本书在如下方面具有鲜明的特色: ■ 内容 通过对博弈论及其应用提供严谨的且易于理解的介绍,本书展示了效用理论的完整描述和动态博弈论的详尽分析;本书是提供动态策略相互作用的详细分析的第一本教科书。 ■ 理论与案例 本书强调理论和案例的平行展开。在进行概念的合理、严密阐述的同时,每一章都有活泼、翔实的的案例,充分探讨博弈论的经济应用。例如,纳斯达克金融市场的做市商制度、欧佩克的石油价格,等等。在理论性的每一章结束时,均有一个来自日常生活的案例分析,用以阐述该章所讨论的概念。 ■ 长短与结构 章节短小且从静态到动态。整个一章的基本内容可以在一堂课内教授。这样的结构很容易吸引学生。 ■ 练习 在每一章的结尾,有大约25-30个问题。这些问题的核心在于使读者能够真正领会该章的论述。 ■ 本书的读者对象 (1)经济学专业的本科生。(2)商学院的MBA学生。本书中的许多应用和案例分析对这类学生非常具有吸引力。(3)本书对于与经济学相关的硕士生、博士生而言,亦极具使用价值——本书有助于其获得虽然基本但却完整的博弈论描述。 -
Gray's comprehensive and thought-provoking introductory text explores Psychology's major theories, and the evidence that supports and refutes them. Each edition incorporates an exceptional amount of contemporary research, encouraging students to probe for the purposes and biological origins of behavior - the 'whys' and 'hows' of Human Psychology. An engaging, readable writing style and updated pedagogy make the science of Psychology, and its interactions with Biology, accessible and meaningful. -
本书介绍了一种全新的风险管理体系,以帮助人们保障国民财富的安全,保护世界各地的人们赖以生存的数以十亿美元计的、小的——也不是太小的——经济收益。绝大部分这样的经济收税收税益不会成为新闻,甚至不会引发很多公众讨论,但它们可以加强本来很难获得的经济安全,没有它们,任何表面的进步都是空幻的。通过从根本上改变我们的基本制度,通过管理各类大小风险的方法,我们可以更好地改善我们的生活和社会,而不仅仅是对现状进行修修补补。 -
《金融市场与金融机构基础(原书第4版)》视角独特、操作性强。虽采用传统的章节安排,但将当今金融体系与金融机构的日常运作融入其中,全面介绍了存款机构、非存款金融中介机构、资产价格和利率的决定、政府债务市场等核心主题。《金融市场与金融机构基础(原书第4版)》的结构安排和主题顺序都是基于作者多年的教学经验以及各方反馈而构建的。《金融市场与金融机构基础(原书第4版)》逻辑性强,反映了大多数金融学教师的偏好。 《金融市场与金融机构基础(原书第4版)》适用于金融学等相关经济类专业的本科学生和研究生。
The Norton Psychology Reader
If you've ever wondered about the mind and behavior, the Norton Psychology Reader is the perfect place to start. From the biological basis of emotion to the psychological basis of culture, from the nature of nurture to the nature of intelligence, with selections by leading scientists with a knack for writing—including Steven Pinker, Joseph Ledoux, Antonio Damasio, Oliver Sacks, and Robert Sapolsky—and top-notch journalists with an uncanny sense for psychology—including Natalie Angier, Daniel Goleman, and Sylvia Nasar—the Norton Psychology Reader presents the best that psychology has to offer. Edited by noted New York University psychologist Gary Marcus, the Norton Psychology Reader is an unparalleled guided tour through the modern science of the human mind and a perfect companion to any introductory psychology course, filled with insights completely accessible to the interested lay reader. -
The Norton Reader
Book Description Adopted at over 700 schools in its previous edition, The Norton Reader has long been the standard bearer for liberal arts composition readers. The editors' goals have always been the same: to collect the very best essays, by the very best writers, and place them between two covers. This new edition continues in that tradition, providing instructors with a wealth of selections, many of them new to this edition. The text also offers a flexible organization, an affordable price, and inventive, practical suggestions for improving reading and writing. About Author Linda H. Peterson (Ph.D., Brown University), General Editor, is a professor of English at Yale University and has published widely on nonfiction prose, notably women's autobiography and Victorian narrative. She has been co-director of the Bass Writing Program at Yale since 1979 and has served as president of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. John C. Brereton (Ph.D., Rutgers University) teaches composition at Brandeis University, where he also is the director of the university writing program. His scholarship focuses on the history of rhetoric and the history of teaching English and writing. He formerly taught at The University of Massachusetts, Boston. He is the author of another Norton book, Writing on the Job. Book Dimension: Height (cm) 23 Width (cm) 12.7
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友