《怪诞博弈论》以博弈思维为纲,将现实生活中的各种怪诞行为娓娓道来。“怪诞”分为两种,一种是装疯卖傻,其背后是博弈思维;另一种属于人类自身难以克服的本能,它其实是对传统博弈论中“经济人”假设的挑战,属于最前沿的“行为博弈论”的范畴。《怪诞博弈论》不仅用博弈论对怪诞行为背后的玄机一一进行了解析,而且教会我们如何在生活、工作、与人相处中用博弈论分析问题、解决问题,从而实现个人利益最大化及最终的共赢。 -
《哈林顿博弈论》是美国最普及的博弈论教材,被美国多所知名高校长期采用,如斯坦福大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、佛罗里达州立大学、弗吉尼亚大学等。 《哈林顿博弈论》不仅适用于经济学、商学、政治学、国际关系学等博弈理论应用训练的传统学科,还面向大多数普通高校学生。教材用最小化的数学知识介绍博弈论的理论,使对数学领悟力不足的学生也能读懂。 《哈林顿博弈论》中还提供了各种各样的案例,包括历史、犯罪、体育和日常生活中的案例,并提供了丰富的背景介绍,内容丰富有趣,可读性强。 -
正如宾默尔在这本《博弈论教程》中用大量例子和应用充分展示的那样,博弈论有利于弄懂人类各种各样的互动关系。这本新书是替代宾默尔前一本博弈论教材《娱乐和博弈》(Fun and Games)的。这本充满乐趣的博弈论入门教材适合高年级本科生或低年级研究生,着重回答这样三个问题:什么是博弈论?博弈论如何应用?博弈论为什么是正确的?《博弈论教程》也是唯一认真讨论全部这三个问题,又不过分数学化的一本书。《博弈论教程》的主题包括议价理论、不完美竞争、合作博弈、贝叶斯决策理论、不完全信息博弈、机制设计,以及拍卖理论。《博弈论教程》适合许多专业的学生,包括经济学、数学和哲学专业。为了方便其他专业学生的学习,在必要的地方会对所有三个学科的标准专题作一些回顾。《博弈论教程》的一个重要特征是配有大量习题,而且答案是可得的。 -
The Art of Strategy
Brilliantly demonstrated in "Thinking Strategically" [ISBN 978 0 393 31035 1], game theory is bursting with lessons for us all ("The Observer"). Here the authors provide the long-awaited sequel. Game theory means rigorous strategic thinking. It's the art of anticipating your opponent's next moves; knowing that your rival is trying to do the same thing to you. Though parts of game theory involve common sense, much is counterintuitive and it can only be mastered by developing a new way of seeing the world. Using case studies, the authors show how nearly every business and personal interaction has a game theory component to it. The authors look at questions such as whether the winners of reality-TV contests are instinctive game theorists or if big-time investors see things that most people miss and what great poker players know that the average person doesn't. Mastering game theory will make the reader more successful in business and life: this lively book is the key to that mastery. -
《石头,剪子,布:趣味博弈论》是影响广泛的博弈论通俗化、趣味化的最新成果和最高水平,费雪的成功之处在于他把复杂的博弈论变得有关联、可接近,展示了如何把数学知识应用到我们每日所面临的两难处境中。对博弈论的阐释通俗易懂、妙趣横生,覆盖的社会行为领域极其广泛,一出版就受到科普图书界的好评。 20世纪40年代发展起来的博弈论,关注的是人们在面对竞争的情境下,特别是在掌握了其他方动向的情况下所做出的决策。作者从纳什均衡和囚徒困境出发,通过对博弈法则和思维的探讨,解决人与人之间的合作与纷争。书中考察了不同社会困境产生的原因,呈献了应对不同情境的有效策略清单。 -
Auction Theory
"Vijay Krishna's book provides a very thorough and patient presentation of auction theory, starting from the most basic analysis and graduating to sophisticated, state of the art theory, including multi-unit auctions. This book covers a very wide range of auction topics, providing a clear and accessible treatment. The theory is presented in a careful and easily understood style accessible to honors undergraduates as well as all economics graduate students. Krishna's book will certainly become the central book on auction theory." --R. Preston McAfee, Murray S. Johnson Chair in Economics, University of Texas "This book not only sets out much of the theoretical literature on auctions--including results that are very recent--but does so with a clarity, elegance, and rigor that is characteristic of Vijay Krishna's work." --Eric Maskin, A.O. Hirschman Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. "The book gives a superb presentation of auction theory, with clear and concise proofs of all results. It is essential reading for any serious student of auctions." --Peter Cramton, Professor of Economics, University of Maryland "This is the book we have been waiting for: a high level treatment of auction theory that carefully presents the technical details necessary for an in depth understanding of the main themes of auction theory, ideal as a basis for a graduate course, and by an author who has himself made important contributions to the subject." --Paul Klemperer, Edgeworth Professor of Economics, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, U.K. "Vijay Krishna's book provides a very thorough and patient presentation of auction theory, starting from the most basic analysis and graduating to sophisticated, state of the art theory, including multi-unit auctions. This book covers a very wide range of auction topics, providing a clear and accessible treatment. The theory is presented in a careful and easily understood style accessible to honors undergraduates as well as all economics graduate students. Krishna's book will certainly become the central book on auction theory." --R. Preston McAfee, Murray S. Johnson Chair in Economics, University of Texas "This book not only sets out much of the theoretical literature on auctions--including results that are very recent--but does so with a clarity, elegance, and rigor that is characteristic of Vijay Krishna's work." --Eric Maskin, A.O. Hirschman Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. "The book gives a superb presentation of auction theory, with clear and concise proofs of all results. It is essential reading for any serious student of auctions." --Peter Cramton, Professor of Economics, University of Maryland "This is the book we have been waiting for: a high level treatment of auction theory that carefully presents the technical details necessary for an in depth understanding of the main themes of auction theory, ideal as a basis for a graduate course, and by an author who has himself made important contributions to the subject." --Paul Klemperer, Edgeworth Professor of Economics, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, U.K. -- Review "Vijay Krishna's book provides a very thorough and patient presentation of auction theory, starting from the most basic analysis and graduating to sophisticated, state of the art theory, including multi-unit auctions. This book covers a very wide range of auction topics, providing a clear and accessible treatment. The theory is presented in a careful and easily understood style accessible to honors undergraduates as well as all economics graduate students. Krishna's book will certainly become the central book on auction theory." --R. Preston McAfee, Murray S. Johnson Chair in Economics, University of Texas "This book not only sets out much of the theoretical literature on auctions--including results that are very recent--but does so with a clarity, elegance, and rigor that is characteristic of Vijay Krishna's work." --Eric Maskin, A.O. Hirschman Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. "The book gives a superb presentation of auction theory, with clear and concise proofs of all results. It is essential reading for any serious student of auctions." --Peter Cramton, Professor of Economics, University of Maryland "This is the book we have been waiting for: a high level treatment of auction theory that carefully presents the technical details necessary for an in depth understanding of the main themes of auction theory, ideal as a basis for a graduate course, and by an author who has himself made important contributions to the subject." --Paul Klemperer, Edgeworth Professor of Economics, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, U.K. -
Games and Decisions
Superb nontechnical introduction to game theory and related disciplines, primarily as applied to the social sciences. Clear, comprehensive coverage of utility theory, 2-person zero-sum games, 2-person non-zero-sum games, n-person games, individual and group decision-making, much more. Appendixes. Bibliography. Graphs and figures. -
张维迎编著的《博弈论与信息经济学》是1998—2002年中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)中被引用最多的五十种中文书之一,位列1979年后出版的中文书第三名,其中第一、第二名分别为《邓小平文选》和《毛泽东文集》。 《博弈论与信息经济学》不但涵盖了子对策完美均衡、序贯均衡(贝叶斯完美均衡)这些高深且最适合用来分析中国经济体制的对策模型,而且对委托人一代理人模型、效率工资、各种“逆向选择”模型有深入的介绍。此书还有的一个为国内同类书所没有的特点是,材料的组织非常系统地包含了研究的前沿和靠近前沿的成果,文献引用很完全,看得出作者学术功力非同一般。 -
Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks
This unified treatment of game theory focuses on finding state-of-the-art solutions to issues surrounding the next generation of wireless and communications networks. Future networks will rely on autonomous and distributed architectures to improve the efficiency and flexibility of mobile applications, and game theory provides the ideal framework for designing efficient and robust distributed algorithms. This 2001 book enables readers to develop a solid understanding of game theory, its applications and its use as an effective tool for addressing wireless communication and networking problems. The key results and tools of game theory are covered, as are various real-world technologies including 3G networks, wireless LANs, sensor networks, dynamic spectrum access and cognitive networks. The book also covers a wide range of techniques for modeling, designing and analysing communication networks using game theory, as well as state-of-the-art distributed design techniques. This is an ideal resource for communications engineers, researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students. -
本书共分5章。第1章介绍了博弈论的基本概念和几个典型的例子。第2章和第3章分别介绍了完全信息下的静态博弈和动态博弈;第4章和第5章则介绍了不完全信息下的静态博弈和动态博弈。 本书深入浅出、通俗易懂,用简明的语言阐述深奥的经济学原理,并结合大量的案例,便于读者理解和掌握。从第2章开始,在每章后都附有习题,针对性强,以便读者巩固所学知识并检测学习效果。本书全面系统、条理清晰、侧重应用,是经济和管理类专业大学生、研究生博弈论及相关课程的理想教材和参考书,也可作为经济理论工作者、经济管理人员的参考用书,对实际工作有一定的指导意义。同时,对于那些对博弈论感兴趣的读者来说,本书也是一本值得推荐的博弈论入门图书。 -
An Introduction to Game Theory
An exposition of modern game theory suitable for advanced undergraduates. The book emphasizes the ideas behind the theory rather than their mathematical expression, but defines all concepts precisely. It covers strategic, extensive and coalitional games and includes the topics of repeated games, bargaining theory and evolutionary equilibrium. -
《图说博弈论(生存竞争中的策略游戏活学版)》介绍了:我们的一生,可以看做是永不停息的博弈决策过程。无疑,在这个总是充满着利益冲突、甚至少不了一些尔虞我诈色彩的世界上,博弈论有助于我们认识问题的实质和找到更理性、也更符合自身利益的选择。为了自己,也为了与他人更好地合作,你需要学习一点博弈论的策略思维。正因如此,著名经济学家保罗·萨缪尔森说:“要想在现代社会做一个有文化的人,你必须对博弈论有一个大致了解。” -
Strategies and Games
Game theory has become increasingly popular among undergraduate as well as business school students. This text is the first to provide both a complete theoretical treatment of the subject and a variety of real-world applications, primarily in economics, but also in business, political science, and the law. Strategies and Games grew out of Prajit Dutta's experience teaching a course in game theory over the last six years at Columbia University.The book is divided into three parts: Strategic Form Games and Their Applications, Extensive Form Games and Their Applications, and Asymmetric Information Games and Their Applications. The theoretical topics include dominance solutions, Nash equilibrium, backward induction, subgame perfect equilibrium, repeated games, dynamic games, Bayes-Nash equilibrium, mechanism design, auction theory, and signaling. An appendix presents a thorough discussion of single-agent decision theory, as well as the optimization and probability theory required for the course.Every chapter that introduces a new theoretical concept opens with examples and ends with a case study. Case studies include Global Warming and the Internet, Poison Pills, Treasury Bill Auctions, and Final Jeopardy. Each part of the book also contains several chapter-length applications including Bankruptcy Law, the NASDAQ market, OPEC, and the Commons problem. This is also the first text to provide a detailed analysis of dynamic strategic interaction. -
A Primer in Game Theory
Game theory has revolutionized economics research and teaching during the past two decades. There are few undergraduate or graduate courses in which it does not form a core component. Game theory is the study of multi-decision problems and such problems occur frequently in economics. Industrial organization provides many examples where firms must consider the reactions of others. But there are many other areas in which it is applicable - from individual workers vying for promotion to countries competing or colluding to choose trade policies. Bob Gibbons provides an introduction to the branches of game theory that have been widely applied in economics. He emphasizes the applications as much as the pure theory. This not only helps to teach the theory, but also illustrates the process of model building - the process of translating an informal description of a multi-person decision situation into a formal, game theoretic problem to be analyzed. The approach aims to serve as both an introduction to those who will go on to specialize as pure game-theorists. It also introduces game theory to those who will later construct (or at least use) game-theoretic models in applied fields of economics. -
Game Theory
Product Description Eminently suited to classroom use as well as individual study, Roger Myerson's introductory text provides a clear and thorough examination of the models, solution concepts, results, and methodological principles of noncooperative and cooperative game theory. Myerson introduces, clarifies, and synthesizes the extraordinary advances made in the subject over the past fifteen years, presents an overview of decision theory, and comprehensively reviews the development of the fundamental models: games in extensive form and strategic form, and Bayesian games with incomplete information. Game Theory will be useful for students at the graduate level in economics, political science, operations research, and applied mathematics. Everyone who uses game theory in research will find this book essential. -
A Course in Game Theory
A Course in Game Theory presents the main ideas of game theory at a level suitable for graduate students and advanced undergraduates, emphasizing the theory's foundations and interpretations of its basic concepts. The authors provide precise definitions and full proofs of results, sacrificing generalities and limiting the scope of the material in order to do so. The text is organized in four parts: strategic games, extensive games with perfect information, extensive games with imperfect information, and coalitional games. It includes over 100 exercises. -
《经济决策的概率模型》是一本将概率模型用于分析风险和经济决策的入门教材。全书自始至终倾力向读者阐明,如何在复杂的现实情形中运用概率论,并将概率论晦涩的数学运算融入到生动有趣的现实经济生活中。全书的分析性工作都是在Microsoft Excel电子表格中进行的,这种方法有助于读者处理更为复杂的问题。强调电子表格建模的结果是,阅读完《经济决策的概率模型》的读者可从中学到精妙的电子表格技巧,轻松获得概率分析的应用能力。 《经济决策的概率模型》适用于经济管理类专业高年级本科生和MBA学员,也可作为从事概率论、经济决策或数量建模等课程研究的人员参考读物。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友