The Essential Hayek
Nobel laureate economist F.A.Hayek firstt revolutionized economists' understanding of markets, and then profoundly challenged the public's understanding of government. Hayek is one of only a few social scientists over the past 200 years who thoroughly rethought the relationship between individual people and both the market and the state. While countless works have discussed the importance of Hayek and his ideas, none have focused on making his core ideas accessible to average people. This volume highlights and explains Hayek's basic insights in plain language to ensure that his critical ideas about the nature of society are both accessible and enduring. -
The Fatal Conceit
Highly readable and controversial, a work of considerable scholarship and energy, The Fatal Conceit will greatly advance our understanding of the economic and political issues confronting the world. -
自由市场大幅度地改进了世界各地民众的生活境遇,然而,那么多的知识分子鄙视、厌恶甚至憎恨自由市场。为什么?哈耶克、诺齐克、弗里德曼、斯蒂格勒、布坎南等当代最杰出的政治哲学家和经济学家诊这种奇怪的心理症状。 -
哈耶克的自由理论,为西方当代最具代表性的自由主义论述之一。哈耶克溯源于古典自由主义之自由概念,并根据现代知识发展,重建自由主义理论,进而据为评估当代人在之政治生活。此一自由论述尽管受到经济学上市场机能概念之启示,然而哈耶克并不局限于人类经济生活领域,而是以全幅关照人生价值之开阔视野,来思考人类的自由前途。他根据哲学、政治学、法律学、经济学等广泛的知识向度,透视当代人类自由问题,形成独创性的自由理论。哈耶克的自由理论,特别强调人类社会内在自发形成的秩序,足以使自由、法治、市场机能在社会均衡之中不断创新,不断演展绵延,形成最能孕育深刻人文之长远的自由文明传统。此一自由论述,颇多精彩深邃之处。本书作者何信全,现任台湾“国立”政治大学哲学系教授兼文学院院长,长期研究西方自由主义发展,并进一步探索自由主义与东亚儒学传统之间复杂的理论关联,有相关论述发表。 -
《哈耶克自由哲学》内容简介:哈耶克,奥地利裔英国政治思想家和经济学家,新自由主义的代表人物,当代西方自由保守主义最重要的代表。早期的哈耶克主要关注自由市场经济学,首度提出投资过度理论。哈耶克确信资本主义体系自身具有保持稳定的能力,反对国家干预经济生活。由于他在经济学上的突出成就,于1974年获得诺贝尔经济学奖。他的影响遍及经济学、理论心理学、政治哲学、科学哲学、法律人类学、人类思想史等领域,尤其是他在政治哲学领域内对自由主义的褒扬,使他在政治哲学界影响深远,并左右着当代西方政治哲学理论的走向。 -
本书分为经济学、自由及其主义和哈耶克思想研究译文两部分,介绍了关于自由的概念、古典自由主义的源流和当代古典自由主义。 -
The Constitution of Liberty
"One of the great political works of our time, . . . the twentieth-century successor to John Stuart Mill's essay, 'On Liberty.'"—Henry Hazlitt, Newsweek "A reflective, often biting, commentary on the nature of our society and its dominant thought by one who is passionately opposed to the coercion of human beings by the arbitrary will of others, who puts liberty above welfare and is sanguine that greater welfare will thereby ensue."—Sidney Hook, New York Times Book Review In this classic work Hayek restates the ideals of freedom that he believes have guided, and must continue to guide, the growth of Western civilization. Hayek's book, first published in 1960, urges us to clarify our beliefs in today's struggle of political ideologies. -
弗里德里希·冯·哈耶克编著的《哈耶克文选(精)/人文科学译丛》收录了哈耶克写于20世纪50至70年代的论文和他在各地的演说,共计40篇,其中包括名篇《作为一个发现过程的竞争》、《知识的僭妄》、《曼德维尔大夫》、《建构主义的错误》等。这些文章写于哈耶克思想最活跃的一段时期,从中可以清晰地看到他从专业经济学家变为一个贯通多学科思想家的发展脉络。与他那些大部头的专著相比,其中不少文章更为通俗易懂,不失为一个了解哈耶克思想的方便途径。 -
The Fatal Conceit
Hayek gives the main arguments for the free-market case and presents his manifesto on the "errors of socialism." Hayek argues that socialism has, from its origins, been mistaken on factual, and even on logical, grounds and that its repeated failures in the many different practical applications of socialist ideas that this century has witnessed were the direct outcome of these errors. He labels as the "fatal conceit" the idea that "man is able to shape the world around him according to his wishes." "The achievement of The Fatal Conceit is that it freshly shows why socialism must be refuted rather than merely dismissed?then refutes it again."?David R. Henderson, Fortune. "Fascinating. . . . The energy and precision with which Mr. Hayek sweeps away his opposition is impressive."?Edward H. Crane, Wall Street Journal F. A. Hayek is considered a pioneer in monetary theory, the preeminent proponent of the libertarian philosophy, and the ideological mentor of the Reagan and Thatcher "revolutions." -
三卷本的《法律、立法与自由》由“规则与秩序”、“社会正义的幻象”和“自由社会的政治秩序”三部分组成。本书是第一卷。尽管哈耶克费了很大的力气探讨法律与立法的关系,本书却并非是一部专业的法律学著作。他的法律理论是以解决个人自由与社会秩序之关系的问题为旨归的。同时,法律理论在哈耶克的著作当中又成了理解个人自由与社会治学之关系的重要途径和基本前提。 哈耶克对于组织持悲观态度。他认为,所谓的秩序其实可分为“自生自发的秩序”与“组织秩序”,而这两种秩序是完全不同的。它们分别由内部规则与外部规则来支配。既然社会规则主要体现在法律,那么也就有自由的法律与立法的法律的区别。通常我们所说的“社会的”或者分配的正义,只是在组织秩序中才具有意义。而它在自生自发的秩序中,也就是亚当・斯密所说的“大社会”或者卡尔・波普尔所谓的“开放社会”当中,则毫无疑义且与之完全不相容。值得注意和警惕的是,即使自由民主制度模式占据支配地位,因为代议机构(比如议会)既制定正当行为规则(如立法)又指导或管理政府,而必定导致自由社会的自生自发秩序逐渐转变成一种服务于有组织的利益集团联盟的全权性体制。正是这样,民主体制一步一步远离了它最可靠地保障个人自由的初衷。 在第一卷当中,哈耶克建构起他的自由理论,他重点论证了自由为什么是一个重要价值的问题,自由在哈耶克的整个社会哲学中具有支配性的地位。哈耶克指出,自由就是不受制于不正当的强制,这样,个人在社会当中必须具有确实地获得保障的领域。而法律就是自由的基础。 但是有组织秩序的法律,也有自生自发秩序的法律。即所谓的公法与私法。为了防止混淆公法与私法,就得把法律与立法区别开来。它在学理上建构起了社会秩序规则的二元观,把内部规则与外部规则区分开来。肯定了“私益”的价值。 -
The Road to Serfdom
Product Description An unimpeachable classic work in political philosophy, intellectual and cultural history, and economics, The Road to Serfdom has inspired and infuriated politicians, scholars, and general readers for half a century. Originally published in 1944—when Eleanor Roosevelt supported the efforts of Stalin, and Albert Einstein subscribed lock, stock, and barrel to the socialist program—The Road to Serfdom was seen as heretical for its passionate warning against the dangers of state control over the means of production. For F. A. Hayek, the collectivist idea of empowering government with increasing economic control would lead not to a utopia but to the horrors of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. First published by the University of Chicago Press on September 18, 1944, The Road to Serfdom garnered immediate, widespread attention. The first printing of 2,000 copies was exhausted instantly, and within six months more than 30,000 books were sold. In April 1945, Reader’s Digest published a condensed version of the book, and soon thereafter the Book-of-the-Month Club distributed this edition to more than 600,000 readers. A perennial best seller, the book has sold 400,000 copies in the United States alone and has been translated into more than twenty languages, along the way becoming one of the most important and influential books of the century. With this new edition, The Road to Serfdom takes its place in the series The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek. The volume includes a foreword by series editor and leading Hayek scholar Bruce Caldwell explaining the book's origins and publishing history and assessing common misinterpretations of Hayek's thought. Caldwell has also standardized and corrected Hayek's references and added helpful new explanatory notes. Supplemented with an appendix of related materials ranging from prepublication reports on the initial manuscript to forewords to earlier editions by John Chamberlain, Milton Friedman, and Hayek himself, this new edition of The Road to Serfdom will be the definitive version of Friedrich Hayek's enduring masterwork. -
《知识、自由与秩序》是由中国社会科学出版社出版发行的,涉及的领域很广,不仅包括哈耶克的生平和不断发展的思想理论体系,亦包括自发秩序、自由、竞争、社会正义等几个中心命题,以及他对当今欧洲的政治、经济体系的作用和影响等方面。 -
《哈耶克读本》内容简介:作为“20世纪最重要的自由主义理论家”,弗里德利希·冯·哈耶克在其理论建构过程中从知与无知的知识观出发,充分论证了自生自发秩序及其型构条件、规则和法治理论、正义理论和宪政理论,系统性地建构了一个庞大而环环相扣的精妙理论体系。《哈耶克读本》以四部哈耶克著作,即《自由秩序原理》、《法律、立法与自由》、《个人主义与经济秩序》和《哈耶克论文集》为基础,根据哈耶克自由主义理论体系的内在理路,抉取哈耶克理论中的若干重要的核心概念,编选了这本《哈耶克读本》,以帮助读者相对便利地进入到哈耶克的理论当中去。 全书分七个部分,分别讨论了哈耶克自由主义知识论、方法论个人主义、自生自发社会秩序观关于自由的论辨以及在此基础上的法治下的自由观念、法律观与规则观、否定性正义观和“有限民主观”。 -
The Sensory Order
The Sensory Order, first published in 1952, sets forth F. A. Hayek's classic theory of mind in which he describes the mental mechanism that classifies perceptions that cannot be accounted for by physical laws. Hayek's substantial contribution to theoretical psychology has been addressed in the work of Thomas Szasz, Gerald Edelman, and Joaquin Fuster. "A most encouraging example of a sustained attempt to bring together information, inference, and hypothesis in the several fields of biology, psychology, and philosophy."Quarterly Review of Biology F. A. Hayek (1899-1992), recipient of the Medal of Freedom in 1991 and co-winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1974, taught at the University of London, the University of Chicago, and the University of Freiburg. -
《资本主义与历史学家》是一部观念史著作,是朝圣山学社会员讨论工业革命的论文集,是一本探讨历史学家如何曲解工业革命的历史的论文集。在那些刻意描述工业革命的苦难的艺术家和学者们看来,他们反映的工人阶级的苦难,才是历史的真实面目。弗里德里希·冯·哈耶克,不仅是一位杰出的经济学家、政治哲学家和法哲学家,也是一位优秀的观念史学家。他的一生始终对观念及其对于历史进程的作用保持着浓厚的兴趣。 世界各地的历史教科书告诉一代又一代学生说,工业革命在英国造成了难以言表的惨状。奇怪的是,在工业革命时期,英国的人口数量却在迅速增长,民众的预期寿命也在大大延长。历史学家告诉我们的是真相吗? -
本书的前三篇文章最早是提交给一群经济学家、历史学家、社会科学家参加的讨论如何抵制极权主义威胁、维护自由社会的集会的论文,这几年来,他们一直举办这样的活动。1951年9月在法国博瓦隆举行的朝圣山学社会议讨论的一个主题是历史学业家是如何论述资本主义的。 世界各地的历史教科书告诉一代又一代学生说,工业革命在英国造成了难以言表的惨状。奇怪的是,在工业革命时期,英国的人口数量却在迅速增长,民众的预期寿 -
《通往奴役之路》(The Road to Serfdom)是诺贝尔经济学奖得主弗里德里克·哈耶克的最知名著作,这本书最先在1944年于英国由Routledge Press出版,接著在1944年9月由芝加哥大学出版。读者文摘在1945年4月也出版了稍微减缩的版本,最后总共销售超过600,000本。Look杂志在1950年左右出版了加上图片的版本,后来又被通用汽车公司以小册子形式大量发放。这本书被翻译成超过20种语言出版,哈耶克称要将这本书献给“所有党派的社会主义者”读一读。该书的第50周年纪念版本则由米尔顿·佛利民(另一名诺贝尔奖得主)撰写序言。《通往奴役之路》一书是对古典自由主义和自由意志主义理论的阐述中最著名、而又最受欢迎的书籍之一。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友