

  • Baboon Metaphysics

    作者:Dorothy L. Cheney,Ro

    In 1838 Charles Darwin jotted in a notebook, 'He who understands baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke.' "Baboon Metaphysics" is Dorothy L. Cheney and Robert M. Seyfarth's fascinating response to Darwin's challenge.Cheney and Seyfarth set up camp in Botswana's Okavango Delta, where they could intimately observe baboons and their social world. Baboons live in groups of up to 150, including a handful of males and eight or nine matrilineal families of females. Such numbers force baboons to form a complicated mix of short-term bonds for mating and longer-term friendships based on careful calculations of status and individual need.But "Baboon Metaphysics" is concerned with much more than just baboons' social organization - Cheney and Seyfarth aim to fully comprehend the intelligence that underlies it. Using innovative field experiments, the authors learn that for baboons, just as for humans, family and friends hold the key to mitigating the ill effects of grief, stress, and anxiety.Written with a scientist's precision and a nature-lover's eye, "Baboon Metaphysics" gives us an unprecedented and compelling glimpse into the mind of another species.
  • Liquidated

    作者:Karen Ho

    From Publishers Weekly The timely question, What caused the current global financial crisis? provokes answers usually aimed at the level of institutions and the more abstract market logic. Ho's refreshing ethnography of the daily lives of Wall Street investment bankers takes another tack and outlines a web of practices, beliefs and structures that may be vital to understanding what keeps the market system in place despite built-in instabilities. Ho, a former business analyst and now an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Minnesota, unpacks constant downsizing, high risk/high reward job liquidity, shortsighted compensation structures, prestige and the ruse of shareholder value. Her keen eye for the significance of space illuminates workplace narratives, e.g., segregating staff by floor, function and prestige; constant and lavish recruiting events at Princeton and Harvard; and anticlimactically tawdry office space for most workers. The author exposes how elite undergraduates are immersed in a culture promoting finance as the only legitimate job, how educational pedigrees reinforce the financial world's self-image—while the actual jobs remain rigidly hierarchical (stratifying women, people of color and non–Ivy League graduates), highly unstable and isolating, encouraging a culture in which making money is the only value. (Aug.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Review "We're pretty familiar with the economic rationale for the regime of cost-cutting and downsizing throughout corporate America in recent decades. But Karen Ho's research greatly enriches our understanding of how Wall Street's own peculiar culture of transient relationships and relentless competition has contributed to the shareholder revolution. And, along the way, her interviews and fieldwork offer a very revealing picture of the mind of Wall Street. A fascinating and important book." Doug Henwood, editor of Left Business Observer " Karen Ho has picked an excellent time to publish her fascinating new study...patient ethnographic analysis has produced a fascinating portrait that will be refreshingly novel to most bankers...Ho peppers her account with revealing eyewitness stories...Most fascinating of all is her account of how Wall Street becomes deluded by its own rhetoric about "market efficiency"...I, for one, would vote that Ho's account becomes mandatory reading on any MBA (or investment banking course); if nothing else, it might be more entertaining than the other texts that bankers swallow so uncritically." Gillian Tett, Financial Times, 2nd October 2009
  • 人类的猿性


  • 解离的真实


  • 过渡礼仪

    作者:[法] 阿诺尔德·范热内普

    《过渡礼仪》主要内容简介:出生、结婚、怀孕、死亡、季节转换等地位变化的事件,往往会以过渡礼仪来加以标识。范热内普在《过渡礼仪》中所提出的过渡礼仪之分隔-边缘-聚合三阶段模式,及其对各阶段象征意义的分析,使此模式已成为民俗学的一个根本理论,也成为人类学和其他学科研究仪式行为的一个经典概念。 这部首版于1909年的著作,对仪式机制和人类行为研究的贡献是多方面和意义深远的。正如当代美国著名民俗学家邓迪斯所评价的,“也许可以公平地说,民俗学分析性著作对学术界所产生的影响没有一部可超过这一经典研究。”
  • 神圣的性生活

    作者:(英)Malinowski B.

    编辑推荐:英国人类学家,功能学派创始人之一。生于波兰,并在波兰的克拉科夫大学就读。1914年在英国博物馆工作,同年赴新几内亚和美拉尼西亚对土著部落进行实地考察。曾任伦敦大学教授、波兰科学院院士。1939年起在美国耶鲁大学任教直到逝世。《神圣的性生活》(原书名为《西北美拉尼西亚的野蛮人性生活》,英文书名为:The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Mel
  • 原始人的心智


  • 第二天性

    作者:哈伊姆·奥菲克 (Ofek Haim)

  • 男人女人身体观察


    人最感兴趣的莫过於自己的身体了。无论我们是否意识到这一点,事实上,我们的身体可谓千姿百态 。在谈笑风生中,就算我们全神贯注於交谈本身,我们也依然会热切地观察对方的身体。 《男人女人身体观察》以生动诙谐的文字、大量精彩的图片资料,细致分析人类日常行为中所包含的肢体语言及其在种种历史文化背景中的差异,从而为人与人之间的交流提供更大的可能空间。肢体语言包括姿势、手势、表情、身体装饰、行为举止等诸多方式,是一种常为人忽视但在现实生活中不可或缺的非语言信息和交流系统,在许多情况下,由于肢体语言更带有无意识性,更原始,更难作假,因而比言语更真实地反映人类的某些内在感受和想法。 《男人女人身体观察》从头发讲起直至脚趾,让读者洞悉人类身体各部位生理特性,以及可能产生的肢体语言和信息。
  • 文明人类的八大罪孽


  • Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language

    作者:Prof. Robin Dunbar

    What a big brain we have for all the small talk we make. It's an evolutionary riddle that at long last makes sense in this intriguing book about what gossip has done for our talkative species. Psychologist Robin Dunbar looks at gossip as an instrument of social order and cohesion--much like the endless grooming with which our primate cousins tend to their social relationships. Apes and monkeys, humanity's closest kin, differ from other animals in the intensity of these relationships. All their grooming is not so much about hygiene as it is about cementing bonds, making friends, and influencing fellow primates. But for early humans, grooming as a way to social success posed a problem: given their large social groups of 150 or so, our earliest ancestors would have had to spend almost half their time grooming one another--an impossible burden. What Dunbar suggests--and his research, whether in the realm of primatology or in that of gossip, confirms--is that humans developed language to serve the same purpose, but far more efficiently. It seems there is nothing idle about chatter, which holds together a diverse, dynamic group--whether of hunter-gatherers, soldiers, or workmates. Anthropologists have long assumed that language developed in relationships among males during activities such as hunting. Dunbar's original and extremely interesting studies suggest otherwise: that language in fact evolved in response to our need to keep up to date with friends and family. We needed conversation to stay in touch, and we still need it in ways that will not be satisfied by teleconferencing, email, or any other communication technology. As Dunbar shows, the impersonal world of cyberspace will not fulfill our primordial need for face-to-face contact. From the nit-picking of chimpanzees to our chats at coffee break, from neuroscience to paleoanthropology, "Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language" offers a provocative view of what makes us human, what holds us together, and what sets us apart.
  • 实用人类学


  • 数码人类学


    人类学有两大任务,一是理解什么是人,二是理解人性是如何透过多元的文化表现出来。数码科技的蓬勃发展给这两者都带来了新的作用力。《数码人类学》向读者展示了人类与数码科技如何辩证地相互定义。最终我们试图得出一个结论,那便是“数码科技对人类到底意味着什么?” 从社交网站到数字化博物馆;从数字时代政治学到电子商务,浸润式的数码科技,给普通人的生活带来了根本性的改变。仅仅用数据来说明与理解问题显然过于太苍白,我们需要长期的定性研究,来分析人们是如何使用数码科技,而这样的行为又如何对其使用者产生影响,以及在世界范围内数码科技又是如何得到广泛运用与开发的。 《数码人类学》收录了数码文化研究领域杰出的人类学学者的前沿研究成果,向读者展示了如何运用人类学研究方法来有效地理解数码文化。《数码人类学》可用作人类学、传播学、社会学等学科以及文化研究、媒体研究等相关专业的高等教育教材。
  • 重访三种文化中的幼儿园


  • 非零和时代


    《非零和时代》是近年来最为热议的书籍之一。 美国著名思想家、前总统克林顿智囊罗伯特•赖特继《道德动物》后,又一创新力作! 本书将生物进化和人类的文化演进进行比较,从细菌的化石一路叙述到石器时代的石斧,从中世纪伊斯兰教的商业模式一路叙述到世界贸易组织,探寻不同文化共有的发展轨迹和模式,生物演进导致人类的产生、人类组织的演进导致了文化的产生、文化的演进使地球形成一个统一的大脑。 运用博弈论的观点,揭示人类历史的必然命运:世界和人类发展的推动力和最终趋向并不是你死我活的竞争关系,而是互利共赢的合作关系,即“非零和”,进而为全球化发展指明了方向。
  • 母性

    作者:莎拉·布莱弗·赫迪 (Sarah Bla

    女人生來就具備母性本能嗎?母親出於本能而愛護子女,是東西方文化一向崇尚的理想,甚至科學界也普遍贊同,如今卻越來越受爭議。本書以全新的視野觀察母親的行為,並探討這新的理解角度如何改變科學家對人類演化的思考。莎拉•布萊弗•赫迪教授援引人類學、史學、文學、發展心理學、動物行為 學等多方面的知識,從「生物」與「遺傳」兩個不同的層面檢視母性本能。她剔除傳統刻板印象中對女性本質隱含的偏見,從不同於以往的角度來看母親的矛盾情緒、母職與人生大志之間的關聯、母愛與性愛的關聯,以及嬰兒的需求影響等。赫迪教授也解釋兩性長久以來關係緊繃的原因,這種緊繃又如何表現在現今社會控制女性生殖抉擇的意圖上。 人類以外靈長類的殺嬰行為是作者研究女性天性的起點,三十多年來她橫跨七個國家埋首工作,就是想更深入理解人類的親職心態,這當然與她為人母親又身兼教職的親身經驗有關,而本書正是最佳的成果展現。作者從歷史與演化的觀點闡述做母親的意義,打開我們未曾察覺的眼界,必將改變我們對於人類發展及人類行為的認知。
  • 先天后天

    作者:[英]马特·里德利(Matt Ridle

    2001年2月,学界宣布,基因组包含的不是如原先所预想的10万个基因,而是只有3万个。这个令人震惊的修改导致一些科学家得出结论,认为人类基因其实不足以解释人们的所有不同方式的行为:我们必定是由后天而不是由先天所造就的。生物学再一次要被放在先天-后天的争论这张普洛克路斯忒斯之床上撕扯。 广受赞誉的科普作家马特•里德利主张,正在出现的真相比这种神话要有趣得多。后天培育依赖于基因,而基因也要求后天培育。基因不仅预先规定大脑的广义结构,而且它们还吸收塑形的经验、因应社会的线索,甚至运转记忆。它们是意志的原因。也是意志的结果。在DNA双螺旋结构发现60多年之后出版的这本《先天后天》,详细记录了我们对基因的理解中所发生的一场新的革命。里德利描述先天力量的信徒与后天力量的信徒,为解释人类这种悖论式的造物如何能够既有自由意志同时又受本能与文化的推动而发生的百年之争。《先天后天》对基因如何建造大脑来吸引经验做了一次激动人心、紧跟前沿的论述。
  • 語言本能

    作者:Steven Pinker

    這本《紐約時報書評》評為「令人讚賞、充滿風趣,及無懈可擊的書」,是所有使用語言的人該看的書。 史迪芬.平克是舉世聞名的心理語言學家。在本書裡他強調:語言是大腦先天存在的一個配備,就像蜘蛛天生就會結網一樣;語言學習是語言本能的結果,而不是原因。透過日常生活中的有趣例子,平克探究了有關語言的所有問題:包括語言的運作、計算、改變、演化;嬰兒是如何牙牙學語的;普遍語法的存在證據;洋涇演語言的演變;語言藍圖的主宰性.......。
  • 灵长目与哲学家

    作者:[美] 弗朗斯·德瓦尔

    如果有人说你是动物,那么你很可能会生气,你 感觉自己受到了侮辱。但为什么动物会有这样的坏名 声呢? 在这本富于挑战性的书中,弗朗斯·德瓦尔认为 :当今的演化生物学亵渎了自然界,它强行地将我们 做好事的习惯贴上“人性的”标签,而将我们做坏事 的习惯归咎于动物性。在广泛引证自己的灵长目动物 行为研究成果的基础上,德瓦尔反对上述观点,并阐 述了人类是如何从源远流长的[基于社会本性就]有道 德的哺乳动物家族中演化而来的。 《灵长目与哲学家(道德是怎样演化出来的)》 一书是在德瓦尔于2004年提交给普林斯顿大学人类价 值研究中心的泰纳讲座演讲稿的基础上形成的,除了 德瓦尔所撰写的内容外,它还收入了哲学家辛格、科 尔斯戈德、基切尔和科学作家赖特对德瓦尔所探讨的 问题的回应。 《灵长目与哲学家(道德是怎样演化出来的)》 由上海科技教育出版社出版。
  • The Woman That Never Evolved

    作者:Sarah Blaffer Hrdy

    This work argues that evolutionary theorists' emphasis on sexual competition among males for access to females overlooks selection pressures on females themselves. In an account of what female primates themselves actually do to secure their own reproductive advantage, Sarah Hrdy demolishes myths about sexually passive, "coy", compliant and exclusively nurturing females. Her account of the great range of behaviours in many species of primates, in many circumstances, expands the concept of female nature to include the range of selection pressures on females, and reminds the reader of the complexity and dynamism of the evolutionary story.