《农民中国:江汉平原1个村落26位乡民的口述史》作者通过对江汉平原一个普通村落26位乡民的访谈,(包括出身于农村的村党支部书记、种田农民、老干部、乡村教师、赤脚医生、乡村道士、私营企业主、外出务工人员、大学生等),以小见大地折射出农村发生的新变化、新问题。 -
Political Participation in Beijing
In this first scientific survey of political participation in the People's Republic of China, Tianjian Shi identifies twenty-eight participatory acts and groups them into seven areas: voting, campaign activities, appeals, adversarial activities, cronyism, resistance, and boycotts. What he finds will surprise many observers. Political participation in a closed society is not necessarily characterized by passive citizens driven by regime mobilization aimed at carrying out predetermined goals. Beijing citizens acknowledge that they actively engage in various voluntary participatory acts to articulate their interests. In a society where communication channels are controlled by the government, Shi discovers, access to information from unofficial means becomes the single most important determinant for people's engaging in participatory acts. Government-sponsored channels of appeal are easily accessible to ordinary citizens, so socioeconomic resources are unimportant in determining who uses these channels. Instead, voter turnout is found to be associated with the type of work unit a person belongs to, subjective evaluations of one's own economic status, and party affiliation. Those most likely to engage in campaign activities, adversarial activities, cronyism, resistance, and boycotts are the more disadvantaged groups in Beijing. While political participation in the West fosters a sense of identification, the unconventional modes of participation in Beijing undermine the existing political order. -
中国能否通过创新,走出长期经济放缓的困境? 雷小山认为可以。 毫无疑问,雷小山并不是唯一认为中国企业正在步入创新阶段的人。2014年,波士顿咨询公司(BCG)把4家中国企业(联想、小米、腾讯和华为)纳入其年度全球最具创新力的50家企业榜单。 雷小山认为,中国如今将开启创新之路,因为它不得不如此。而过去它之所以没这么做,也主要是还不需要。 在《山寨中国的终结》中,雷小山写道,在一个基本商品供应不足的国家,发展最先进技术的动力往往不足。如果靠山寨就能赚钱,谁还会去关心技术创新?这也正是很多中国企业在过去几十年里所做的。 在赢得向国内消费者提供基本商品的战役后,如今,中国企业被迫转向创新。由于供应基本商品这颗“低垂的果实”已被采摘,这些企业不得不开始在中国或国外市场攀爬价值链的更高端。 那么,这些转型的中国故事是个例,还是全局?创新力和个人主义是否正在亚洲崛起? 在5万份消费者调查报告的基础上,为了获得贴近事实的观察视角,雷小山与普通消费者、公司高管、最具创新能力的企业创始人,甚至是官员进行面对面的深入交谈。 无论如何,对于中国而言,唯一确定不变的,就是这个国家正在快速改变。 -
Anxious Wealth
Who exactly are China's new rich? This pioneering investigation introduces readers to the private lives—and the nightlives—of the powerful entrepreneurs and managers redefining success and status in the city of Chengdu. Over the course of more than three years, anthropologist John Osburg accompanied, and in some instances assisted, wealthy Chinese businessmen as they courted clients, partners, and government officials. Drawing on his immersive experiences, Osburg invites readers to join him as he journeys through the new, highly gendered entertainment sites for Chinese businessmen, including karaoke clubs, saunas, and massage parlors—places specifically designed to cater to the desires and enjoyment of elite men. Within these spaces, a masculinization of business is taking place. Osburg details the complex code of behavior that governs businessmen as they go about banqueting, drinking, gambling, bribing, exchanging gifts, and obtaining sexual services. These intricate social networks play a key role in generating business, performing social status, and reconfiguring gender roles. But many entrepreneurs feel trapped by their obligations and moral compromises in this evolving environment. Ultimately, Osburg examines their deep ambivalence about China's future and their own complicity in the major issues of post-Mao Chinese society—corruption, inequality, materialism, and loss of trust. -
《中国2013:关键问题》内容简介:2013年,中国经济必将面临重大调整,公众有理由期待,面对新形势新问题,新领导班子将会锐意改革。在此关键时间点上,财新传媒与线装书局合作,继去年的《中国2012:寻找真实的成长》之后,推出《中国2013:关键问题》一书。因应着中国的复杂情况,《中国2013:关键问题》并没有急于给出结论,而着意于摆事实、讲道理,极少空洞的宏大叙事。虽然对国情、改革和“中国模式”等问题有基本的价值判断,但是这《中国2013:关键问题》仍旧保持了开放的态度。值得一提的是,吴敬琏、陈志武和许小年等作者,皆是一时之选,进一步保证了文章的品质与权威性。无论精读还是选读,不同需求的读者都会从中找到自己关注的焦点。 -
聚焦中国既得利益集团,ISBN:9787503536182,作者:刘彦昌 -
在中国的现代化进程中,从2003年春天开始的“胡温十年”,注定是一段不平凡的历程。今天,当新一轮政治周期大幕徐徐拉开时,南风窗将过去十年精华文章结集出版,用以纪念我们的“青春”,也为刚刚逝去的历史留存一份底稿,更拿来奉献给亲爱的读者,希望这些已经蒙上一丝历史感的文字,能够表达些许国家的未来…… -
《渐行渐远的红利:寻找中国新平衡》是作者结合自身长期的工作经验,特别是近距离、实际地观察、了解中国宏观经济的发展,写下的个人总结与思考。全书分为十个部分,开篇以宏观经济分析框架谈起,奠定了本书写作的学术规范基础,并为读者指出了理解中国宏观领域经济现象、发展规律的分析框架。 -
本书有三个方面的主要贡献: 第一,提出了第四种战争状态假设。一切人对一切人的战争状态是第一种战争状态,或者叫霍布斯战争状态;个人与绝对权力之间的战争状态是第二种战争状态,也可以被称为洛克战争状态;一切国家与一切国家之间的战争状态,或者叫国际无政府状态,是第三种战争状态,这种状态被现实主义国际政治思想家汉斯·摩根索和肯尼思·沃尔兹所强调,因此又可以被称为摩根索-沃尔兹战争状态;第四种战争状态是其国家与霸权国之间的战争状态。 第二,论证了国家权力平均化趋势。国家权力分析是美国国际政治学界中现实主义流派的理论核心。如果这个假设是可以接受的,我们将发现,在国家主权绝对化条件下,将导致一个或多个霸权国产生;在国家主权相对化条件下,将推动国家权力的平均化趋势,其结果必然是霸权的终结和洲级国家时代的来临。 第三,发现了人权高于霸权的原则。国家的权力欲望并不是推动国家行为的最终动因,最终动因是人权的发展。国内人权发展推动国内经济繁荣与政治民主,国际人权发展推动国际霸权的衰落。人权高于主权表达的是这样一条绝对规则:任何主权国家都无权剥夺一个公民或一个少数族裔的基本人权,在这种情况发生时,对这个国家的国际干预符合正义原则。人权高于霸权原则的含义是,发生人权灾难的当事国在人权问题得以解决后,要求领导国际干预的霸权国势力撤离本国,同样符合正义原则。 -
Social Protest and Contentious Authoritarianism in China
Xi Chen explores the dramatic rise in social protests in China since the early 1990s. Drawing on case studies, interviews, and government records of collective petitions, this book examines how the political structure in Reform China has encouraged Chinese farmers, workers, pensioners, disabled people, and demobilized soldiers to claim their rights by staging collective protests. Challenging the conventional wisdom that authoritarian regimes always repress popular collective protest, Chen suggests that routine contentious bargaining between the government and ordinary people has actually contributed to the regime's resilience. "Xi Chen's impressive study represents the best of recent scholarship on China: conceptually innovative, empirically rich, and historically grounded. His state-centered model of 'contentious authoritarianism' sheds new light on the surge of social protest in China in recent years and, equally importantly, on why social protest does not necessarily threaten the stability of the current regime." - Bruce Dickson, George Washington University "This book highlights why China defies labeling. National leaders shun meaningful democratic reform but seem to believe that 'facilitating' and even 'routinizing' social protest help maintain stability. Infuriated folks increasingly turn to 'trouble-making' against foot-dragging local authorities but generally avoid outright confrontation. Caught in cross-cutting pressures from above and below, local government officials grudgingly accommodate popular claims to 'lawful rights and interests' even though they dispute the 'lawfulness' of such claims. Complexities like these call for innovative conceptualizations like 'contentious authoritarianism.'" - Lianjiang Li, Chinese University of Hong Kong "Xi Chen offers an illuminating analysis of one of the most intriguing features of contemporary Chinese politics: regime stability in the face of rising social protest. Through an original study of collective petitioning, Chen underscores the central role of the Chinese state in channeling and containing rampant popular unrest. The resulting 'contentious authoritarianism,' as he characterizes this unusual system, presents a challenge both to social science theories of contentious politics and to conventional assumptions about authoritarian regimes." - Elizabeth J. Perry, Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government, Harvard University "Drawing on unusual access to provincial data on collective petitions and deep engagement with the specialized literature on Chinese politics and disciplinary theories about contentious politics, Xi Chen shows how localized collective protests have been woven into the structure of government authority in China. Chen's effort to unravel this paradox and spell out its implications for both China and political sociology will become a benchmark in our understanding of China's rapidly evolving society and polity." - Andrew Walder, Stanford University -
中國秘密社會,ISBN:9789576383892,作者:蔡少卿 -
讲述你从来没有感受过的生命之痛,为了社会公平,为了与伤痛作抗争,非如此不可!! 被恐吓,遭暗杀,刁民与强权决一生死! 社会持续不公,丛林时代势必泛滥! 艾滋病医生、告官刁民、司法决斗士、举报人、代课教师、讨薪民工、学术清洁工、同志作家…… 他们是一群默默苦行的民间英雄,不畏强权、敢于抗争,打假、打黑、行善、除暴,一路走来被恐吓、遭暗杀,惊心动魄。草根英雄的伤痛与抗争,透视出社会底层群体的生存真相和民心向善的道德力量。 -
《狂飙年代的碎片:中国经济黄金十年》的重要学术贡献是,它划定了中国经济的黄金十年期。王正鹏认为,1998年亚洲金融危机到2008年全球金融危机间的十年,是中国在全球政治与经济框架中获得的一段意外时光:日本与四小龙衰落、WTO语法体系植入中国政治、美国在西亚反恐留下战略真空、自由主义经济哲学的最后流行等,这些意外交叠的历史因素帮助中国经历了一个狂飙的十年。 作者认为,经济史即为思想碎片史,对于中国的狂飙突进式十年哲学关照,他使用了一系列碎片主题,提出了WTO语法体系、国家资本主义重来、全球化语境关照、郞顾公案分水岭、国进民退的空气、经济体制改革大时间表关闭、社会改革时间表打开等一系列全新的经济哲学思考碎片来表述。王正鹏的写作文风纵横,结构宏大,在每一个思想碎片的阐释上能启用多学科知识,有美国《纽约时报》专栏作家弗里德曼的知识积蓄,也有《金融时报》专栏作家马丁•沃尔夫的理论思考,这是一般的经济类作品所没有的。 -
《反思“中国模式”》,近年来,随着中国在经济上的崛起,特别是对全球金融危机的有效应对,关于“中国模式”的讨论受到国内外舆论界和学术界的格外关注,一批颇有价值的研究成果相继问世。本书收录了许纪霖、秦晖、资中筠、章百家、乔纳森?安德森的中外学者及其他关心这一问题的人士的文章,对当下引发热议的“中国模式”及“中国模式论”予以了客观、理性的审视,并侧重以质疑者的姿态对“中国模式”所蕴藏的诸多问题作了深刻反思,见解不凡,令人深思。 -
《日子里的中国:咱老百姓这20年》围绕着“上紧发条的中国人”“向上奋斗的中国人”“等不及的中国人”“拆除藩篱的中国人”,还有“不离方圆的中国人”“‘花’儿怒放的中国人”“被网住的中国人”等话题,用翔实的数据、精辟的分析、生动的文字,勾勒了一串今日中国背后的足迹,这是一份既闪现着理性的光辉,又有着真实生动的触感的珍贵记录。这里的中国人,不是纯粹的符号,而是真正的行走着的、具体的中国人,是你,是我,是我们的兄弟姐妹、父亲母亲。 -
一本树立科学发展观的全民必读书 我们正在崛起,正在奔跑, 然而, 我们在哪?我们去哪?我们怎么去? 中国崛起背后的奥秘是什么? 一本时政奇书 一幅国际经济时局图 一本应对世界经济格局大调整的全民辅导手册 人民大学博士、著名经济战略家 翟东升 重磅力作 著名财经评论家 叶 檀 倾情推介 中国的经济奇迹到底是如何实现的?外资、外贸和外汇政策在其中扮演的何种角色?中国人为此付出了多大代价?中国获得的经济资源如何通过和平手段转变为国际影响力?就上述问题,借助对“三外路线”的归纳与阐述,翟东升博士的专著从跨学科和整体性视角解读中国对外经济关系的各个方面,并为读者勾勒出未来的政策演进趋势。 -
来自不同学科的数十位学者通力合作,用实证调查、理论思辨、文本诠释和现象分析的方法,从心理生活(区别于肉体生活)、文化生活(区别于经济生活)和心灵生活(区别于日常生活)等角度出发,结合人们的物质生活状况和社会生活状况,对当代中国人的精神生活状况和特征,进行了描述和解读。根据这些学者的研究,我们的时代是传统神圣价值受到严重挑战的时代,也是精神生活空间高度开放的时代;是精神生活越来越等同于文化消费的时代,也是人们越来越有条件过一种不受日常的物质生活和社会生活拖累的精神生活的时代。我们一方面要高度重视当代中国人精神生活中存在的危机和隐患;另一方面要采取积极措施提升和满足人们在世俗化和大众消费时代的精神需求,尤其要发挥中国传统文化中的“内在超越”观念的积极作用,用作为“非神圣化的神圣理论”的马克思主义指导下的社会实践,来克服内在超越传统的内在弱点,实现精神生活和物质生活的高水平协调发展。 -
Factory Girls
'Head and shoulders above almost all other new books about China, this unflinching and yearningly compassionate portrait of the lives and loves of ordinary Chinese workers is quite unforgettable' - Simon Winchester. Every year in China millions of migrant workers leave their rural towns to find jobs in the cities. These people are the driving forces behind China's economic boom: they work very hard and for little money to make the trainers, ornaments, designer handbags and toys which we buy. Through the lives of two young women, Chang vividly portrays a world where you can lose your boyfriend and your friends with the loss of a cell phone; where lying about your age, your education, and your work experience is often a requisite for getting ahead; and, where a few computer or English lessons can catapult you into a completely different social class. This is a powerful and humane portrait of the forces which are shaping China. 'Astonishing ...Heartbreaking ...As one tool in trying to understand today's China, this is a most valuable, if troubling read' - "Irish Times". 'Engrossing ...An exceptionally vivid and compassionate depiction of the day-to-day dramas, and the fears and aspirations, of the real people who are powering China's economic boom' - "Scotsman". 'Chang's elegant book is evidence that the best trips home often require a circuitous approach' - Nell Freudenberger, "Financial Times".
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友