本书收录著名作家西西1980到2013年三十余年间散文43篇,其中下编二十余篇文字是首次结集出版。西西的散文中没有装腔作势的高调,有的是朋友式的亲切平和,她的文字发出的是不卑不亢的美妙声音。西西的散文往往以专栏形式,刊登在不同的时间不同的空间,有的写生活,有的谈阅读、谈画、谈音乐,或者一段文字,拼贴一幅画……无论是什么特定的栏目,始终是我们熟悉的,一种平实、朋友家常的语调,这语调亲切,富于情趣,时见独特的角度、奇妙的想象。 -
《培根散文集》内容简介:世界文学名著表现了作者描述的特定时代的文化。阅读这些名著可以领略著者流畅的文笔、逼真的描述、详细的刻画,让读者如同置身当时的历史文化之中。为此,我们将这套精心编辑的“名著典藏”奉献给广大读者。 -
I Feel Bad About My Neck
With her disarming, intimate, completely accessible voice, and dry sense of humor, Nora Ephron shares with us her ups and downs in I Feel Bad About My Neck, a candid, hilarious look at women who are getting older and dealing with the tribulations of maintenance, menopause, empty nests, and life itself. The woman who brought us When Harry Met Sally . . . , Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail, and Bewitched, and the author of best sellers Heartburn, Scribble Scribble, and Crazy Salad, discusses everything—from how much she hates her purse to how much time she spends attempting to stop the clock: the hair dye, the treadmill, the lotions and creams that promise to slow the aging process but never do. Oh, and she can’t stand the way her neck looks. But her dermatologist tells her there’s no quick fix for that. Ephron chronicles her life as an obsessed cook, passionate city dweller, and hapless parent. She recounts her anything-but-glamorous days as a White House intern during the JFK years (“I am probably the only young woman who ever worked in the Kennedy White House that the President did not make a pass at”) and shares how she fell in and out of love with Bill Clinton—from a distance, of course. But mostly she speaks frankly and uproariously about life as a woman of a certain age. Utterly courageous, wickedly funny, and unexpectedly moving in its truth telling, I Feel Bad About My Neck is a book of wisdom, advice, and laugh-out-loud moments, a scrumptious, irresistible treat. -
《培根论说文集》,本书内容广博。其中既有为官者的仕宦之道,又有适用于一般民众的社交技巧;既有对人类情感的独到见解,也有对如何升官发财的条分缕折……同时还有一些篇什论及殖民地、对外贸易等问题,体现了强烈的时代气息,从中可以窥见十七世纪英国的社会现实。该译本附有大量注释,多为西方历史故事和文学知识,融知识性和趣味性为一体。使读者们在阅读本书感觉其语言美的同时,也能更好地把握其文化历史内涵。 -
Essays of Elia
1854. Part One of Five. English essayist and poet, Charles Lamb (pen name Elia), studied at Christ's Hospital where he formed a lifelong friendship with Samuel Taylor Coleridge. When he was twenty years old Lamb suffered a period of insanity. His sister, Mary Ann Lamb, had similar problems and in 1796 murdered her mother in a fit of madness. Mary was confined to an asylum but was eventually released into the care of her brother. Lamb became friends in London with a group of young writers who favored political reform including Percy Bysshe Shelley, William Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt. This volume contains essays, written under his pseudonym Elia, which were originally published individually in London Magazine. The contents include the well-known A Dissertation upon Roast Pig, Dream-Children; a Reverie and more. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing. -
The Norton Reader
With a wide variety of genres, authors, subjects, and styles, The Norton Reader offers the largest and most thoughtfully chosen collection of essays available in one volume. Fifty-four new essays maintain the Reader's long-standing balance of classic and contemporary, canonical and lesser-known selections. The Eleventh Edition also includes important new coverage of visual and spoken textsover fifty photographs, paintings, drawings, and other images that were originally published with the essays, as well as a new prose form chapter on the spoken word. Available in this Shorter Edition, with fourteen thematic chapters, The Norton Reader has been carefully designed to support a wide range of teaching styles and situations. -
Ideas And Opinions
IDEAS AND OPINIONS contains essays by eminent scientist Albert Einstein on subjects ranging from atomic energy, relativity, and religion to human rights, government, and economics. Previously published articles, speeches, and letters are gathered here to create a fascinating collection of meditations by one of the world's greatest minds. -
《这就是纽约(中英双语珍藏本)》主要内容简介:随笔作者是些自我放纵的人,天真地以为,他想的一切,围绕他发生的一切,都会引起大家的兴趣。此人陶醉于他的事情,就像喜欢观察鸟类的人陶醉于他的郊游一样。随笔作者每一次新的出行,每一次新的“尝试”,都与上一次不同,带他进入新的天地。他为此兴奋。只有天生以自我为中心的人,才会如此旁若无人、锲而不舍地去写随笔。 随笔有各式各样,一如人的姿势、姿态各式各样,霍华德.约翰逊牌冰淇淋的味道也各式各样。随笔作者清早起来,如果有事情要做,便从塞得满满的衣橱里选取他的行头:视他的情绪,他的题材,他可以套上随便哪件衬衫,扮成随便什么人——哲人、泼皮、弄臣、说书人、密友、学者、杠头、狂热分子。我性喜随笔,一向如此,很小时就忙了把我幼稚的思想和经验敷衍成文字,用来折磨别人。我最早是在,《圣尼古拉斯杂志》上露脸的。偶然有了想法,我仍然会回到随笔这种形式(其实无形式可言)上来,但我并不奢望随笔在二十世纪美国文学中占有位置——它毕竟不登大雅之堂。随笔作者,与小说家、诗人、剧作家不同,必须满足于自我设定的二等公民身分。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友