本书依据通识课的指导思想以及学生的特点,重在介绍人类学的一些最基本的知识以及探索问题的不同于其他学科的特殊方式,并将人类学的“理解他人、善待他人”的基本态度,“各美其美、美人之美、美美与共、天下大同” (费孝通语)的文化自觉精神,以及“反思性”的学科特点贯穿于各章之中。 -
New Jersey Dreaming
In New Jersey Dreaming pioneering anthropologist Sherry B. Ortner turns her attention to the question of how social class is lived in the United States and, specifically, within her own peer group. Ortner returns to her Newark roots to present an in-depth look at Weequahic High School's Class of 1958, of which she was a member. Exploring her classmates' recollected experiences of the neighbourhood and the high school, she provides an ethnographic chronicle of their journeys from the 1950s into the 1990s, following the movement of a striking number of them from modest working- and middle-class backgrounds into the wealthy upper-middle or professional/managerial class. Sherry B. Ortner is Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is the author of Life and Death on Mt. Everest: Sherpas and Himalayan Mountaineering and Making Gender: The Politics and Erotics of Culture. She has received many awards, including a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship. -
本书把人类学的社会研究传统和文化研究传统通过家、传统的惯性、社会结合等主题有机地结合起来展开讨论。作者通过在中国不同民族和地域的田野调查和理论提升,给读者展现家族文化的传统与延续、家的社会结合与周边社会、家族与民族的内在特点和运行机制,并把其纳入历时性与共时性、文本与情境、中心与周边、民族与国家、全球和地方、和而不同与文化自觉的视野下进行比较研究。重新思考文化和社会的延续性以及在不同时空视野下,人类学之中国研究的方法论意义。 -
Making Religion, Making the State
Making Religion, Making the State combines cutting-edge perspectives on religion with rich empirical data to offer a challenging new argument about the politics of religion in modern China. The volume goes beyond extant portrayals of the opposition of state and religion to emphasize their mutual constitution. With chapters written by experts on Buddhism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Daoism, Islam, and more, this volume will appeal broadly to those interested in politics, religion, and modernity in China. -
《人思之人:文化科学和自然科学的统一性》是一本非同寻常的书。作者对西方自古希腊以来便接受的某些理念投以摧毁的目光……从紧扣对亲属关系主要理论(如迪尔凯姆、摩尔根、冯·惹奈普、列维—斯特劳斯和施奈德的理论)的研究出发,依据对陛禁忌起源解释的多样性,在与上述每种理论逐一对话的过程中,作者建立了—个普遍理论。借助这个普遍理论,他出色地重新审视了文化、身份和价值观等问题。 -
Spectacle and Sacrifice
This book is about the ritual world of a group of rural settlements in Shanxi province in pre-1949 North China. Temple festivals, with their giant processions, elaborate rituals, and operas, were the most important influence on the symbolic universe of ordinary villagers and demonstrate their remarkable capacity for religious and artistic creation. The great festivals described in this book were their supreme collective achievements and were carried out virtually without assistance from local officials or educated elites, clerical or lay. Chinese culture was a performance culture, and ritual was the highest form of performance. Village ritual life everywhere in pre-revolutionary China was complex, conservative, and extraordinarily diverse. Festivals and their associated rituals and operas provided the emotional and intellectual materials out of which ordinary people constructed their ideas about the world of men and the realm of the gods. It is, David Johnson argues, impossible to form an adequate idea of traditional Chinese society without a thorough understanding of village ritual. Newly discovered liturgical manuscripts allow him to reconstruct North Chinese temple festivals in unprecedented detail and prove that they are sharply different from the Daoist- and Buddhist-based communal rituals of South China. -
Irony, Cynicism and the Chinese State
This volume explores irony and cynicism as part of the social life of local communities in China, and specifically in relation to the contemporary Chinese state. It collects ethnographies of irony and cynicism in social action, written by a group of anthropologists who specialise in China. They use the lenses of irony and cynicism - broadly defined to include resignation, resistance, humour, ambiguity and dialogue - to look anew at the social, political and moral contradictions faced by Chinese people. The various contributions are concerned with both the interpretation of intentions in everyday social action and discourse, and the broader theoretical consequences of such interpretations for an understanding of the Chinese state. As a study of irony and cynicism in modern China and their implications on the social and political aspects of everyday life, this book will be of huge interest to students and scholars of social and cultural anthropology, Chinese culture and society, and Chinese politics. -
二人转是生长在东北的一门“土得掉渣儿”的艺术,自诞生以来,虽屡遭禁止,却以其亲民的形式和内容受到东北人的喜爱,它就像车轱辘菜一样在乡间的泥土之中踩不死、压不败,生生不息。本书借“车轱辘菜”之喻,以“东北二人转在乡土社会中的传承”为主题,通过民俗学田野调查及文献研究方法,对东北二人转在乡土社会中的历史传承情况及现状进行“深描”,并试图探索出二人转的未来发展之路。 读者对象 社会学、民俗学领域的研究人员,大专院校相关专业师生,对此感兴趣的读者。 -
作者在书中讲述了印第安人各个族群关于陶器、夜鹰、树懒的各种各样的神话传说。在分析和研究这些神话中,他概括了印第安神话的三大主题,即食欲、嫉妒或夫妇不和、爆裂,提出并证明了不定型理论、鸣禽理论、貘的理论、林栖动物理论、莱因瓶理论,指明了神话的动物元素和动物的象征性,指出了神话思维的本质:符号的多样性和任意性,还指出神话世界的三层空间,即天、地、地下。他通过所有这些分析和比较,通过他所创立的典型式的应用,找出了各种神话因素对应或对立的关系,使得似乎是斑驳的、杂乱无章的、毫无联系的神话变得有条有理、秩序井然、可以理解。 -
马昌仪,女,1936年生。1957年毕业于北京大学。中国社会科学院文学研究所研究员,中国民间文艺家协会理事。主要著作有《石与石神》(合作)、《中国灵魂信仰》、《鼠咬天开》、《中国神话学文论选萃》(选编)等。 -
Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes
In this companion volume to John van Maanen's "Tales of the Field", three scholars reveal how the ethnographer turns direct experience and observation into written fieldnotes upon which an ethnography is based. Drawing on years of teaching and field research experience, the authors develop a series of guidelines, suggestions and practical advice about how to write useful fieldnotes in a variety of settings, both cultural and institutional. Using actual, unfinished "working" notes as examples, they illustrate options for composing, reviewing and working fieldnotes into finished texts. They discuss different organizational and descriptive strategies, including evocation of sensory detail, synthesis of complete scenes, the value of partial versus omniscient perspectives and of first-person versus third-person accounts. Of particular interest is the authors' discussion of notetaking as a mindset. They show how transforming direct observations into vivid descriptions results not simply from good memory but more crucially from learning to envision scenes as written. A good ethnographer, they argue, must learn to remember dialogue and movement like an actor, to see colours and shapes like a painter, and to sense moods and rhythms like a poet. The authors also emphasize the ethnographer's core interest in presenting the perceptions and meanings which the people studied attach to their own actions. They demonstrate the subtle ways that writers can make the voices of people heard in the texts they produce. Finally, they analyze the "processing" of fieldnotes - the practice of coding notes to identify themes and methods for selecting and weaving together fieldnote excerpts to write a polished ethnography. This book, however, is more than a "how-to" manual. The authors examine writing fieldnotes as an interactive and interpretive process in which the researcher's own commitments and relationships with those in the field inevitably shape the character and content of those fieldnotes. They explore the conscious and unconscious writing choices that produce fieldnote accounts. And they show how the character and content of these fieldnotes inevitably influence the arguments and analyses the ethnographer can make in the final ethnographic tale. This book shows that note-taking is a craft that can be taught. Along with "Tales of the Field" and George Marcus and Michael Fisher's "Anthropology as Cultural Criticism", "Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes" should provide an essential tool for students and social scientists alike. -
本書作者運用社會人類學的方法,從佛教的「意識形態」、「儀式」、「僧伽制度」等角度,切入流通在緬甸的上座部佛教,而在「佛教與世界」篇中作最後的評論。閱讀本書可以對照出原始佛教規範性教理實現於人間時所產生的變遷。不論是佛陀弟子想瞭解自己所信解的是怎樣的佛教,或是一般把佛教當成人類社會中文化之一的人,要瞭解這影響世界很大地區人口的宗教文化,它都提供一個探究的入口。 我們之所以引介此書,就因為它看待佛教的角度、它的研究方法,直到四十年後的今天仍然歷久彌新。而作者本身對人類學的關懷:佛教教理及信眾間的互動關係,也非常值得參考。閱讀本書並模擬本書的作法,對我們生存的佛教空間,必能更深入體解,也更能掌握。相信對弘揚佛法、延續慧命,助益良多。 -
靈驗、香火、儀式、巡狩、扶鸞、地方性…… 《重訪保安村》是《神.鬼.祖先》的田野追蹤版, 丁仁傑重訪台南保安村, 結合漢人研究的最新文獻, 將聚落民間信仰的研究延伸, 成為更具有理論整合性的「民間信仰社會學分析」。 保安村是人類學家焦大衛(David Jordan)1960年代末期對台灣西南部進行過村落田野民族誌書寫的地方(中譯本,2012,《神.鬼.祖先》,聯經出版),該民族誌中充分討論了有關漢人拜拜、神明會、乩童、問事、賞兵、冥婚、謝土、改運等民間信仰活動背後的社會意涵。 建築在焦大衛的經驗材料和理論視野之上,《重訪保安村》重訪保安村進行田野追蹤,將時間向度納入考量,並結合漢人研究的最新文獻,試圖將聚落民間信仰研究,延伸為更具有理論整合性的「民間信仰社會學分析」。研究中一方面顯示農業村落生活所形成的世界觀與社會關係確實呈現漢人社會的深層認知框架;一方面也顯示出單一聚落宗教活動如何能向上擴張到不同層次而來進行實踐與動員。而當由傳統國家進入現代國家,隨著中央與地方相互扣連方式的改變,不同集體層次間的協商與互動也開始發生轉變,地方社區不再完全是獨立性法人團體,民間信仰由轄境維繫為主逐漸轉變為民族國家內共享之「地方性」創造的主要基石。 《重訪保安村》同時具有民間信仰基本研究命題建構與信仰變遷模式預測的雙重視野,內容則涵蓋漢人民間信仰象徵世界裡幾個最重要的主題︰靈驗、香火、巡狩、儀式類型、災難治理、地方性與大型地方性、民間信仰與教派宗教間的分野與互動等。 -
本书包含四年制大学通常一学期的文化与社会人类学课程的主要论题。人类学领域宽广辽阔、分支众多,但也有基本统一的方向和目标,我力求抓住它们并晓示读者。为此我设法避免易于误解的工整定义,以利于培去专业术语的理论解释。这就戏许每一章以至全书都围线一系列关键性的、相互关联的论题展开,每一章都将主题综合起来而不是将其拆作支离破碎的部分。同样,各章也结合在一个旨在表明社会生活各个方面彼此联系的有机统一体中。本书范围和标准教科书相吻合,但风格却迥然相异。我的意图是《社会人类学引论》适于作为社会与文化人类学中的导引性著作,但我亦希望有兴趣了解此领域的外行也觉得本收即有右读性又极富教益。 -
本书以20世纪盛行于山西乡村的秧歌小戏与乡村演剧为考察对象,从社会史的视角切入,运用民俗学、人类学、艺术学的理论和方法,对山西秧歌小戏与乡村演剧活动的发展历程进行研究,试图了解百年来秧歌小戏与乡村社会的关系变化,政府对秧歌小戏的改造过程,以及在这一过程中所反映出的政府与乡村社会关系的变化,进而从社会变迁的层面考察民间戏曲的发展,从民间戏曲的演变探寻社会变迁的轨迹。 -
《医学人类学视野下的毒品、艾滋病与边疆社会》是一部运用人类学的理论和方法研究艾滋病问题的论文集。主要包括:医学人类学视野下的中国西南边疆与边疆社会;晚清云南鸦片的种植与运销;西南鸦片流毒:19世纪早期清政府在云贵川三省的禁烟;寓禁于征时期(1920-1934)云南的鸦片种植及其利益分配;亲密与信任:吸毒人群艾滋病高危行为的社会文化意义探析;身体、生存与工作;“高危人群”、“艾滋病”与“安全套”:对女性性工作者艾滋病防治干预工作的反思;同志圈:多元权力下昆明男同性恋人群的社会建构;昆明市流动建筑工人的生计、生存与性健康;个体主义与艾滋病问题:青年学生的性观念和性行为研究;戴托普:一个戒毒所的民族志;云南小凉山彝族“家支”禁毒的实践与启示:基于传统规范与信仰的戒毒模式;弱势群体与艾滋病——边疆云南“旅游民族”的梦魇;救助之网中的彝族孤儿——对凉山彝族地区因毒品和艾滋病致孤儿童现有救助模式的人类学分析;艾滋病对感染者个人社会支持网和家庭关系的影响——对云南两个高流行社区HIV感染者及其家庭成员的调查与分析;云南禁毒防艾战争中的非政府组织;昆明市艾滋病高危人群行为定性研究报告;曲靖市艾滋病高危人群行为定性研究报告;文山州艾滋病高危人群行为定性研究报告;云南省防治艾滋病工作评估专题调研报告(2005-2007);艾滋病高危人群深度访谈口述资料。 -
《费孝通禄村农田五十年》由中国著名的民族学家、历史学家、彝族学者刘尧汉先生主编,已经出版和即将出版的著作有《中国文明源头新探——道家与彝族虎宇宙观》、《文明中国的彝族十月历》、《市场起源论——从彝族集会到“十二兽”纪日集场考察市场的起源》、《忆往昔——一个彝族土司的自述》、《崑岑的彝义》、《中华创世葫芦——彝族破壶成亲、魂归壶天》、《彝族占卜与预测学》、《彝族“沙村”五百年》等等。这些著作均以其独到的视角与方法,运用文献、考古文物调查记录和口碑材料,深刻而新颖地揭示了彝族的社会经济、宗教信仰、科学技术、哲学民俗等历史文化乃至整个中华民族的历史文化中的一些重要问题。从这些著作的研究课题和叙述的内容深度与广度来看,具有广阔的纵横感,构成了一个多方位的学术坐标体系。彝族文化学派作为中国的第一个族别文化研究体系,不仅体现了中国民族学、民族史研究的新壮举,而且是中国历史学研究取得重要进展的突出特点。 -
《溪村家族:社区史、仪式与地方政治》由贵州人民出版社出版。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友