

  • 决策的本质


    《决策的本质》一书在国际关系、公共管理和决策等诸多领域都是一本必读的经典著作。即使对于一般公众来说,这也是一本有助于更好地理解政府与国家行动的有深度而又有趣的读物。本版利用最新的学术研究成果和最新解密的美国与苏联档案,分析和解释了美国与苏联在古巴导弹危机中的行为。其中,作 者提炼的三种决策模式与古巴导弹危机案例紧密结合在一起;理论的简洁、抽象与解释力和历史的细节、特殊性与真实性在本书中完美地融合在一体。
  • 果壳里的帝国


    本书有三个方面的主要贡献: 第一,提出了第四种战争状态假设。一切人对一切人的战争状态是第一种战争状态,或者叫霍布斯战争状态;个人与绝对权力之间的战争状态是第二种战争状态,也可以被称为洛克战争状态;一切国家与一切国家之间的战争状态,或者叫国际无政府状态,是第三种战争状态,这种状态被现实主义国际政治思想家汉斯·摩根索和肯尼思·沃尔兹所强调,因此又可以被称为摩根索-沃尔兹战争状态;第四种战争状态是其国家与霸权国之间的战争状态。 第二,论证了国家权力平均化趋势。国家权力分析是美国国际政治学界中现实主义流派的理论核心。如果这个假设是可以接受的,我们将发现,在国家主权绝对化条件下,将导致一个或多个霸权国产生;在国家主权相对化条件下,将推动国家权力的平均化趋势,其结果必然是霸权的终结和洲级国家时代的来临。 第三,发现了人权高于霸权的原则。国家的权力欲望并不是推动国家行为的最终动因,最终动因是人权的发展。国内人权发展推动国内经济繁荣与政治民主,国际人权发展推动国际霸权的衰落。人权高于主权表达的是这样一条绝对规则:任何主权国家都无权剥夺一个公民或一个少数族裔的基本人权,在这种情况发生时,对这个国家的国际干预符合正义原则。人权高于霸权原则的含义是,发生人权灾难的当事国在人权问题得以解决后,要求领导国际干预的霸权国势力撤离本国,同样符合正义原则。
  • 从俾斯麦到希特勒

    作者:[德] 塞巴斯蒂安•哈夫纳

    《从俾斯麦到希特勒》是德国政论大师级现代史学家塞巴斯蒂安•哈夫纳晚年的著作,被德国舆论界誉为“哈夫纳留给后世的遗产”。他以时代见证者的身份口述这部遗产时,仿佛从远方透过望远镜一般,回顾了“德意志国”的时代,将1871至1945年的德国现代史上最精彩的一段娓娓道来,从而让人们对德国历史有更深入的理解。 《从俾斯麦到希特勒》回顾了从普鲁士王国的“铁血宰相”俾斯麦如何创建德意志帝国,直到希特勒的第三帝国将日耳曼民族的国家带往毁灭之路的历史。从俾斯麦到希特勒,本书为读者提供了德国历史发展的一条脉络,并由此来激发读者反思,现在的德国处境与当初德意志的发展有什么不同。通过与哈夫纳的精神对话,读者会对欧洲以及德国的历史有更深入的了解。
  • 中国为什么有前途


    一本树立科学发展观的全民必读书 我们正在崛起,正在奔跑, 然而, 我们在哪?我们去哪?我们怎么去? 中国崛起背后的奥秘是什么? 一本时政奇书 一幅国际经济时局图 一本应对世界经济格局大调整的全民辅导手册 人民大学博士、著名经济战略家 翟东升 重磅力作 著名财经评论家 叶 檀 倾情推介 中国的经济奇迹到底是如何实现的?外资、外贸和外汇政策在其中扮演的何种角色?中国人为此付出了多大代价?中国获得的经济资源如何通过和平手段转变为国际影响力?就上述问题,借助对“三外路线”的归纳与阐述,翟东升博士的专著从跨学科和整体性视角解读中国对外经济关系的各个方面,并为读者勾勒出未来的政策演进趋势。
  • 国家构建


    《国家构建:21世纪的国家治理与世界秩序》内容简介:弗朗西斯·福山曾因预言以民主自由和全球资本主义作为“历史的终结 ”而闻名于世。因此,他最新出版的著作的命题——构建新的民族国家—— 才使人如此始料不及。福山认为,历史的终结决不会是一个自发的进程,治理有方的政治实体作为它的前提条件贯穿于这一进程的始终。他相信:“软弱无能国家或失败国家已成为当今世界上许多严重问题的根源。”
  • 霸权还是生存


  • 全球化时代的国际关系


  • 新战国时代


  • Harry Potter and International Relations

    作者:Iver B. Neumann Dani

    Why not take seriously the claim that Harry Potter's world intertwines with our own? In this timely yet otherworldly volume, more than a dozen scholars of international relations join hands to demonstrate how this well-loved artifact of popular culture reflects and shapes our own lifeworld. A wide range of historical and sociological sources shows how Harry's world contains aspects of our own. Practices such as quidditch dovetail quite clearly with "muggle" sports, and the very British-ness of the books has, in translation into languages such as Turkish and Arabic, been transformed to reflect these unique cultures. Chapters on the political economy of the franchise as well as the scholarly problems of studying popular culture frame what is essentially a highly info-taining read.
  • Cultural Realism

    作者:Alastair Iain Johnst

    Cultural Realism is an in-depth study of premodern Chinese strategic thought that has important implications for contemporary international relations theory. In applying a Western theoretical debate to China, Iain Johnston advances rigorous procedures for testing for the existence and influence of "strategic culture." Johnston sets out to answer two empirical questions. Is there a substantively consistent and temporally persistent Chinese strategic culture? If so, to what extent has it influenced China's approaches to security? The focus of his study is the Ming dynasty's grand strategy against the Mongols (1368-1644). First Johnston examines ancient military texts as sources of Chinese strategic culture, using cognitive mapping, symbolic analysis and congruence tests to determine whether there is a consistent grand strategic preference ranking across texts that constitutes a single strategic culture. Then he applies similar techniques to determine the effect of the strategic culture on the strategic preferences of the Ming decision makers. Finally, he assesses the effect of these preferences on Ming policies towards the Mongol "threat." The findings of this book challenge dominant interpretations of traditional Chinese strategic thought. They suggest also that the roots of realpolitik are ideational and not predominantly structural. The results lead to the surprising conclusion that there may be, in fact, fewer cross-national differences in strategic culture than proponents of the "strategic culture" approach think.
  • Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation

    作者:Joseph S. Nye,David

    Written by renowned scholar and former policymaker Joseph Nye, Jr. and new co-author David A. Welch, Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation is a brief and penetrating introduction to the study of world politics in an era of complex interdependence. Thistext deftly employs lessons from both theory and history to evaluate conflict and cooperation among global actors and to provide students with a resilient analytical framework. From twentieth and twenty-first century conflicts to global trade and finance, global governance, and the information revolution, Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation , formerly known as Understanding International Conflicts , expands substantially on previous editions of this classic work to provide a lucid and thought-provoking survey of international relations today.
  • 地缘大战略2


    《地缘大战略》上一本书的主题是“中国的地缘政治环境及其战略选择”,这一本书的主题是“中国的地缘文化和地缘经济”。 大致上,文化与经济的扩展遵循地缘政治扩张的路径,它们是支持一个国家影响力的背后力量。这些文化和经济力量首先在国内聚集,然后向外发展。与以前大国的军事和政治扩张不同,地缘文化与地缘经济的扩张是柔性的、可持续的,因而也是决定性的。 地缘文化学的最基本前提是文化。一个国家首先要具备一些自由、传统文化、创造力和体面的制度,然后才能取得资格,加入到国家间的文化竞争中去。否则这个国家只能是一片洼地,或自我封闭,或接受外来影响,甚至污水横流,无论当权者怎么耗费国民的钱财,都只能收效甚微。 过去国家试图通过战争达到的目标,现在可以改用地缘经济的方式达到,比如获取别国的资源,等。地缘经济学的基本要素是民生。首先有国内繁荣,然后才有繁荣的向外扩展。地缘经济仍然是发达国家占据主动,但中国可以争取到优势。
  • 中国的威胁


    本书跳出西方成见,新论迭出,针对中西方一系列争议提出独到洞见与对策。作品坦然面对中国的崛起,客观理性分析中国发展对世界政治经济文化格局的影响,提出了一系列过去西方汉学家或中国问题专家所未曾关注或提出的看法和观点,令西方社会耳目一新,标志着西方学界对中国的历史观察正在进入一个新的阶段。作品驳斥“中国威胁论”,把中国的崛起作为一个机会,认为遏制中国发展很危险,大胆提出“中国是福”的观点;作品一反欧洲汉学家居高临下的“常态”,公开表示西方并不“占据着道德高地”,大胆提出了普世价值存在于西方、中国、阿拉伯文化的观点以及和谐世界的理想。作品呼吁西方社会给中国更多的善意理解,提出中国改进对外宣传与西方民众沟通技巧有关建设性意见,善意提醒国人客观地看待西方的学界观点和媒体文化。本书也成为西方社会重新认识中国的一个好的开始。 http://book.ifeng.com/book.php?book_id=1357
  • 後美國世界-群雄崛起的經濟新秩序時代

    作者:Fareed Zakaria

    這是個最壞的年代、也是最好的年代。 CNN節目主持人、NEWSWEEK國際版主編─法理德‧札卡瑞亞(Fareed Zakaria),透過本書告訴我們:戰爭與恐怖暴力漸漸消失,大規模傷亡衝突不再。 中國、印度等新興市場展現高度經濟實力後,世界將進入經濟群雄崛起的後美國時代! 如果世界真的是平的,本書聲明:權力正在轉移,世界逐漸脫離美國經濟支配, 邁進一個多元勢力共同界定與監督的後美國世界。 2008年最精采轟動全球的觀點! 亞馬遜網路書店非文學類排行榜暢銷書! 紐約時報非文學類排行榜暢銷書! 美國於2008年5月上市迄今,已銷售超過10萬冊! 我們這個時代最精采的故事便是「群雄崛起」,也就是中國、印度、巴西、俄羅斯、南非、肯亞,以及許許多多國家的成長。這波經濟成長已產生新的全球景觀,權力在轉移,財閥和創新在出人意表的地方勃興。經濟成長也帶來政治信心和民族尊嚴。只要這些趨勢持續,全球化的推動力必會逐漸與民族主義的拉力結合,形成一種可能界定往後數十年世界局勢的張力。全球經濟成長帶來很多好事,同時也製造許多問題,而且我們這個世界還沒有能力處理。 當前美國國內的政治議論執著於恐怖主義、移民、國土安全和經濟恐慌之類的問題,完全跟這大發展不搭軋。美國所面臨的真正挑戰,是來自新世界的贏家,不是輸家。
  • 权力·制度·文化


  • Cool War

    作者:Noah Feldman

    A bold and thought-provoking look at the future of U.S.-China relations, and how their coming power struggle will reshape the competitive playing field for nations around the world The Cold War seemingly ended in a decisive victory for the West. But now, Noah Feldman argues, we are entering an era of renewed global struggle: the era of Cool War. Just as the Cold War matched the planet’s reigning superpowers in a contest for geopolitical supremacy, so this new age will pit the United States against a rising China in a contest for dominance, alliances, and resources. Already visible in Asia, the conflict will extend to the Middle East (U.S.-backed Israel versus Chinese-backed Iran), Africa, and beyond. Yet this Cool War differs fundamentally from the zero-sum showdowns of the past: The world’s major power and its leading challenger are economically interdependent to an unprecedented degree. Exports to the U.S. account for nearly a quarter of Chinese trade, while the Chinese government holds 8 percent of America’s outstanding debt. This positive-sum interdependence has profound implications for nations, corporations, and international institutions. It makes what looked to be a classic contest between two great powers into something much more complex, contradictory, and badly in need of the shrewd and carefully reasoned analysis that Feldman provides. To understand the looming competition with China, we must understand the incentives that drive Chinese policy. Feldman offers an arresting take on that country’s secretive hierarchy, proposing that the hereditary “princelings” who reap the benefits of the complicated Chinese political system are actually in partnership with the meritocrats who keep the system full of fresh talent and the reformers who are trying to root out corruption and foster government accountability. He provides a clear-eyed analysis of the years ahead, showing how China’s rise presents opportunities as well as risks. Robust competition could make the U.S. leaner, smarter, and more pragmatic, and could drive China to greater respect for human rights. Alternatively, disputes over trade, territory, or human rights could jeopardize the global economic equilibrium—or provoke a catastrophic “hot war” that neither country wants. The U.S. and China may be divided by political culture and belief, but they are also bound together by mutual self-interest. Cool War makes the case for competitive cooperation as the only way forward that can preserve the peace and make winners out of both sides. Advance praise for Cool War “We are leaving the era of ‘Chimerica’—when China and America were economically joined at the hip—and entering the era of what Noah Feldman has justly and wittily dubbed ‘Cool War.’ Feldman anatomizes the rapid transformation of the Sino-American relationship from an unequal trading partnership into a new and heavily armed ambivalence. Just how cool the conflict stays, Feldman suggests, will be determined not in cyberspace or at sea but in international institutions. Cool War is essential reading for any serious student of the emergent bipolar order in the Asia-Pacific region.”—Niall Ferguson, New York Times bestselling author of Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire and Civilization: The West and the Rest “By giving realism and liberal internationalism their due, and by giving credence to both naked self-interest and legal norms, Noah Feldman's dissection of the United States–China relationship is smart, balanced, and wise.”—Robert D. Kaplan, New York Times bestselling author of The Revenge of Geography

    作者:杰伦.兰密施,Jairam Ramesh

  • 媒体话语权


  • 非一般的外交家

