

  • The Study of Chinese Society

    作者:Maurice Freedman

  • 山街的记忆


  • 人类的视野


  • 林圯埔


  • Gifts, Favors, and Banquets

    作者:Mayfair Mei-hui Yang

  • 先天,后天

    作者:[英] 马特·里德利

  • The Gift

    作者:Marcel Mauss

    在线阅读本书 In this, his most famous work, Marcel Mauss (1872-1950) presented to the world a book which revolutionized our understanding of some of the basic structures of society. A renowned anthropologist, Mauss sought in this work to transcend empirical observation and reach deeper realities. In so doing, he inaugurated a new era for the social sciences. By identifying the complex web of exchange and obligation involved in the act of giving, Mauss called into question many of our social conventions and economic systems. As L'evi-Strauss remarked, "Few have managed to read it without feeling the whole gamut of the emotions: the pounding heart, the throbbing head, the mind flooded with the imperious, though not yet definable, certainty of being present at a decisive event in the evolution of science."
  • In Search of Respect

    作者:Bourgois, Philippe

    In Search of Respect, Philippe Bourgois's now-classic, ethnographic study of social marginalization in inner-city America, won critical acclaim after it was first published in 1995 and in 1997 was awarded the Margaret Mead Award. For the first time, an anthropologist had managed to gain the trust and long-term friendship of street-level drug dealers in one of the roughest ghetto neighborhoods in the United States - East Harlem. This new edition adds a prologue describing the major dynamics in America that have altered life on the streets of East Harlem in the six years since the first edition. Bourgois, in a new epilogue, brings up to date the stories of the people - Primo, Caesar, Luis, Tony, Candy - who readers come to know in this remarkable window onto the world of the inner-city drug trade.
  • 人类学与旅游时代

    作者:[美] Nelson Graburn

    《人类学与旅游时代》是世界著名旅游人类学家、国际旅游研究院创始人、美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校纳尔逊·格雷本(NelSOD H.H.Graburn)教授的旅游人类学论文集。《人类学与旅游时代》汇集了作者在这一领域里最有代表性的研究,由引言、旅游人类学基础理论、日本国内的旅游研究、东亚及其他地区的旅游研究、博物馆与物质文化、旅游人类学的方法与理论六个部分构成。文集阐述了旅游人类学的基础性学理,探讨了以旅行一旅游为基本活动方式的研究方法对传统人类学在方法论上提出的挑战和具备的变革意义,更收录了作者对当前世界范围内兴起的“遗产热”相关方面的独到研究,如对日本近几十年来旅游发展的案例借鉴,对东亚及其他地区旅游发展战略的情状分析。文集融理论与方法、遗产与物质、区域与战略、个案与实践等为一体,较全面地反映了格雷本教授在旅游人类学研究方面的成就。
  • Ethnic Groups and Boundaries

    作者:Fredrik Barth

    When originally published in Norway, Ethnic Groups and Boundaries marked the transition to a new era of ethnic studies. Today this much-cited classic is regarded as the seminal volume from which stems much current anthropological thinking about ethnicity. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries opens with Barth’s invaluable thirty-page essay that introduces students to important theoretical issues in the analysis of ethnic groups. Following is a collection of seven essays—the results of a symposium involving a small group of Scandinavian social anthropologists—intended to illustrate the application of Barth’s analytical viewpoints to different sides of the problems of polyethnic organization in various ethnographic areas, including Norway, Sudan, Ethiopia, Mexico, Afghanistan, and Laos.
  • Only Hope

    作者:Vanessa L. Fong

    The first generation of children born under China’s one-child family policy is now reaching adulthood. What are these children like? What are their values, goals, and interests? What kinds of relationships do they have with their families? This is the first in-depth study to analyze what it is like to grow up as the state-appointed vanguard of modernization. Based on surveys and ethnographic research in China, where the author lived with teenage only children and observed their homes and classrooms for 27 months between 1997 and 2002, the book explores the social, economic, and psychological consequences of the government’s decision to accelerate the fertility transition. Only Hope shows how the one-child policy has largely succeeded in its goals, but with unintended consequences. Only children are expected to be the primary providers of support and care for their retired parents, grandparents, and parents-in-law, and only a very lucrative position will allow them to provide for so many dependents. Many only children aspire to elite status even though few can attain it, and such aspirations lead to increased stress and competition, as well as intense parental involvement.
  • 中国妇女与农村发展


  • 原始宗教理论


  • 象征之林


    该书为英国著名人类学家、象征仪式学派的代表人物维克多•特纳的代表作,被学界归入二战后最具有开拓性和影响力的民族之经典之列。 全书主要围绕中南非洲的恩登布人的象征符号意义和仪式诸方面进行论述,由十篇论文组成。特纳的研究成果,一直是人类学以至社会科学等多个领域广为引用的重要文献。
  • 族群、民族与国家构建


  • 福街的现代商人部落


  • 永宁纳西族的阿注婚姻和母系家庭


    《永宁纳西族的阿注婚姻和母系家庭》一书是民族学、人类学研究的经典名著。纳西族是具有悠久历史和文化的民族,在20世纪50年代中期前,永宁地区还有相当一部分人留在封建领主制阶段,并且比较完整地保存着具有初期对偶婚特点的“阿注”婚姻,以及由此而构成母系家庭。这种婚姻形式,是解放前保存在我国少数民族中比较原始的婚姻形态,它还保留了若干血缘婚姻、群婚的实例,和母系氏族公社的遗迹,但同时也缓慢地向一夫一妻制发展。这些特征使得永宁纳西族成为研究早期婚姻形态的“活化石”。   本书作者于1963、1965和1976年数次深入当地群众生活,加以实地考察,对阿注婚姻和母系家庭作了几次调查访问,并在此基础上撰成此书。全书共计11章,对永宁纳西族的婚姻、家庭及有关文化习俗的基本状况与变化发展做了细致地描述和深入地分析,出版以后,引起了国内外各界人士的关注,赴永宁考察地中外学者、作家、记者络绎不绝,小说、报告文学、报导、译作等也相继问世,推动了学术研究的深入。
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life

    作者:Emile Durkheim

    "Karen Fields has given us a splendid new translation of the greatest work of sociology ever written, one we will not be embarrassed to assign to our students. In addition she has written a brilliant and profound introduction. The publication of this translation is an occasion for general celebration, for a veritable 'collective effervescence.' -- Robert N. Bellah "Co-author of "Habits of the Heart, " and editor of "Emile Durkheim on Morality and Society" "This superb new translation finally allows non-French speaking American readers fully to appreciate Durkheim's genius. It is a labor of love for which all scholars must be grateful." --Lewis A. Coser
  • Cooking, Cuisine and Class

    作者:Jack Goody

    The preparation, serving and eating of food are common features of all human societies, and have been the focus of study for numerous anthropologists - from Sir James Frazer onwards - from a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives. It is in the context of this previous anthropological work that Jack Goody sets his own observations on cooking in West Africa. He criticises those approaches which overlook the comparative historical dimension of culinary, and other, cultural differences that emerge in class societies, both of which elements he particularly emphasises in this book. The central question that Professor Goody addresses here is why a differentiated 'haute cuisine' has not emerged in Africa, as it has in other parts of the world. His account of cooking in West Africa is followed by a survey of the culinary practices of the major Eurasian societies throughout history - ranging from Ancient Egypt, Imperial Rome and medieval China to early modern Europe - in which he relates the differences in food preparation and consumption emerging in these societies to differences in their socio-economic structures, specifically in modes of production and communication. He concludes with an examination of the world-wide rise of 'industrial food' and its impact on Third World societies, showing that the ability of the latter to resist cultural domination in food, as in other things, is related to the nature of their pre-existing socio-economic structures. The arguments presented here will interest all social scientists and historians concerned with cultural history and social theory.
  • Global "Body Shopping"

    作者:Xiang Biao

    How can America's information technology (IT) industry predict serious labor shortages while at the same time laying off tens of thousands of employees annually? The answer is the industry's flexible labor management system - a flexibility widely regarded as the modus operandi of global capitalism today. "Global "Body Shopping"" explores how flexibility and uncertainty in the IT labor market are constructed and sustained through concrete human actions. Drawing on in-depth field research in southern India and in Australia, and folding an ethnography into a political economy examination, Xiang Biao offers a richly detailed analysis of the India-based global labor management practice known as "body shopping."In this practice, a group of consultants - body shops - in different countries works together to recruit IT workers. Body shops then farm out workers to clients as project-based labor; and upon a project's completion they either place the workers with a different client or "bench" them to await the next placement. Thus, labor is managed globally to serve volatile capital movement. Underpinning this practice are unequal socioeconomic relations on multiple levels. While wealth in the New Economy is created in an increasingly abstract manner, everyday realities - stock markets in New York, benched IT workers in Sydney, dowries in Hyderabad, and women and children in Indian villages - sustain this flexibility.