

  • 实用Common Lisp编程

    作者:Peter Seibel

    由塞贝尔编著的《实用Common Lisp编程》是一本不同寻常的Common Lisp入门书。《实用Common Lisp编程》首先从作者的学习经过及语言历史出发,随后用21个章节讲述了各种基础知识,主要包括:REPL及Common Lisp的各种实现、S-表达式、函数与变量、标准宏与自定义宏、数字与字符以及字符串、集合与向量、列表处理、文件与文件I/O处理、类、FORMAT格式、符号与包,等等。而接下来的9个章节则翔实地介绍了几个有代表性的实例,其中包含如何构建垃圾过滤器、解析二进制文件、构建ID3解析器,以及如何编写一个完整的MP3 Web应用程序等内容。最后还对一些未介绍内容加以延伸。 《实用Common Lisp编程》内容适合Common Lisp初学者及对之感兴趣的相关人士。
  • 第一行代码


  • Effective Modern C++

    作者:Scott Meyers

    Learn how to program expertly with C++ with this practical book from Scott Meyers, one of the world's foremost authorities on this systems programming language. Scott Meyers takes some of the most difficult pieces of C++ code and unfurls them so that you can see how to manipulate your own project code. This is the first book to contain content written with the C++14 standard. Tackle 42 separate C++ problems and solutions Learn critical techniques for success on topics from smart pointers to lambda expressions Understand key concepts by taking the C++ 98 standard to C++ 11 and then to C++ 14
  • 领域特定语言

    作者:Martin Fowler

    本书是DSL领域的丰碑之作,由世界级软件开发大师和软件开发“教父”Martin Fowler历时多年写作而成,ThoughtWorks中国翻译。全面详尽地讲解了各种DSL及其构造方式,揭示了与编程语言无关的通用原则和模式,阐释了如何通过DSL有效提高开发人员的生产力以及增进与领域专家的有效沟通,能为开发人员选择和使用DSL提供有效的决策依据和指导方法。 全书共57章,分为六个部分:第一部分介绍了什么是DSL,DSL的用途,如何实现外部DS和内部DSL,如何生成代码,语言工作台的使用方法;第二部分介绍了各种DSL,分别讲述了语义模型、符号表、语境变量、构造型生成器、宏和通知的工作原理和使用场景;第三部分分别揭示分隔符指导翻译、语法指导翻译、BNF、易于正则表达式表的词法分析器、递归下降法词法分析器、解析器组合子、解析器生成器、树的构建、嵌入式语法翻译、内嵌解释器、外加代码等;第四部分介绍了表达式生成器、函数序列、嵌套函数、方法级联、对象范围、闭包、嵌套闭包、标注、解析数操作、类符号表、文本润色、字面量扩展的工作原理和使用场景;第五部分介绍了适应性模型、决策表、依赖网络、产生式规则系统、状态机等计算模型的工作原理和使用场景;第六部分介绍了基于转换器的代码生成、模板化的生成器、嵌入助手、基于模型的代码生成、无视模型的代码生成和代沟等内容。
  • Practical Java中文版

    作者:(美)Peter Haggar

    本书出自第一线JAVA编程专家之手,为读者展现正确、高效、强固之JAVA代码实践方案。 这本取材广泛的掼,以不同层级的专家经验,帮助程序员更透彻地理解JAVA,使他们的编码效能发挥到极致。此书以准则/条款形式进行编排,探究改善代码的68个重要主题,提供精晰明快、精心撰写之示例和方案。所有示例和方案都带有详尽的解说,你可以将它们融入自身工作之中。这些编程和设计上的实践方案,描述了经验丰富的程序员实际运用之最佳实践手法。为方便中高阶JAVA程序员阅读,本书内容被精心安排成为各自独立的课程,因此你既可以从头通读至尾,也可以挑选独特专题加以精读。
  • C语言接口与实现

    作者:(美)David R.Hanson

    本书概念清晰、内容新颖、实例详尽,是一本有关设计、实现和有效使用C语言库函数,掌握创建可重用C语言软件模块技术的参考指南。本书倡导基于接口的C语言设计理念及其实现技术,深入详细地描述了24个C语言接口及其实现。 本书通过叙述如何用一种与语言无关的方法将接口的设计与实现独立开来,从而形成一种基于接口的设计途径来创建可重用的API,本书是一本针对 C语言程序员的不可多得的好书,也是值得所有希望掌握可重用软件模块技术的读者阅读的参考书籍。 关于如何设计、实现和有效使用库函数的指南少之又少(如果说还有的话)。这本力作填补了这 个空白。它可以作为下一代软件的工具书.所有的C语言程序员都应该阅读。
  • Code Reading

    作者:Diomidis Spinellis

    This book is a unique and essential reference that focuses upon the reading and comprehension of existing software code. While code reading is an important task faced by the vast majority of students, it has been virtually ignored as a discipline by existing references. The book fills this need with a practical presentation of all important code concepts, form, structure, and syntax that a student is likely to encounter. The concepts are supported by examples taken from real-world open source software projects. The focus upon reading code (rather than developing and implementing programs from scratch) provides for a vastly increased breadth of coverage.
  • 重构(影印版)

    作者:Martin Fowler

    随着对象技术应用越来越普及,软件开发社区出现了一个新的问题。缺乏经验的开发者编写出了大批设计较差的程序,导致这些应用程序非常低效,且难于维护和扩展。本书除了讨论重构的各种技巧之外,还提供了超过70个可行重构的详细编目,对如何应用它们给出了有用的提示;并以step by step的形式给出了应用每一种重构的指南;而且用实例展示了重构的工作原理。这些示例都是用Java语言写成的,但其中的思想却可以运用于任何面向对象编程语言。 本书是软件工程领域的超级经典巨著,与另一巨著《设计模式》并称"软工双雄",全美销量超过100000册,亚马逊书店五星书。在本书中,作者Martin Fowler充分展示了何处可能需要重构,以及如何将不好的设计改造为良好的设计。重构的每一步可能都非常简单、非常基础,但这些轻微的改变的累积效果却可以在极大程度上改进我们的设计。事实证明,重构是防止软件没落的可行方式。 本书除了讨论重构的各种技巧之外,还提供了超过70个可行重构的详细目录,给出了重构的工作原理,并以step by step的形式给出了应用每一种重构的指南。这些示例都是用Java语言写成的,但其中的思想却可以运用到任何面对象的编程语言中。 第一作者Martin Fowler,除了是对象技术方面的专家外,还是UML和模式方面的专家。他撰写的Analysis Patterns、UML Distilled、Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture和Planning Extreme Programming几本书也广受赞誉,在亚马逊上的评价也极高(最低星级为4星),从这些也足可见其在业内的显赫地位。相信这本书以影印版的形式在国内推出,巨匠巨著,原汁原味,无疑是给国内广大软件开发人员提供了一盏前进路上的明灯。 读者对象:软件开发人员,项目管理人员,高等院校计算机及相关专业师生,其他相关人员
  • Accelerated C++中文版

    作者:Andrew Koenig,Barbar

    《Accelerated C++中文版》给人的印象会如此深刻呢?这是因为:   ●它一开始就向读者教导那些最有用的概念,而不是那些简单的注释 读者很快就能够以此开始编程   ●它描述的是现实中的问题和解决方案,而不是单纯的语言特性 读者不但学习到了这些特性,而且还知道如何把它们应用到程序中去   ●它涵盖的范围同时包括了语言本身和标准库 读者可以从一开始就使用标准库来编写自己的程序   作者通过他们在美国斯坦福大学的教学经验证明了这种方法的有效性—在那里,学生们在他们的第一堂课中就学习到了如何编写真实的程序。   不管你是一个渴望开始学习C++编程的新手,还是一个已经使用C++多年并对它有了很深了解的老手,作者们独特的教学方法和经验都使得《Accelerated C++中文版》应该成为你书架中不可缺少的一个补充。
  • 计算机科学导论

    作者:Behrouz A.Forouzan

    本书是大学计算机相关专业的基础课教材,涉及到计算机科学的各个方面。本书着重讲解基本概念而不是数学模型和技术细节,通过大量的图表和演示范例讲解计算机科学的基础知识;每章后面的关键术语、小结和练习有助于读者掌握和复习知识要点。 本书既适合当作大专院校的计算机基础课教材,也可作为一般的计算机基础入门读物。
  • Java编程规范


    本书由Java技术的发明者编写,是Java编程语言的权威性技术指南。如果你想知识语言之构造的精确含义,本书是最好的资源。本书全面、准确而详细地论及了Java编程语言。它提供了对于自前一版以来添加的所有新特性的完整描述,包括泛型、注释、断言、自动装臬、枚举、for-each循环、可变元数方法和静态导入子句。 本书试图详细说明Java语言的语法和语义规范。编者试图在每一种语言结构的行为,以便让所有实现都接受同一个程序。除了时间相关性或无法确定因素之外,如果有足够的时间和足够的内存空间,用Java编程语言所写的程序应该可以在所有机器和所有实现中计算出相同的结果。
  • C Interfaces and Implementations

    作者:David R. Hanson

    Every programmer and software project manager must master the art of creating reusable software modules; they are the building blocks of large, reliable applications. Unlike some modern object-oriented languages, C provides little linguistic support or motivation for creating reusable application programming interfaces (APIs). While most C programmers use APIs and the libraries that implement them in almost every application they write, relatively few programmers create and disseminate new, widely applicable APIs. C Interfaces and Implementations shows how to create reusable APIs using interface-based design, a language-independent methodology that separates interfaces from their implementations. This methodology is explained by example. The author describes in detail 24 interfaces and their implementations, providing the reader with a thorough understanding of this design approach.
  • Programming in Lua, Second Edition

    作者:Roberto Ierusalimsch

    Lua is the language of choice for anyone who needs a scripting language that is simple, efficient, extensible, portable, and free. Currently, Lua is being used in areas ranging from embedded systems to Web development and is widely spread in the game industry, where knowledge of Lua is an indisputable asset. "Programming in Lua" is the official book about the language, giving a solid base for any programmer who wants to use Lua. Authored by Roberto Ierusalimschy, the chief architect of the language, it covers all aspects of Lua 5---from the basics to its API with C---explaining how to make good use of its features and giving numerous code examples. "Programming in Lua" is targeted at people with some programming background, but does not assume any prior knowledge about Lua or other scripting languages. This Second Edition updates the text to Lua 5.1 and brings substantial new material, including numerous new examples, a detailed explanation of the new module system, and two new chapters centered on multiple states and garbage collection.
  • Hacker's Delight

    作者:Henry S. Warren Jr.

    A collection useful programming advice the author has collected over the years; small algorithms that make the programmer's task easier. * At long last, proven short-cuts to mastering difficult aspects of computer programming * Learn to program at a more advanced level than is generally taught in schools and training courses, and much more advanced than can be learned through individual study/experience. * An instant cult classic for programmers! Computer programmers are often referred to as hackers -- solitary problem solvers engrossed in a world of code as they seek elegant solutions to building better software. While many view these unique individuals as "madmen," the truth is that much of the computer programmer's job involves a healthy mix of arithmetic and logic. In Hacker's Delight, veteran programmer Hank Warren shares the collected wisdom -- namely tips and tricks -- from his considerable experience in the world of application development. The resulting work is an irresistible collection that will help even the most seasoned programmers better their craft. Henry S. Warren Jr. has had a 40-year career with IBM, spanning the computer field from the IBM 704 to PowerPC. He has worked on various military command and control systems, and on the SETL project under Jack Schwartz at NYU. Since 1973 he has been in IBM's Research Division at Yorktown Heights, New York. Here he has done compiler and computer architecture work on the 801 computer and its several variants through PowerPC. Presently he is working on the Blue Gene petaflop computer project. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Courant Institute at New York University in 1980.
  • Text Processing in Python

    作者:David Mertz

    Text Processing in Python describes techniques for manipulation of text using the Python programming language. At the broadest level, text processing is simply taking textual information and doing something with it. This might be restructuring or reformatting it, extracting smaller bits of information from it, or performing calculations that depend on the text. Text processing is arguably what most programmers spend most of their time doing. Because Python is clear, expressive, and object-oriented it is a perfect language for doing text processing, even better than Perl. As the amount of data everywhere continues to increase, this is more and more of a challenge for programmers. This book is not a tutorial on Python. It has two other goals: helping the programmer get the job done pragmatically and efficiently; and giving the reader an understanding - both theoretically and conceptually - of why what works works and what doesn't work doesn't work. Mertz provides practical pointers and tips that emphasize efficent, flexible, and maintainable approaches to the textprocessing tasks that working programmers face daily. From the Back Cover: Text Processing in Python is an example-driven, hands-on tutorial that carefully teaches programmers how to accomplish numerous text processing tasks using the Python language. Filled with concrete examples, this book provides efficient and effective solutions to specific text processing problems and practical strategies for dealing with all types of text processing challenges. Text Processing in Python begins with an introduction to text processing and contains a quick Python tutorial to get you up to speed. It then delves into essential text processing subject areas, including string operations, regular expressions, parsers and state machines, and Internet tools and techniques. Appendixes cover such important topics as data compression and Unicode. A comprehensive index and plentiful cross-referencing offer easy access to available information. In addition, exercises throughout the book provide readers with further opportunity to hone their skills either on their own or in the classroom. A companion Web site (http://gnosis.cx/TPiP) contains source code and examples from the book. Here is some of what you will find in thie book: * When do I use formal parsers to process structured and semi-structured data? Page 257 * How do I work with full text indexing? Page 199 * What patterns in text can be expressed using regular expressions? Page 204 * How do I find a URL or an email address in text? Page 228 * How do I process a report with a concrete state machine? Page 274 * How do I parse, create, and manipulate internet formats? Page 345 * How do I handle lossless and lossy compression? Page 454 * How do I find codepoints in Unicode? Page 465
  • 程序设计实践

    作者:[美] BRIAN W.KERNIG

  • Perl语言入门

    作者:Randal L.Schwartz,To

    Learning Perl, Fourth Edition
  • Beautiful Code

    作者:Greg Wilson,Andy Ora

    In this unique work, leading computer scientists discuss how they found unusual, carefully designed solutions to difficult problems. This book lets the reader look over the shoulder of major coding and design experts to see problems through their eyes.
  • The Standard C Library

    作者:P.J. Plauger

    Prentice Hall's most important C programming title in years. A companion volume to Kernighan & Ritchie's C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. A collection of reusable functions (code for building data structures, code for performing math functions and scientific calculations, etc.) which will save C programmers time and money especially when working on large programming projects. The C Library is part of the ANSI (American National Standard Institute) for the C Language. This new book contains the complete code for the library. It covers elements of the library with which even the most experienced C programmers are not familiar such as internationalization (the ability to write programs that can adapt to different cultural locales, for example, using the C library, programmers can write software that manipulates large character sets such as Kanji). Structured like the Standard C Library, it contains 15 headers declaring or defining all of the names in the library. A separate chapter covers each header, including excerpts from relevant portions of the C Standard showing all codes needed to implement each portion of the library and explaining why it is necessary. The book teaches readers the concepts and design issues associated with library building. Using this book, programemrs will be less likely to re-code something that already exists in a given program. Plauger is one of the world's leading experts on C and the C Library.
  • C++编程规范

    作者:(美)Herb Sutter, Andr

    《C++编程规范:101条规则准则与最佳实践》中,两位知名的C++专家将全球C++界20年的集体智慧和经验凝结成一套编程规范。这些规范可以作为每一个开发团队制定实际开发规范的基础,更是每一位C++程序员应该遵循的行事准则。书中对每一条 规范都给出了精确的描述,并辅以实例说明;从类型定义到错误处理,都给出了最佳的C++实践。即使使用C++多年的程序员也会从《C++编程规范:101条规则准则与最佳实践》中受益匪浅。《C++编程规范:101条规则准则与最佳实践》适合于各层次C++程序员使用,也可作为高等院校C++课程的教学参考书。