

  • A Freewheelin' Time

    作者:Suze Rotolo

    A Freewheelin’ Time is Suze Rotolo’s firsthand, eyewitness, participant-observer account of the immensely creative and fertile years of the 1960s, just before the circus was in full swing and Bob Dylan became the anointed ringmaster. It chronicles the back-story of Greenwich Village in the early days of the folk music explosion, when Dylan was honing his skills and she was in the ring with him. A shy girl from Queens, Suze Rotolo was the daughter of Italian working-class Communists. Growing up at the start of the Cold War and during McCarthyism, she inevitably became an outsider in her neighborhood and at school. Her childhood was turbulent, but Suze found solace in poetry, art, and music. In Washington Square Park, in Greenwich Village, she encountered like-minded friends who were also politically active. Then one hot day in July 1961, Suze met Bob Dylan, a rising young musician, at a folk concert at Riverside Church. She was seventeen, he was twenty; they were young, curious, and inseparable. During the years they were together, Dylan was transformed from an obscure folk singer into an uneasy spokesperson for a generation. Suze Rotolo’s story is rich in character and setting, filled with vivid memories of those tumultuous years of dramatic change and poignantly rising expectations when art, culture, and politics all seemed to be conspiring to bring our country a better, freer, richer, and more equitable life. She writes of her involvement with the civil rights movement and describes the sometimes frustrating experience of being a woman in a male-dominated culture, before women’s liberation changed the rules for the better. And she tells the wonderfully romantic story of her sweet but sometimes wrenching love affair and its eventual collapse under the pressures of growing fame. A Freewheelin’ Time is a vibrant, moving memoir of a hopeful time and place and of a vital subculture at its most creative. It communicates the excitement of youth, the heartbreak of young love, and the struggles for a brighter future.
  • Like a Rolling Stone

    作者:Greil Marcus

    Greil Marcus's popular appreciation of his, and Bob Dylan's, favorite song--a book that Rolling Stone called "essential insight into the living history of rock & roll." Greil Marcus has written the definitive biography of the greatest pop single ever made. Recorded in Columbia's Studio A in New York on 16 June 1965, "Like A Rolling Stone" was instantly of its time-and so strong it has escaped time altogether. The musicians gathered in the studio never managed a second successful recording: they caught it once and only once. Then it was gone, arguably never to be bettered in Bob Dylan's countless live performances of the song. Dylan's career as a folk singer--and the career imposed upon him, his unwanted role as "voice of a generation"--had hit a wall. Marcus recreates the brilliantly competitive pop world of 1965, and the energy, the anger, the thrill and the horror that Bob Dylan turned into a revolutionary six-minute single. Forty years later it remains the signal accomplishment of modern music. It drew to itself disparate traditions of American music and speech; it redrew the map of the country itself; it left behind a world that was not the same. The whole adventure is here.
  • Chronicles

    作者:Bob Dylan

  • 老美国志异

    作者:(美) 格雷尔·马库斯(Greil Ma

    本书是美国著名乐评人、作家格雷尔·马库斯1997年的作品,以美国著名民谣歌手鲍勃·迪伦为入口,以迪伦及其乐队在1967年的地下室录音带为主题,向我们讲述了一个奇异的老美国的故事。 本书除了详细、深入地剖析了美国著名民谣歌手鲍勃·迪伦及其乐队1967年的地下室录音带中的珍贵歌曲的创作过程及其深刻意义,更耐人玩味的,莫过于透过这些鞭辟入里的解析,使读者得以一窥六○年代末期作为另类文化偶像的鲍勃·迪伦的思想转变过程,以及古老而奇异的美国在那个时代的暗涌中是如何的起伏跌宕。 作者消除了音乐、文学与社会文化的疆界,以机锋处处的精准之刃,描摹了迪伦所处的动荡时代,也映照出了我们所处的这个时代。
  • 沿着公路直行:鲍勃·迪伦传

    作者:[英] 霍华德•桑恩斯(Howard S

    本书是关于著名音乐人鲍勃•迪伦的传记。鲍勃•迪伦是现代流行音乐界无比重要的艺术家。他是一位伟大的歌星,一位非凡的现场表演家,一个流行文化的标志形象,也是他那个时代最为杰出的歌曲创作人。鲍勃将诗化歌词引入流行音乐,从而改变了20世纪60年代的音乐风格。 作者以新的研究成果为基础进行写作,并与鲍勃生活中几乎每一个重要的人物都建立了联系,并对其中的大部分人进行了新的专访,从而清晰地描绘出鲍勃人生的每一个方面。
  • 像一块滚石

    作者:[美] 鲍勃·迪伦

    鲍勃·迪伦历时三年在手动打字机上敲出来的回忆录,记录的不仅是作者发明创造和灵感进发的辉煌时刻,还有那些意气消沉的时刻,曾经想退却,不想努力乃至失败,但它们如何仍有可取之处。迪伦对此毫不讳言,没有人期待他会如此开诚布公。他袒露这些瞬间,正视它们,把握它们,然后超越它们。这是了不起的成就,像亨利·米勒最隐私的作品一样,这也是一部开创时代——书中所描述的时代——的作品,揭示人类精神的种种可能。它们并不都是轻而易举的可能。终究,它只是生命,从来没有像这样被书写过的生命。 20世纪最伟大的摇滚音乐家,美国文化的符号——鲍勃·迪伦,不仅称得上是20世纪最伟大的摇滚音乐家,更是一位杰出的诗人,一位语言大师(他是惟一一位获诺贝尔文学奖提名的音乐家)。这本鲍勃·迪伦历时三年在手动打字机上敲出来的回忆录,最终证明其作者是一位杰出的散文大师,一位引人注目的文化观察家,和一位化装成荡秋千演员的诗人。这本书揭开了这位大众文化偶像的神秘面纱,展现一代才子尽情释放生命的风采。被评选为《纽约时报》等全球数十家著名媒体2003年年度最佳图书。