Welcome To The Gokinjo World
近所物语的画集,还集合了实果子在漫画中所穿服装,还有矢泽爱手写的小记. -
對於即將面臨大學聯考、內心卻漫無目標的紫而言,走進了Atellier「天國之吻」謎樣般的地下室,就像是開啟了生命的魔法箱;認識了一群矢澤藝術學院服飾科的怪人,莫名地當起校慶服裝秀的模特兒,尤其是面對那天下唯我獨尊男─喬治的曖昧調情,一個吻已讓紫的心飛到太平洋了...看著大夥對服裝設計的執著,紫不自覺地也燃起熱情!初次登上模特兒並走進鎂光燈舞台世界的她,將能一帆風順嗎..雖然是堅持著自己的路,但對於自己的想法,她似乎仍舉棋不定...... -
天使なんかじゃない 完全版 1
冴島翠は、学園生活にも恋にも、全力投球! の女の子。気になる晃といっしょに生徒会活動をすることになって…。あの感動の名作「天ない」が、おしゃれなデザインで、生まれ変わりました。ファン必携の保存版! 作者による、描き下ろしエッセイまんがつき。解説は女優の黒澤優さん。 -
天使なんかじゃない (1) (りぼんマスコットコミックス (610))
設立されたばかりの私立聖学園。第一期生の冴島翠は2学期早々生徒会役員候補に担ぎ出されてしまい、その日の午後に立会演説会でスピーチする羽目になってしまう。緊張した面持ちで講堂に行くと、立候補者の中に以前から存在が気になっていたリーゼント頭の男子生徒・須藤晃を見つける。くじ引きにより最初にスピーチを始めた翠だったが、マイクコードに足を引っ掛けて転んでしまい、更にスカートがめくれて全校生徒の前で自分のパンツを丸出しにしてしまう失態を犯してしまうが、晃のフォローにより無事切り抜ける。投票の結果、須藤晃、冴島翠、麻宮裕子、瀧川秀一、河野文太の5人が初代生徒会役員に就任する。 -
Nana, Vol. 2 (v. 2)
This is the story of two 20-year old women who share the same name. Even though they come from completely different backgrounds, they somehow meet and become best friends. The world of NANA is a world exploding with sex, music, fashion, gossip, and all-night parties. -
NANA (Vol. 13)
被邀請出席真一與雷拉生日會的奈奈,因想到伸夫和拓實亦會在場而猶豫。不過,最後她還是決定為了真一而去。於是,派對開始了…… -
NANA (Vol. 17)
平安夜,住在大阪的上原美里也出席的感恩會終於順利的結束了。另一方面,知道娜娜的媽媽還活在世上的奈奈,衝動的前往大阪,但是…!? -
Nana, Vol. 6 (v. 6)
Nana Osaki's band Blast is taking off in a big way--from sold-out club dates to a record label waving a contract at them. But the Trapnest menace still lurks, stealing away everything she cares for. Trapnest took her boyfriend, and even though Ren is back in her life, his band still comes first. And now her trusty sidekick Nana K. is being lured away by Trapnest bassist Takumi. But this time, Nana O. won't give up without a fight! -
Nana, Vol. 5 (v. 5)
Nana K. is going home--for an awesome TrapNest concert! She drags Nana O. along, convinced that somehow Ren will sense his ex-flame in the audience. But life is never that easy, and Nana O. isn't sure if she even wants Ren back. As for Nana K., is she prepared for TrapNest to come down off the stage and into her life, or will her fan-girl attitude land her in a heap of trouble? -
Nana, Vol. 10 (v. 10)
Being an engaged woman isn't as wonderful as Hachi thought it would be. She has a trendy new apartment, but she's isolated from all her friends and Takumi is hardly ever home. When scandal hits Blast hard, Trapnest (and her fiancé) flee to Europe and Hachi is left to watch Blast suffer in the scandal rags and tabloid shows. -
Nana, Vol. 4 (v. 4)
Nana K.'s perfect Tokyo life is crumbling around her. She can't keep a job, she can't keep any money, and now it looks like she can't even keep her boyfriend! But luckily, a tasty nugget of gossip about Nana O.'s past love life helps Nana K. keep her mind off her own troubles. If she can play the role of cupid for her best friend, can Nana K. get closer to her own happy ending? -
NANA (Vol. 16)
奈奈與拓實閃電註冊入籍。可是娜娜卻因承受不住這個消息所帶來的孤獨感,而在蓮面前陷入慌亂之中。兩人滿懷不安地搬進新居,但是…? -
Nana, Vol. 3 (v. 3)
This is the story of two 20-year old women who share the same name. Even though they come from completely different backgrounds, they somehow meet and become best friends. The world of NANA is a world exploding with sex, music, fashion, gossip, and all-night parties. -
NANA (Vol. 15)
奈奈終於開始明白屬於自己的幸福形式。另一方面,正在地方巡迴中的娜娜,積極安排提交自己與蓮的結婚登記書。就在此時,娜娜收到了蓮與雷拉的震撼性照片…? -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友