《战略高度:中国思想界访谈录》以对谈的形式,讨论了当今政治、经济、社会、文化诸领域的一系列重大战略问题,涉及改革与发展的方向路径、国家产业战略、中共执政能力、民主政治建设、中国民族主义、地缘环境和外交战略、社会核心价值观等等话题。谈话对象均为思想界的优秀战略理论家、人文社会科学领域的专家,具备在专业知识基础之上的战略眼光,因此不乏真知灼见。同时,各种观点形成争论,批评性中蕴含建设性,体现出真正的战略开放思维。当代中国的急剧转型和迅速崛起,迫切需要理论的创新,也期待着更多具有战略高度的思想和思想家。 -
What Does China Think?
Tucson Citizen, August 21, 2008 “[Leonard’s] excellent new book is essential reading for anyone interested in the changing global landscape of the next century.” -
Original Copies
A 108-meter high Eiffel Tower rises above Champs Elysées Square in Hangzhou. A Chengdu residential complex for 200,000 recreates Dorchester, England. An ersatz Queen’s Guard patrols Shanghai’s Thames Town, where pubs and statues of Winston Churchill abound. Gleaming replicas of the White House dot Chinese cities from Fuyang to Shenzhen. These examples are but a sampling of China’s most popular and startling architectural movement: the construction of monumental themed communities that replicate towns and cities in the West. Original Copies presents the first definitive chronicle of this remarkable phenomenon in which entire townships appear to have been airlifted from their historic and geographic foundations in Europe and the Americas, and spot-welded to Chinese cities. These copycat constructions are not theme parks but thriving communities where Chinese families raise children, cook dinners, and simulate the experiences of a pseudo-Orange County or Oxford. In recounting the untold and evolving story of China’s predilection for replicating the greatest architectural hits of the West, Bianca Bosker explores what this unprecedented experiment in “duplitecture” implies for the social, political, architectural, and commercial landscape of contemporary China. With her lively, authoritative narrative, the author shows us how, in subtle but important ways, these homes and public spaces shape the behavior of their residents, as they reflect the achievements, dreams, and anxieties of those who inhabit them, as well as those of their developers and designers. From Chinese philosophical perspectives on copying to twenty-first century market forces, Bosker details the factors giving rise to China’s new breed of building. Her analysis draws on insights from the world’s leading architects, critics and city planners, and on interviews with the residents of these developments. -
中国已经改写世界经济增长的历史,中国正在带来全球资本和商品市场的动荡,中国即将挑战自由资本主义模式的未来…… 中国的国有企业和银行还在大量失血,中国的人口老龄化速度举世无双,中国的政治体制与经济发展不相匹配,潜伏的各种矛盾和危机一触即发…… 关于中国的现状和未来,无论是“正方”还是“反方”,都充满了大量的“神话”。 本书是上述一系列问题的正面回答。一方面,作者详细分析了中国面临的诸多难题,包括政经关系、人口老化、银行坏账、社会矛盾、增长模式以及中国与世界的相互影响,在充分肯定中国改革开放巨大成就的基础上,探讨了现实问题的解决办法。另一方面,针对各种夸大其辞的论调,作者还原了中国经济增长的真相,指出中国尽管是新崛起的亚洲巨龙,却并非人类从未见过的物种。从宏观经济的各种表现来看,它都将沿着东亚文化圈的既定模式发展,在未来二十年逐渐成为亚洲经济的领头羊。同时,在七个重要的方面,它不会改变整个世界的面貌。 对于“中国的崛起及其对世界的挑战”这一全球性话题而言,本书可谓最冷静客观、最有深度和最独辟蹊径的力作。 -
关于本书 改革的30年中国变富变强了,人民生活质量提高了,而未来中国真正的复兴出路在哪里?我们百姓和谐、平等、舒适的生活又如何保证? 基于这样的思考,作者就中国自2006年以来各种现实社会问题,如政治体制改革的论争、房地产的狂涨、《物权法》的不同解答等,以及由此引起的思想碰撞和社会事件,以理性、中立的视角,客观地描述了中国所面临的问题,全景式反映近年来激荡的社会思潮。理性地告诉读者关注中国的改革和未来的远景,适应改革环境,经营好我们自己的生活。 不可不读本书的理由 1、 把握中国改革政策,社会思潮的起伏; 2、 了解专家对中国问题的解读; 3、 思想的碰撞激越你的心声; 4、 可以改善我们对生活的态度; 5、 启迪你对自己前途的正确 -
《为增长而竞争:中国增长的政治经济学》共收入14篇已在各类权威、核心经济管理期刊上发表的文章,内容涵盖中国的经济改革,中国特色的经济联邦制,中国的财政分权与经济增长,中国的官员任期、流动与经济增长,中国地方官员的治理,中国地方官员晋升机制的经验研究,晋升博弈中政府官员的激励与合作,分权竞争、政府治理与基础设施的投资决定,财政分权与中国地方政府支出效率的改善,中国城乡收入差距、地方政府开支与财政自主,财政集权与地方政府行为的变化,中国式分权与财政支出结构偏向,分税制改革、财政分权与中国经济增长,中国的大国发展道路──论分权式改革的得失等。 -
《中国城市地理》由中国科学院地理研究所城市与人文地理研究室组织编写,主要编写者包括顾朝林、蔡建明、牛亚菲、孙樱、陈田,北京大学城市与环境科学系柴彦威和香港大学城市规划与环境管理中心叶嘉安。 -
南方周末》原创文丛之《中国传媒读本•2010》,邀请社会知名专家学者、媒体精英,评选出最能代表2010年中国传媒水平和高度的二十一个奖项,结集“获选”和“提名”篇章,从选题、立意、影响各方面加以评点,配合记者手记,还原出真实的新闻事件、传媒人的工作状态和一个真实的中国。 -
在汗牛充栋的中日关系研究成果中,来自欧洲(法国)的亚洲问题专家对中日关系的论述可谓少之又少。迈耶教授的这本新书客观地介绍了在未来几十年亚洲一体化过程中,中国和日本作为两个主要大国在这个将要形成的新的亚洲共同体中各自的拥有的优势和不足,描绘出中国和日本这两个受人尊敬的亚洲重要角色在未来二十多年中可能出现的场景,为广大的中国读者提供了一个美国学者之外,既没有亲中倾向也没有亲日倾向的,来自法国或者说欧洲非盎格鲁撒克逊语系视角的中日关系的研究版本。 -
《中国新闻社会史(1815-2005)》是一部中国新闻传播史的课堂讲录。主要讲述中国新闻传播的历史演进,特别是勾勒鸦片战争以来新闻业的历史轨迹,同时透视其间纷繁的社会背景与历史动因。通过这些讲述和勾勒,不仅揭示中国新闻业的发展历程及其规律,同时也探讨新闻传播与社会变迁的互动关系。 -
中国目前最大的“战略威胁”之一,在于其“国家形象”。中国目前最重大的战略挑战,都与其“国家形象”相关。中国自己如何看待中国,以及其他国家如何看待中国,将在很大程度上决定中国改革和发展的未来。 国家形象直接关系到国家在国际社会的“声誉资本”,而“声誉资本”的缺乏则会增大改革的风险。 对于世界而言,中国首先必须得到国际社会的信任。对于中国而言,必须设计一整套与中国的现状及其理想的未来相适应的观念、标识、品牌和说辞。这不是放弃中国传统文化,而是通过知识产品、文化产品和一般商品展示一个新颖的中国,从而进一步完善和巩固中国的传统声誉。 -
《新群体事件观:贵州瓮安"6·28"事件的启示》使人深受启迪:没有不讲道理的人民群众,主要问题在于瓮安原县委、县政府领导班子的执政理念、执政方式和干部作风等方面,都不同程度地出了偏差。一部分干部“立党为公、执政为民”的理念不牢固,群众观点越来越淡漠,忘记了“群众利益高于一切”这个夯实执政基础的法宝,群众合法权益得不到有效保护,甚至严重缺乏安全感,导致当地党委、政府与群众的“鱼水关系”,逐步演变成令人痛心的“水火关系”。 《新群体事件观:贵州瓮安"6·28"事件的启示》作者、新华社高级记者刘子富通过对“瓮安事件”深入调研,提出了“新群体事件观”。即现场第一原则、就事论事原则、第一时间公布事件真相原则、反思自责原则、问责制原则以及慎用警力原则。这是对贵州省成功处置"瓮安事件"的系统的总结。《新群体事件观:贵州瓮安"6·28"事件的启示》对各级领导干部化解社会冲突和社会矛盾有极强的现实意义和借鉴作用。 -
The End of the Chinese Dream
Glossy television images of happy, industrious, and increasingly prosperous workers show a bright view of life in twenty-first-century China. But behind the officially approved story is a different reality, Gerard Lemos reveals in this extensively researched book. Lemos conducted hundreds of interviews with Chinese men and women in non-westernized areas distant from such cities as Beijing and Shanghai. He reports that the lives his subjects describe belie the myth of a harmonious, cohesive Chinese society. Much as the government promotes such a positive image, everyday people in China are beleaguered by immense social and community problems as well as personal, family, and financial anxieties. Lemos investigates a China beyond the tourist trail. He offers a revealing account of the thoughts and feelings of Chinese people regarding all facets of their lives, from education to health care, unemployment to old age, politics to wealth. Taken together, the stories of these men and women bring to light a broken society, one whose people are frustrated, angry, sad, and often fearful about the circumstances of their lives. The author considers the implications of these findings and analyzes how China's community and social problems threaten the ambitious nation's hopes for a cohesive future. -
Behind the Red Door
A sexual revolution is underway in China. Traditional morals and behavior are being turned on their head as the country’s climb towards economic prosperity brings sex into the open. But it is a revolution distinctly different from the one experienced in the West and has taken unexpected twists and turns. Written in a highly engaging and readable style, Behind the Red Door: Sex in China takes the reader on a journey from ancient days, when China’s rulers relied on shockingly vivid Daoist sex manuals, to the present, where China is torn between sexual orthodoxy and Western-style openness. -
我是一个从医近40年的医生。我相信一点,记忆的留存一定会经过情感和良知的筛选。那些农民生老病死的场景经过年复一年的过滤沉淀蓄积在记忆里,已经浓得抹不去,挥不走了,在膨胀,已凸起,要从心底喷射出来。诚然,生老病死是大自然的规律,农民亦然。然而,生,生在他们不该出生的地方;死,死在他们不该死亡的年龄;病,病了没有获得他们该享受的权利;老,老了少有或没有亲情相伴。 “疾病猛如虎”。脱贫三五年,一病回从前。疾病时下成为中国农民最为害怕的问题。作为有良知的职业医生,本书作者走进了一家家因疾病而处在风雨飘摇中的不幸家庭,去记录农民在“生”与“死”关口徘徊的困境。 一位处于人生开花结果期的年轻女人“死于难产”,这个“难”就“难”在她活在医疗条件差,卫生知识少,经济贫困的山村;这个寒冷的冬天,北方的农村又有多少老人躲不过一场寒冷和一次小病……一个“生”,一个“死”在两端勾画了农民的人生轮廓。书中极具震撼力的中国农民健康深度调查报告告诉国人;让农民与城里人共享人类文明和中国经济高速发展成果正当其时。 -
Only Hope
The first generation of children born under China’s one-child family policy is now reaching adulthood. What are these children like? What are their values, goals, and interests? What kinds of relationships do they have with their families? This is the first in-depth study to analyze what it is like to grow up as the state-appointed vanguard of modernization. Based on surveys and ethnographic research in China, where the author lived with teenage only children and observed their homes and classrooms for 27 months between 1997 and 2002, the book explores the social, economic, and psychological consequences of the government’s decision to accelerate the fertility transition. Only Hope shows how the one-child policy has largely succeeded in its goals, but with unintended consequences. Only children are expected to be the primary providers of support and care for their retired parents, grandparents, and parents-in-law, and only a very lucrative position will allow them to provide for so many dependents. Many only children aspire to elite status even though few can attain it, and such aspirations lead to increased stress and competition, as well as intense parental involvement.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友