

  • 尼采引论


    本书作者既联系尼采的生平和写作等传记性因素同时又超出这些因素来理解尼采,探讨尼采个人性哲学思考的普遍的意义。在他看来,尼采是一个哲学家,其使命是寻求解脱和解放:从信仰中解放出来,从各种精神枷锁的束缚中解放出来,最后变成“自由的精神”。在完成这一使命的过程中,尼采的疾病,这一最重要的传记性、个人性和偶然性的因素,对尼采帮助最大。 比如:尼采主要以格言方式写作,从来没有一个哲学家赋予格言以如此重要意义,并给格言这一写作方式打上如此深刻的烙印。但是,促使尼采选择这一写作方式和思考方式的并非一种形而上学的理论性的根据,而是尼采本人的一种偶然存在条件:他由于“头痛和视力不佳”而不得不采用“倒霉的电报文体”。 但是,尼采的自我解放超出了疾病等传记性因素的范围,对其他读者具有普遍示范和启发的哲学意义。尼采的哲学思考首先是一种自我解脱和自我克服。尼采称他的哲学思考为“大解脱”。这种解脱确实将尼采从某种生理和生活困境中解脱出来,上升到作为“健康学说”的哲学思考和哲学学说, 尼采的哲学思考是在“皮肤之下进行”的,但是,在这个过程完成之后,它也是在“皮肤”之间进行的。在这个高度上,他没有提供普遍的救赎学说,而是用他自己的患病和康复的例子,向其他个人表明了一种通过哲学救赎和解脱的可能性。 本书是目前中译本里少有的佳本,既适合入门级读者,对专家也颇有启示。译者研读尼采已多年,并已有尼采以及关于尼采的研究译作多种。 在这本引导读者阅读和思考尼采哲学的著作中,作者施特格迈尔没有集中关注尼采那些为人耳熟能详的著名概念和学说,而是将尼采的概念和学说放到尼采生活和思考、写作的语境脉络中来加以理解和考察,并希望这种理解和考察最终反过来在读者自己的生活、思考、写作的语境脉络中产生某种影响,发挥某种作用。 有两种常见的尼采解释方式。一种是几乎完全用传记性材料来解释或还原尼采思想。丹豪瑟说,现代人喜欢给一个思想家做心理分析,而不是分析他的思想,尼采从这种做法中吃到的苦头比大多数思想家都要多,虽然不无讽刺意味的是,在很大程度上正是尼采自己使这种现代爱好具有了可敬的思想外表。另一种是忽视个人传记性因素,抽象地理解和表达尼采思想。例如,海德格尔在其开创性的尼采研究中,认为所有思想家都思考“同一个东西”,并将尼采思想概括为“权力意志”,“永恒复返”,“超人”,“虚无主义”等等教条,尼采被定位为“最后一个形而上学家”。 在这本介绍尼采思想的著作中,施特格迈尔试图将这两种方式有机地结合起来,既联系尼采的生平和写作等传记性因素同时又超出这些因素来理解尼采,探讨尼采个人性哲学思考的普遍的个体间的意义。
  • Nietzsche

    作者:Walter A. Kaufmann

    This classic is the benchmark against which all modern books about Nietzsche are measured. When Walter Kaufmann wrote it in the immediate aftermath of World War II, most scholars outside Germany viewed Nietzsche as part madman, part proto-Nazi, and almost wholly unphilosophical. Kaufmann rehabilitated Nietzsche nearly single-handedly, presenting his works as one of the great achievements of Western philosophy. Responding to the powerful myths and countermyths that had sprung up around Nietzsche, Kaufmann offered a patient, evenhanded account of his life and works, and of the uses and abuses to which subsequent generations had put his ideas.Without ignoring or downplaying the ugliness of many of Nietzsche's proclamations, he set them in the context of his work as a whole and of the counterexamples yielded by a responsible reading of his books. More positively, he presented Nietzsche's ideas about power as one of the great accomplishments of modern philosophy, arguing that his conception of the "will to power" was not a crude apology for ruthless self-assertion but must be linked to Nietzsche's equally profound ideas about sublimation.He also presented Nietzsche as a pioneer of modern psychology and argued that a key to understanding his overall philosophy is to see it as a reaction against Christianity. Many scholars in the past half century have taken issue with some of Kaufmann's interpretations, but the book ranks as one of the most influential accounts ever written of any major Western thinker.
  • Basic Writings of Nietzsche (Modern Library)

    作者:Friedrich Nietzsche

    One hundred years after his death, Friedrich Nietzsche remains the most influential philosopher of the modern era. Basic Writings of Nietzsche gathers the complete texts of five of Nietzsche's most important works, from his first book to his last: The Birth of Tragedy; Beyond Good and Evil; On the Genealogy of Morals; The Case of Wagner; and Ecce Homo. Edited and translated by the great Nietzsche scholar Walter Kaufmann, this volume provides a definitive guide to the full range of Nietzsche's thought. Included also are seventy-five aphorisms, selections from Nietzsche's correspondence, and variants from drafts for Ecce Homo. From the Trade Paperback edition.
  • 查拉图斯特拉如是说


    本书是尼采最具代表性的著作之一。自1883年开始撰写第一卷,1885年该书第四卷完稿,并全部发表。在书中,尼采塑造了一位反基督的形象—查拉图斯特拉。这个形象以一个新价值的创造者的面貌出现。尼采大力宣传这个人的自我超越,并预言将来人们可以不要上帝的帮助便能实现自我与人性。在尼采所有著作中本书是最具代表性的一种,影响也最大,在世界上流畅甚广,一直以来被西方学者誉为世界文学史上的杰作之一。 《查拉图斯特拉如是说》(中文译本也有称为《苏鲁支语录的》)可以说是最有代表性的一种,影响也最大,在世界上流传甚广,自然也不是容易读的书。西方学者一直认为这部书是世界文学史上的杰作之一。
  • 查拉图斯特拉如是说


  • Nihilism Before Nietzsche

    作者:Michael Allen Gilles

    In the twentieth century, one often thinks of Nietzsche, nihilism, and the death of God as inextricably connected. However, in this work, Michael Gillespie argues that Nietzsche, in fact, misunderstood nihilism, and that his misunderstanding has misled nearly all succeeding thought about the subject. Reconstructing nihilism's intellectual and spiritual origins before it was given its determinitive definition by Nietzsche, the author focuses on the crucial turning points in the development of nihilism, from Ockham and the nominalist revolution to Descartes, Fichte, the German Romantics, the Russian nihilists and Nietzsche himself. His analysis shows that nihilism is not the result of the death of God, as Nietzsche believed; but the consequence of a new idea of God as a God of will who overturns all eternal standards of truth and justice. To understand nihilism, one has to understand how this notion of God came to inform a new notion of man and nature, one that puts will in place of reason, and freedom in place of necessity and order.
  • 悲剧的诞生

    作者:[德国] 尼采

  • 诗人哲学家


  • 偶像的黄昏


    “大学生英语文库”是一套面向中国学生的英语系列读物,各本均为注释性读本。 《偶像的黄昏》是德国哲学家尼采的后期著述,作于1889年。全书属于哲学思辨与文化感想一类,内容包括对古希腊贤哲的反思和批判、对传统道德的回顾和谴责、对他眼中的近代德国粗鄙浅薄的精神境界的分析、对德国文化衰落的感慨。尼采在此书中提倡学习观察、学习思维和学习说和写。 尼采原著言简意赅,英译文笔优美,注视侧重文化背景和历史典故,适合文理各科大学生、研究生及广大英语自学者阅读。
  • The Will to Power

    作者:Friedrich Nietzsche

    Represents a selection from Nietzche's notebooks to find out what he wrote on nihilism, art, morality, religion, and the theory of knowledge, among others.
  • 尼采文集 上中下


  • Beyond Good & Evil

    作者:Friedrich Nietzsche

    Nietzsche proposes in "Beyond Good and Evil" a system of inquiry and analysis known by the phrase 'history as critique.' This straightforward manner of investigation leads Nietzsche to question all of culture's most venerated conventions: science, religion, politics, decency and linguistic stock. He begins this process by overriding tradition when he says "only that which has no history can be defined." An explanation of virtue, for example, can only be written when the defintion eludes all possible requisites of custom and habit. We cannot properly administer the philosophical aspects of morality except through divine direction, suspicion, or an unexamined dependence on tradition. Because of this, Nietzsche calls to question the foundational premise that it is best for human beings to seek the truth. How do we know that mendacity isn't better? What is truth, anyway? He disputes the intention of the traditional esoteric venture. He unburdens all sources of cultural incontestability and claims to fixed truth which empties them of their value: "...we modern men, like semi-barbarians...reach 'our' bliss only when we are most in danger." Since we are in a process of perpetual adaptation we cannot be defined by any indigenous quality. Instead of adopting a class consciousness for purposes of easy identification Nietzsche asks that we establish an amplified sense of responsibility to our own luxurious creativity. He declares there is a higher calling: an unassisted life of intense but private joy, anguish, fortitude, perception, and constructive preparation.
  • On the Genealogy of Morals/Ecce Homo

    作者:Friedrich Nietzsche

    The great philosopher's major work on ethics, along with ECCE HOMO, Nietzche's remarkable review of his life and works. Translated by Walter Kaufmann.
  • 深渊与颠峰:论尼采的永恒轮回学说


  • 悲剧的诞生


  • 海德格尔与尼采

    作者:[法] 阿尔弗雷德·登克尔,[德] 马里

  • 尼采谈自由与偏见


    《尼采谈自由与偏见》内容简介:我们为自己创造了一个适于生活的世界,接受了各种因与果,动与静,形式与内涵。若是没有这些可信之物,则无人能坚持活下去!不过,那些东西并未经过验证。生活不是论据;生存条件也许原本就有错误。哪里有统治.哪里就有群众;哪里有群众,哪里就需要奴性;哪里有奴性.哪里就少有独立的个人;而且,这少有的个人还具备那反对个体的群体直觉和良知呢。 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。
  • Nietzsche and Philosophy

    作者:Gilles Deleuze

    -- Times Higher Education Supplement

    Nietzsche and Philosophy has long been recognized as one of the most important accounts of Nietzsche's philosophy, acclaimed for its rare combination of scholarly rigour and imaginative interpretation. Yet this is more than a major work on Nietzsche: the book opened a whole new avenue in post-war thought. Here Deleuze shows how Nietzsche began a new way of thinking which breaks with the dialectic as a method and escapes the confines of philosophy itself.

  • 尼采文集

