changed our behavior and even our society. It has transformed Apple from a computer company into a consumer electronics giant. It has remolded the music business, altering not only the means of distribution but even the ways in which people enjoy and think about music. Its ubiquity and its universally acknowledged coolness have made it a symbol for the digital age itself, with commentators remarking on "the iPod generation." Now the iPod is beginning to transform the broadcast industry, too, as podcasting becomes a way to access radio and television programming. Meanwhile millions of Podheads obsess about their gizmo, reveling in the personal soundtrack it offers them, basking in the social cachet it lends them, even wondering whether the device itself has its own musical preferences. Steven Levy, the chief technology correspondent for Newsweek magazine and a longtime Apple watcher, is the ideal writer to tell the iPod's tale. He has had access to all the key players in the iPod story, including Steve Jobs, Apple's charismatic cofounder and CEO, whom Levy has known for over twenty years. Detailing for the first time the complete story of the creation of the iPod, Levy explains why Apple succeeded brilliantly with its version of the MP3 player when other companies didn't get it right, and how Jobs was able to convince the bosses at the big record labels to license their music for Apple's groundbreaking iTunes Store. (We even learn why the iPod is white.) Besides his inside view of Apple, Levy draws on his experiences covering Napster and attending Supreme Court arguments on copyright (as well as his own travels on the iPod's click wheel) to address all of the fascinating issues -- technical, legal, social, and musical -- that the iPod raises. Borrowing one of the definitive qualities of the iPod itself, The Perfect Thing shuffles the book format. Each chapter of this book was written to stand on its own, a deeply researched, wittily observed take on a different aspect of the iPod. The sequence of the chapters in the book has been shuffled in different copies, with only the opening and concluding sections excepted. "Shuffle" is a hallmark of the digital age -- and The Perfect Thing, via sharp, insightful reporting, is the perfect guide to the deceptively diminutive gadget embodying our era.
  • The Apple Way

    作者:Jeffrey L. Cruikshan

    在线阅读本书 Book Description With more than 10 million iPods sold to date, an unprecedented 250 percent stock value increase in just one year, and a net income increase of 530 percent, Apple has skyrocketed to dizzying heights of success. But the ride has not always been smooth, and the company’s legendary cofounder, Steve Jobs, has seen it all. From its early unveiling of the unreliable, clunky $9,995 “Lisa” computer in 1983, to its recent staggeringly successful breakthrough product, the iPod, this company has not only reinvented itself many times over, but it also has revolutionized the entire computer industry. What are its secrets? Find out in The Apple Way. In today’s fast-moving technology world, Apple has learned--often through hard-won wisdom--that you can’t do it by yourself, no matter how smart you are. Markets move quickly, technologies grow complex, and too many intelligent people invest too much time and money in innovation. The Apple Way reveals the secrets and management principles that keep Apple ahead of the curve--including innovative product development, cutting-edge marketing strategies, sleek design and packaging, and a high-performance corporate culture. You’ll discover how Apple combines consistency with continuity and follow-through, and balances vision with practicality. Follow Apple’s example and learn how to: * Make the customer king * Make the product king * Break the marketing mold * Build the learning organization Although Apple is a technology company, this is not a story for computer buffs, but rather a book for managers who want to learn valuable lessons from both Apple’s mistakes and triumphs--all of which have led to its continuing evolution and ultimate meteoric rise to success. Because, for Steve Jobs and the visionaries at Apple, finding the future isn’t enough--you also have to deliver it. “We don’t underestimate people....Rather than making a far inferior product for a hundred dollars less, we gave the people the product that they want and that will serve them for years, even though it’s a little pricier. People are smart; they figure these things out.” --Steve Jobs Reveals the master plan behind Apple’s revolutionary business model The Apple Way divulges the secrets and management principles that keep Apple far ahead of the curve. Find out how to implement these and other winning strategies in your organization to trigger a technological and stylistic revolution of your own: * Make the customer and the product king * Balance manufacturing with delivery logistics * Motivate and inspire people outside the company to do your marketing and public relations * Invent new distribution channels * Decide on your company image and stick to your guns * Leapfrog the competition * Learn from both successes and missteps Book Dimension length: (cm)23.1                 width:(cm)15.7
  • 从心爱你(下)


    万事皆备,却没想到半路杀出程咬金, 连上天都站在楚安华那一边。 江晴只能将血和泪吞回肚子里, 是啊!他们父子从来就没赢过楚家父子…… 好不容易还清了一身债, 江晴也认了命, 他的爱是真的,他的恨也是真的, 但他不能原谅自己为何还是爱楚安华入骨。 从新来过的爱情,必须从心开始, 这次,楚家父子要用自己的真心, 换回属于全家的幸福……
  • 爱上假面助理


  • 约会爱情


    面对招之即来的情人们, 家杰怎样也没想过要将自己的一生固定在谁的身上。 做个游历花丛和美男间的花花公子, 家杰自有一套享受人生的原则, 不管新上司钟森看不看得惯他,又或者怎样看待他, 他觉得,还是自己的心情最重要。
  • 爱上美男管家


  • 西西里教父(上)


  • 平民幸福


    御宅族的老男人陆凯, 因为曾经的感情创伤而龟缩在一间公寓里, 整日过着浑浑噩噩的生活, 直到有一天,他打开门,遇见了那个被姐姐姐夫抛下的少年…… 清澈的目光,信赖地紧抓住他袖子的手,开朗的,在任何情况下都满怀希望生活下去的少年……
  • 纯医邪郎


    殷慕秋曾以为,只要容忍, 便能在佈满生死与斗争的医院中求得一席安身所, 但一场手术、一条本可挽救的年轻生命, 却印证他的容忍不过是懦弱而已。 是的,他是懦弱的,甚至连生存的勇气都将近失去……
  • 偷偷爱你


    他拥有双重的身份, 一是贸易公司安静不显眼的小职员莫睿阳, 一是公司老板夏君杰活泼又纯真的情人小阳, 即使心早已交了出去,却永远不能开口说「爱」字, 只为让这场游戏能够延续下去。 原来秘密早就不是秘密, 他的伪装完全没有意义,他的一切根本无所遁形。 当夏君杰的唇吐露出冰冷的话语, 莫睿阳瞬间被打入无情的地狱。 但即使所有的温柔与体贴都是假的,他不后悔曾放下这段感情, 游戏结束了,他还是得努力地活下去, 努力地放下他,忘了他……
  • 蘋果內幕

    作者:[美] 亞當.藍辛斯基

    今年最好看的商業書! 《財星》資深主編給你最全面、完整的蘋果分析 連蘋果員工也急著想看! 李仁芳 政治大學創新管理教授 林之晨(Mr. Jamie) appWorks創投合夥人 傅瑞德 前Macworld雜誌總編輯、潑墨書房創辦人 蔡政儒 老地方冰果室frostyplace.com主持人 強力推薦 亞當.藍辛斯基是美國最優秀與最勤奮的科技記者之一,他寫出蘋果邁入後賈伯斯時代的過程,提供了吸引人的描述。書中有生動的報導和聰明的分析,不但是我們可學習的蘋果經驗,也是創意事業可參考的一般領導方法。 ──華特.艾薩克森(Walter Isaacson),《賈伯斯傳》作者 內容比艾薩克森的《賈伯斯傳》還豐富,正是我一直等待閱讀的書。 ──約翰.黎利(John Lilly),Mozilla前執行長 亞當.藍辛斯基寫了這本生動簡潔、引人入勝的書,揭開了蘋果運作的真相與它驚人成功的原因。但它不只描述蘋果的昨日,還探究了明日,包括賈伯斯訓練出的高階經理、那群有天份的人,在失去賈伯斯領導後將要面對的挑戰。我一口氣就讀完了這本書。 ──肯.歐列塔(Ken Auletta),《紐約客》專欄作家 藍辛斯基這本書是一個對矽谷今日正統經營模式的重要反駁;它顯示了成功的21世紀企業不需要有扁平化和開放的組織。藍辛斯基可能真的說出了大多數人不願聽到的事實。蘋果才是美國企業的未來樣子,Google不是。而那個未來將是由秘密與謊言來定義,不是由透明與真相。 ──美國科技網站TechCrunch 本書的真正優點在於,它寫出了蘋果失去賈伯斯之後的不同發展劇本。你讀了以後會感覺,就連蘋果內部員工都跟我們一樣很急切想看這本書。 ──埃麗卡.奧格(Erica Ogg),美國科技網站GigaOm 坦白說,很久以來沒有一本商業書能像這本一樣牢牢吸引我。 ──羅伯.蘇頓(Robert I. Sutton),《拒絕混蛋守則》作者 《蘋果內幕》絕對足以匹敵去年暢銷書《賈伯斯傳》。如果《賈伯斯傳》是這位蘋果夢想家的最好、最可靠的傳記,那麼《蘋果內幕》就是他最偉大創作的展示與導覽。 ──《舊金山紀事報》 對蘋果與賈伯斯有深刻、鮮明的描述。 ──麥可.麥考比(Michael Maccoby),《自戀式領導》作者 藍辛斯基這本書道出了蘋果對於保持神秘的瘋狂堅持、它的管理方式,以及其他讓蘋果成功的詳細因素。 ──尼克.溫菲爾德(Nick Wingfield),《紐約時報》科技記者 藍辛斯基這本書分析了蘋果如何固執地忽視今日當道的管理模式,而且看來是真的。 ──理查德.沃特斯(Richard Waters),《金融時報》記者 賈伯斯最後一次參加蘋果董事會時,親自介紹最新iPhone的語音秘書功能Siri,但他知道,Siri也沒有辦法回答這個大哉問:「我走了以後,蘋果會變成什麼樣子?」 就連賈伯斯和他的自傳也無法回答的問題,看過了本書,你就有答案! 從設計、組織、管理、行銷、人才到思考方式 最全面、完整的蘋果機密大公開。 《財星》資深主編帶你了解:全世界最神秘的企業,為何也是最會賺錢的企業? 當企業界的主流是走向透明化,蘋果的做法卻是搞神秘。蘋果做生意的手法以及高層管理公司的方式,完全無視於多年來商學院的諄諄教誨。商學院告訴我們,「好的管理」必須授權給他人,但蘋果的執行長卻是大小事一手包辦。蘋果的員工被要求服從命令,而不是提供意見。人們不禁要問,蘋果是獨一無二的特例,又或者蘋果風格是業界應該仿效的對象? 全世界都熱愛蘋果的產品,但其實很少有人了解蘋果如何做出來,也不知道蘋果如何行銷。要解答這個問題,最好先了解在蘋果工作究竟是什麼樣子?──蘋果的領導者如何領導?公司如何讓技術小組互相競爭?蘋果幫員工安排的獨特職涯發展方式(或是根本沒有),又是怎麼一回事? 本書試圖溜進蘋果緊閉大門的世界,面面俱到且深入描寫蘋果的事業大將與經營體制。它不只描述蘋果的昨日與今日,還探究了明日,寫出蘋果邁入「後賈伯斯時代」的過程,包括賈伯斯訓練出的高階經理、那群有天份的人,在失去賈伯斯領導後將要面對的挑戰。 本書出版後各界讚譽有加,有人稱讚內容比《賈伯斯傳》還豐富,正是他一直等待閱讀的書。甚至還有人認為,蘋果才是美國企業的未來樣子,而Google不是。你讀了以後會感覺,就連蘋果內部員工都跟我們一樣很急切想看這本書! 精彩內容提示: 1. 獨家繪製的公司幹部組織圖,連蘋果內部員工也從未看過。 2. 重要幹部介紹:現任執行長庫克(鐵石心腸的系統人員)、艾夫(天才設計師)、佛斯托爾(十項全能的軟體工程師)、威廉姆斯(庫克的分身,營運資深副總)、曼斯菲德(硬體工程資深副總)、庫埃(負責搞定交易)。 3. DRI(直接負責人)制度:蘋果的「最佳實務」,即最有效的管理工具,公司分配的每個任務都有一個DRI,要是出了什麼問題,DRI就是興師問罪的對象。 4. 執行團隊:執行長之下的輔佐幹部團,簡稱ET。每週一開會,主要的會議內容是檢視蘋果的產品計畫。 5. Top 100集會:賈伯斯每年固定召集一次的秘密會議,集合了他認為最重要的100位高級幹部或員工,談論未來計畫,並可搶先目睹蘋果最新產品。 6. 蘋果大學:賈伯斯創辦的管理人才訓練課程,記錄、規範與傳授蘋果的企業史,培養內部的MBA,讓以後的領導人有參考的依據,也才有與眾不同的思考方向。 7. 蘋果公關部門:最高指導原則不是「你需要知道才告訴你」,而是「你不會知道的」。記者只能被動接受公關願意給的產品資訊。
  • 摄影,从心出发


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