

  • 美日博弈







    20 世纪80 年代前半段,是日美经贸关系的转折期——美国从容忍来自日本的巨额贸易逆差,到通过贸易制裁扼制日本产品在美国市场的占有率,进而挑战日本的产业政策和市场体制。






  • 中国进入国际大家庭






  • 新现实主义和新自由主义


  • China's Second Continent

    作者:Howard W. French

    An exciting, hugely revealing account of China’s burgeoning presence in Africa—a developing empire already shaping, and reshaping, the future of millions of people. # 该内容有淘宝网乐读书屋提供 # http://l-books.taobao.com A prizewinning foreign correspondent and former New York Times bureau chief in Shanghai and in West and Central Africa, Howard French is uniquely positioned to tell the story of China in Africa. Through meticulous on-the-ground reporting—conducted in Mandarin, French, and Portuguese, among other languages—French crafts a layered investigation of astonishing depth and breadth as he engages not only with policy-shaping moguls and diplomats, but also with the ordinary men and women navigating the street-level realities of cooperation, prejudice, corruption, and opportunity forged by this seismic geopolitical development. With incisiveness and empathy, French reveals the human face of China’s economic, political, and human presence across the African continent—and in doing so reveals what is at stake for everyone involved. We meet a broad spectrum of China’s dogged emigrant population, from those singlehandedly reshaping African infrastructure, commerce, and even environment (a self-made tycoon who harnessed Zambia’s now-booming copper trade; a timber entrepreneur determined to harvest the entirety of Liberia’s old-growth redwoods), to those just barely scraping by (a sibling pair running small businesses despite total illiteracy; a karaoke bar owner–cum–brothel madam), still convinced that Africa affords them better opportunities than their homeland. And we encounter an equally panoramic array of African responses: a citizens’ backlash in Senegal against a “Trojan horse” Chinese construction project (a tower complex to be built over a beloved soccer field, which locals thought would lead to overbearing Chinese pressure on their economy); a Zambian political candidate who, having protested China’s intrusiveness during the previous election and lost, now turns accommodating; the ascendant middle class of an industrial boomtown; African mine workers bitterly condemning their foreign employers, citing inadequate safety precautions and wages a fraction of their immigrant counterparts’. French’s nuanced portraits reveal the paradigms forming around this new world order, from the all-too-familiar echoes of colonial ambition—exploitation of resources and labor; cut-rate infrastructure projects; dubious treaties—to new frontiers of cultural and economic exchange, where dichotomies of suspicion and trust, assimilation and isolation, idealism and disillusionment are in dynamic flux. Part intrepid travelogue, part cultural census, part industrial and political exposé, French’s keenly observed account ultimately offers a fresh perspective on the most pressing unknowns of modern Sino-African relations: why China is making the incursions it is, just how extensive its cultural and economic inroads are, what Africa’s role in the equation is, and just what the ramifications for both parties—and the watching world—will be in the foreseeable future.
  • 高思在云


    今日我们所处的时代是一个什么样的时代? 我们从哪里来,可能往哪里去? 为什么我们过去信奉不疑的标准与制度会难以为继? 新的秩序与结构又将如何产生,从哪里涌现? 中国崛起将如何撼动当前全球秩序和西方话语权? 本书将中国的发展经验及其影响放置在最宽广的历史坐标与理论视野中作者在梳理过去三百年世界史的演进脉络,深入观察西方国家政治经济体制的构成与运作机制,批判性透视全球政治经济旧秩序的真实本质与宰制机制的基础上,深入浅出地探讨了中国兴起对人类社会发展的历史意涵这个大问题。 作者提出,与中国崛起相关联,当前人类社会正处于一个数百年难遇的“巨变时代”,其最重要的特征是四重历史趋势的反转,即以美国为核心的单极体系式微;“第三波民主”的退潮;资本主义全球化陷入困境;西方中心世界的末落和非西方世界的全面崛起。 作者以敏锐的洞察力和鲜活的事实探析了中国道路、中国体制的特色和优越性,比如以市场为导向的社会主义经济体系,国有经济、集体经济、民营经济、外资经济共存的所有制结构,中共的自我修正与回应社会需求的能力,中共独特的人才选拔、竞争、淘汰机制,农村土地的集体所有等。
  • 谎言与交锋

    作者:[埃及] 穆罕默德·巴拉迪

    《谎言与交锋:揭秘全球核较量的真实世界》内容简介:作为国际原子能机构连任三届的总干事,巴拉迪参与了近20年来全球最重要的数次大规模杀伤性武器核查。 他努力以客观公正的立场,以回忆录的形式,记录下自己在防止核武扩散过程中,和美国的周旋、与伊朗的谈判、在朝鲜的斡旋,并将其中鲜为人知的秘闻娓娓道来。 此外,他也深入剖析了和伊朗等国家和地区建立亲善关系的可能性,驳斥了各种类型的强硬观点,强调了坚持不懈的核外交努力的重要性。同时,他还阐述了国际安全与单个国家的安全密不可分,这一点不仅仅依赖于裁军,更依赖于普通意义上的人性尊严、民主的价值观,以及免遭贫困的自由。
  • Strategic Vision

    作者:Zbigniew Brzezinski

    By 1991, following the disintegration first of the Soviet bloc and then of the Soviet Union itself, the United States was left standing tall as the only global super-power. Not only the 20th but even the 21st century seemed destined to be the American centuries. But that super-optimism did not last long. During the last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, the stock market bubble and the costly foreign unilateralism of the younger Bush presidency, as well as the financial catastrophe of 2008 jolted America – and much of the West – into a sudden recognition of its systemic vulnerability to unregulated greed. Moreover, the East was demonstrating a surprising capacity for economic growth and technological innovation. That prompted new anxiety about the future, including even about America’s status as the leading world power. This book is a response to a challenge. It argues that without an America that is economically vital, socially appealing, responsibly powerful, and capable of sustaining an intelligent foreign engagement, the geopolitical prospects for the West could become increasingly grave. The ongoing changes in the distribution of global power and mounting global strife make it all the more essential that America does not retreat into an ignorant garrison-state mentality or wallow in cultural hedonism but rather becomes more strategically deliberate and historically enlightened in its global engagement with the new East. This book seeks to answer four major questions: 1. What are the implications of the changing distribution of global power from West to East, and how is it being affected by the new reality of a politically awakened humanity? 2. Why is America’s global appeal waning, how ominous are the symptoms of America’s domestic and international decline, and how did America waste the unique global opportunity offered by the peaceful end of the Cold War? 3. What would be the likely geopolitical consequences if America did decline by 2025, and could China then assume America’s central role in world affairs? 4. What ought to be a resurgent America’s major long-term geopolitical goals in order to shape a more vital and larger West and to engage cooperatively the emerging and dynamic new East? America, Brzezinski argues, must define and pursue a comprehensive and long-term a geopolitical vision, a vision that is responsive to the challenges of the changing historical context. This book seeks to provide the strategic blueprint for that vision.
  • 国际安全研究的演化

    作者:[英]巴里-布赞(Barry Buzan

  • 国际关系论


    《国际关系论》从国际关系史、国际政治、国际经济、国际文化、国际合作等各个方面介绍了国际关系论,最大限度地向读者展示了国际关系论的本来面貌,使读者建立起对国际关系论的正确认识,为读者提供了时代发展所需要的国际关系论的基础知识。 在《国际关系论》的每一章中,作者都大量介绍了国际关系领域的经典著作。作者认为国际关系论的研究应该是跨学科的,不使用跨学科的研究方法就无法理解现今复杂多变的国际关系的发展,因此,对从事国际关系研究及关心国际关系的读者而言,《国际关系论》可以看做跨学科的国际关系论的说明书或者学习国际关系论的参考书。
  • A General Theory of Institutional Change

    作者:Shiping Tang

    Institutional change is a central driving force behind social changes, and thus a central topic in all major fields of social sciences. Yet, no general theory of institutional change exists. Drawing from a diverse literature, this book develops a general theory of institutional change, based on a social evolutionary synthesis of the conflict approach and the harmony approach. The book argues that because the whole process of institutional change can be understood as a process of selecting a few ideas and turning them into institutions, competition of ideas and struggle for power to make rules are often at the heart of institutional change. The general theory not only integrates more specific theories and insights on institutional change that have been scattered in different fields into a coherent general theory but also provides fundamental new insights and points to new directions for future research. This book makes a fundamental contribution to all major fields of social sciences: sociology (sociological theory), political sciences, institutional economics, and political theory. It should be of general interest to scholars and students in all major fields of social science.
  • 大国的责任


  • 国际关系英国学派


    《国际关系英国学派:历史、理论与中国观》作者利用大量第一手文献资料,以英国学派有关国际社会的理论思考为主线,阐述与分析该学派的思想之旅,论及英国学派的形成与发展、核心人物的思想观点、理论与方法特色等问题。 国际关系英国学派是一个颇具特色的西方国际关系理论流派,它产生于冷战时期并且长期在美国话语霸权之下处于被边缘化的境地。但是自20世纪90年代以来,该学派日益为国际关系学界所关注。同时,《国际关系英国学派:历史、理论与中国观》也以一个中国学者的视角,特别论述了英国学派有关中国与国际社会关系的思考,并且分析了该学派的思想之旅可能给中国国际关系学科建设提供的启示。
  • 资源角逐


  • 国际关系-理论流派概论


  • 权力与责任


    21世纪是一个充满跨国威胁的世纪——紧急动荡、气候变化、核扩散、冲突、贫穷、恐怖主义、疾病,不一而足。对全球领导力的最大挑战是如何建立伙伴关系和国际组织,以便有能力应对面临的挑战。《权力与责任》讨论了美国领导人怎样才能重建国际秩序,在当今这个充满跨国问题的世界上促进全球的全权与繁荣。 《权力与责任》提出了一个新的国际安全基础理念:负责任主权,即主权既意味着对本国国民负有义务和责任,也意味着对其他国家负有义务和责任。各国政府必须在各个领域合作,以保护共同资源、应对共同威胁。 《权力与责任》指出,美国为了实现自己的利益,必须学会相互依存世界中的治理之道,通过合作发挥领导作用,与当今的传统大国和新兴大国一起建立新的国际制度。本书是“管理全球不安全因素”项目的成果,也反映了这一项目在全球范围内对话的收获,包括同由美国和国际知名人士组成的“管理全球不安全因素”项目咨询委员会的讨论,也包括在美国过聂和世界各个地区的咨询。
  • 国际关系学研究方法


  • 账簿中国


    中国在世界舞台上的崛起将是21世纪最重大的发展及挑战之一。 中国将如何发展包括国内发展和它与世界其他国家的联系,对政策制定者和公众来说是一个巨大的未知。中国的意图、未来走向等问题以及中国崛起对美国、亚洲和国际社会的启示都存在着不确定性。 中国的显著发展,加之其海外财富,其带动全球发展的潜能将超过历史上任何其他国家。然而,对于美国及其他发达国家,中国也引发了巨大的竞争问题。或许,自身内部挑战的重压会使中国崩溃;同样,更积极的全球合作及军事的迅速现代化也会使中国成为国际社会中负责任的、高效的一员。或许,中国会用它新具有的影响对抗、破坏美国及其他力量的利益,并挑战国际准则。中国的崛起将导致一个网状的经济安全利益吗?抑或只是个零和游戏? 为厘清这些关键问题,两个美国著名智库发起了一个历时多年的研究项目,以探求支持中国崛起的关键因素和动力,并给出了政策建议:应为中国建设性地参与国际社会提供更多机会! 《账簿中国》可谓描述和理解中国这一世界重要力量崛起的最伟大尝试。
  • 理性与国际合作


  • The Twenty Years' Crisis 1919-1939

    作者:E. H. Carr

    E.H. Carr's "Twenty Years' Crisis" is a classic work in international relations. Published in 1939, on the eve of World War II, it was immediately recognized by friend and foe alike as a defining work in the fledgling discipline. The author was one of the most influential and controversial intellectuals of the 20th century. The issues and themes he develops in this book continue to have relevance to modern day concerns with power and its distribution in the international system. Michael Cox's critical introduction provides the reader with background information about the author, the context for the book, its main themes and contemporary relevance. Written with the student in mind, it offers a guide to understanding a complex, but crucial text.
  • 新美帝国主义


    英国斯特灵大学国际关系学者瓦西利斯·福斯卡斯博士与其合作者写了一本叫做《新美帝国主义:布什的反恐战争和以血换石油》的书,认为美国正在世界充当“新帝国主义”的角色。   美国的“新帝国主义”表现在三个方面:第一,美国通过主导国际货币体系和石油——美元定价机制确立了美元霸权。第二,通过与盟国“轮轴与辐条”的关系,确立了自己“自由世界中心”的地位。第三,通过夸大世界面临的威胁来为自己的对外政策“正义化”和“军事化”寻找依据。   1991年苏联解体后,冷战渐渐让位于新的世界秩序,美国成为了唯一的超级大国。然而在2001年9月11日的恐怖袭击之前,21世纪早期世界秩序的组织原则并不明确。现在它很明确了——对共产主义的长期战争被持久的“反恐战争”所取代。不管美军还会在伊拉克待多久,不管接下来还会采取什么军事行动,小乔冶·布什将继续作为一位“战时总统”,其外交政策由五角大楼主导。同时,作者认为,这一注重欧亚大陆石油的新帝国主义阶段,是二战后迪安·艾奇逊和保罗·尼兹等人思想与行动的最新发展。但2005年不是1945年,美国并不像国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德和副总统切尼所宣称的那样,正在用解放德国和日本的方式解放伊拉克和阿富汗;也没有像马歇尔计划重建被战争破坏的西欧那样重建伊拉克和前南斯托夫地区。由于其军事力量过度延伸,财政受赤字所累,美国今天不可能再采取那样的手段。作者认为,美国是在简单地强制性消牦发展中国家的自然资源,并强迫其他发达国家依赖于美国对世界经济的管理。作者断言,这种状况最终尢法延续下去,美国正在陷入一个深度危机的时期。美国的新帝国主义者要想避开最坏的噩梦——瞅洲、俄罗斯、中国和欧佩克结成战略和经济联盟,最好在对全人类和环境安全造成重大破坏之前,有序地撤回美国的军事力量。