本书要靠教师的讲授。教师必须使材料适应各个学生的要求。对教师来说,一条条列出的规则和问题决不应妨害他在教学上的发挥;反之,在他精心处理那些已经提出的材料时,还应从中发现创造新的作业材料的要求。这方面对他的创造天赋是没有设下任何限制的。如果他更乐意以传统的作曲方法为基础来教授学生,他也能利用这里所提供的帮助,这些帮助对他说来,就像对他去探索他和他的学生在任何实际应用方面都还一无所知的音的领域一样有用。他将看到在形成独立的写作风格方面他将保有完全的自由。 -
The Joy of Music Leonard Bernstein
This classic work is perhaps Bernstein's finest collection of conversations on the meaning and wonder of music. This book is a must for all music fans who wish to experience music more fully and deeply through one of the most inspired, and inspiring, music intellects of our time. Employing the creative device of "Imaginary Conversations" in the first section of his book, Bernstein illuminates the importance of the symphony in America, the greatness of Beethoven, and the art of composing. The book also includes a photo section and a third section with the transcripts from his televised Omnibus music series, including "Beethoven's Fifth Symphony," "The World of Jazz," "Introduction to Modern Music," and "What Makes Opera Grand." -
摇滚 乡村 布鲁斯口琴
口琴已经越来越受到人们的喜爱,不管是现代的摇滚乐还是传统的蓝调音乐或者美国乡村音乐,口琴在任何地方都以它的简易的演奏而受到人们的喜爱. 本书还涉及到以下内容: --蓝调音阶图解 --独奏的技巧 --交叉和不交叉的把位演奏 --压音练习 --口琴音调表 即使没有乐理知识,口琴入门也不是件难事.本书有50条练习不仅仅是罗列在书面上的东西,而且他们也被录制成CD光盘.此外,作者还介绍了关于口琴演奏的技巧,还有口琴的选购及保养,当然还有一些其他的参考信息. 结合本书和本公司赠送的教学光盘,相信您一定能很快掌握布鲁斯口琴的技巧和演奏乐趣! 国外引进版教材,系统介绍了布鲁斯口琴的使用,如;持琴方法,交叉把位,压音,音阶,各种发音技巧,如何正确发音,口琴含孔法,呼吸技巧,如何独奏,何时用何种口琴曲调等学习布鲁斯口琴最基础的介绍。国内第一本原版引进翻译而成的中文版布鲁斯口琴教材. -
《古今钢琴与乐队音乐史典(上下)》中,汇集了大量关于用管弦乐队协奏的钢琴及羽管键琴的作品资料。在以前,对这些音乐感兴趣的人得从卷帙浩繁的作品中进行筛选,因为这些作品已被看作是交响乐文献的组成部分,或为带乐队协奏的各种独奏乐器而作的音乐中的一部分。《古今钢琴与乐队音乐史典(上下)》所收集的是那些名为“协奏曲”的作品,是指作曲家为任何组合形式的管弦乐队而写的作品,以及比所谓室内乐的规模更大的乐队组合而写的作品。《古今钢琴与乐队音乐史典(上下)》的章节是按照巴罗克羽管键琴协奏曲在其后几个世纪的扩展来安排的。全书共有4个部分,每个部分都以德国为始,其后是意大利,接下来是德国和意大利南北边界线以东的欧洲国家,之后是南北边界线以西的国家。每一部分中的章节构成,都可使读者对每个时代涌现出的羽管键琴和钢琴的协奏曲作品进行比较。在《古今钢琴与乐队音乐史典(上下)》第一部分之后所叙述的时期,用乐队为羽管键琴或钢琴进行协奏的作法迅即扩展。在第四部分所叙述的时期,也就是20世纪,写作协奏曲已成为全球范围内的普遍现象。总之,《古今钢琴与乐队音乐史典(上下)》的4个部分代表着4个不同的音乐时期:第一部分是巴罗克时期,第二部分是古典主义时期,第三部分是浪漫主义时期,第四部分是20世纪。在第一部分至第四部分,有些国家占有重要位置,而另一些国家直到20世纪时对羽管键琴和钢琴协奏曲的贡献依然甚少。 -
Yellow Music
"Yellow Music" is the first history of the emergence of Chinese popular music and the larger urban media culture with which it was closely associated in early twentieth-century China. Centring his study around an account of the affinities between the genre derisively referred to by critics of the time as 'yellow' or 'pornographic' music - a 'decadent' fusion of American jazz, Hollywood film music, and Chinese folk forms - and the anti-colonial mass music that challenged yellow music's commercial and ideological dominance, Andrew F. Jones radically revises previous understandings of race, politics, popular culture, and technology in the making of modern Chinese culture.The personal and professional histories of three musicians in particular are the focus of Jones' discussions of shifting gender roles, class inequality, the politics of national salvation, and emerging media technologies: the American jazz musician Buck Clayton; Li Jinhui, the creator of 'yellow music'; and, leftist Nie Er, a former student of Li's whose musical idiom grew out of virulent opposition to this sinified jazz. In contemplating the emergence of global media cultures in the postcolonial world, Jones aims to undermine the parochialism of media studies in the West. He teaches us to hear not only the American influence in Chinese popular music but also the Chinese influence on American music and, in so doing, illuminates the ways in which both cultures were implicated in the unfolding of colonial modernity in the twentieth century. Students and scholars of modern China, twentieth-century history, media studies, and jazz history will be informed and engaged by "Yellow Music".'"Yellow Music" is a fantastic, one-of-a-kind read: a beautifully written, theoretically rich, and empirically grounded story about the relationship between American jazz music and the politics of colonialism and modernity in China during the interwar years. Andrew F. Jones puts the question of music at the center of debates about the role of the popular in the making of modern China' - Ralph Litzinger, author of "Other Chinas: The Yao and the Politics of National Belonging". -
《音乐学基础知识问答(修订版)》对原来的一些问题作了调整,对所叙述的内容作了补充,特别是增加了中华人民共和国成立后中国当代音乐史的内容,使《音乐学基础知识问答(修订版)》对读者更有针对性和实用性。另外关于音乐评论的问题拟另外再编写一本书,故此在《音乐学基础知识问答(修订版)》这次修订时就把这部分删除了。 -
《复调音乐教程(音乐卷)》上海音乐出版社出版,近一个世纪伴随我国专业艺术教育体系创立、发展的过程中,建立与之相应的中西结合,系统科学的规范性专业艺术教材体系,成了几代艺术教育家孜孜以求的奋斗目标。如果说本世纪上半叶,我国艺术教育家们为此已进行了辛勤探索,有了极为丰厚的积累,只是尚欠系统的话,那么在50年代全国编制各艺术专业课程教学方案和教学大纲的基础上,于1962年全国文科教材会议之后,国家已有条件部署各项艺术专业教材的编写和出版工作,并开始付诸实施。可惜由于接踵而来十年“文革”动乱的破坏,这项工作被迫中断。 在教材中如何对待西方现代派艺术,是一个无法回避的问题。正如邓小平同志在1983年说过:“我们要向资本主义发达国家学习先进的科学技术,经营管理方法以及其他一切对我们有益的知识和文化,闭关自守,故步自封是愚蠢的,但是,属于文化的东西,一定要用马克思主义对它们的思想内容和表现手法进行分析,鉴别和批判……。” -
Erosion of Sanity #1
详情: http://site.douban.com/widget/notes/5961451/note/188165987/ 购买: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13441933076 -
《曲式分析基础教程(附光盘第2版高等院校音乐专业系列教材)》(作者高为杰、陈丹布)主要介绍了分析音乐作品曲式的基本知识和方法,内容包括一段、二段、三段、三部、变奏、回旋、奏鸣、回旋奏鸣等曲式,对每种曲式的分析均附有谱例。 与同类书相比,《曲式分析基础教程(附光盘第2版高等院校音乐专业系列教材)》具有更强的概括性,通过介绍体现共同规律的曲式结构原则与最基本、最常见的曲式类型,引导读者进行举一反三的分析实践,使读者在较短的时间内能够基本掌握曲式分析的理论与方法。第二版在第一版的基础上着重增补了一定数量的20世纪作品分析例证,供学习者开阔视野。书中谱例前标有小喇叭,即提示此例同时配有音响,使教学内容更加完整。 《曲式分析基础教程》适用于高等院校音乐专业本、专科学生及同等学力人员和音乐爱好者。 -
《音乐理论与作曲基础》主要内容:第一章至第八章为音乐理论。与《音乐理论与管弦乐基础》(北京大学出版社,2000年11月)不同,重点是针对作曲的学习,因而从音程开始讲授,并涉及和弦,调试及音律等理论,在内容的深度和广度方面均超过《音乐理论与管弦乐基础》。第九章以后为作曲基础,重点介绍和声、复调、曲式及作品分析。通过对音乐理论及作曲技术理论的学习,有助于提高大学生的音乐理论水平、欣赏水平和创作能力。 -
1001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die
This latest addition to the best-selling 1001 series offers more than ever— the world’s biggest and best playlist, referencing over 10,000 must-download songs. This book offers more than any previous book in the series. While each main entry profiles and illustrates 1,001 primary songs, it places that song into a contextual web of music history with references to other songs that are musically related. Thus, each entry points to alternate versions, covers, riffs, and influences effectively expanding the total number to 10,000. From the Beatles to Beyoncé, from Elvis to Elvis Costello, from Frank Sinatra to Rufus Wainwright, the full spectrum is covered chronologically and includes additional ancillary lists of "must-hear" songs grouped by subgenre and other special categories. Each song is analyzed by an international team of critics who explain why you must hear it. Included are key details such as lyricist, composer, producer, and label, making this a music treasure trove perfect for anyone into music, addicted to downloading, or those just getting started. -
这本书系统地介绍了从19世纪到现在爵士音乐的发展及其概况,以及爵士乐的改革。 -
Jake Shimabukuro
Deemed “the Hendrix of the ukulele,” Hawaii native Jake Shimabukuro is a uke virtuoso whose music has revolutionized the world's perception of this tiny instrument. Showcasing his complex finger work, his songs combine elements of jazz, rock, classical and traditional music. Our sought-after songbook features note-for-note transcriptions with ukulele tablature of Jake's masterful playing on all the CD tracks: Bohemian Rhapsody • Boy Meets Girl • Bring Your Adz • Hallelujah • Pianoforte 2010 • Variation on a Dance 2010 • and more. Also includes two bonus songs that are not on the CD: “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” – a Shimabukuro sensation on YouTube, and his hit song “Hula Girl.” -
《圆你歌星梦:现代通俗歌曲唱法探秘》是潘乃宪先生的第三本声乐专著,集中论述了潘先生近年来在现代通俗歌曲唱法研究及教学领域的最新成果。书中采用一问一答的形式,针对现代通俗唱法学习者常见的问题,循循善诱,鞭辟入里。既有相当系统而辩证的理论阐述,又有诸多颇具可操作性的“对症秘方”。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友