

  • 雅典政制

    作者:[古希腊] 亚里士多德

  • 政治学


    《政治学》内容简介:为了深入探究西方文明的渊源与演进,促进中西文化交流,反映改革开放30年来我国学界对西方文明的全新视角,展示伴随改革开放成长起来的一代学人对西学的重新审视与诠释,构建全新的西学思想文献平台,我们组织出版了这套《西方学术经典译丛》(全新译本)。本译丛精选西方学术思想流变中最具代表性的部分传世名作,由多位专家学者选目,一批学养深厚、中西贯通、年富力强的专业人士精心译介,内容涵盖了哲学、宗教学、政治学、经济学、心理学、法学、历史学等人文社会科学领域,收录了不同国家、不同时代、不同载体的诸多经典名著。 本译丛系根据英文原著或其他文种的较佳英文译本译出。与以往不同的是,本译丛全部用现代汉语译介,尽量避免以往译本中时而出现的文白相间、拗口艰涩的现象。本译丛还站在时代发展的高度,在译介理念和用词用语方面,基本采用改革开放以来西学研究领域的共识与成论。另外,以往译本由于时代和社会局限,往往对原作品有所删改。出于尊重原作和正本清源的目的,本译丛对原作品内容一律不作删改,全部照译。因此,本译丛也是对过去译本的补充和完善。
  • 品格的技艺

    作者:(美) 加佛

  • 政治生活的限度与满足


    政治生活的限度与满足 论题:政治生活的限度与满足 亚里士多德论政治生活的限度与满足 亚里士多德的最佳政制学 亚里士多德对最佳生活的含混解释 亚里士多德论“低俗之人” 古典作品研究 圣托马斯·阿奎那的《(尼各马可伦学)注疏》 今本《文子》诠释《老子》考 思想史发微 开端之思,思之开端 ——解读海德格尔《阿那克西曼德之箴言》 旧文新刊 《庄子·天下篇》校释 子略 评论 没有秘密的斯芬克斯 ——施特劳斯研究新述 还有多少可以信赖
  • 亚里士多德选集(政治学卷)


    《亚里士多德全集》出版后,原班译者按照形而上学、伦理学和政治学三个专题,将全集中的相关著作分别进行编辑、校订和注释,构成《亚里士多德选集》第一至三卷。与全集相比,选集的特点在于,译者撰写了长篇的导读性的序言,并对原文进行了详细的注释,其中全集主编苗力田先生的注释融会古今,贯通中外,深入浅出,独具特色,尤见功力。选集的出版将有助于读者深入把握亚里士多德哲学的精髓。   本卷收有亚里士多德的《政治学》和《雅典政制》。《政治学》开西方政治学研究之先河。据说亚里士多德曾考察并记述了158个希腊城邦的历史与现状,《雅典政制》是其中惟一残存下来的篇章。本卷对部分译文进行了校订,增添了译者序言、注释和索引,更有助于读者了解和研究亚里士多德的政治学说。
  • The Politics


    From Library Journal The past few years have seen a spate of new translations of classic texts in philosophy, in part because of more complete texts on which to base the translations and in part because of a desire to render the texts in a more contemporary English. Simpson (classics and philosophy, CUNY) has produced a fresh and lively translation that is perhaps more logically ordered. He makes a strong case for rearranging the standard order of the books of the Politics to provide a sequence more in keeping with Aristotle's intentions, positioning Books 7 and 8 to follow Book 3. The text begins with a translation of Book 10, Chapter 9 of the Nicomachean Ethics, which Simpson argues is a precursor to the Politics. A comparison with standard translations, such as those of Jowett and Barker, indicates that Simpson put much effort into this version and clarified a number of points that earlier translations left unclear. An excellent addition to all academic and major public libraries.?Terry C. Skeats, Bishop's Univ. Lib., Lennoxville, Quebec Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Review This is an admirable translation, meticulous in its attention to Aristotle's Greek and judicious in its phrasing and choice of terms. It should prove invaluable to beginning students and scholars alike. -- Richard Kraut, Northwestern University --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
  • Aristotle as Teacher

    作者:Christopher Bruell

    This book is an account of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. The work is considered as a whole and each of its parts or books is taken up in the order that it has in the traditional text. The book is based on an examination of all of the manuscript readings reported in the three most recent editions of the work (those of Christ, Ross, and Jaeger), and it attempts in this way and others to come as close as possible to what would have been the original text. The Metaphysics is of course a much-studied work. What distinguishes this new effort to understand it is the working assumption that Aristotle presents in it his most comprehensive reflection on science: its character and aims, its foundations or presuppositions, and the obstacles or objections that constitute a challenge to its possibility. The book is thus intended to be of interest and use to at least two classes of readers: to those who have already reflected themselves on the nature of science and who have perhaps become dissatisfied with more recent attempts to establish it on a firm basis or to explain the basis on which it rests; and to beginning students who are willing to undertake a difficult task and who can be brought to see that science and philosophy were originally equivalent terms and that the effort to distinguish or separate them may have been deeply misguided. In other words, the book is meant to afford a glimpse into what philosophy originally meant.
  • 人、城邦与善


  • 《政治学》疏证


  • 亚里士多德.理性.自由


  • Aristotle's Physics

    作者:Joe Sachs

  • 尼科马亥伦理学


  • 亞里斯多德形上學註(四冊)

    作者:St. Thomas Aquinas(聖

    COMMENTARY ON THE METAPHYSICS by Thomas Aquinas translated by John P. Rowan Chicago, 1961 http://dhspriory.org/thomas/Metaphysics.htm THOMAS AQUINAS' OUTLINE OF THE BOOK Introduction (1-68) BOOK 1—Α The work itself (69-2663) What previous philosophers said about causes (69-272) Determination of the truth (273-2663) BOOK 2—α With regard to universal truth (274-337) With regard to the truth about what belongs to this science (338-2663) BOOK 3—Β Dialectical exposition of the problems (338-528) Demonstrative section 529-2663 BOOK 4—Γ List of things this science considers (529-748) Determination of these things (749-2663) BOOK 5—Δ The meanings of the terms used in this science (749-1143) Names signifying causes (749-841) Names signifying the subject of this science (842-1032) Names signifying attributes or aspects of the subject (1033-1143) Determination of the realities this science considers (1144-2663) BOOK 6—Ε The method of considering "being" in this science (1144-1244) The truth about "being" (1245-2663) BOOK 7—Ζ The truth about "being as being" (1245-2145) "Being" (1245-1919) As it is divided by the ten categories (1245-1767) The need to focus on substance (1245-1269) The truth about substance (1270-1767) The method and order of discussion (1270-1305) Sensible substances (1306-1767) General and logical considerations (1306-1680) Considering the principles of sensible substances (1681-1767) BOOK 8—Η As it is divided by potency and act (1768-1919) BOOK 9—Θ "One" and its concomitants (1920-2145) BOOK 10—Ι "One" in itself (1920-1982) In comparison with multitude (1983-2145) The first principles of being: separated substances (2146-2663) BOOK 11—Κ Preliminary considerations (2146-2415) Separated substances (2416-2663) BOOK 12—Λ
  • 亚里士多德

    作者:W. D. 罗斯

  • 动物四篇

    作者:(古希腊) 亚里斯多德

  • 亚里士多德之伦理思想


  • 亚里士多德诗学

    作者:Stephen Halliwell,Ar

    This interpretation of Aristotle's "Poetics" seeks to demonstrate that it is a coherent statement of a challenging theory of poetic art and that it hints towards a theory of mimetic art in general. Assessing this theory against the background of earlier Greek views on poetry and art, particularly Plato's, Stephen Halliwell sets Aristotle's ideas in the wider context of his philosophical system. The core of the book is an appraisal of Aristotle's view of tragic drama, in which Halliwell contends that at the heart of the "Poetics" lies a philosophical urge to instill a secularized understanding of Greek tragedy.
  • 亚里士多德传


  • 亚里斯多德


    本书据牛津大学出版社1982年英文版译出. 巴恩斯对亚里斯多德的研究是有独到之处的。他的特点体现在全书的结构中。他从动物学开始,继之逻辑学、哲学、心理学、神学、伦理学、诗学等等,逐门讨论亚里斯多德学说的得失,看上去似乎松松垮垮,连贯不紧,但到末尾又指出亚里斯多德的这些学科是统一的,统一的基础在于求知的欲望,所以亚里斯多德思想是一个谨严的系统。
  • 亚里士多德全集(第五卷)

