

  • A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960

    作者:Milton Friedman,Anna

    Writing in the June 1965 issue of the "Economic Journal", Harry G. Johnson begins with a sentence seemingly calibrated to the scale of the book he set himself to review: 'The long-awaited "Monetary History of the United States" by Friedman and Schwartz is in every sense of the term a monumental scholarly achievement - monumental in its sheer bulk, monumental in the definitiveness of its treatment of innumerable issues, large and small ...monumental, above all, in the theoretical and statistical effort and ingenuity that have been brought to bear on the solution of complex and subtle economic issues'.Friedman and Schwartz marshaled massive historical data and sharp analytics to support the claim that monetary policy - steady control of the money supply - matters profoundly in the management of the nation's economy, especially in navigating serious economic fluctuations. In their influential chapter 7, "The Great Contraction" - which Princeton published in 1965 as a separate paperback - they address the central economic event of the century, the Depression. According to Hugh Rockoff, writing in January 1965: 'If Great Depressions could be prevented through timely actions by the monetary authority (or by a monetary rule), as Friedman and Schwartz had contended, then the case for market economies was measurably stronger.' Milton Friedman won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2000 for work related to "A Monetary History " as well as to his other Princeton University Press book, "A Theory of the Consumption Function" (1957).
  • The Great Transformation

    作者:Karl Polanyi

    In this classic work of economic history and social theory, Karl Polanyi analyzes the economic and social changes brought about by the "great transformation" of the Industrial Revolution. His analysis explains not only the deficiencies of the self-regulating market, but the potentially dire social consequences of untempered market capitalism. New introductory material reveals the renewed importance of Polanyi's seminal analysis in an era of globalization and free trade.
  • 推手


    本书以气势磅礴的文字带领我们重温了与经济学家们相伴相生的现代历史。这些经济学天才以某种方式改变了地球上每一个人的生活。书中史诗般的故事讲述了现代经济学是如何产生,又是如何将人类的物质命运从命运手中夺回到了人类自己的手中,并因之将人类从世世代代的含辛茹苦中解救了出来。 娜萨的描述是从查尔斯•狄更斯和亨利•梅休开始的,他们二人对十九世纪中期伦敦穷苦大众的生活状况分别进行了考察和文学描述,而伦敦还是当时全世界最富裕最耀眼的城市。书中还描写了马克思,恩格斯,阿尔弗雷德•马歇尔,比特里斯和西德尼•韦伯夫妇,以及美国的欧文•费雪等人英雄般的勇气和努力,他们都将其思想付诸实践,并为这个世界带来了革命性的变化。 从约翰•凯恩斯到熊彼特,哈耶克,从凯恩斯的门徒琼•罗宾逊,到极具影响力的美国经济学家保罗•萨缪尔森和密尔顿•弗里德曼,还有印度的诺贝尔奖得主阿玛特亚•森,娜萨向读者展示了这些天才的思想是如何改变这个世界的——从伦敦开始,继而是欧洲和美洲的发达国家,直到现在扩展至全球。从娜萨的生动描述中,我们仿佛亲眼目睹了这些经济学家在如何应对他们的个人生活危机,世界战争,革命,经济动荡以及彼此间的分歧,如何回击马克萨斯的理论,并将经济学从悲观的科学改造为一门最终战胜了悲惨而短促的人类宿命的科学。仅仅在两百年之前,这种思想人们尚无法想象。这是一个从反复的失败中寻找解决方案,而最终成就了卓越的历程。
  • Lords of Finance

    作者:Liaquat Ahamed

    As the global economy is racked by its worst crisis since the Great Depression, there is a renewed interest in the lessons to be learned from the world economic collapse of the late 1920s. Drawing on his best-selling book, Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World, noted author Liaquat Ahamed discusses the insights we can gain from the Great Depression about the forces that cause global financial crises, the similarities between the breaks down in the 1920s and the current meltdown and the actions economic officials need to take in order to reverse the downward spiral in the world economy and avoid a repeat of that cataclysm.
  • This Time Is Different

    作者:Carmen M. Reinhart,K

    The authors use copious amounts of data ... to make the compelling case that any well-informed person should have seen the Great Recession coming. The essence of their book is that while financial crises come in different varieties, they are not mysteriously born of undersea earthquakes, but frequently occurring events that can be spotted and even controlled if politicians and regulators know what to look for. -- Devin Leonard New York Times Reinhart and Rogoff have compiled an impressive database, which covers eight centuries of government debt defaults from around the world. They have also collected statistics on inflation rates from every country where information is available and on banking crises and international capital flows over the past couple of centuries. This lengthy historical study gives what they call a 'panoramic view' of the unending cycle of boom and bust, showing how claims that 'this time is different' are invariably proven wrong... This Time Is Different doesn't simply explain what went wrong in our most recent crisis. This book also provides a roadmap of how things are likely to pan out in the years to come... This Time Is Different is an important addition to the literature of financial history. -- Edward Chancellor Wall Street Journal Professor Rogoff and his longtime collaborator Carmen Reinhart ... know more about the history of financial crises than anyone alive. The pair have just published their broad survey of financial crises, This Time is Different. In an era when most 'analysts' rely on maybe 30 or 40 years' worth of financial history--and then only that of the U.S.--the authors' knowledge of financial crises and government bond defaults going back to the Spanish empire and before offers a richer perspective. -- Brett Arends Wall Street Journal [E]ssential reading ... both for its originality and for the sobering patterns of financial behaviour it reveals. Economist The four most dangerous words in finance are 'this time is different.' Thanks to this masterpiece by Carmen Reinhart at the University of Maryland and Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard, no one can doubt this again... The authors have put an immense amount of work into collecting the data financial institutions needed if they were to have any chance of making quantitative risk management work. -- Martin Wolf Financial Times Everyone working on economic policy should own This Time is Different and open it for a bracing blast of sobriety when things seem to be going well. -- Greg Ip Washington Post [A] fine new history of financial debacles. -- Daniel Gross Newsweek Wouldn't it be nice to have $1,000 for every time a pundit proclaims an era of endless prosperity, consigning booms and busts to the dumpster of history? The next time you hear that canard (and you will) pour yourself a single malt and dip into Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff's landmark study, This Time Is Different. Wherever you open the book, you'll find proof that debt-fueled expansions have ended in financial ruin for hundreds of years... The result is a visual history laid out in beguilingly simple graphs and tables, making the book both definitive--a must read for professors and investors--and accessible to a wider audience. -- James Pressley Bloomberg News Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff have delivered a powerful and eloquent statement... Reinhart and Rogoff have done an extraordinary job in putting together statistics on government debt--a task that economic historians should have done long ago but shied away from because of the difficulties of defining 'government', which is often complex and multi-layered. -- Harold James The American Interest Unlike prior narrative accounts of market panics from such finance writers as Charles Kindleberger and Edward Chancellor, Reinhart and Rogoff give us a data-driven study that is global in sweep but also a model of clarity. The authors package their notably nonhysterical analysis of the latest crisis in a large, self-contained section of the book inviting harried readers to skip right ahead to it. -- Daniel Akst CNNMoney.com A tour de force of quantitative analysis covering financial crises affecting 66 countries over the past 800 years, the book identifies pre-crisis patterns that recur with eerie consistency. This Time is Different is a must-read for anyone on the lookout for canaries in coal mines. Barron's This is certainly one of the must-read books of the year. -- Arnold Kling Econlog.com Rogoff and Reinhart ... provide an eye-opening look at the cycles of boom and bust and how governments deal with those cycles. Arkansas Business [A] valuable new book. Idaho Statesman Having studied mountains of economic data during the past eight centuries, the authors insightfully point out the highly repetitive nature of financial crises resulted from a dangerous mix of hubris, euphoria and amnesia. Shanghai Daily
  • Why Nations Fail

    作者:Daron Acemoglu,James

    Review "'You will have three reasons to love this book. It's about national income differences within the modern world, perhaps the biggest problem facing the world today. It's peppered with fascinating stories that will make you a spellbinder at cocktail parties - such as why Botswana is prospering and Sierra Leone isn't. And it's a great read. Like me, you may succumb to reading it in one go, and then you may come back to it again and again.' (Jared Diamond, Pulitzer-prize-winning author of bestselling books including 'Guns, Germs, and Steel' and 'Collapse')" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Product Description This is a provocative new theory of political economy explaining why the world is divided into nations with wildly differing levels of prosperity. Why are some nations more prosperous than others? "Why Nations Fail" sets out to answer this question, with a compelling and elegantly argued new theory: that it is not down to climate, geography or culture, but because of institutions. Drawing on an extraordinary range of contemporary and historical examples, from ancient Rome through the Tudors to modern-day China, leading academics Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson show that to invest and prosper, people need to know that if they work hard, they can make money and actually keep it - and this means sound institutions that allow virtuous circles of innovation, expansion and peace. Based on fifteen years of research, and answering the competing arguments of authors ranging from Max Weber to Jeffrey Sachs and Jared Diamond, Acemoglu and Robinson step boldly into the territory of Francis Fukuyama and Ian Morris. They blend economics, politics, history and current affairs to provide a new, powerful and persuasive way of understanding wealth and poverty. They offer a pragmatic basis for the hope that at 'critical junctures' in history, those mired in poverty can be placed on the path to prosperity - with important consequences for our views on everything from the role of aid to the future of China.
  • A Farewell to Alms

    作者:Gregory Clark

    Why are some parts of the world so rich and others so poor? Why did the Industrial Revolution--and the unprecedented economic growth that came with it--occur in eighteenth-century England, and not at some other time, or in some other place? Why didn't industrialization make the whole world rich--and why did it make large parts of the world even poorer? In A Farewell to Alms, Gregory Clark tackles these profound questions and suggests a new and provocative way in which culture--not exploitation, geography, or resources--explains the wealth, and the poverty, of nations.

    Countering the prevailing theory that the Industrial Revolution was sparked by the sudden development of stable political, legal, and economic institutions in seventeenth-century Europe, Clark shows that such institutions existed long before industrialization. He argues instead that these institutions gradually led to deep cultural changes by encouraging people to abandon hunter-gatherer instincts-violence, impatience, and economy of effort-and adopt economic habits-hard work, rationality, and education.

    The problem, Clark says, is that only societies that have long histories of settlement and security seem to develop the cultural characteristics and effective workforces that enable economic growth. For the many societies that have not enjoyed long periods of stability, industrialization has not been a blessing. Clark also dissects the notion, championed by Jared Diamond in Guns, Germs, and Steel, that natural endowments such as geography account for differences in the wealth of nations.

    A brilliant and sobering challenge to the idea that poor societies can be economically developed through outside intervention, A Farewell to Alms may change the way global economic history is understood.

  • A Farewell to Alms

    作者:Gregory Clark

    Why are some parts of the world so rich and others so poor? Why did the Industrial Revolution--and the unprecedented economic growth that came with it--occur in eighteenth-century England, and not at some other time, or in some other place? Why didn't industrialization make the whole world rich--and why did it make large parts of the world even poorer? In A Farewell to Alms, Gregory Clark tackles these profound questions and suggests a new and provocative way in which culture--not exploitation, geography, or resources--explains the wealth, and the poverty, of nations.

    Countering the prevailing theory that the Industrial Revolution was sparked by the sudden development of stable political, legal, and economic institutions in seventeenth-century Europe, Clark shows that such institutions existed long before industrialization. He argues instead that these institutions gradually led to deep cultural changes by encouraging people to abandon hunter-gatherer instincts-violence, impatience, and economy of effort-and adopt economic habits-hard work, rationality, and education.

    The problem, Clark says, is that only societies that have long histories of settlement and security seem to develop the cultural characteristics and effective workforces that enable economic growth. For the many societies that have not enjoyed long periods of stability, industrialization has not been a blessing. Clark also dissects the notion, championed by Jared Diamond in Guns, Germs, and Steel, that natural endowments such as geography account for differences in the wealth of nations.

    A brilliant and sobering challenge to the idea that poor societies can be economically developed through outside intervention, A Farewell to Alms may change the way global economic history is understood.

  • 经济学的思维方式(影印第12版)


    《经济学的思维方式》是风靡国际的一部另类的经典经济学教科书。与主流经济学教材不同,本书回避了繁复的公式、函数、运算,通过深入浅出和饶有趣味的图画,将日常生活中纷繁复杂、看似毫无关联的一些社会现象,和一套富有一致性的思维框架结合起来,展现出一种“经济学的想象力”。正如道格拉斯•诺斯所说,经济学的力量就在于它是一种思维方式,本书的目的正是引导读者学会经济学推理方式,从而能够像经济学家一样思考问题。 《经济学的思维方式》已经被翻译成多种语言,享誉全世界,堪称经济学教育领域的一部标尺性著作。自2008年第11版翻译引进以来,在大专院校和非专业读者中都引起了相当的反响,荣获了多项优秀图书奖。作者在11版的基础上,对全书的结构和内容作了大量修订,带给读者全新的认识。影印第12版除了序言和前言采用中文,正文与英文原书完全一致,让读者充分体验阅读原文的乐趣与收获。 经济学对学习者真正有用的,是在这些错综复杂的理论背后,所反映出的一套观察个人行为及社会现象的思维方式。保罗•海恩的《经济学的思维方式》以对活生生的、日常发生的现象解析来阐述此点,并帮助学生学会像经济学家那样思维,有助于初学者掌握现代经济学的精髓。 ——林毅夫
  • Economic Gangsters

    作者:Raymond Fisman,Edwar

    Meet the economic gangster. He's the United Nations diplomat who double-parks his Mercedes on New York City streets at rush hour because the cops can't touch him--he has diplomatic immunity. He's the Chinese smuggler who dodges tariffs by magically transforming frozen chickens into frozen turkeys. The dictator, the warlord, the unscrupulous bureaucrat who bilks the developing world of billions in aid. The calculating crook who views stealing and murder as just another part of his business strategy. And, in the wrong set of circumstances, he might just be you. In Economic Gangsters, Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel take readers into the secretive, chaotic, and brutal worlds inhabited by these lawless and violent thugs. Join these two sleuthing economists as they follow the foreign aid money trail into the grasping hands of corrupt governments and shady underworld characters. Spend time with ingenious black marketeers as they game the international system. Follow the steep rise and fall of stock prices of companies with unseemly connections to Indonesia's former dictator. See for yourself what rainfall has to do with witch killings in Tanzania--and more. Fisman and Miguel use economics to get inside the heads of these "gangsters," and propose solutions that can make a difference to the world's poor--including cash infusions to defuse violence in times of drought, and steering the World Bank away from aid programs most susceptible to corruption. Take an entertaining walk on the dark side of global economic development with Economic Gangsters. Economic Gangsters is a fascinating exploration into the dark side of economic development… Subjected to their genius, seemingly inconsequential events (like New York City parking tickets and Suharto catching a cold) become potent tools in understanding how the world really works. Rarely has a book on economics been this fun and this important. — Steven D. Levitt, coauthor of Freakonomics
  • 真实世界的经济学


  • The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

    作者:John Maynard Keynes

    In 1936 Keynes published the most provocative book written by any economist of his generation. The General Theory, as it is known to all economists, cut through all the Gordian Knots of pre-Keynesian discussion of the trade cycle and propounded a new approach to the determination of the level of economic activity, the problems of employment and unemployment, the causes of inflation, the strategies of budgetary policy. Arguments about the book continued until his death in 1946 and still continue today. Despite all that has been written in the subsequent years, Keynes and his book still represent the turning-point between the old economics and the new from which each generation of economists needs to take its inspiration and its point of departure towards fresh attempts to carry his work further. This new edition features a new Introduction by Paul Krugman which discusses the significance and continued relevance of The General Theory.
  • 经济解释


    《经济解释》一书,收集了张教授1968年至1998年在各种杂志上发表的25篇文章,基本上囊括了教授的学术思想。1982年,张教授在港大的就职演说中倡导:让我们做经济解释的弄潮儿。这本集子,正是这一思想的贯彻。张教授坚信,经济学必须是解释现象的科学,只有能够解释现象的经济理论才具有生命力。自(19)50、60年代兴起的经济解释的浪潮中,张教授无疑是最优秀的弄潮儿之一。 在《经济解释》这部书稿中,张五常融入了一项新颖、重要、被广泛解释、而所有现行教科书均迟迟没有载入的内容,那就是“新制度经济学”的研究成果——产权和交易费用理论。这些内容当然是《经济解释》最精彩的部分之一。读者将有关的章节与科斯和阿尔钦的结论比照,就不难看出“青”是否胜于“蓝”了。 《经济解释》理论体系的另一特点是,它逻辑划一、前后连贯、一气呵成,并无“微观”与“宏观”之分。大部分风行一时的宏观经济理论模型已经被事实推翻。由于《经济解释》只阐述至今依然坚如磐石的经济原理,而不充当经济思想史的展览馆,所以它比现行的“萨缪尔森体系”的经济学教科书更加可靠。 书中,张五常利用了卡尔纳普和波普尔等人的科学哲学成果,用以处理经济学的概念和构筑经济学的体系。他恪守逻辑经验主义的科学原则,拒斥学术上的投机取巧,与浮夸卖弄的学者形成鲜明对照。 张五常为我们提供了一个洁净的学术范本,读者可以从中领悟,一个接受了扎实科学训练的人,是如何冷却自己的情感,将“好不好”(价值判断)、“怎么办”(政策建议)和“为什么”(科学解释)三者划得泾渭分明的。 张五常列举了大量实例,尤其是立足亚洲的实例。充满数学符号的经济学著作,已经汗牛充栋;但以真实例子取胜的经济学著作,则依然寥廖无几——无疑,《国富论》是一本,《经济解释》也将是一本。
  • 论经济学方法


  • 卧底经济学


    为什么咖啡店都设在街道一角?为什么同一家超市,有人觉得哗众取宠有人觉得物超所值?为什么老买不到一处位置好价钱便宜的好房子?交通拥堵的背后有什么经济原因?……为什么富裕的国家与贫穷的国家差距如此之大?   作为经济学家版的“万变之宗”,这部迷人的著作为你一一解惑。本书就是要帮助你像一位经济学家那样看世界,它不会告诉你有关汇率或商业周期的专业问题,但会帮你解开日常生活之谜。书中既会关注大问题,如星巴克为什么会赚个盆满钵满,也会关注小问题,如你怎样在超市里淘到价廉物美的货品。   本书从头到尾都是一种侦探式的工作,但会教给你如何运用经济学家的各种调查工具,理解和解决日常生活中的问题。作者指出:日常生活不过是谈判中的复杂博弈,体力的角逐和智力的较量。希望看完本书之后,你能成为一位更精明的消费者,能够看清楚种种现实背后的真相。
  • 计量经济学导论

    作者:杰弗里·M·伍德里奇(Jeffrey M

    本书主要是根据实际经验应用来理解和解释计量经济学中的假定,它用简洁、准确的语言阐释了计量经济学研究的最新特点。与传统的教材不同,在陈述和解释假定时,作者完全放弃了非随机的或在重复样本中加以固定的回归元假定。这种方法更便于读者对计量经济学的理解和运用,是对传统计量经济学教学和研究的一个突破。本书的主要特点是: (1)不需要具备高深的数学知识,读者只要掌握大学所学的线性代数和概率统计基础知识即可。 (2)强调计量经济学在实际问题中的应用。 (3)含有大量例题,许多是取自或受启发与应用经济学或其他领域的最新及有影响的作品。 本书适合各高等院校经济管理类专业本科生作为计量经济学教材,还可供经济管理类教师及科研人员作为参考书使用。
  • 经济学基础

    作者:曼昆(N.Gregory Mankiw)

  • Intermediate Microeconomics

    作者:Hal R. Varian

    Varian is "the Adam Smith of the new discipline of Googlenomics."-Stephen Levy, Wired For over 20 years Hal Varian's Intermediate Microeconomics has given students the most current and complete coverage of intermediate microeconomics at an appropriate mathematical level. The Eighth Edition includes contemporary case studies and examples and relevant coverage of the current economic crisis-all in focused, lecture-length chapters.
  • 饥饿与公共行为


    当今世界所面临的社会或经济问题,没有哪个比饥饿与饥荒问题更为急迫。尽管它们并非新近出现的问题,但在二十世纪技术和生产显著发展的情势下,其持续存在则尤其令人愤慨。 该书关注的内容是为消除影响世界许多地区的饥荒威胁和长期饥饿问题所采取的行为.而这一行为必须建立在明确的思想和坚定的奉献的基础之上。该书在有关问题的理解上前进了重要的一步,例如书中对政府干预、市场机制和公众活动在普遍遭遇世界饥荒问题分别可能发挥的作用进行了评价,从中我们可以受益匪浅。
  • 萧条经济学的回归


    在本书中,克鲁格曼对中国的问题着墨不多。但是,克鲁格曼的见解,对了解中国经济现实问题应该有极大的帮助。今天的中国,同样面临生产能力过剩、失业率上升、通货紧缩等世界性的问题,是采用萧条经济学的方法来解决呢?还是按照所谓的“正统”经济学的方法,进一步追求财政平衡、资本自由流动、结构性改革呢?读者在读完本书后,应该会从 另一个角度有所启发、有所收获。总之,本书是克鲁格曼对于东亚金融危机的个人看法,并将