

  • 中国的惊雷


  • 红星照耀中国

    作者:mei ai de jia ·si nu

    《红星照耀中国》是一部文笔优美的纪实性很强的报道性作品。作者真实记录了自1936年6月至10月在我国西北革命根据地(以延安为中心的陕甘宁边区)进行实地采访的所见所闻,该书绝大部分素材来自作者采访 的第一手资料,向全世界真实报道了中国和中国工农红军以及许多红军领袖、红军将领的情况。 作者通过与中国共产党的领导人毛泽东、周恩来 、朱德、刘志丹、贺龙、彭德怀等以及广大红军战士、农民、工 人、知识分子的接触交往,了解了革命根据地政治、军事、经济 、文化、生活各方面的真实情况,准确、鲜明、生动地反映了中 国共产党和工农红军的斗争业绩。毛泽东和周恩来是作者埃德加•斯诺笔下最具代表性的人物形象。 《红星照耀中国》不仅在政治意义上取得了极大的成功,而且在报告文学创作的艺术手法上也成为同类作品的典范。人物刻画、环境描写以及叙事的角度几近出神入化的程度。《西行漫记》中译本出版后,在中国同样产生巨大的反响,成千上万个中国青年因为读了《红星照耀中国》,纷纷走上革命道路。 作家社此次推出中译本七十周年纪念珍藏版的《红星照耀中国》,获得译者董乐山先生家属独家授权。书中首次汇集1937年英文初版、1938年中译本初版、1939年英文修订版等三个早期不同版本中的所有珍贵图片。 新版《红星照耀中国》的图片安排,以1937年、1938年、1939年三个不同版本危险后顺序,前面版本中已用图片,后面不再出现。凡英文原版中的图片,则尽量援用最初说明,以使读者了解该书与西方读者最初见面时的原貌。
  • One Billion Customers

    作者:James McGregor

    It is well known that with 1.3 billion mouths to feed, China’s market is moving quickly toward surpassing North America and Europe combined. Companies from the U.S. and across the globe are flocking there to buy, sell, manufacture and create new products. But as former The Wall Street Journal China bureau chief turned successful corporate executive James McGregor explains, business in China is conducted with much subterfuge -- nothing is as it seems and nothing about business in China is easy. Quickly becoming the bible for anybody doing business in China, One Billion Customers shows how to navigate the often treacherous waters of Chinese deal making. Brilliantly written by an author who has lived in China for nearly two decades, the book reveals indispensable, street-smart strategies, tactics, and lessons for succeeding in the world’s fastest growing consumer market. Foreign companies rightly fear that Chinese partners, customers or suppliers will steal their technology or trade secrets or simply pick their pockets. Testy relations between China’s Communist leaders and the U.S. and other democracies can trap foreign companies in a political crossfire. McGregor has seen or experienced it all, and now he shares his insights about how China really works. One Billion Customers maximizes the expansive knowledge of a respected journalist, well-known businessman, and ultimate China insider, offering compelling narratives of personalities, business deals, and lessons learned—from Morgan Stanley’s creation of a joint-venture Chinese investment bank to the pleasure dome of a smuggler whose $6 billion operation demonstrates how corruption greases the wheels of Chinese commerce. With nearly one hundred strategies for conducting business in China, this unprecedented account combines practical lessons with the story of China’s remarkable rise to power.