

  • 中国的逻辑

    作者:[ 美] 谢德华

    对于中国发展模式,如果你想颠覆西方传统观点,这本书你一定要读。如果你想获得对中国模式的突破性看法,这本书你也一定要读。 中国读者一般很难接触到西方学者对中国发展模式的真实评述,而不用说是一位深入研究中国20多年的学者对中国发展思路和模式所做的精彩评述和推论。《中国的逻辑》一书将为你展现一个全新的透视中国模式的视角。从这本书中,你可以阅读到有别于中国学者的、独具西方特色的中国发展经。
  • 神靈的殿堂


    「巨匠神工」這套書為作者二十年來中國古建築之考察心得總結,《神靈的殿堂》所收錄者,皆屬宗教性建築,表現出人對超自然的敬畏,包括佛寺、佛塔、石窟、喇嘛寺、道觀與伊斯蘭清真寺等;共6大類27座經典個案。每一經典個案作者皆以最能彰顯各個古建築特色的透視彩圖,加上實景攝影圖像與特色導覽,引領讀者進入時光隧道,甚至「穿牆破壁」,領略古代匠師高超的工藝技術,體驗每一座古建築令人驚豔的空間美感。 在經典個案之後,另有同類型其他實例的介紹與比較;而「延伸議題」則以簡練的文字、精細的手繪線圖與大量的攝影圖片,歸納整理中國古建築之基本欣賞知識。最後並附中國古建築常見之術語詞解。
  • 做局


    "局,无处不在。小到人与人的竞争,大到统治一个国家,都需要策略。做局就是一种在长期生存和发展中形成的人生博弈手段。中国人的人际关系,概括起来不出一个“局”字。做局并非贬义,而是在复杂的格局下,力求自保以维持生存,或者发展以改变命运的技巧。 一部中国史,也可以说是一部博弈史,其中有数不清的局,看得人眼花缭乱,读得人惊心动魄。不论忠奸善恶,每个人的命运都与形形色色的局联系在一起,只不过有的人在做局,有的人在防局罢了。局做得好,做局的人可能会一举成名,一夜暴富,一帆风顺;做得不好,做局的人也会身败名裂、自取其咎、一失足成千古恨。做局者与防局者的角色,是随时可以互换的,一个人可以给别人做局,也同时要谨慎应对别人设下的局,避免成为炮灰和牺牲品。 本书不是在教你诈,而是希望透过历史告诉读者人性的多变,社会的复杂,让我们学会在社会中生存的博弈之道。读一遍看清历史大势,读两遍参悟人性本质。 "
  • Factory Girls

    作者:Leslie T. Chang

  • 中国海关与贸易统计(1859—1948)


    本书应用海关统计数据, 揭示了茶叶在清朝、民国时期经济演进过程中的角色。 作者首先收集和整理这些统计数据, 然后分析当时统计这些数据的方法及数据的含义。 并深入到当时的历史情境中, 梳理海关的职能、工作程序, 探讨海关职能范围的演变、执行的方法, 及其相关记录的格式。 本书旨在提供一种使用海关统计数据的指南, 为如何利用这样统计数据, 特别是如何最大限度地利用这些统计数据 来研究区域经济的发展作出了一个经典的示范。
  • 图腾与中国文化


  • Privatizing China

    作者:Carl E. Walter,Frase

    Much is written about the various efforts aimed at reforming China’s state-owned enterprises. But in all this literature the Chinese government’s determined effort to use the equity capital markets as a tool of enterprise reform has been virtually ignored. The fact is that during the past decade this has been, and will continue to be, the principal thrust with regard to the reform of state-owned enterprises. On-again, off-again, noises about bankruptcy, M&A solutions and asset management companies are only sideshows in the process. Carl E. Walter is a Managing Director of JP Morgan and Chief Operating Officer of its China businesses. Prior to joining JP Morgan in 2001, Mr. Walter was a Managing Director and member of the Management Committee of China International Capital Corporation. He was Chief Representative in Beijing for Credit Suisse First Boston from 1993-8. During his decade in China, Mr. Walter has participated in a number of pathbreaking international and domestic share listings and debt issues for Chinese companies, banks and the Ministry of Finance. He holds a PhD from Stanford University and a graduate certificate from Beijing University. Fraser Howie is an independent financial analyst located in Beijing. Over the past ten years he has worked in Hong Kong trading equity derivatives at Bankers Trust and Morgan Stanley. After moving to China in 1998 he worked in the Sales and Trading Department of China International Capital Corporation then with a domestic retail financial services company and most recently with China M&A Management Company.
  • 中国老玩意之谜


    本书介绍了三类旧时流传至今具有较高鉴赏和收藏价值的老古董: “古器珍玩”——主要是陈于庙堂、多为达官显贵所用的价值较高的器具; “日常用物”——古代日常生活中、衣食住行所需要的实用之物; “琴棋画由”——与诗词歌赋、文化娱乐有关的老物件。 作者以随笔的形式阐述诸多“老玩意”的起源、得名由来、特征、用途及有关的历史典故和文化内蕴,使读者对中国悠久的历史文明萌发更深切的兴趣。
  • 中国人的特性


  • 识别中国古建筑


  • 中国记忆


    由首都博物馆策划编著、文物出版社出版、北京雅昌彩色印刷有限公司制版及深圳雅昌彩色印刷有限公司印制的《中国记忆——五千年文明瑰宝》大型画册,以其内容精彩、设计精美、印制精湛,自出版以来,不到半年时间内,屡获国内外图书大奖。 在2008年度“中国最美的书”评选中获得“中国最美的书”称号。“中国最美的书”的评选活动由上海市新闻出版局主办,新闻出版总署教育培训中心上海分中心承办。该奖项是国内最具权威性的书籍艺术奖项,入选图书代表了当年国内出版图书书籍艺术的最高水平,并可代表中国参加德国莱比锡“世界最美的书”的评选。 2008年12月,在中国印刷及设备器材工业协会、香港印刷业商会、台湾区印刷暨机器材料工业同业公会和澳门印刷业商会联合主办的第20届“中华印制大奖”评选中,《中国记忆——五千年文明瑰宝》获得34个奖项中的最高奖项——“全场大奖”。获奖出版物由两岸四地800多件作品中选出,代表了国内印刷行业最佳书籍印制和创意设计水平。 2009年2月,从德国莱比锡图书博览会又传来佳音:《中国记忆——五千年文明瑰宝》荣获2009年度“世界最美的书”称号——当今世界图书领域最具权威性的奖项之一。莱比锡“世界最美的书”评选活动由德国图书艺术基金会、德国国家图书馆和莱比锡市政府联合举办。参评图书来自世界各地,获奖图书反映了当今世界书籍艺术的最高水平,不仅要在莱比锡和法兰克福两大世界顶级书展上进行展示,还将由德国国家图书馆永久收藏。
  • 宪政的中国之道


  • 西学“中国化”的历史困境


  • 中国传统服饰


    中国是一个文明古国,历经几千年的沧桑变化,形成了博大精深、源远流长的文化体系。在这个中华文明的体系中,传统服饰文化是一个极其重要的组成部分。它直接或间接地反映中国社会的政治变革、经济发展和风俗变迁,它标示出中国社会在不同历史阶段的文化状态和精神面貌。 这5000年的中国传统服饰文化是一条长河,它时而波澜壮阔、雄奇瑰丽;时而细流涓涓,婉转含蓄;时而潮流激荡,泥沙俱下;时而风平浪静,清朗明晰……这5000年的服饰文化有许多鲜为人知的瑰宝,其中既包括先秦精美的玉佩,秦汉儒雅的袍服,魏晋飘逸的衫子;也是盛唐华美的妆靥,宋代朴素的背子,明代端庄的补服……它们既属于中国,也属于世界。遗撼的是,在宠杂的物质与信息泛滥的环境中,人类的千年文化之河在当代人心中却渐去渐远,我们愿望从中撷取几朵美丽的浪花,展现在世人面前,让它们那优雅的文明光辉照耀我们今天的生活。
  • 風雪定陵

    作者:楊仕 岳南

  • Wild Grass

    作者:Ian Johnson

    From The Washington Post's Book World Reviewed by Nayan Chanda During Chinese President Jiang Zemin's visit to France in October 1999, French President Jacques Chirac asked him why his government was so angry with a group of elderly Falun Gong members merely doing breathing exercises in neighborhood parks. In a revealing response, French officials later told me, Jiang asked Chirac how he would feel waking up in the morning to find his residence encircled by thousands of people he had not known existed. Jiang was referring to a most unusual demonstration that had taken place earlier in the year and startled China's communist leaders. As morning broke over the Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing on April 25, the country's top officials found themselves under siege by about 10,000 members of Falun Gong, sitting quietly on the pavement in the meditative lotus position. Unbeknownst to China's security services, the group had managed to materialize in the heart of Beijing to hold a silent demonstration demanding that their religion be legalized. Beijing responded by labeling it an "evil cult" and launching a crackdown that saw some 30,000 sent to prison and 77 dead while in police detention. In Wild Grass, Ian Johnson, the Wall Street Journal correspondent who won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the Falun Gong, expands on various aspects of grassroots rebellion in China, offering a gripping tale of a few very ordinary people and their extraordinary courage in fighting for their rights against the Communist Party leviathan. In three decades of Deng Xiaoping-led economic reform, the party has relinquished control over many aspects of people's personal lives and has opened up spaces for individual freedom unimaginable under Mao. One can steer clear of politics and pursue the Dengist motto "to get rich is glorious." But as Johnson shows, beneath the surface of growing prosperity and loosening control, common people are waging a struggle to claim the greater freedom, clean government and rule of law that the party has promised but never delivers. The daily occurrence of such battles is a measure of the progress achieved since the dark days of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. But the fate suffered by the heroes Johnson portrays in this book also points to the long road ahead. The book is divided into three stories of unintentional heroes. First there is Ma Wenlin, a former Red Guard and a small town schoolteacher who taught himself law in order to become a government-sanctioned legal worker. Implored by local peasants to challenge various illegal taxes and levies imposed by local officials, "Teacher Ma" took up their cause. His class-action suit seeking relief was perfectly legal, but the local court refused to accept it. When he took his case to the highest authority in Beijing, Ma was beaten so severely by police that he lost 13 teeth -- and then was sentenced to five years in prison for disrupting traffic and other crimes. The second chapter tells the story of the demolition of old Beijing and the dispossession of 23,000 residents in the run-up to the 2008 Olympics, and of the tragic efforts of a few courageous individuals trying to protect history and architectural treasures from the bulldozers. Johnson first takes the reader through the charming old quarters of the capital marked for destruction after the expulsion of their legal occupants with pitiful compensation. Then he recounts how a bright architecture student meticulously documented the real estate deals and exposed official corruption involving an estimated $1 billion, but failed to move officialdom and finally left for America. The third and the most poignant account involves the rise of the Falun Gong and how one member, a grandmother named Chen Zixiu, got caught up in its fervor of healthy exercise and spiritual living. Like other Chinese discouraged by the rampant materialism and corruption of modern China, she sought solace in the movement's teachings of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance. Bewildered by the government's "evil cult" pronouncement, Chen set out for Beijing to correct her leaders' wrong impression. Arrested, fined and sent back home with a warning not to associate further with the movement, Chen stuck to her principles. Within six months she was found dead in a local prison, with smashed teeth and battered legs. The authorities refused to state the cause of her death. In her battle to obtain a death certificate, Chen's apolitical daughter ended up in jail herself -- with a far better understanding of her country and the cause her mother died for. Johnson's cloak-and-dagger quest to talk to the victims and his taut, perceptive writing make Wild Grass read in parts like a John Grisham legal thriller. Only here the good guys end up in jail, in the morgue or in self-imposed exile. Those thousands who appeared out of nowhere, near Zhongnanhai, to spook Jiang Zemin have not reappeared. If all goes well, Ma, the peasant champion, will finish serving his prison term on July 7 of this year. "Now is a time for waiting," grandma Chen's daughter told Johnson in her last interview. "China isn't ready for change."
  • 皖南古村落


  • 哲意的沉思


  • 千年沉重


    全书由“千年”、“不再是秦兵马俑的脸”、“莫忘沉重”三大部分组成。在客观审视历史与现实的基础上,作者以他敏锐的感悟与笔触,纵横捭阖,谈古论今,“上穷碧落下黄泉”,对一个个重大的历史谜团、现实困窘、文人心态作了深层的剖析与解读。在“千年”中,作者以一个历史上曾经辉煌一时的内陆省区为标本,充满深情地揭示了其沧桑更迭、白云苍狗、兴衰荣枯、长恨浩歌,其间所表现的桑梓情、赤子心,无不令人潸然。“不再是秦兵马俑的脸”以儿子致父亲书信的形式,通过四十余年来父亲命运的跌宕起伏、悲欢相续,紧紧扣住时代的脉搏贲张,凸现了中国知识分子那别具一格的人文精神与人格情怀。“莫忘沉重”乃作者十多年来一贯坚持文学要介入生活的心路历程的真实写照,作者以“不信春天唤不回”的炽热情怀,具体而真切地表露了一个时代哪怕有百分之九十九的人拒绝沉重,可总得有百分之一的人守望并解读沉重。否则,社会便是一只轻飘飘的舢板,极易在风浪中倾覆。如此滚烫的关切之情与拳拳之心,读来令人感慨不已。 大文化的蕴藉、大视野的格局,还有是文学又跨文学的表现,是本书的显著特色,其所表现出的强烈社会责任心与历史使命感无不跃然于字里行间,这一切对正处于世纪之交而又欢呼更深层改革的当代读者来说,皆具有相当的震撼力,同时也不无启迪意义。