

  • The American Heritage Dictionary

    作者:Houghton Mifflin Com

    Amazon.com The latest edition of the American Heritage Dictionary is out, and that's hot news--not just for the resolute followers of lexicographical minutiae, but for the general reading and writing public as well. Why? Because the American Heritage is a long-standing favorite family dictionary (never underestimate the value of pictures) and one of the prime dictionary references for magazines, newspapers, and dot.com content providers. For scads of writers and editors across the U.S., it sets the standard on matters of style and lexicographical authority. So this new edition is exciting and noteworthy, but how good is it? In its favor, the fourth edition is as current a dictionary as you can get. It's six years fresher than the 1994 version, with 10,000 words and definitions you won't find in the still venerable but now slightly dated third edition. For example, unlike its predecessor (and also unlike the 1996 Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary), this fourth edition covers dot-com, e-commerce, and soccer mom, Ebonics, Viagra, and a surf definition for cruising television channels and the Internet. Its panel of special consultants includes authorities on anthropology, architecture, cinema, and law, plus military science, music, religion, and sports, and that is reflected in an impressively comprehensive coverage of the arts, culture, and technology. Sadly, however, there are no medical consultants on the panel, and that loss is felt in some substandard medical definitions. Other flaws: there's a greater than usual tendency to define a word with a form of the same word--for example, fuzzy, whose first two definitions are "1. covered with fuzz." and "2. of or resembling fuzz." And some definitions seem needlessly wordy, such as the entry for furious, which is "full of or characterized by extreme anger; raging." Compare that with the more succinct Oxford Encyclopedic entry: "1. extremely angry. 2. full of fury." On the other hand, there are valuable entries throughout the dictionary supplying additional information on synonyms, usage, or word history, and these extras, such as the history of diatribe and the usage notes on discomfit, are interesting. The layout is easy on the eyes, with dark blue/green bold type setting the words apart from their definitions, and 4,000 color photographs, maps, and illustrations that are both useful and delightful. On one page, the margin provides color depictions of Francis Bacon, bacterium, and a Bactrian camel. Theodore Roosevelt and a rooster share another margin, while a third page offers Isak Dinesen, a dingo, and dinoflagellate. It is a fascinating book to peruse, and a compellingly scholarly addition to the American Heritage Dictionary line. --Stephanie Gold --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Booklist Ever since the furor in the U.S. that greeted Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961) faded, it has become a given that dictionaries should be descriptive rather than prescriptive, a principle sanctified in Britain in the 1850s in Herbert Coleridge's original plan for the monumental project that eventually produced the Oxford English Dictionary. That dictionaries grow by gradual accretion of new words and new senses characterizes the latest edition of the American Heritage Dictionary (AHD), even if it, more than any other contemporary English-language dictionary, flirts with prescriptiveness in some of its usage notes.Reflecting trends in society since publication of the third edition (1992), the most visible additions to the lexicon come from technology. Hence AHD now includes the sense of dot as a synonym for period in computer jargon; a new techie sense for geek; and new entries for dot-com, e-commerce, HTML, HTTP, and URL. These are but a few of the 10,000 new senses or terms incorporated into this edition. Others (e.g., goth, personal watercraft, transgendered) come from the fields of pop culture, entertainment, sports, and business, to name a few.AHD shows two other, much more visible signs of its times. First, the thumbnail marginal illustrations have been transformed from black-and-white to color. This increases their clarity, their utility, and the value they add to definitions. Second, it comes in both print and CD-ROM formats.The CD-ROM (for Windows 95 through 2000 and NT and available for $24.95 if purchased alone) offers content almost identical to that of the print volume and many added features. Some of the illustrations in the print edition are absent from the CD (e.g., mackinaw). This is a small sacrifice for the far greater gains, one of which relates to illustrations. A search feature allows users to display only those terms that contain illustrations, and when any of these is displayed, its thumbnail illustration can be enlarged, offering even greater clarity than the color thumbnails on paper.Other features of the CD-ROM make it an attractive alternative to print, especially for personal use in situations in which it can reside more or less permanently on a PC's CD-ROM drive. A running list of entries in a frame to the left of the display window provides, with much greater precision than the printed dictionary's thumb indexing, quick access to a letter's section. In addition to the word search and A-Z scrolling display of all entries in that left-side window, the window's contents can be limited to display usage notes (usage, synonym, word histories, regional notes), Indo-European roots, Semitic roots, or (as noted) entries containing images. Most entries on the CD-ROM also include an audio icon that, when clicked, plays the word's pronunciation in an audible voice (for some words that of a male, for others that of a female). Just as the Webster's Tenth Collegiate Dictionary allows a toolbar link from Microsoft Word to the dictionary's contents, AHD provides this linkage through a right-mouse click.One other feature demonstrates the dictionary's sense of its times in the age of Internet filters and Dr. Laura controversies: when loading the CD-ROM, the user is asked whether to load the dictionary to include or exclude access to "vulgar" words. This is a latter-day sign of AHD's long willingness to apply usage labels more freely than most of its competitors. Taken by themselves, its usage labels (e.g., "slang," "vulgar") unquestionably appear to be prescriptive. However, when viewed in the context of the dictionary's usage notes, they soften and take on nuance. The usage notes depend heavily upon a large panel of writers and commentators representing diverse views. (What other group can claim both Harold Bloom and Roy Blount Jr and both Antonin Scalia and David Sedaris as members?) The notes convey the panel's uncertainties, disagreements, and qualifiers about how the words are and ought to be used. On the whole, AHD takes an old, inherently prescriptive dictionary device and uses it to describe the majority and minority opinions of a group of facile users of the language. A new category of notes, "Our Living Language," explains how language changes, for example, the reasons why the Ocracoke Island brogue is fading and the attempts to come up with euphemisms for the euphemism downsize. Approximately 1,800 notes of various sorts provide more context and more description than mere labels.When it comes to the things that users turn to a dictionary for most often--definitions, confirmation of spelling, pronunciation--AHD delivers as well as any other respected, respectable desk dictionary. Its definitions are clear and succinct, and they differentiate among senses of a word. Illustrations of words in sentences enhance selected definitions. A pronunciation key on every two-page spread of the print version is the next best thing to the audio on the CD-ROM.AHD long ago established itself as one of the standard American English dictionaries. Its improvements through expansion, refinement, and extension to the CD-ROM medium ensure its vitality and its value to a broad audience, from junior high on. RBB Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • 赖世雄经典语法


  • 2014年新版赖世雄美语:美语音标便携版


    本书特别为英语零基础或迫切想要改善自己发音的读者而精心编写,浅显易懂的语言保证你迅速上手,学习起来毫不费力。 本书详细介绍了字母、元音、辅音和连音的读法,辅以发音嘴型图形和发音诀窍,并有相似发音之比较,有助于读者打好标准美语发音的基础。 全书使用K.K.音标,对于音标的发音尽量采用汉字或汉语拼音做模拟,巧妙点拨。 解说简单清晰,摒除一切晦涩难懂的解剖学或语音学专门术语。人人皆可无师自通用,学好一口漂亮的美语发音。
  • 英语词汇的奥秘


    《英语词汇的奥秘》一书自1986年问世以来,累计销售已达80余万册。 无论是阅读还是写作,都必须要掌握一定的词汇;而如何更快的通过“词汇关”就成为许多同学颇为头疼的问题。本书将“词根”作为词汇的核心内容加以详述,列举了大量常用词根和词组,通过这些词根,可以快速有效地记忆大量单词,由点及面,达到事半功倍的效果。
  • 走遍美国


    《走遍美国(全新版)(套装全2册)》采用“交际教学法”,使学习者在实际场景中学习英语,培养其听说的运用能力,精心设计的练习可帮助学习者提高读写水平,是不可多得的美语学习教材。自1993年引入中国以来,《走遍美国》一直深受广大英语学习者的喜爱,得到广泛的好评。 进入新世纪,学习英语的热潮在中国日益蓬勃,英语学习者对于英语教程的要求也日益提高。为了适应新形势的要求,外语教学与研究出版社对原有教材的形式和结构进行了重新整理,推出这套《走遍美国》(全新版),希望帮助更多的学习者掌握美语,了解美国生活。更新后的《走遍美国》采用双色印刷,重点突出,主次分明,依然根据情节的发展进行结构安排。 《走遍美国(全新版)(套装全2册)》共26课,每课分为3幕。结构清晰,方便学习。学习者可以通过Useful Language一栏了解该幕将要学习的重点句型,进行学习前的“预热”。在学习课文的过程中,则可通过注释更好地理解课文。“美国生活点滴”提供了相应的文化背景介绍,解答学习者语言之外的疑惑。此外,Focus In部分对每课的关键句进行了归纳,有助于进一步巩固所学内容。课后丰富多样的练习(配有答案)则提供了更多的训练机会。 《走遍美国(全新版)(套装全2册)》配有CD-ROM 13张,内有原版录像和以上各版块内容;还配有录像原声CD 9张,让学习者可以随时随地感受纯正的英语氛围。此外,随两册主教材赠送辅导用书一本,提供课文译文、每课小结和词汇表,配合主教材使用,轻松方便。将译文与课文分开可以帮助学习者更好地在语境中进行理解,不受中文提示的影响,更好地锻炼个人能力。
  • 新概念英语第一册


  • 英语惯用法词典

    作者:葛传槼 编著

  • 咬文嚼字学英语


    本书收录1000多条英文词组和短语,其中有许多是各种英汉词典中未曾出现过的口语短句和外来词,见于西方诸多著名段落。对于这些词组和短语,作者均以准确释义,彻底杜绝了原文中不好理解和似是而非的困惑。同时,将包含这些短语或词组的引文准确翻译成中文,说明其出处、喻义及典故,在尽力查证的基础上,准确解析其词义和运用上的微妙之处,解析不同语言背后所代表的文化差异与生活趣味。 无论是读名著原文,看英美大片,听西方歌曲,甚至聊明显八卦或与好友一起卡拉OK,都会因本书的存在而得心应手。更重要的是对学习英语、自我进修和进而深度研习英美文化者均有莫大助益。
  • 英文写作指南


  • 译艺


  • 牛津英美文化词典


    《牛津英美文化词典》(英汉双解)共收文化词目10000余条,详细解说英美两国的历史、文学、艺术、传说、风俗等各个方面,以及国外报刊和文学作品所涉及的各种背景知识。将所有词目分成三个等级:一是普通词条,给出一般性解释;二是内容较长的词条,如足球、民歌、共济会等内涵丰富的条目,前后用黑体线标出;三是内容更为详尽的长词条,包括英美两国教育、时尚、电影、宗教等专项词条,页面用方框圈出。 全书英文解释浅显易懂,较难的单词后面附有简单的英文解释,以方便读者阅读欣赏。   书内配有丰富的插图和照片。
  • 跟我学英语口语100句

    作者:英语普及研究室 编

    本书提供了日常生活中常用的31个话题的约100 句用语,每个话题由基本句型及其应对,文化提示,样板对话,常用词语和操练对话五部分构成。
  • 美国大学英语写作


  • 别笑!我是英文单词书

    作者:[韩] 文德,权润珠 插图

    “我知道的单词太少,所以英语不好”,一定有不少人都曾过这样的想法吧?现在好了,请闭上眼睛,跟我一起慢慢感受这本书的“魔力”吧!!! 第一名、倒数第一名都爱不释手,老人和小孩都能兴致盎然地从头读到尾的英语学习书! 就连叔叔、阿姨都忍不住一口气读到尾的英语学习书! 大学生朋友一定要掌握的1000个英语单词就在这里! 本书以“和外国人沟通所必备的单词”为前提,系统化整理、归纳出日常生活中常用的1000个单词,是最适合大众阅读的英语基本单词入门指南。 作者不落窠日,以活泼、逗乐的故事巧妙融合了惯用的单词与词组,再配以幽默可爱的漫画,让你过目不忘。不用花钱上补习班,也不用“头悬梁,锥剌骨”地背得死去活来,而只要轻松阅读就能得心应手。这是一本集图像、联想、幽默于一身的超级易学、易懂的英语单词书。不论你是想要更加系统化学习英语词汇的中学生,还是对于学习英语备感压力的上班族,只要在哈哈大笑之间就能记住这些有用的单词。
  • 英汉视译


    《英汉视译》为翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)专业选修课教材。视译应用范围广泛,常被视为同声传译的一种特殊形式,也被当作同传训练的一种基本方法。《英汉视译》作为国内第一本系统传授视译技巧的专业教材,既有对视译原理、原则和基本要求的详细阐述,也有对视译中常用翻译技巧的实例讲解,具有很强的实践性和实用性,适用于专业教学和自主训练。主要特点如下: 教学设计循序渐进:从英汉两种语言转换的具体方法入手,由易到难讲授和训练各项视译技巧,并重点训练长句、难句的视译,为同传打下坚实基础; 训练素材真实广泛:选文涵盖政治、经济、文化、能源、环境、体育等国内外会议常见专题内容,视译译文真实再现译员现场表现; 技巧讲解注重实效:每单元突出一个重点,介绍不同句型在视译中常用的翻译技巧,对实用句型进行讲解,以大量实例进行示范; 视译练习丰富多样:各单元课堂实战练习与课后自主训练相辅相成,有助于学习者一步步巩固视译技巧,提高实战能力。所有练习均配有参考译文,方便学习者比较和提高。 《英汉视译》共15个单元,每周两学时课使用一个学期。每单元又分为技巧讲解、语段视译、实战练习和自主训练四个部分。技巧讲解部分从视译的原理和原则开始,逐步讲学生引入学习视译和同传的轨道,使学生明白视译和同传不仅是可能的,而且是完全可以做得很好的。语段视译配有笔译和视译两种译文,并就二者的不同之处做了详细的点评,有助于学生逐步克服多年养成的笔译习惯。实战练习的材料大多来自国际会议上的发言稿和公众人物的讲演词,并在篇章后配有难句分析,有效指导视译实践。最后的自主训练更是提供了配合单元主题的充足的课后练习篇章,这一部分的参考译文可在书后的附录中找到,方便自测自学。
  • 难忘米兰达

    作者:Rowena Akinyemi

    《书虫•牛津英汉双语读物:难忘米兰达(1级)(适合初1、初2年级)》主要内容:这是凯茜·威尔逊的第一份工作:同哈维一家生活在一起,照看两年幼的孩子和料理家务。凯茜父母双亡,也没有兄弟姐妹。她希望在新家里过得快乐,但她不时感到孤独。孩子们的父亲邓肯常常出差去伦敦。凯茜喜欢孩子们,也喜欢邓肯的母亲老哈维太太,但她没有朋友。当然,还有一个叫尼克的农场主,他住在田地的另一边。他的眼睛很蓝,笑容亲切而友善。但要和尼克交朋友并不容易,因为邓肯恨他,而凯茜同尼克出去吃晚饭也会让老哈维太太很生气。但是邓肯为什么恨尼克呢?为什么尼克让凯茜在海滩屋要小心呢?为什么谁也不愿意谈到两年前过世的孩子们的母亲米兰达呢?哈维家有许多秘密,令凯茜产生了疑问。 很快,她开始揭开谜底,并终于明白了为什么每个人都忘不了米兰达。 点击链接进入新版 : 书虫•牛津英汉双语读物:难忘米兰达(1级)(适合初1、初2年级)
  • 高级英文理解与表达教程


  • 亚瑟王朝里的美国人


    《亚瑟王朝里的美国人(新版)(入门级适合小学高年级初一)》内容简介:神奇的时空逆转,让一个美国小伙子转瞬跑到了中世纪的英国。凭借现代科技的力量,他改变了亚瑟王的传奇世界! 书虫系列特点: 1.世界优秀文学名著的英文简写读本及原创作品,提高你的英文阅读水平。 2.入门级为漫画形式,看图阅读,让你更容易踏入“书虫”的世界。 3.书后附有中文译文,帮助你实现对英文的更快理解和掌握。 4.每本还配有练习题,检测你的阅读效果。
  • 学习英语与从事英语工作的人生历程


    西方语言文学大师、著名教育家、翻译家、北京大学外国语学院英语系教授李赋宁先生,于2004年5月10日上午10时10分因晚期癌症导致多器官衰竭,救治无效,不幸逝世,享年87岁。   李赋宁先生祖籍陕西蒲城,1917年3月生于江苏南京。1939年毕业于清华大学外文系,1941年毕业于清华大学研究院。1941-1946年在西南联合大学外语系任教。1946年赴美国耶鲁大学研究院英语系学习,1948年获硕士学位。1950年回国,任清华大学外文系副教授。1952年院系调整后任北京大学西语系教授,1982年成为我国首批博士生导师之一。曾先后赴美国耶鲁大学和康奈尔大学讲学与研究。   曾任北京大学副教务长、西语系、英语系主任,兼任国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员和特约成员、中国英国文学学会名誉会长、中国外语教学研究会副会长、原国家教委高等学校外语教材编审委员会顾问、中国外国文学学会名誉理事、中国高校外国文学学会副会长、中国中美比较文化研究会顾问、中国莎士比亚学会副会长、《中国大百科全书·外国文学卷》副组长、《北京大学学报》等学术刊物的顾问、《国外文学》副主编、深圳大学外语系首任系主任、九三学社第七、八届中央委员会委员兼文教委员会副主任和第九届中央参议委员会委员、北京市第五、六届政协委员等职。   李赋宁先生治学范围广阔,涉及哲学、伦理学、文学、美学、语言学、历史学等,通晓英语、法语、德语、拉丁语、希腊语和古英语等多种外语。数十年来,先后开设了专业英语、专业法语、英语史、古英语、拉丁语、古希腊罗马文学、中世纪英国文学、16、17世纪英国文学、莎士比亚研究、欧洲文学史、西方文学批评、英国文学史、法国文学史、英国文学选读、莫里哀专题、汉英翻译等课程。李赋宁先生的教学艺术炉火纯青,蜚声中外。   李赋宁先生曾参加中共八大文件、《毛泽东选集》及一些重要文件的翻译工作。   李赋宁先生辛勤笔耕60余年,硕果累累,主要研究成果包括:《英语史》、《李赋宁论英语学习和西方文学》、《漫谈英语学习》、《英语学习经验谈》等多部专著;《艾略特文学论文集》、《约翰生<莎士比亚戏剧集>序=等多部译著,《英国文学名篇选注》(合编)、《英语学习指南》等多部编著;并发表评论莎士比亚、乔叟、荷马和有关西方语言文学及英语教学与研究的学术论文数十篇。其中,《英国文学名篇选注》闻名遐迩,《艾略特文学论文集》在外语界影响深远,尤其是被誉为我国“英语史教学研究的里程碑”的《英语史》荣获国家教育部优秀教材一等奖,由李赋宁先生担任总主编的《欧洲文学史》(三卷四册)荣获第六届国家图书奖文学类提名奖、第六届全国外国文学图书奖一等奖、北京市第七届哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖。李赋宁先生还曾荣获北京大学首届人文社会科学研究突出贡献奖。   李赋宁先生对祖国充满深深的热爱。1949年秋,他在耶鲁大学通过了博士学位的资格考试,博士论文已写就一半,欣闻全国解放、新中国成立,1950年满怀赤子报国之心毅然返国。数十年来,他献身于祖国的教育事业,一生兢兢业业,致力于教书育人,强调人文素质教育,培养出一批又一批优秀人才,为国家做出了突出的贡献。他一生好学不倦,博古通今,学贯中西,治学严谨,取得了巨大的学术成就,成为我国西方语言文学界的泰斗,闻名国内外。李赋宁先生德高望重,虚怀若谷,谦诚待人,尤其对中青年学人关怀备至。他是当代学人钦佩的大师,他的高尚人格魅力博得学界由衷的敬仰。   李赋宁先生带着他一生的辉煌,永远离开了我们。斯人已逝,风范犹存。让我们将李赋宁先生的崇高品德和他对祖国、对人民的无私奉献精神发扬光大。