Miraculous Response
This book-length ethnography of the revival of a popular religious temple in contemporary rural China examines the organizational and cultural logics that inform the staging of popular religious activities. It also explores the politics of the religious revival, detailing the relationships of village-level local activists and local state agents wtih temple associations and temple bosses. Shedding light on shifting state-society relationships in the reform era, this book is of interest to scholars and students in Asian Studies, the social sciences, and religious and ritual studies. -
Towards an Anthropological Theory of Value
This volume is a synthesis of economic, political, and cultural theories of value. David Graeber re-examines a century of anthropological thought about value and exchange, in large measure to find a way out of ongoing quandaries in current social theory, which have become critical at the present moment of ideological collapse in the face of Neoliberalism. Rooted in an engaged, dynamic realism, Graeber argues that projects of cultural comparison are in a sense necessarily revolutionary projects. He attempts to synthesize the best insights of Karl Marx and Marcel Mauss, arguing that these figures represent two extreme, but ultimately complementary, possibilities in the shape such a project might take. Graeber breathes new life into the classic anthropological texts on exchange, value, and economy. He rethinks the cases of Iroquois wampum, Pacific kula exchanges, and the Kwakiutl potlatch within the flow of world historical processes, and recasts value as a model of human meaning- making, which far exceeds rationalist/reductive economist paradigms. -
Studies in Ethnomethodology
This is the first appearance in paper back of one of the major classics of contemporary Sociology. Studies in Ethnomethodology has inspired a wide range of important theoretical and empirical work in the social sciences and linguistics. It is one of the most original and controversial works in modern social science and it remains at the centre of debate about the current trends and tasks of sociology and social theory. Ethnomethodology - the study of the ways in which ordinary people construct a stable social world through everyday utterances and actions - is now a major component of all sociology and linguistics courses. Garfinkel's formidable reputation as one of the worlds leading sociologists rest largely on the work contained in this book. Studies in Ethnomethodology was originally published by Prentice Hall in 1967 and has remained in print ever since. It is widely used as a text book in this country and in the United States. This new paperback is a special student edition of Garfinkel's modern classic. -
The Perception of the Environment
In this work Tim Ingold offers a persuasive approach to understanding how human beings perceive their surroundings. He argues that what we are used to calling cultural variation consists, in the first place, of variations in skill. Neither innate nor acquired, skills are grown, incorporated into the human organism through practice and training in an environment. They are thus as much biological as cultural. The twenty-three essays comprising this book focus in turn on the procurement of livelihood, on what it means to 'dwell', and on the nature of skill, weaving together approaches from social anthropology, ecological psychology, developmental biology and phenomenology in a way that has never been attempted before. The book revolutionises the way we think about what is 'biological' and 'cultural' in humans, about evolution and history, and indeed about what it means for human beings - at once organisms and persons - to inhabit an environment. -
Science in Action
Science and technology have immense authority and influence in our society, yet their working remains little understood. The conventional perception of science in Western societies has been modified in recent years by the work of philosophers, sociologists and historians of science. In this book Bruno Latour brings together these different approaches to provide a lively and challenging analysis of science, demonstrating how social context and technical content are both essential to a proper understanding of scientific activity. Emphasizing that science can only be understood through its practice, the author examines science and technology in action: the role of scientific literature, the activities of laboratories, the institutional context of science in the modern world, and the means by which inventions and discoveries become accepted. From the study of scientific practice he develops an analysis of science as the building of networks. Throughout, Bruno Latour shows how a lively and realistic picture of science in action alters our conception of not only the natural sciences but also the social sciences and the sociology of knowledge in general. This stimulating book, drawing on a wealth of examples from a wide range of scientific activities, will interest all philosophers, sociologists and historians of science, scientists and engineers, and students of the philosophy of social science and the sociology of knowledge. -
Darwin's Blind Spot
While Charles Darwin's vision of evolution was brilliant, natural selection ignores a crucial force that helps to explain the diversity and wonder of life: symbiosis. In Darwin's Blind Spot, Frank Ryan shows how the blending of life forms through symbiosis has resulted in gigantic leaps in evolution. The dependence of many flowering plants on insects and birds for pollination is an important instance of symbiosis. More surprising may be the fact that our cells have incorporated bacteria that allow us to breathe oxygen. And the equivalent of symbiosis within a species -- cooperation -- has been a vital, although largely ignored, force in human evolution. In Ryan's view, cooperation, not competition, lies at the heart of human society. Ryan mixes stories of the many strange and beautiful results of symbiosis with accounts of the dramatic historic rivalries over the expansion of Darwin's theory. He also examines controversial research being done today, including studies suggesting that symbiosis among viruses led to the evolution of mammals and thus of humans. Too often Darwin's interpreters have put excessive emphasis on competition and struggle as the only forces in evolution. But the idea of "survival of the fittest" does not always reign. Symbiosis is critically important to the richness of Earth's life forms. -
[内容简介] ● 神话在当代社会发挥着怎样的作用?它的功能有哪些?神话学大师约瑟夫·坎贝尔为你揭示神话的4大功能,带你看清神话的表面与实质,你会看到,古老的神话依然存在帮助现代人走过生命之旅的神奇力量,它是让人们走向幸福之路的指明灯。 ● 神话提供了个人成长和转化的架构,我们若能了解神话和象征影响一个人心智的方式,就可以过着一种和自己的本性调和共生的生活,也就是找出了那条通往自己内心“直觉”的道路。 ● 为什么说神话最重要的功能在于它对人类心理层面的影响?作者通过对神话作用机制与弗洛伊德、荣格的心理模型的剖析发现,神话的意象能够引导心灵,帮人心甘情愿地跨越难关,战胜本我,克服自卑,实现自性化和人格的完善。 ● 神话是每个人不可或缺的一部分,人们应该如果从找寻属于自己的个人神话?坎贝尔将跨文化神话故事与现代心理学相融合,以生命必会经历的重要问题为着眼点,讨论了探寻我们个人神话的方法。 [编辑推荐] ● 20世纪神话学大师约瑟夫·坎贝尔作品。 ● 《千面英雄》作者献给每一位生命旅者的灵性觉醒。 ● 一部发现喜悦、实现自我、完善人格的心灵治愈之作。 ● 随书赠送坎贝尔神话系列作品独家藏书票一枚。 ● 神话的心理分析,通往内心喜悦的神谕。 ● 《星球大战》导演乔治·卢卡斯,美国心理学家詹姆斯·希尔曼联袂推荐。 ● 美国约瑟夫·坎贝尔基金会独家授权出版,坎贝尔神话系列作品。 ● 湛庐文化出品。 -
《语言人:论语言学对人文科学的贡献》在社会和历史的背景下讨论人类语言的本质,视野开阔,材料征引丰富,是一向以“语言情人”自谓的海然热的代表作之一。作者在《语言人:论语言学对人文科学的贡献》里提出的“社会运行语言学”为近年来的进展提供了理论框架。法国语言学历来重视沟通行为的社会性因素,《语言人:论语言学对人文科学的贡献》充分体现了这个学术传统。 -
Violence and the Sacred
"His fascinating and ambitious book provides a fully developed theory of violence as the `heart and secret soul' of the sacred. Girard's fertile, combative mind links myth to prophetic writing, primitive religions to classical tragedy."--Victor Brombert, 'Chronicle of Higher Education.' -
公民与国家:民族、部族和族属身份,ISBN:9787501160457,作者:(美)菲利克斯·格罗斯(Feliks Gross)著;王建娥,魏强译 -
The Social Life of Things
The meaning that people attribute to things necessarily derives from human transactions and motivations, particularly from how those things are used and circulated. The contributors to this volume examine how things are sold and traded in a variety of social and cultural settings, both present and past. Focusing on culturally defined aspects of exchange and socially regulated processes of circulation, the essays illuminate the ways in which people find value in things and things give value to social relations. By looking at things as if they lead social lives, the authors provide a new way to understand how value is externalized and sought after. They discuss a wide range of goods - from oriental carpets to human relics - to reveal both that the underlying logic of everyday economic life is not so far removed from that which explains the circulation of exotica, and that the distinction between contemporary economies and simpler, more distant ones is less obvious than has been thought. As the editor argues in his introduction, beneath the seeming infinitude of human wants, and the apparent multiplicity of material forms, there in fact lie complex, but specific, social and political mechanisms that regulate taste, trade, and desire. Containing contributions from American and British social anthropologists and historians, the volume bridges the disciplines of social history, cultural anthropology, and economics, and marks a major step in our understanding of the cultural basis of economic life and the sociology of culture. It will appeal to anthropologists, social historians, economists. archaeologists, and historians of art. -
本书从提出问题开始,讨论了与“民族”、“族群”相关的几个根本性概念,特别是对“族群意识”的理解与分析,提出了自己的观点,同时也介绍了自己研究的方法。全书的核心部分是从历史材料入手来解读当年保安族的“民族识别”过程,然后通过大量访谈材料详细地介绍了现在保安人日常生活中的“认同意识”以及政府政策的作用。在书的最后部分,再次讨论有关“族群归属”的自我定义与社会定义,与最初提出的问题相呼应,在理论上进行总结并提出新的命题。 这本书可以说是在21世纪新的社会条件下对我国半个世纪前“民族识别”工作进行总结和反思的第一个完整的案例研究。 -
We Have Never Been Modern
With the rise of science, we moderns believe, the world changed irrevocably, separating us forever from our primitive, premodern ancestors. But if we were to let go of this fond conviction, Bruno Latour asks, what would the world look like? His book, an anthropology of science, shows us how much of modernity is actually a matter of faith. What does it mean to be modern? What difference does the scientific method make? The difference, Latour explains, is in our careful distinctions between nature and society, between human and thing, distinctions that our benighted ancestors, in their world of alchemy, astrology, and phrenology, never made. But alongside this purifying practice that defines modernity, there exists another seemingly contrary one: the construction of systems that mix politics, science, technology, and nature. The ozone debate is such a hybrid, in Latour's analysis, as are global warming, deforestation, even the idea of black holes. As these hybrids proliferate, the prospect of keeping nature and culture in their separate mental chambers becomes overwhelming--and rather than try, Latour suggests, we should rethink our distinctions, rethink the definition and constitution of modernity itself. His book offers a new explanation of science that finally recognizes the connections between nature and culture--and so, between our culture and others, past and present. Nothing short of a reworking of our mental landscape. "We Have Never Been Modern" blurs the boundaries among science, the humanities, and the social sciences to enhance understanding on all sides. A summation of the work of one of the most influential and provocative interpreters of science, it aims at saving what is good and valuable in modernity and replacing the rest with a broader, fairer, and finer sense of possibility. -
《写文化:民族志的诗学与政治学》已成为当代人类学反思的经典理论著作,具有里程碑式的意义。在出版后的20年里,它成为国际人类学界引用得最多的一《写文化:民族志的诗学与政治学》,并且在人文科学及其他社会科学领域产生了广泛的影响。 -
《马克思古代社会史笔记》收入了1879-1882年间马克思所写的五篇读书笔记。马克思自70年代中期起就加紧进行对前资本主义社会形态的研究,作了大量读书笔记,这五篇笔记是其中的一部分。按照马克思主义理论,古代民族的社会形态,是由两个自发产生的社会关系即血缘亲属关系和生产资料公社所有制决定的。直到资本主义社会确立以前,在所有社会特别是在发展比较缓慢的社会中,都程度不等地存在着这两种社会关系或者它们的变种的影响,在社会生活的各个方面都留有它们不同程度的印记。本书五篇笔记的基本主题,就是对这些古老的社会关系的历史考察。马克思对他所阅读的各家著作的畏心摘录和处理,特别是他写下的许多批注和评语,不仅表明他晚年如何努力开拓新的研究领域,而且也体现出他的理论的新的发展。这部著作和《卡尔·马克思历史学笔记》是马克思晚年的重要史学著作,但和《历史学笔记》不同的是,《历史学笔记》的对象是欧洲历史,其写作以时间为载体,记叙了欧洲古代的历史发展,是典型的历史著作。而《古代社会史笔记》则包括除欧洲以外的广大亚非拉地区;内容上囊括了哲学、政治经济学、历史学、政治学、民族学、宗教、道德等学科;文化上涉猎到东西方文化、史前文化与有史文化;方法上注重于实证的研究,强调分析、综合、比较、思辨的总体运用。属于社会历史学范畴,同时也具有较浓厚的文化人类学和民族学色彩,因此《古代社会史笔记》又称《人类学笔记》或《民族学笔记》。同时这也是研究马克思的东方社会理论和广义政治经济学极其重要的一部著作。后来恩格斯根据该笔记中的《路•亨•摩尔根的〈古代社会〉一书摘要〉》写下了恩格斯的经典著作《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》。 -
《裸猿》是一本惊世骇俗的学术专著,作者是英国著名动物学家、人类行为学家,他把人类称为“裸猿”作为动物来研究,其中众多内容、尤其是对人类性行为的大胆直率的研究引起巨大争议,曾被许多国家列为禁书。但其坦率的观点、大量事实、通俗的语言使其成为全球畅销书,发行量超过了1000万册,上个世纪80年代中期,该书的删节本在中国内地出版,曾经风靡了好几年。本书是再版的全译本。 本书目录: 引言 第一章 裸猿的起源 第二章 裸猿的性行为 第三章 裸猿的育儿方式 第四章 裸猿的探究欲 第五章 裸猿的争斗行为 第六章 裸猿的摄食行为 第七章 裸猿的安抚行为 第八章 裸猿和其他动物 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友