

  • The Marshmallow Test

    作者:Walter Mischel

    A child is presented with a marshmallow and given a choice: Eat this one now, or wait and enjoy two later. What will she do? And what are the implications for her behavior later in life? The world's leading expert on self-control, Walter Mischel has proven that the ability to delay gratification is critical for a successful life, predicting higher SAT scores, better social and cognitive functioning, a healthier lifestyle and a greater sense of self-worth. But is willpower prewired, or can it be taught? In The Marshmallow Test, Mischel explains how self-control can be mastered and applied to challenges in everyday life--from weight control to quitting smoking, overcoming heartbreak, making major decisions, and planning for retirement. With profound implications for the choices we make in parenting, education, public policy and self-care, The Marshmallow Test will change the way you think about who we are and what we can be.
  • Willpower

    作者:Roy F. Baumeister,Jo

    One of the world's most esteemed and influential psychologists, Roy F. Baumeister, teams with New York Times science writer John Tierney to reveal the secrets of self-control and how to master it. In Willpower, the pioneering researcher Roy F. Baumeister collaborates with renowned New York Times science writer John Tierney to revolutionize our understanding of the most coveted human virtue: self-control. In what became one of the most cited papers in social science literature, Baumeister discovered that willpower actually operates like a muscle: it can be strengthened with practice and fatigued by overuse. Willpower is fueled by glucose, and it can be bolstered simply by replenishing the brain's store of fuel. That's why eating and sleeping- and especially failing to do either of those-have such dramatic effects on self-control (and why dieters have such a hard time resisting temptation). Baumeister's latest research shows that we typically spend four hours every day resisting temptation. No wonder people around the world rank a lack of self-control as their biggest weakness. Willpower looks to the lives of entrepreneurs, parents, entertainers, and artists-including David Blaine, Eric Clapton, and others-who have flourished by improving their self-control. The lessons from their stories and psychologists' experiments can help anyone. You learn not only how to build willpower but also how to conserve it for crucial moments by setting the right goals and using the best new techniques for monitoring your progress. Once you master these techniques and establish the right habits, willpower gets easier: you'll need less conscious mental energy to avoid temptation. That's neither magic nor empty self-help sloganeering, but rather a solid path to a better life. Combining the best of modern social science with practical wisdom, Baumeister and Tierney here share the definitive compendium of modern lessons in willpower. As our society has moved away from the virtues of thrift and self-denial, it often feels helpless because we face more temptations than ever. But we also have more knowledge and better tools for taking control of our lives. However we define happiness-a close- knit family, a satisfying career, financial security-we won't reach it without mastering self-control.
  • 不生气的情绪掌控术


    他为什么总是跟我过不去? 老板为什么无缘无故批评我? 他这样做,摆明是想欺负我! 脾气一来,立刻火冒三丈,想骂人!想打人!想摔东西!甚至肺都快气炸了!结果说了不该说的话,做了不该做的事,不仅自己气得难受,人际关系也受损。等事情过去之后,又觉得后悔! 不生气是不可能的,但是管理怒气是可以训练的!日本不生气协会管理理事安藤俊介,教你打造“不生气模式”,让你在火冒三丈的时候,能够瞬间让怒气化为无形,从而控制住自己的情绪: ·找到怒气的来源; ·消化掉“此时”“彼时”的怒气; ·修炼“不生气的体制质”; ·创造不生气的环境。 只要实践《不生气的情绪掌控术》内容,你就能够改善人际关系,让压力瞬间消失,在职场上,也会更受欢迎。更为重要的是,你以后不再爱生气!
  • 女人25,活出最好的自己2


    25岁,每一个女孩都将面临人生第一个重大转折点:25岁既是女人爱情的困渴期、家庭的初始期、事业的发展期、婚姻的磨合期,也是女人全面走向成熟的开始……25岁,女人的选择比努力更重要。 2010年5月,朝华出版社引进出版了台湾首席两性情感专家郑洁心的畅销力作,一本注定会红到爆棚的女性励志书:《女人25,活出最好的自己:让所有女孩身价倍增的成长魔法书》,引发了大量网友的热议,称“25岁女孩,要真能做到这样,那绝对无敌了。。”网上甚至还流传过“杨澜写给25岁女孩的告诫”帖。在广大读者的强烈要求下,郑洁心专门针对大陆女性最关心话题,于2012年春天重磅推出——《女人25,活出最好的自己2:写给所有大陆女孩的幸福宣言》。在序言里,郑洁心坦言:“亲爱的大陆读者们:这本新书是专为你们所写的。如何应对男人?如何选好婚姻或爱情?如何选好工作或学业?技巧很多,如果你按图索骥去做,当然可以过得很平顺,毕竟这是集合我自己以及众多女性的智慧而来。但如果你愿意从其中变化出属于你独一无二的人生,那会是我更乐见的事情。因为再好的技巧也只是工具,好用与否,全在于你如何使用。无论如何,我对于年轻女孩最根本的建议是:接受教育、更新知识并反省改进、有自己的想法,努力去证实自己的梦想并非空谈,这是25岁女孩最该做的事情!不要怯于跨出第一步。只要你的想法是为自己好,你就应该走出去。遇到困难,不要退缩逃避,先想解决办法,当你有过一次成功解决困难的经历,就会对自己对未来更有信心。25岁了,试着为自己决定每一件事情,你一定可以做到!我相信你们的未来都会很好,这不是客套话,我私底下对很多人都这么说,因为你们是那么积极努力地追求成长,这一点,就是使你们有好人生的最佳筹码!”
  • 心的处方笺

    作者:[日] 河合隼雄

    人心到底有办法读懂吗? 理解别人到底有多难? 掩饰自己的欲望,会令无辜的人受累? 男人和女人真是两种无法相互理解的动物吗? …… 每一个看似常识性的问题,河合隼雄先生都给出了颠覆常人惯性思考模式的另一种答案。每一句诙谐幽默的语言里,都蕴含着充满智慧的独到见解。这一次,这位极富盛名的一代心理大师将带领你一起,唤醒沉睡多年的心灵,聆听迷失良久的心声,寻回灵魂最深处的感动。 当你困于蛮不讲理的世间,忿忿地想举起拳头时;当你累于纷乱纠缠的人际关系,默默地想滴下眼泪时,不妨认真听取本书55种烦恼心声的细微振颤。不知不觉,你就会自然发现遗忘已久的“心的处方笺”。