

  • 一个更安全的地方


    *两届布克奖得主、《狼厅》《提堂》作者希拉里•曼特尔的法国大革命扛鼎之作 *细致揭露法国大革命三巨头丹东、罗伯斯庇尔和德穆兰不为人知的私人生活 *媲美大仲马和狄更斯,希拉里•曼特尔运用20世纪的敏锐触觉重现了风起云涌的1789年法国大革命;《一个更安全的地方》造就了一次文学与历史的伟大联姻 *《一个更安全的地方》获《周日快报》年度小说奖 *BBC正在筹拍同名电视剧,由《开膛手杰克》编剧Richard Warlow担纲编剧。 1789年,三个省里的年轻人来到了巴黎,各自心怀豪情壮志。命运的手指在这三人身上信手拨动,一个国家的历史命运却就此改变:患有口吃的德穆兰在一阵有如神助的慷慨演讲后,激动的人民攻占了巴士底狱。丹东的果决成为了革命的象征——处决路易十六,指挥抗击欧洲列强……然而,罗伯斯庇尔 的眉毛微微耸动,臭名昭著的恐怖统治时期开启。1793年,遭到处决的人数迅速增长……革命最终将走向何方?断头台上的利刃寒光森森。 在法国大革命的激荡浪潮之中,这三人各自品尝了令人上瘾的权力的快乐,同时也必须为之付出高昂的代价。希拉里•曼特尔结合精确的史实与丰富的想象,描述了三位主人公——丹东、罗伯斯庇尔和卡米尔——不为世人所熟悉的生活侧面,透过三人的眼睛,重现了大革命前社会及政治制度的崩塌以及恐怖统治巅峰时期的种种历史事件。1763年至1794年,上百个历史人物粉墨登场,栩栩如生地再现了人类历史上这一场波澜壮阔的革命全景。 媲美大仲马和狄更斯,希拉里•曼特尔运用20世纪的敏锐触觉重现了风起云涌的1789年法国大革命;《一个更安全的地方》造就了一次文学与历史的伟大联姻。 《一个更安全的地方》获1992年《周日快报》年度小说奖。
  • 奥登诗选:1948-1973

    作者:[英] W. H. 奥登

    自1927年初出茅庐到1973年魂归诗国,近半个世纪里,奥登不断给英语诗歌注入新的气象。他的作品从政治写到宗教,从城市写到乡村,华美词章俯拾皆是,街谈巷议亦可入诗。 本书是奥登自愿保留的诗歌全集的下卷,文本获得过他本人的首肯。此书连同已经出版的诗选上卷包括了此前各版奥登诗集的全部内容,并且涵盖诗人后期的所有短诗集,可以说,奥登诗歌的精华已尽数裒辑于此。纵览书中篇什,令人不禁赞叹奥登诗艺之精巧,情怀之广博,而古老的西方文学传统,更是在他笔下,一次又一次重现往日的荣光。
  • Heart of Darkness

    作者:Joseph Conrad

    Originally published in 1902, Heart of Darkness remains one of this century's most enduring - and harrowing - works of fiction. Written several years after Conrad's grueling sojourn in the Belgian Congo, the novel tells the story of Marlow, a seaman who undertakes his own journey into the African jungle to find the tormented white trader Kurtz. Rich in irony and spellbinding prose, Heart of Darkness is a complex meditation on colonialism, evil, and the thin line between civilization and barbarity. . This edition contains selections from Conrad's Congo Diary of 1890 - the first notes, in effect, for the novel which was composed at the end of that decade. Virginia Woolf wrote of Conrad, "His books are full of moments of vision. They light up a whole character in a flash. . . . He could not write badly, one feels, to save his life."
  • Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde

    作者:Oscar Wilde

    The Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde includes the two definitive story collections The Happy Prince and Other Tales (1888) and A House of Pomegranates (1891). This volume collects exquisite and poignant tales of true beauty, selfless love, generosity, loyalty, brilliant wit, and moral aestheticism, such as "The Birthday of the Infanta," "The Selfish Giant," The Nightingale and the Rose," and "The Happy Prince," among others. A true classic of wonder for all ages.
  • 奥威尔散文


  • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    作者:Robert Louis Stevens

  • Howards End

    作者:E. M. Forster

    A meticulously-observed drama of class warfare, E.M. Forster's "Howards End" explores the conflict inherent within English society, unveiling the character of a nation as never before. This "Penguin Classics" edition includes an introduction and notes by David Lodge. 'Only connect...' A chance acquaintance brings together the preposterous bourgeois Wilcox family and the clever, cultured and idealistic Schlegel sisters. As clear-eyed Margaret develops a friendship with Mrs Wilcox, the impetuous Helen brings into their midst a young bank clerk named Leonard Bast, who lives at the edge of poverty and ruin. When Mrs Wilcox dies, her family discovers that she wants to leave her country home, Howards End, to Margaret. Thus as Forster sets in motion a chain of events that will entangle three different families, he brilliantly portrays their aspirations to personal and social harmony. David Lodge's introduction provides an absorbing and eloquent overture to the 1910 novel that established Forster's reputation as an important writer, and that he himself later referred to as 'my best novel'. This edition also contains a note on the text, suggestions for further reading, and explanatory notes. E. M. Forster (1879-1970) was a noted English author and critic and a member of the Bloomsbury group. His first novel, "Where Angels Fear To Tread" appeared in 1905. "The Longest Journey" appeared in 1907, followed by "A Room With A View" (1908), based partly on the material from extended holidays in Italy with his mother. "Howards End" (1910) was a story that centered on an English country house and dealt with the clash between two families, one interested in art and literature, the other only in business. "Maurice" was revised several times during his life, and finally published posthumously in 1971. If you enjoyed "Howard's End", you might like Forster's "A Room with a View", also available in "Penguin Classics".
  • 毛姆随想录


    上卷:人生哲学编 下卷:文学鉴赏编
  • Essays

    作者:George Orwell

    (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) A generous and varied selection–the only hardcover edition available–of the literary and political writings of one of the greatest essayists of the twentieth century. Although best known as the author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-four , George Orwell left an even more lastingly significant achievement in his voluminous essays, which dealt with all the great social, political, and literary questions of the day and exemplified an incisive prose style that is still universally admired. Included among the more than 240 essays in this volume are Orwell’s famous discussion of pacifism, “My Country Right or Left”; his scathingly complicated views on the dirty work of imperialism in “Shooting an Elephant”; and his very firm opinion on how to make “A Nice Cup of Tea.” In his essays, Orwell elevated political writing to the level of art, and his motivating ideas–his desire for social justice, his belief in universal freedom and equality, and his concern for truth in language–are as enduringly relevant now, a hundred years after his birth, as ever.
  • Virginia Woolf To the Lighthouse

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    One of the greatest literary achievements of the 20th century and the author's most popular novel. The serene and maternal Mrs. Ramsay, the tragic yet absurd Mr. Ramsay, together with their children and assorted guests are holidaying on the Isle of Skye. From the seemingly trivial postponement of a visit to a nearby lighthouse, Virginia Woolf constructs a remarkable and moving examination of the complex tensions and allegiances of family life, and the conflict between male and female principles.
  • J.R.R. Tolkien


  • Gulliver's Travels

    作者:Jonathan Swift,Alber

    First published in 1726, this classic work of satire presents a world gone haywire, where humans, despite their pomposity and grandiose illusions, are no better than weak and helpless fools. Lemuel Gulliver's journeys take him to Lilliput, a country whose inhabitants are no more than six inches tall; to Brobdingnag, a land of giants; to Laputa, a flying island inhabited by absent-minded people; and to the land of Houyhnhnms, where horselike creatures rule with intelligence and courtesy over repulsive humanlike Yahoos. One of literature's lasting legacies, Swift's trenchant cautionary tale is a witty, allegorical depiction of people at their worst; yet it may also be read as an enchanting, playful children's story with universal appeal.   Shipwrecked and cast adrift, Lemuel Gulliver wakes to find himself in Lilliput, an island inhabited by little people, whose six-inch height makes their quarrels over fashion and fame seem ridiculous. His subsequent encounters - with the crude giants of Brobdingnag, the abstracted scientists of Laputa, the philosophical Houyhnhnms and brutish Yahoos - give Gulliver new, bitter insights into human behaviour. Although Gulliver's journeys take us to strange and wonderful places, it is impossible to ignore the reflections of ourselves with which Swift peoples his realms, where humankind is seen in a satirical hall of mirrors as a diminished, magnified and finally bestial species. With its wild distortions, optical illusions and undertones of madness and the grotesque, Gulliver's Travels defies our expectations of a conventional traveller's tale. It is in fact a brillantly and rudelly subversive book.

    作者:Mary Wollstonecraft

    Book Description The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. This novel is the deeply disturbing story of a monstrous creation which has terrified and chilled readers ever since its first publication in 1818. The novel is the outcome of reflection on Gothic horror, galvanism, the then theories concerning the origin of life and the myth of Prometheus. Amazon.com Frankenstein, loved by many decades of readers and praised by such eminent literary critics as Harold Bloom, seems hardly to need a recommendation. If you haven't read it recently, though, you may not remember the sweeping force of the prose, the grotesque, surreal imagery, and the multilayered doppelg?nger themes of Mary Shelley's masterpiece. As fantasy writer Jane Yolen writes of this (the reviewer's favorite) edition, "The strong black and whites of the main text [illustrations] are dark and brooding, with unremitting shadows and stark contrasts. But the central conversation with the monster--who owes nothing to the overused movie image … but is rather the novel's charnel-house composite--is where [Barry] Moser's illustrations show their greatest power ... The viewer can all but smell the powerful stench of the monster's breath as its words spill out across the page. Strong book-making for one of the world's strongest and most remarkable books." Includes an illuminating afterword by Joyce Carol Oates. From 500 Great Books by Women; review by Jesse Larsen After being rescued from an iceberg, Dr. Frankenstein relates his autobiography to the ship's captain, complete with vivid descriptions of his idyllic childhood and passionate cries of regret that not even his love for Elizabeth could control his fanatic ambition. Dr. Frankenstein has been consumed by his desire to create a fully-grown living creature. When he reaches his goal, he perceives his creation as a monster, immediately regrets his work, and promptly abandons it. We also hear the poignant voice of the monster as he describes the spurning and physical attacks he has endured because of his ugliness; his desolate pain and loneliness; how he learns to love; how he finally finds and tries, unsuccessfully, to make peace with his maker; how he learns to hate. A story within a story, Frankenstein is a subtle and ironic prophecy that raises the question of who exactly is the real monster in this story. From Booklist Part of the Whole Story series, this is the full text of Mary Shelley's classic gothic story, which was first published in 1818 and has been a wild success ever since. Philippe Munch's illustrations have none of the power of Barry Moser's unforgettable woodcuts that evoke the loneliness of the grotesque outsider (in the Pennyroyal edition published by the University of California Press in 1984). The design here is crowded, and the type is small. However, the many period prints and maps in color and in black and white, with long, detailed captions, do provide the historical setting for the story, its geography, customs, and ideas. Teens enthralled by pop versions of the myth as well as science fiction fans will be interested in going back to the full version of what has been called the first science fiction novel and learning about the circumstances under which it was written by a woman, just 18 years old, 170 years ago.                               Hazel Rochman From School Library Journal Grade 9 Up-Full-color drawings, photographs, and reproductions with extended captions have been added to the unedited text of Shelley's novel, thus placing the work in the context of the era in which it was written. The artwork faithfully represents the text and makes this edition appealing to reluctant readers. Unfortunately, many of the captions provide tangential information that, although interesting, interrupts the flow of the story. However, readers will quickly learn that it is not necessary to read every caption and appreciate this volume for its many quality illustrations.                                 Michele Snyder, Chappaqua Public Library, NY From AudioFile With so many poor adaptations of Mary Shelley's classic work in all forms of media, it's refreshing to come across a production that retains the quality, premise, and themes of the original book. As the title and principal character, Dr. Frankenstein has an affected voice that suits his tragically ambitious character. The supporting cast works well in a full range of emotions. The script and vocal characterizations de-emphasize Shelley's vision of an intelligent and cunning monster, but this is a quibble. This production is a boon for students new to the book, teachers looking for supplemental classroom materials, and fans of classic literature. A.F. About Author Mary Shelley was born Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin on August 30, 1797 in London, the daughter of William Godwin--a radical philosopher and novelist, and Mary Wollstonecraft--a renowned feminist and the author of Vindication of the Rights of Woman. She eloped to France with Shelley in 1814, although they were not married until 1816, after the suicide of his first wife. She began work on Frankenstein in 1816 in Switzerland, while they were staying with Lord Byron, and it was published in 1818 to immediate acclaim. She died in London in 1851. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6
  • 吉卜林 动物小说


    吉卜林的《丛林之书》和它的续篇一共包括一十五篇故事,其中七篇是互不相关的动物故事,如《白海豹》和《“里基——蒂基——塔维”》就属于这一类。另八篇则是以少年莫格里为中心人物的系列动物故事。我手头中的这本书只有其中的六篇故事,分别是: 《莫格里的兄弟们》 《老虎!老虎!》 《白海豹》 《“里基——蒂基——塔维”》 《国王的象叉》 《在丛林里》
  • 藻海无边


    《简·爱》问世将近一个半世纪以来,世界各国到底有多少痴心的女读者在这个相貌平平、过早饱尝人生辛酸、但终末失去与生活搏斗勇气的简·爱身上找寻自己的影子,寄予同情,其人数当然无法统计,但肯定是大有人在。然而,若要问有多少女读者对简·爱追求幸福的苦难历程上的障碍——幽禁在顶楼上的疯女人感到一丝一毫同情,甚或对她产生一点儿好感的,那倒大概可以说为数不多吧。但就在为数不多的人中,却有一位对疯女人产生了浓烈的兴趣,她就是英国当代女作家简·里斯(Jean Rhys,1894—1979)。凭她对《简·爱》一书的深刻研究,对疯女人出生时代背景和社会环境——十九世纪英国在西半球的殖民地——的充分了解,再加自己对这一人物的理解和同情,经过多次修订再全部推翻重写的痛苦创作过程,终于完成定稿,并于1966年出版,书名《藻海无边》(Wide Sargasso Sea),而且于同年获得英国皇家文学会奖,1967年又获W.H.史密斯奖,还被接纳为英国皇家文学会会员。
  • 英国文学的伟大传统(下)

    作者:[美] 安妮特·T. 鲁宾斯坦

  • The Woman in White

    作者:Wilkie Collins

    Publisher's Note Walter Hartright, a drawing instructor, comes to Limmeridge House to teach Laura and Marion Halcombe. He falls in love with Laura, but she is betrothed to someone else, and he must therefore leave Limmeridge. Before he goes, he tells Marian about his encounter with a beautiful woman dressed entirely in white, whom he later discovers escaped from an insane asylum. Here the mystery begins: Who is the woman in white? And is she truly insane? Synopsis Still unsurpassed as a masterpiece of narrative drive and excruciating suspense, 'The Woman in White' is also famous for introducing, in the figure of Count Fosco, the prototype of the suave, sophisticated evil genius. The first detective novel ever written, it has remained, since its publication in 1860, the most admired example of the genre.
  • Moll Flanders


    Book Description The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. This novel follows the life of its eponymous heroine through its many vicissitudes, which include her early seduction, careers in crime and prostitution, conviction for theft and transportation to the plantations of Virginia. She ultimately finds redemption and prosperity. Amazon.com The recent adaptation of Moll Flanders for Masterpiece Theater is a book-lover's dream: the dialogue and scene arrangement are close enough to allow the viewer to follow along in the book. The liberties taken with the tale are few (some years of childhood between the gypsies and the wealthy family are elided; Moll is Moll throughout the tale, rather than Mrs. Betty; Robert becomes Rowland, etc.) and the sets avoid the careless anachronism of the movie version released earlier this year. The breasts, raised skirts, tumbling hair and heavy breathing on the small screen might catch you by surprise if you don't read the book carefully (as might Moll's abandonment of her children on more than one occasion). Unlike his near-contemporary John Cleland (_Fanny Hill_), Defoe was trying to keep out of jail, and so didn't dwell on the details of "correspondence" between Moll and her varied lovers. But on the page and on the screen, Moll comes across quite clearly as a woman who might bend, but refuses to break, and who is intent on having as good a life as she can get. E. M. Forster in Aspects of the Novel considers Moll and her creator's art in some detail. While he finds much to criticize in Defoe's ability to plot (where did those last two children go, anyway?), he is as besotted with Moll as I am. Immoral? Sure -- but immortal, and never, ever dull. We hope at least a few of the viewers of the recent adaptation take a couple hours to discover the original, inimitable Moll Flanders. From AudioFile This recording of Daniel Defoe's 1722 novel features a too skimpy abridgment of the tale of the irrepressible title character, born in London's Newgate Gaol. It's read by accomplished British actress, Jan Francis and is part of Hodder's Classic Collection, with a stately English painting gracing the cover. Francis reads with expression but without ornamentation, choosing not to give unique voices to the different characters. It works well here, since Moll is really a one-woman show, and so much of the performance depends on how well the narrator handles her. D.B. About Author Virginia Woolf (1882–1941) was a novelist, critic, and essayist whose works include such classics as A Room of One's Own, Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, and The Voyage Out (the latter available from the Modern Library in both cloth and paper). Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6
  • Winter's Tale

    作者:William Shakespeare

    The Winter's Tale, one of Shakespeare's later romantic comedies, offers a striking and challenging mixture of tragic and violent events, lyrical love-speeches, farcical comedy, pastoral song and dance, and, eventually, dramatic revelations and reunions. Thematically, there is a rich orchestration of the contrasts between age and youth, corruption and innocence, decline and regeneration. Both Leontes' murderous jealousy and Perdita's love-relationship with Florizel are eloquently intense. In the theatre, The Winter's Tale often proves to be diversely entertaining and deeply moving.
  • Amsterdam

    作者:Ian McEwan

    On a chilly February day, two old friends meet in the throng outside a London crematorium to pay their last respects to Molly Lane. Both Clive Linley and Vernon Halliday had been Molly's lovers in the days before they reached their current eminence: Clive is Britain's most successful modern composer, and Vernon is editor of the newspaper The Judge. Gorgeous, feisty Molly had other lovers, too, notably Julian Garmony, Foreign Secretary, a notorious right-winger tipped to be the next prime minister. In the days that follow Molly's funeral, Clive and Vernon will make a pact with consequences that neither could have foreseen. Each will make a disastrous moral decision, their friendship will be tested to its limits, and Julian Garmony will be fighting for his political life. A sharp contemporary morality tale, cleverly disguised as a comic novel, Amsterdam is "as sheerly enjoyable a book as one is likely to pick up this year" (The Washington Post Book World).